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Topic: It's official.....I am old.
no photo
Sun 04/29/12 03:10 PM

It's official.....I am old.

I could have told you that a long time agO laugh

Great photo mano!

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 04/30/12 11:32 AM
No Krupa,

Your old when you have to find the needle threader to thread your sewing machine, and then you cant get the damn thread through the threader!!

Just kill me now, please.

krupa's photo
Mon 04/30/12 04:33 PM

No Krupa,

Your old when you have to find the needle threader to thread your sewing machine, and then you cant get the damn thread through the threader!!

Just kill me now, please.

I actually know how to load a bobbin for that sewing machine. (seriously)

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 05:12 PM
I think you might be old if you start sounding like your parents.

krupa's photo
Mon 04/30/12 06:16 PM

damned kids!!!!

galendgirl's photo
Mon 04/30/12 06:43 PM

No Krupa,

Your old when you have to find the needle threader to thread your sewing machine, and then you cant get the damn thread through the threader!!

Just kill me now, please.

Oh he!!...then I've been old for AGES!

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 05/01/12 08:59 AM

No Krupa,

Your old when you have to find the needle threader to thread your sewing machine, and then you cant get the damn thread through the threader!!

Just kill me now, please.

I actually know how to ****** a load while bobbin.....
surprised I cant believe you said that!!!

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 05/01/12 08:59 AM

No Krupa,

Your old when you have to find the needle threader to thread your sewing machine, and then you cant get the damn thread through the threader!!

Just kill me now, please.

Oh he!!...then I've been old for AGES!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

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