Topic: islam is not radical religion | |
Johnmontell...this link is for you :
there is preaching..there is teaching... and then there is just speaking as the Holy Spirit gives utterance. |
And if we in Christ
think it is we who speak or we who are something, then all we've become is just the biggest fool. ![]() |
Johnmontell...this link is for you : there is preaching..there is teaching... and then there is just speaking as the Holy Spirit gives utterance. if you said , that they must speak as the holyghost gives utterance, that is pure truth, but how can can you said that you have the holyghost, and you were unable to connect with the same holyghost in another person romans 8 :16 if you have the holyghost, you will not open your mouth and said that the move of holyghost a devlish [cult] and Jesus said , every sin commited against the son shall be forgiven, but blasphemy of the holyghost can never be pardon, so i will only advice you again morningsong , if you are unable to connect to heaven to ask question concerning what is happening around you , and you don't understand it, please don't speak against it, rather confirm it from God first, or else you are kicking against the Rock. YOU CAN BE SINCERELY SERVING GOD, AND YET SINCERELY WRONG!!! APOSTLE PAUL IS EXAMPLE. |
Before I answer, I cannot, of course, speak for each religion.
Nor know if there are any clear-cut answers to these questions specified; however, this is my perception of relation to cause and effect from a religious stand point. However, as they've stated previously, I'm oblivious to any religious texts' meaning.. so. EVERYONE PLEASE ANSWER TO QUESTIONS BELOW BY Compare please what book of Islam say to what book of Christian say to what book of Jews say about - How should we get to know and be friends with people from other countries? If the people in a Christian country no more have clean water, what do the books say that Islam and Jewish countries should do? If the people in a Buddhist country no more have food for the children, what do the books say that Islam and Jewish and Christian should do? If a plague strikes many countries and only your country has way to help, what does your book say you should do? The Bible says, Jesus says, and almost every religion I know of all speaks of this in the same manner though words it differently: Every man, who finds themselves, more fortunate than others; has an OBLIGATION to aid those less fortunate. Whether this is sickness, weaker, poorer, or otherwise. Jesus, or maybe it was just God himself stated: "If a man finds himself in a place where he has the power to help someone of sickness, he should do so. If a wealthy man finds someone poor, and suffering; he should spread his wealth." Some actual quotes, stating such that I know off hand are: (Note the numbers may be off, and I'm too lazy to look them up. >.> Deuteronomy 15:7, 11 If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 24:14 Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns Leviticus 23:22 When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God. Psalm 12:5 Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise, says the LORD, I will protect them from those who malign them Psalm 37:25-26 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. Psalm 41:1-2 Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. Psalm 112:9 He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn [a] will be lifted high in honor. With those said. It is my HONEST OPINION, that you will find NO OTHER passages quite as clear cut as these: Proverbs 11:24-25 One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 14:21 He who despises his neighbor sins,but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:31 He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs 19:17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. THEN THINK - What have people done in the past, what do we do today? All God's saints, the most charitable of all, are passing from this world. Princess Diana. (She may be an opinionated matter however) Mother Theresa. Joe Paterno. (Donated triple digit millions) ..the list could go on, but I'll stick to just a few. Whether in a small community, the entire world, or just a country itself. There impact has almost been dissolved and their intentions seem nearly forgotten. This world once said, 'It's a dog eat dog world'. But now it's common practice. Compared to what was, to now what is. There is and has been hardly any improvements, in fact, it's been the opposite and that downward slope is becoming a regular teaching. Atheists don't (or so I believe) teach their children about God. Christians don't (or so I believe) teach their children to question God. But should. I'm not saying Christians should make their children atheists, however, I do believe that if Christians permitted their children, while they are children, to question God openly, and truthfully; and you answer these doubts and questions as honestly as you can.. would forever make a huge impact on their adult years. Granted, they may still become atheists, or vice versa; but it doesn't increase the chances, I think it would lower them, if anything. You can raise an atheist child to have the morals and principles, heavily revered by God; and still not believe in 'God'. That there, that fact alone, would make this world slowly turn face. No matter what changes, it will be at a slow pace. But it should be one we are ALL willing to work towards. Despite race, despite color, despite religious heritage. If we all truly want the world to be better. Tear down these pathetic and pointless walls we've created that have divided us. God, nor man, nor even our own f***ing constitution promotes that ANY man is of less value in any regards in any respect. Do we do this? No. Can we do this? Yes. ..I try to do it.. I'm not perfect, nowhere close. ..but imperfections are what make us different. It is by our imperfections that, truth in fact, make us perfect. ..but that's just my opinion. Take it, leave it, laugh at it. ..but I want change. I want my son to grow up in a world. Free from all this hate, greed, and petty BS. I want him to live, love, have his heart broken, but have the resolve and desire to get up and ride again. Everything in life is a risk. Everything in life is a battle. ...but it doesn't have to be like this. God, or whatever you believe that created this place.. ..or whether we just 'appeared' from the sun's fart.. Our path was never supposed to have been filled with so many obstacles, traps, and bloodshed. Tears, pain, sorrow.. They exist, because we feel all of their opposites. Smiles, joy, and happiness.. If you know where to look.. Even during the worst of storms.. Somewhere..'ll find a rainbow. The beauty in the darkness. That's my piece. |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ..did I get those quotes right? Don't want to prove I, again, 'don't know my bible'. ..and truth be told.. I don't even know if any of that rambling made sense. *sigh* Hope so though.. ..but words never change anything. |
Johnmontell...the Holy Spirit will never give us a
Word to speak, that contradicts God's Word. ![]() |
| are doing just fine....
and what you shared was Very Beautiful..... ![]() ((((((( ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Johnmontell...the Holy Spirit will never give us a Word to speak, that contradicts God's Word. ![]() @ morningsong , yes that is correct, but where has the word or the teaching contradicts God's word or did holyghost told you that the word contradicts? |
Johnmontell...the Holy Spirit will never give us a Word to speak, that contradicts God's Word. ![]() @ morningsong , yes that is correct, but where has the word or the teaching contradicts God's word or did holyghost told you that the word contradicts? ..Serpent Seed.. In itself. Is a walking, preached, word of hypocrisy. One minute, God hates fornication. Next he loves it. Eve performed bestiality. Adam was okay with this and did her anyway. The little speech he stated, literally would alter almost every page written afterwards. If the serpent was 'entranced' by Satan, then why would God punish the serpent when he was 'possessed'? That doesn't make sense to punish something that had no control over its own actions. If he was tricked by Satan into doing it; that doesn't even make sense, cause why on Earth would a serpent want to have sex with a human woman? o.O If God made, originally, sex to be 'undesirable' no animal, let alone humans, would partake in it because it'd be boring, pointless, and just blah.. Also. Your Doctrine states that God would no longer be all-seeing nor all-knowing. Which, in turn, makes God not a God; outside of having powers that normal beings do not possess. I'm not sure what the biblical terminology is for it, but here on Earth, in human terms, we call them 'super heroes'. But the major point of hypocrisy is found in the very words he say which is why I cannot fathom how you could EVER possibly believe in that version and is the single BIGGEST hypocrisy that would EVER exist in the bible: Pastor said: "Sex for pleasure, we gained this instinct from animals because of the snake laying his seed in Eve. That is why we kill, like animal and their instinct to kill for food." Then sometime later he says.. "If you notice, no animal has simple sex for pleasure except man. Animals only mate to reproduce." The two phrases, contradict each other. Plus, one is a bold face lie. Even animals that CANNOT reproduce, which is a normal occurrence in some women, that are not able to bare child; animals do it to none-the-less. Perfect example. Do neutered dogs still not hump? Neutered cats will do the same. They still WANT sex, even though they CANNOT reproduce. Bold face lie. Animals that cannot bare children, will still engage in sexual activities. Pregnant animals, will still have sex, EVEN THOUGH they are PREGNANT. Adding more seed to a pregnant ANYTHING is not going to cause more children. Do you not see the lies, deceit, and hypocrisy of this doctrine? God promotes that the wealthy should spread their wealth among the poor and needy. yet the man who is preaching this very doctrine PREACHED HOW HE HAS ALWAYS had two-three cars. HE IS GETTING RICH OFF OF A FALSE PREACHING. Do you not see it? I am not one to promote that this person should believe this, nor that this one should be that.. ..I don't condone someone's religion EVER. But I WILL condone this version. It is a blatant and bold face lie. It does not take a religious person who loves God to see this. You are blatantly being deceived. If you accept my words, great! If not, it is your choice. However, I will say no more on it. And leave it to your own judgment. |
Johnmontell...the Holy Spirit will never give us a Word to speak, that contradicts God's Word. ![]() @ morningsong , yes that is correct, but where has the word or the teaching contradicts God's word or did holyghost told you that the word contradicts? Marrion...a word or teaching from The Holy Ghost will always line up with The WHOLE of Scripture , not just some PARTS of Scripture ... ![]() |
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Sun 02/19/12 11:07 PM
Johnmontell...blaspheming The Holy Ghost is when one
keeps on rejecting God ,even after God thru The Power of The Holy Spirit, is drawing and convicting the unbeliever's heart of his sin and his need for Jesus as his Saviour ; and still that person repeatedly keeps rejecting Jesus as his Saviour ,and then dies in his sin... still rejecting Jesus. THAT is the unpardonable sin....Jesus cannot still save that person AFTER he dies, when he kept on REPEATEDLY rejecting Jesus while on earth ... because God cannot and will not ever go against a person's FREE WILL to CHOOSE or not CHOOSE JESUS as his Saviour . ALSO...... God cannot and will not go against His Word ,nor will God change His Word, after the person has left his earthly life.... In other words, God cannot still save a person after that person dies, when that person while still on earth, kept on rejecting God thru The Holy Spirit's wooing and drawing and knocking on his heart's door. God cannot and will not ever change His Word. God cannot and will not ever go agaisnt His Word. God's Word Stands True Forever. ![]() |
Another thing I forgot to mention.
If animals don't have sex for pleasure. How could Satan even convince the serpent to have sex with something not of his own species for.. pleasure? What reward did he promise this serpent that made him believe it was worth 'going against' his nature? ..just saying. |
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Sun 02/19/12 11:41 PM
Satan always wanted to be AS The Most High God.
Satan also KNOWS scripture. What better way for satan to become AS the Most High God, then to Take scripture OUT of CONTEXT and TWIST scriptures..... so that he too ,may appear AS a Creator .....just AS the Most High God ? ![]() |
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Mon 02/20/12 01:20 AM
Wait a second..
One more thing wrong with your doctrine. Animals, originally, held no 'natural instinct' to kill for food. In fact, not even man ate meat. Adam and Eve, up until banishment, were vegetarians. Proof is in the Book: Genesis 1:30 "Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so." See that bold print? Everyone, while in the Garden of Eden, was in fact a Herbivore. This included snakes, wolves, hawks, eagles, spiders, etc. It wasn't until everything/one was banished and sin was 'introduced' did animals gain this sense of 'instinct'; which by no means was 'natural'. So, therefore, again; hypocrisy at its finest. Tell your blasphemous priest to actually read the Bible, eh? |
Johnmontell...blaspheming The Holy Ghost is when one keeps on rejecting God ,even after God thru The Power of The Holy Spirit, is drawing and convicting the unbeliever's heart of his sin and his need for Jesus as his Saviour ; and still that person repeatedly keeps rejecting Jesus as his Saviour ,and then dies in his sin... still rejecting Jesus. THAT is the unpardonable sin....Jesus cannot still save that person AFTER he dies, when he kept on REPEATEDLY rejecting Jesus while on earth ... because God cannot and will not ever go against a person's FREE WILL to CHOOSE or not CHOOSE JESUS as his Saviour . ALSO...... God cannot and will not go against His Word ,nor will God change His Word, after the person has left his earthly life.... In other words, God cannot still save a person after that person dies, when that person while still on earth, kept on rejecting God thru The Holy Spirit's wooing and drawing and knocking on his heart's door. God cannot and will not ever change His Word. God cannot and will not ever go agaisnt His Word. God's Word Stands True Forever. ![]() IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE ENGLISH WORD BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLYGHOST, I ADVICE YOU TO USE DICTIONARY TO SEARCH FOR THE MEANING FIRST. WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS SOMEONE HARDENING HIS HEART WHEN GOD IS CALL HIS ATTENTION TO SALVATION, BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLYGHOST IS WHEN GOD IS AT WORK THROUGH THE HOLYGHOST AND YOU SAW IT, AND SAID, AH THIS IS NOT GOD, BASE ON WHAT PEOPLE IS TALKING AGAINST THAT PERSON, YOU QUICKLY JOIN THE GROUP OR OTHER PEOPLE TO TALK AGAINST THE MOVE AND WORK OF GOD, YOU ARE SPEAKING AGAINST THE ACTIONS OF THE HOLYGHOST. IT'S CALLED BLASPHEMY OF HOLYGHOST. AND LET ME TELL YOU, NOBODY WILL WILLINGLY COME TO JESUS IF HIS OR HER NAME IS NOT IN [THE BOOK OF LIFE] SO EVEN IF YOU ARE A THIEF NOW,AND YOU NAME IS IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, UNTILL YOU COME IN, THAT IS WHY JESUS IS STILL SITTING ON THE MERCY SIT NOW, TILL ALL THAT WILL BE SAVE COMES IN, THEN HE WILL STAND UP FROM THAT SIT , AND THERE WILL BE 30 MINUTES SILIENT IN HEAVEN , AND HE WILL SAID THERE IS TIME NO LONGER, THE DOOR OF SALVATION WILL THEN BE CLOSE FOR THE GENTILES, AND GOSPEL WILL TURN TO THE JEWS BY BIRTH ONLY, SO YOU ARE NOT SAVE UNTILL HE GIVES YOU HIS SPIRIT, [THE HOLYGHOST] THE SEAL OF REDEEMPTION, SHOWING THAT YOU NOW BELONG TO HIM. YOU CAN BE GOING TO CHURCH AND DOING ANY SERVICE IN THE CHURCH, AND IF YOU DONT HAVE HOLYGHOST, [YOU ARE JUST ON YOUR OWN] YOU PRAY AND ASK FOR IT, AND KEEP ON PRAYING UNTILL HE GIVES IT TO YOU, [EPH 4 VS 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.] |
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Mon 02/20/12 05:16 AM
Before I answer, I cannot, of course, speak for each religion. Nor know if there are any clear-cut answers to these questions specified; however, this is my perception of relation to cause and effect from a religious stand point. However, as they've stated previously, I'm oblivious to any religious texts' meaning.. so. EVERYONE PLEASE ANSWER TO QUESTIONS BELOW BY Compare please what book of Islam say to what book of Christian say to what book of Jews say about - How should we get to know and be friends with people from other countries? If the people in a Christian country no more have clean water, what do the books say that Islam and Jewish countries should do? If the people in a Buddhist country no more have food for the children, what do the books say that Islam and Jewish and Christian should do? If a plague strikes many countries and only your country has way to help, what does your book say you should do? The Bible says, Jesus says, and almost every religion I know of all speaks of this in the same manner though words it differently: Every man, who finds themselves, more fortunate than others; has an OBLIGATION to aid those less fortunate. Whether this is sickness, weaker, poorer, or otherwise. Jesus, or maybe it was just God himself stated: "If a man finds himself in a place where he has the power to help someone of sickness, he should do so. If a wealthy man finds someone poor, and suffering; he should spread his wealth." Some actual quotes, stating such that I know off hand are: (Note the numbers may be off, and I'm too lazy to look them up. >.> Deuteronomy 15:7, 11 If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 24:14 Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns Leviticus 23:22 When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God. Psalm 12:5 Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise, says the LORD, I will protect them from those who malign them Psalm 37:25-26 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. Psalm 41:1-2 Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. Psalm 112:9 He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn [a] will be lifted high in honor. With those said. It is my HONEST OPINION, that you will find NO OTHER passages quite as clear cut as these: Proverbs 11:24-25 One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 14:21 He who despises his neighbor sins,but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:31 He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs 19:17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. THEN THINK - What have people done in the past, what do we do today? All God's saints, the most charitable of all, are passing from this world. Princess Diana. (She may be an opinionated matter however) Mother Theresa. Joe Paterno. (Donated triple digit millions) ..the list could go on, but I'll stick to just a few. Whether in a small community, the entire world, or just a country itself. There impact has almost been dissolved and their intentions seem nearly forgotten. This world once said, 'It's a dog eat dog world'. But now it's common practice. Compared to what was, to now what is. There is and has been hardly any improvements, in fact, it's been the opposite and that downward slope is becoming a regular teaching. Atheists don't (or so I believe) teach their children about God. Christians don't (or so I believe) teach their children to question God. But should. I'm not saying Christians should make their children atheists, however, I do believe that if Christians permitted their children, while they are children, to question God openly, and truthfully; and you answer these doubts and questions as honestly as you can.. would forever make a huge impact on their adult years. Granted, they may still become atheists, or vice versa; but it doesn't increase the chances, I think it would lower them, if anything. You can raise an atheist child to have the morals and principles, heavily revered by God; and still not believe in 'God'. That there, that fact alone, would make this world slowly turn face. No matter what changes, it will be at a slow pace. But it should be one we are ALL willing to work towards. Despite race, despite color, despite religious heritage. If we all truly want the world to be better. Tear down these pathetic and pointless walls we've created that have divided us. God, nor man, nor even our own f***ing constitution promotes that ANY man is of less value in any regards in any respect. Do we do this? No. Can we do this? Yes. ..I try to do it.. I'm not perfect, nowhere close. ..but imperfections are what make us different. It is by our imperfections that, truth in fact, make us perfect. ..but that's just my opinion. Take it, leave it, laugh at it. ..but I want change. I want my son to grow up in a world. Free from all this hate, greed, and petty BS. I want him to live, love, have his heart broken, but have the resolve and desire to get up and ride again. Everything in life is a risk. Everything in life is a battle. ...but it doesn't have to be like this. God, or whatever you believe that created this place.. ..or whether we just 'appeared' from the sun's fart.. Our path was never supposed to have been filled with so many obstacles, traps, and bloodshed. Tears, pain, sorrow.. They exist, because we feel all of their opposites. Smiles, joy, and happiness.. If you know where to look.. Even during the worst of storms.. Somewhere..'ll find a rainbow. The beauty in the darkness. That's my piece. THANK YOU This is what I have heard the Christian Bible and the Tora teach. Is it different in Islam? How can we teach each other what we believe if we do not care what each other believes? Before I can know what you believe, you must tell me and I must not judge you. Before you can know what I believe, you must listen and not judge. Then we will know each other and then will understand what we have in common that makes us friends. We can not be enemies when we do not know each other, we can only be hateful and hurt people because they are different from us. We should listen, trade what we know and learn about each other without judgement. So speak and remember to listen, and keep trying to find the key to living together on this planet in peace. |
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Mon 02/20/12 03:04 PM
and Jesus said , every sin commited against the son shall be forgiven, but blasphemy of the holyghost can never be pardon
Johnmontell.....ONCE MORE..... The unpardonable sin is when one KEEPS REJECTING JESUS and then DIES in his sin without BEING SAVED(a person can ONLY be saved by believing and receiving Jesus as Saviour into one's heart). THAT'S IT. PERIOD!!!! BUT...... FOR A PERSON ALREADY SAVED,HIS SINS ARE ALREADY UNDER THE BLOOD....JESUS ALREADY BORE ALLL HIS SINS ON THE CROSS. BUT ONE MUST BE SAVED FIRST.....BECAUSE ALTHOUGH JESUS BORE ALL SINS ON THE CROSS,IT WILL NOT DO A PERSON ANY GOOD ,UNTIL A PERSON BELIEVES ON JESUS AND ALSO RECIEVES JESUS INTO HIS HEART (WHICH IS WHAT SALVATION IS) . SALVATION COMES THRU ACCEPTING JESUS....THE FREE GIFT OF GRACE OFFERED UP FOR ALLLLLLLLLLLL MANKIND !!! AGAIN.....JESUS DIED ON THAT CROSS AND ROSE AGAIN ...SO THAT ALLLLLLLLLLLL MAY COME UNTO HIM AND BE SAVED. SALVATION IS FOR ALLLLLLL !!!!!! NOT JUST SOME!!!!! AND AGAIN......ONCE ONE BECOMES A BELIEVER, ALL THE BELIEVER'S SINS ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN(CAUSE JESUS BORE ALLLLLLLLLLLL SINS ALREADY ON THAT CROSS )....AND THE BELIEVER'S SINS ARE ALL UNDER THE BLOOD NOW, ( when he believed and accepted Jesus as Saviour.....that is )... and btw,Jesus BORE his FUTURE sins ALSO on thast cross, and those too are under the blood now . Past sins,present sins and future sins are all included.....ALL SINS ARE UNDER THE BLOOD FOR A BELIEVER!!! HOWEVER, that does NOT give a believer a ticket to sin !!! BUT... if and when a believer DOES sin ( and all believers will still slip up and sin from time to time ), the believer will NOT STAY IN THAT SIN,AND WILL QUICKLY CONFESS THAT SIN WITH A BROKEN HEART, IF he is a true believer, that is!!!! But when we believers sin and confess our sins, believers now have an Advocate with The Father thru Christ Jesus, Who is FAITHFUL AND JUST ,to FORGIVE ALLLLLLLLLL our sins and to cleanse us of ALLLLLLLL our unrigtheousnes. God will NOT RECANT on His Promises in His Word , and change his mind !!! But again... a true believer will NOT WILLINGLY SIN , but will ALWAYS CRY OUT AND RUN TO GOD WHEN HE DOES SIN...and will not STAY in that sin!!! And ONCE AGAIN.....the unpardonable sin is ONLY when a person keeps rejecting JESUS over and over....and then DIES UNSAVED ,after The Holy Ghost had repeatedly been drawing and moving on the unbelievers heart, and he kept rejecting Jesus. WHEN a person dies unsaved....that is the unpardonab le sin that God can't do anything about anymore......because God can't save after a person dies....that is what the unpardonable sin means !!! God can't go agaisnt His Word. And that is the ONLY sin thst is unpardonable......and again, that is rejecting Jesus and dying without becoming saved!!! ALSO.... God will NEVER turn anyone away who calls upon His Name !!! God gives EVERY person chance to come to him........and will NOT close the door on anyone !!! Sorry, but you are misinterpreting scriptures!! IF God shut the door on anyone, THEN GOD WOULD BE GOING AGAINST HIS WORD, WHICH GIVES EVERY MAN A FREE WILL TO CHOOSE OR NOT TO CHOOSE HIM !!! BUT GOD DOES NOT GO AGAINST HIS WORD....EVER !!! I KNOW your teaching believes some are AUTOMATICALLY of the Bride of Christ, and the rest are of the serpent seed....but it is a false teaching !!! ![]() |
Before I answer, I cannot, of course, speak for each religion. Nor know if there are any clear-cut answers to these questions specified; however, this is my perception of relation to cause and effect from a religious stand point. However, as they've stated previously, I'm oblivious to any religious texts' meaning.. so. EVERYONE PLEASE ANSWER TO QUESTIONS BELOW BY Compare please what book of Islam say to what book of Christian say to what book of Jews say about - How should we get to know and be friends with people from other countries? If the people in a Christian country no more have clean water, what do the books say that Islam and Jewish countries should do? If the people in a Buddhist country no more have food for the children, what do the books say that Islam and Jewish and Christian should do? If a plague strikes many countries and only your country has way to help, what does your book say you should do? The Bible says, Jesus says, and almost every religion I know of all speaks of this in the same manner though words it differently: Every man, who finds themselves, more fortunate than others; has an OBLIGATION to aid those less fortunate. Whether this is sickness, weaker, poorer, or otherwise. Jesus, or maybe it was just God himself stated: "If a man finds himself in a place where he has the power to help someone of sickness, he should do so. If a wealthy man finds someone poor, and suffering; he should spread his wealth." Some actual quotes, stating such that I know off hand are: (Note the numbers may be off, and I'm too lazy to look them up. >.> Deuteronomy 15:7, 11 If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 24:14 Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns Leviticus 23:22 When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God. Psalm 12:5 Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise, says the LORD, I will protect them from those who malign them Psalm 37:25-26 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. Psalm 41:1-2 Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. Psalm 112:9 He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn [a] will be lifted high in honor. With those said. It is my HONEST OPINION, that you will find NO OTHER passages quite as clear cut as these: Proverbs 11:24-25 One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 14:21 He who despises his neighbor sins,but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:31 He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs 19:17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. THEN THINK - What have people done in the past, what do we do today? All God's saints, the most charitable of all, are passing from this world. Princess Diana. (She may be an opinionated matter however) Mother Theresa. Joe Paterno. (Donated triple digit millions) ..the list could go on, but I'll stick to just a few. Whether in a small community, the entire world, or just a country itself. There impact has almost been dissolved and their intentions seem nearly forgotten. This world once said, 'It's a dog eat dog world'. But now it's common practice. Compared to what was, to now what is. There is and has been hardly any improvements, in fact, it's been the opposite and that downward slope is becoming a regular teaching. Atheists don't (or so I believe) teach their children about God. Christians don't (or so I believe) teach their children to question God. But should. I'm not saying Christians should make their children atheists, however, I do believe that if Christians permitted their children, while they are children, to question God openly, and truthfully; and you answer these doubts and questions as honestly as you can.. would forever make a huge impact on their adult years. Granted, they may still become atheists, or vice versa; but it doesn't increase the chances, I think it would lower them, if anything. You can raise an atheist child to have the morals and principles, heavily revered by God; and still not believe in 'God'. That there, that fact alone, would make this world slowly turn face. No matter what changes, it will be at a slow pace. But it should be one we are ALL willing to work towards. Despite race, despite color, despite religious heritage. If we all truly want the world to be better. Tear down these pathetic and pointless walls we've created that have divided us. God, nor man, nor even our own f***ing constitution promotes that ANY man is of less value in any regards in any respect. Do we do this? No. Can we do this? Yes. ..I try to do it.. I'm not perfect, nowhere close. ..but imperfections are what make us different. It is by our imperfections that, truth in fact, make us perfect. ..but that's just my opinion. Take it, leave it, laugh at it. ..but I want change. I want my son to grow up in a world. Free from all this hate, greed, and petty BS. I want him to live, love, have his heart broken, but have the resolve and desire to get up and ride again. Everything in life is a risk. Everything in life is a battle. ...but it doesn't have to be like this. God, or whatever you believe that created this place.. ..or whether we just 'appeared' from the sun's fart.. Our path was never supposed to have been filled with so many obstacles, traps, and bloodshed. Tears, pain, sorrow.. They exist, because we feel all of their opposites. Smiles, joy, and happiness.. If you know where to look.. Even during the worst of storms.. Somewhere..'ll find a rainbow. The beauty in the darkness. That's my piece. THANK YOU This is what I have heard the Christian Bible and the Tora teach. Is it different in Islam? How can we teach each other what we believe if we do not care what each other believes? Before I can know what you believe, you must tell me and I must not judge you. Before you can know what I believe, you must listen and not judge. Then we will know each other and then will understand what we have in common that makes us friends. We can not be enemies when we do not know each other, we can only be hateful and hurt people because they are different from us. We should listen, trade what we know and learn about each other without judgement. So speak and remember to listen, and keep trying to find the key to living together on this planet in peace. You are welcome. Buddha I know also promotes peace, equality, and inner peace through meditation and reflection. I cannot speak entirely on Islam though. However, if there is little change in the Old Testament, then the concept would be the same unless the New Testament in their version is a blatant hypocrisy of the first. |
DOES'NOT LIE IN THE SWORD>>.by mahatma gandhi. <<HISTORY MAKES IT CLEAR HOWEVER THAT THE LEGEND OF FANATICAL MUSLIMS SWEEPING THROUGH THE WORLD AND FORCING ISLAM AT THE POINT OF THE SWORD UPON CONQUERED RACES IS ONE OF THE MOST FANTASTICALLY ABSURD MYTHS THAT HISTORIANS HAVE EVER REPEATED>>by de lacy o'leary. why do you blame islam that it has been preached by sword ? i ask you this did any conquering muslim army landed in indonesia?over a hundred million indonesians are muslims or more now.malaysia the majority are muslims yet no muslim soldier had landed their yet. THEY ARE MORE PROFESSING CHRISTIANS IN THE WORLD THAN MUSLIMS,BUT THERE ARE MORE PRACTISING MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD THAN PRACTISING CHRISTIANS.BY R.V.C bodley. |