Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus - part 2 | |
Cowboy wrote:
You're still in denial over that fact that this created has clearly done very hateful things. He curses a serpent to crawl on his belly and eat dust for the rest of his days. That's a hateful thing to do someone whether they deserve it or not. Moreover, the question of whether or not the punishment fit the crime is clearly open to controversy. Even humans have ethical standards against "cruel and unusual punishments". Consequences to actions Abra. If the serpent would not have done what he did, he would never had been cursed to crawl on his belly. You could justify kicking your dog with that feeble excuse. Sorry, Cowboy, but "consequences to actions" does not excuse a God who solves his problems using utterly futile methods of punishments that could never possibly result in any positive outcome. You can't excuse a demonic hateful God by merely saying, "consequences to actions". That's no excuse for evil negative and violent behavior that could never possibly lead to anything positive or even remotely have a positive outcome. You could beat your child to death and claim, 'Hey, it was just consequences to their actions!" Bull Chit! ![]() No, it would just be parental abuse plain and simple. That's no excuse for evil negative and violent behavior that could never possibly lead to anything positive or even remotely have a positive outcome. Sure they have positive outcomes. Women now know the pain of child birth, they will never forget how it felt. They will be grateful when they get to Heaven for not having any form of pain especially pain as such. You could beat your child to death and claim, 'Hey, it was just consequences to their actions!" We do not have the authority to make such a judgement. We do not have the authority to judge weather someone lives or dies. |
funchees, afraid to answer my question? Free will isn't "free", it is earned by one's desire to think for themselves. Let's see if you have enough free will to answer my question. I bet you don't... What did God suposedly take out of Adam? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() trying to wait until you stop flaming You bring up penises and I'm the one flaming? LOL Do you know what God supossedly took out of Adam? A simple yes or no answer will do, can you handle that? had I known that if I mention penis that you would have jumped on it...I wouldn't have mention I'm just trying to keep the thread from getting locked |
Peter Pan wrote:
If it's not about good or bad, then why give "bad" and "hateful" examples. Because these stories support bad and hateful behavior and immoral beliefs. You say that I'm in denial because you are... You know I'm right and some people need to be saved from themselves. So? I agree, some people do need to be saved from "themselves". What does that have to do with being saved from a hateful demonic God? ![]() You also know I'm right about the falsehoods you spread about the Bible. You have yet to defend and support the notion of "eternal punishment in hell". That's already been done to the hilt. Even the Catholic Popes have that one sewn up tight. It clearly part and parcel of this religion. Only some of the protesting protestant are arrogant enough to be in denial that these things are clearly implied by these tales. [quote So, according to you, since I see the good morals taught by the Bible, then I must be highly moral... I don't see where you see any good morals taught by the Bible. As far as I can tell you simply support the hateful immoralities as being "Divine Behavior". Just because you call that "good" does not make it so. |
Peter Pan wrote:
If it's not about good or bad, then why give "bad" and "hateful" examples. Because these stories support bad and hateful behavior and immoral beliefs. You say that I'm in denial because you are... You know I'm right and some people need to be saved from themselves. So? I agree, some people do need to be saved from "themselves". What does that have to do with being saved from a hateful demonic God? ![]() You also know I'm right about the falsehoods you spread about the Bible. You have yet to defend and support the notion of "eternal punishment in hell". That's already been done to the hilt. Even the Catholic Popes have that one sewn up tight. It clearly part and parcel of this religion. Only some of the protesting protestant are arrogant enough to be in denial that these things are clearly implied by these tales. [quote So, according to you, since I see the good morals taught by the Bible, then I must be highly moral... I don't see where you see any good morals taught by the Bible. As far as I can tell you simply support the hateful immoralities as being "Divine Behavior". Just because you call that "good" does not make it so. Because these stories support bad and hateful behavior and immoral beliefs. Yes, that is your opinion in which you're entitled to. |
Cowboy wrote:
No thank you, she is no my saviour. I'm sure she has her weak times in life as well.[.quote] I didn't say that she would be your savior. But she might be able to help you see the difference between Jesus and Satan. Has nothing to do with Jesus being weak or not. I'm still the one that decides actions and takes them. Unfortunately I don't listen to Jesus AALL the time. It's rare, but I'm man enough to say it happens.
You decide what actions you'll take? ![]() But I thought you gave yourself over to Jesus as your LORD so that he should decide what actions you should take. And you claim that you don't listen to Jesus ALL the time? Why not? Do you not TRUST Jesus' guidance? Why would you not listen? I'm not questioning your personal faith. But from my perspective I just don't see anything in your behavior to convince me that you are in touch with any divine source of guidance. Nor do I personally see any reason to believe that you have given yourself over to become the servant of some divine being that you are in constant TWO-WAY conversations with as you have claimed. I know for sure that if I was having TWO-WAY conversations with a divine being that I believed could offer me eternal life over spiritual demise, I would not treat that as trivially as you apparently do. |
Edited by
Fri 12/02/11 02:44 PM
Peter Pan wrote:
If it's not about good or bad, then why give "bad" and "hateful" examples. Because these stories support bad and hateful behavior and immoral beliefs. But you said, and I quote: "It's not about good or bad." So, were you lying or just severely confused? You say that I'm in denial because you are... You know I'm right and some people need to be saved from themselves. So? I agree, some people do need to be saved from "themselves". What does that have to do with being saved from a hateful demonic God? ![]() You specifically stated that there can only be 2 things that one would need "saved" from. Say-tin or God. I'm happy to see you recognise that error now... (and if it's not about good or bad like you say, the drop all of the negative adjectives) (hateful, demonic, immoral, etc.) You also know I'm right about the falsehoods you spread about the Bible. You have yet to defend and support the notion of "eternal punishment in hell". That's already been done to the hilt. Even the Catholic Popes have that one sewn up tight. It clearly part and parcel of this religion. Only some of the protesting protestant are arrogant enough to be in denial that these things are clearly implied by these tales. An appeal to authority now? I don't see the Pope here spreading falsehoods, I see you doing it. So, are you calling me arrogant now? Because I don't believe a word you say? Clearly implied huh? Too funny! So, according to you, since I see the good morals taught by the Bible, then I must be highly moral... I don't see where you see any good morals taught by the Bible. As far as I can tell you simply support the hateful immoralities as being "Divine Behavior". Just because you call that "good" does not make it so. I would refer you to your own post regarding "morality", but I'm afraid you'll deny your own words... I see the good, you see the bad. According to you, I must be a highly moral person, so why question anything I say? |
Edited by
Fri 12/02/11 02:45 PM
Cowboy wrote:
No thank you, she is no my saviour. I'm sure she has her weak times in life as well.[.quote] I didn't say that she would be your savior. But she might be able to help you see the difference between Jesus and Satan. Has nothing to do with Jesus being weak or not. I'm still the one that decides actions and takes them. Unfortunately I don't listen to Jesus AALL the time. It's rare, but I'm man enough to say it happens.
You decide what actions you'll take? ![]() But I thought you gave yourself over to Jesus as your LORD so that he should decide what actions you should take. And you claim that you don't listen to Jesus ALL the time? Why not? Do you not TRUST Jesus' guidance? Why would you not listen? I'm not questioning your personal faith. But from my perspective I just don't see anything in your behavior to convince me that you are in touch with any divine source of guidance. Nor do I personally see any reason to believe that you have given yourself over to become the servant of some divine being that you are in constant TWO-WAY conversations with as you have claimed. I know for sure that if I was having TWO-WAY conversations with a divine being that I believed could offer me eternal life over spiritual demise, I would not treat that as trivially as you apparently do. You decide what actions you'll take? ![]() But I thought you gave yourself over to Jesus as your LORD so that he should decide what actions you should take. Yes I decide the actions I take, I have given my life over to Jesus. And that's exactly what I will be judged on. How obedient I was to Jesus. And you claim that you don't listen to Jesus ALL the time? Why not? Do you not TRUST Jesus' guidance? No I just get weak, and it looks like fun at the time. But from my perspective I just don't see anything in your behavior to convince me that you are in touch with any divine source of guidance. Well that's good I guess lol. I couldn't care less if you're convinced of if I'm in touch with my divine source or not lol. Nor do I personally see any reason to believe that you have given yourself over to become the servant of some divine being that you are in constant TWO-WAY conversations with as you have claimed. Again, couldn't care less if you believe or not. Not worried about you believing if I have given my life over to Jesus or not, you are not my judge and have absolutely no bearing on anything. I know for sure that if I was having TWO-WAY conversations with a divine being that I believed could offer me eternal life over spiritual demise, I would not treat that as trivially as you apparently do. We already know you're absolutely great, purest at heart, and do no wrong. |
Cowboy wrote:
Sure they have positive outcomes. Women now know the pain of child birth, they will never forget how it felt. They will be grateful when they get to Heaven for not having any form of pain especially pain as such. That's not a positive outcome of such punishment. And besides what about the women who never had any children? Do they get off the hook? They won't be grateful that there is no pain in heaven? And how men? They too won't be grateful that there is no pain in heaven? Your excuses for these things are extremely feeble. We do not have the authority to make such a judgement. We do not have the authority to judge weather someone lives or dies. Who's talking about anyone living or dying? I was addressing cruel and unusual forms of unproductive punishments that can never lead to anything productive. Cursing a serpent to crawl on his belly and eat dust for the rest of his days clearly has no positive benefits for anyone. I do understand how you can support such hateful things. It is precisely because of these stories. You have been convinced that these fables are true and therefore you are convinced that this is indeed how this God behavior, therefore they MUST BE RIGHTEOUS! And that is precisely why I see these fables as being dangerous. You read these kinds of stories and think, "Well if it's good enough for God who am I to question that, it MUST BE GOOD!" No, it's not good and that's precisely why these fables necessarily have to be false. |
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Fri 12/02/11 02:53 PM
Cowboy wrote:
No, I placed my faith in Jesus that he will save me from death. I placed my faith in that Jesus loves each and everyone of us. I placed my faith in Jesus defeating death for each and everyone of us when he was resurrected.
Cowboy, only pointing this out and bringing it up one more time.....casue this is extremely important for any real salvation to take place: Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD other words, until you believe in the DEITY of Christ, , you cannot bE saved( no matter HOW much you place faith in YOUR version of who Jesus is ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NOW!!! You can't just believe in your own "version" of Jesus and still expect to be saved. No way. ![]() The Holy Spirit only comes in, when God sees we are believng and accepting the REAL Jesus for Who He REALLY is...otherwise God would be an INTRUDER). Cowboy,According to your posts in the past,you believe Jesus is "our god",but Not God Almighty...and also, in the past you stated that you believe Jesus is a totally separate "god" from GOD Almighty. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. You have to believe and accept the REAL JESUS, in order to be saved. Jesus is the Word Who creared the worlds....Jesus is just as Much God AS the Father and Holy Spirit are..... all 3 persons within the ONE Godhead are equally God...and all 3 persons make up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Extremely important to get this right now. There is NO salvation, any other way, exccept to believe and accept the REAL JESUS CHRIST into your heart. (ps....I know you will attempt to try once more to twist my words,as you always have done in the past... but don't...the enemy is a great deciever,and will make you think you are saved ,by believing in another version of Jesus . Again, what I am sharing is extremey important....and God is putting this on my heart to share with you once please listen this time, real salvation can take place, without believng in the REAL Jesus now. I have shared this once more , because God has been puttng this on my heart for you all day today... ![]() ![]() ![]() what you do with this is up to you now. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Cowboy wrote: No, I placed my faith in Jesus that he will save me from death. I placed my faith in that Jesus loves each and everyone of us. I placed my faith in Jesus defeating death for each and everyone of us when he was resurrected.
Cowboy, only pointing this out and bringing it up one more time.....casue this is extremely important for any real salvation to take place: Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD other words, until you beleive in the DEITY of Christ, , you cannot bE saved( no matter HOW much you place faith in YOUR version of who Jesus is ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NOW!!! You can't just believe in your own "version" of Jesus and still expect to be saved. NO WAY. ![]() According to your posts in the past,you believe Jesus is "our god",but Not God Almighty...and also, in the past you stated that you believe Jesus is a totally separate "god" from GOD Almighty. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. You have to believe and accept the REAL JESUS, in order to be saved. Jesus is the Word Who creared the worlds....Jesus is just as Much God AS the Father and Holy Spirit are..... all 3 persons within the ONE Godhead are equally God...and all 3 persons make up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Extremely importsnt to get this right now. There is NO salvation, any other way, exccept to believe and accept the REAL JESUS CHRIST into your heart. (ps....I know you will attempt to try once more to twist my words,as you always have done in the past... but don't...the enemy is a great deciever,and will make you think you are saved,by believing in another version of Jesus . Again, what I am sharing is extremey important....and God is putting this on my heart to share with you once please listen this time, real salvation can take place, without believng in the REAL Jesus now). I have shared this once more , because God has been puttng this on my heart for you all day ... ![]() ![]() ![]() what you do now is up to you . ![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God. |
Cowboy wrote: No, I placed my faith in Jesus that he will save me from death. I placed my faith in that Jesus loves each and everyone of us. I placed my faith in Jesus defeating death for each and everyone of us when he was resurrected.
Cowboy, only pointing this out and bringing it up one more time.....casue this is extremely important for any real salvation to take place: Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD other words, until you beleive in the DEITY of Christ, , you cannot bE saved( no matter HOW much you place faith in YOUR version of who Jesus is ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NOW!!! You can't just believe in your own "version" of Jesus and still expect to be saved. NO WAY. ![]() According to your posts in the past,you believe Jesus is "our god",but Not God Almighty...and also, in the past you stated that you believe Jesus is a totally separate "god" from GOD Almighty. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. You have to believe and accept the REAL JESUS, in order to be saved. Jesus is the Word Who creared the worlds....Jesus is just as Much God AS the Father and Holy Spirit are..... all 3 persons within the ONE Godhead are equally God...and all 3 persons make up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Extremely importsnt to get this right now. There is NO salvation, any other way, exccept to believe and accept the REAL JESUS CHRIST into your heart. (ps....I know you will attempt to try once more to twist my words,as you always have done in the past... but don't...the enemy is a great deciever,and will make you think you are saved,by believing in another version of Jesus . Again, what I am sharing is extremey important....and God is putting this on my heart to share with you once please listen this time, real salvation can take place, without believng in the REAL Jesus now). I have shared this once more , because God has been puttng this on my heart for you all day ... ![]() ![]() ![]() what you do now is up to you . ![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. Word of advise, Matthew 7 1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. |
Cowboy wrote: No, I placed my faith in Jesus that he will save me from death. I placed my faith in that Jesus loves each and everyone of us. I placed my faith in Jesus defeating death for each and everyone of us when he was resurrected.
Cowboy, only pointing this out and bringing it up one more time.....casue this is extremely important for any real salvation to take place: Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD other words, until you beleive in the DEITY of Christ, , you cannot bE saved( no matter HOW much you place faith in YOUR version of who Jesus is ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NOW!!! You can't just believe in your own "version" of Jesus and still expect to be saved. NO WAY. ![]() According to your posts in the past,you believe Jesus is "our god",but Not God Almighty...and also, in the past you stated that you believe Jesus is a totally separate "god" from GOD Almighty. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. You have to believe and accept the REAL JESUS, in order to be saved. Jesus is the Word Who creared the worlds....Jesus is just as Much God AS the Father and Holy Spirit are..... all 3 persons within the ONE Godhead are equally God...and all 3 persons make up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Extremely importsnt to get this right now. There is NO salvation, any other way, exccept to believe and accept the REAL JESUS CHRIST into your heart. (ps....I know you will attempt to try once more to twist my words,as you always have done in the past... but don't...the enemy is a great deciever,and will make you think you are saved,by believing in another version of Jesus . Again, what I am sharing is extremey important....and God is putting this on my heart to share with you once please listen this time, real salvation can take place, without believng in the REAL Jesus now). I have shared this once more , because God has been puttng this on my heart for you all day ... ![]() ![]() ![]() what you do now is up to you . ![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. Word of advise, Matthew 7 1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD ALMIGHTY.. Jesus NEVER made himself equal with the father. John 14:28 28Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. |
Cowboy wrote: No, I placed my faith in Jesus that he will save me from death. I placed my faith in that Jesus loves each and everyone of us. I placed my faith in Jesus defeating death for each and everyone of us when he was resurrected.
Cowboy, only pointing this out and bringing it up one more time.....casue this is extremely important for any real salvation to take place: Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD other words, until you beleive in the DEITY of Christ, , you cannot bE saved( no matter HOW much you place faith in YOUR version of who Jesus is ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NOW!!! You can't just believe in your own "version" of Jesus and still expect to be saved. NO WAY. ![]() According to your posts in the past,you believe Jesus is "our god",but Not God Almighty...and also, in the past you stated that you believe Jesus is a totally separate "god" from GOD Almighty. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. You have to believe and accept the REAL JESUS, in order to be saved. Jesus is the Word Who creared the worlds....Jesus is just as Much God AS the Father and Holy Spirit are..... all 3 persons within the ONE Godhead are equally God...and all 3 persons make up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Extremely importsnt to get this right now. There is NO salvation, any other way, exccept to believe and accept the REAL JESUS CHRIST into your heart. (ps....I know you will attempt to try once more to twist my words,as you always have done in the past... but don't...the enemy is a great deciever,and will make you think you are saved,by believing in another version of Jesus . Again, what I am sharing is extremey important....and God is putting this on my heart to share with you once please listen this time, real salvation can take place, without believng in the REAL Jesus now). I have shared this once more , because God has been puttng this on my heart for you all day ... ![]() ![]() ![]() what you do now is up to you . ![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God. Cowboy, Morningsong has had you confused with me for quite some time now. I don't accept noone named "Jesus". I accept Yashua who came in His Father's name IE: "YHWH saves". I reject all of the Paganism that some ppl claim is "Christianity". So Morningsong, the only way to be saved is to accept "Jesus"? What is meant by "every knee will bow, every tounge will confess.."? Wouldn't that imply that everyone gets saved then? If it is God's will that all men be saved, are you saying God can't accomplish His will??? And what the hell was the meaning of Romans 2 if not to show that "belief" is not required and all that is required is a pure conscience? I've been drawn to "God" since I can remember, care to make a judgement on my soul??? |
Edited by
Fri 12/02/11 03:05 PM
What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God.
"your lord thy God".... This is what I mean about your version of Jesus just being "our god" only ,and not GOD ALMIGHTY. I have shared what God has put on my heart here Cowboy.....again, what you do with it now is up to you. Take care now. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Cowboy wrote: No, I placed my faith in Jesus that he will save me from death. I placed my faith in that Jesus loves each and everyone of us. I placed my faith in Jesus defeating death for each and everyone of us when he was resurrected.
Cowboy, only pointing this out and bringing it up one more time.....casue this is extremely important for any real salvation to take place: Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD other words, until you beleive in the DEITY of Christ, , you cannot bE saved( no matter HOW much you place faith in YOUR version of who Jesus is ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NOW!!! You can't just believe in your own "version" of Jesus and still expect to be saved. NO WAY. ![]() According to your posts in the past,you believe Jesus is "our god",but Not God Almighty...and also, in the past you stated that you believe Jesus is a totally separate "god" from GOD Almighty. And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy. You have to believe and accept the REAL JESUS, in order to be saved. Jesus is the Word Who creared the worlds....Jesus is just as Much God AS the Father and Holy Spirit are..... all 3 persons within the ONE Godhead are equally God...and all 3 persons make up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Extremely importsnt to get this right now. There is NO salvation, any other way, exccept to believe and accept the REAL JESUS CHRIST into your heart. (ps....I know you will attempt to try once more to twist my words,as you always have done in the past... but don't...the enemy is a great deciever,and will make you think you are saved,by believing in another version of Jesus . Again, what I am sharing is extremey important....and God is putting this on my heart to share with you once please listen this time, real salvation can take place, without believng in the REAL Jesus now). I have shared this once more , because God has been puttng this on my heart for you all day ... ![]() ![]() ![]() what you do now is up to you . ![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy,Until you believe that JESUS IS EQUALLY AS MUCH GOD AS GOD THE FATHER....AND ALSO THAT JESUS IS GOD What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God. Cowboy, Morningsong has had you confused with me for quite some time now. I don't accept noone named "Jesus". I accept Yashua who came in His Father's name IE: "YHWH saves". I reject all of the Paganism that some ppl claim is "Christianity". So Morningsong, the only way to be saved is to accept "Jesus"? What is meant by "every knee will bow, every tounge will confess.."? Wouldn't that imply that everyone gets saved then? If it is God's will that all men be saved, are you saying God can't accomplish His will??? And what the hell was the meaning of Romans 2 if not to show that "belief" is not required and all that is required is a pure conscience? I've been drawn to "God" since I can remember, care to make a judgement on my soul??? So Morningsong, the only way to be saved is to accept "Jesus"? John 14:6 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. What is meant by "every knee will bow, every tounge will confess.."? Wouldn't that imply that everyone gets saved then? Not necessarily. James 2:19 19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. |
Cowboy wrote: Word of advise, Matthew 7 1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ![]() Look who's talking! The very man who goes around preaching to other people his own versions of what is required to be 'saved' by Jesus in this religion. That's all MorningSong just did to you Cowboy. She's just preaching to you what she believes is required to have a true relationship with Jesus. You take that as being a JUDGMENT on you, yet you can't understand why other people see your preaching to them as a judgment on them. She's not doing anything DIFFERENT from what you're doing Cowboy. And you do it to EVERYONE CONSTANTLY. With no end in sight! |
What in the world are you talking about MorningSong? Jesus is God. Jesus is your lord thy God.
"your lord thy God".... This is what I mean about your version of Jesus just being "our god" only ,and not GOD ALMIGHTY. I have shared what God has put on my heart here Cowboy.....again, what you do with it now is up to you. Take care now. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm just relaying a message MorningSong. Luke 4:12 12And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. |
"your lord thy God"....
This is what I mean about your version of Jesus just being "our god" only ,and not GOD ALMIGHTY. Exactly! BRAVO MorningSong! ![]() Now there's a women who KNOWS Jesus! ![]() |
Cowboy wrote: Word of advise, Matthew 7 1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ![]() Look who's talking! The very man who goes around preaching to other people his own versions of what is required to be 'saved' by Jesus in this religion. That's all MorningSong just did to you Cowboy. She's just preaching to you what she believes is required to have a true relationship with Jesus. You take that as being a JUDGMENT on you, yet you can't understand why other people see your preaching to them as a judgment on them. She's not doing anything DIFFERENT from what you're doing Cowboy. And you do it to EVERYONE CONSTANTLY. With no end in sight! And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy Not quite the same thing Abra. I give "general" knowledge, not directed at any ONE person in particular. I have never ONCE said you were not going to Heaven or anything of such. Her exact comment is as follows And you still expect to be saved, believng this way. Not so, Cowboy She specifically said to ME that I could not be saved believing as such. Specifically to me, not on a general note to the forum. Not saying anything bad about her neither, dont' get me wrong please morningsong. Just pointing out something to Abra. |
"your lord thy God"....
This is what I mean about your version of Jesus just being "our god" only ,and not GOD ALMIGHTY. Exactly! BRAVO MorningSong! ![]() Now there's a women who KNOWS Jesus! ![]() Jesus specifically said "Your lord thy God". He did not say your lord thy God almighty. |