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Topic: Shocking Things Fox News Viewers Believe
Dragoness's photo
Fri 09/16/11 09:16 PM
Shocking Things Fox News Viewers Believe
September 16, 2011
By Corey Banks

For years the left-wing has been saying that Fox News viewers are “uneducated” or “misinformed”, but now a study has come out that might confirm those suspicions.

According to a new survey of Fox News viewers by Reuters, this is what Fox News viewers believe:

67% Believe Barack Obama’s name sounds suspicious.

45% Believe that homosexuals are polygamists

2% Believe that science is more important than faith

90% Believe that all of the Founding Fathers were born in the United States of America, even though it had not yet been created when the Founding Fathers were born.

56% Believe Sarah Palin went to an Ivy League Law school.

99% of Fox News viewers who were Medicare recipients said they opposed “socialized medicine.”

94% Believe Reagan lowered the National Debt.

15% Believe that George Washington defeated the King of England in a duel for America.

88% Believe that Bill Clinton failed as a President, because of his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

75% Believe that people on welfare are lazy.

24% Believe Santa Claus is real.

36% Believe the “Bill of Rights” is legislation introduced by the Republican Party to stop “Barack Obama’s socialist agenda.”

99% Believe that communism, socialism, fascism and tyranny are all the same.

70% Believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya

38% Believe Barack Obama was born in Indonesia

85% Don’t think Hawaii was even a state when Barack Obama was born

76% Believe Sarah Palin has an “Alaskan accent.”

92% Believe that Bill Clinton left Barack Obama with a surplus, which he spent.

96% Believe the economy was doing great when Barack Obama took office.

84% Believe the Tea Party is a grassroots movement without any corporate sponsorship.

94% Believe the Constitution mentions Jesus Christ as America’s savior.

23% Believe FEMA is building concentration camps.

63% Believe Glenn Beck is a healthy weight

37% Believe Nancy Pelosi is a witch, and that she can cast spells.

25% Believe Anthony Weiner’s resignation was good for the economy.

74% Believe that unemployment is higher now than it was during the Great Depression.

92% Couldn’t find Iraq on a map.

9% Believe that homosexuals are trying to take over America with glitter.

93% Couldn’t name the 7 continents.

12% Believe John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father.

99% Believe that the Government doesn’t create jobs, but 95% of those surveyed credit Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) with creating 1 million jobs as Governor of Texas.

While some of these might seem comical, the most shocking result from the study was this:

100% of Fox News viewers said they wouldn’t care if the entire country fell apart as long as Barack Obama isn’t elected to a second term.

surprised slaphead

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 09/16/11 09:33 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Fri 09/16/11 09:35 PM
I would chalk this up to government schooling moreso than faux news. Surveys of the general adult population have turned up similar results. MSM viewers in general miss the whole story because they are spoon-fed propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation by corporate "news" outlets.

Chazster's photo
Fri 09/16/11 11:19 PM
You cant believe those statistics. Especially since it says 78% believe he was born in X while 30% believe he was born in Y. Thats 108%... yea real reliable data.

Lots of those are beliefs. That has nothing to do with information or education. Only opinions.

The Founding fathers were born in what is now America. Should it matter that it was a British colony at the time? Thats just a technicality.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/16/11 11:33 PM

You cant believe those statistics. Especially since it says 78% believe he was born in X while 30% believe he was born in Y. Thats 108%... yea real reliable data.

Lots of those are beliefs. That has nothing to do with information or education. Only opinions.

The Founding fathers were born in what is now America. Should it matter that it was a British colony at the time? Thats just a technicality.

WITH THE STATE OF EDUCATION it is quite possible that some of those same ones who believe he was born in Kemya, believe that that is where INDONESIA is,,,explaining the crossover

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 09/16/11 11:39 PM
What a steaming pile of loaded statistics.




Chazster's photo
Sat 09/17/11 07:22 AM

What a steaming pile of loaded statistics.




Totally. I am thinking maybe they asked this to children. How many adults do you know that think Santa is real? They don't mention how the study was conducted or how many people For all we know they could have rounded up people with mental handy caps, sat them in from of Fox News, called them viewers, and gave them this survey.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/17/11 07:34 AM

What a steaming pile of loaded statistics.




Totally. I am thinking maybe they asked this to children. How many adults do you know that think Santa is real? They don't mention how the study was conducted or how many people For all we know they could have rounded up people with mental handy caps, sat them in from of Fox News, called them viewers, and gave them this survey.

What would be funny would be a similar tainted survey of PBS or the New York Times readers/viewers. Any survey can be "modeled" to show anything. Some of these items show hardcore liberal slant.

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 09/17/11 07:41 AM
And it's not coincidence and it sure as hell isn't accidental either. A study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found Fox News viewers far more misinformed than those who got their news elsewhere and, better yet, the more viewers watched Fox, the more misinformed they became.

That's because Fox has precious little to do with information and almost everything to do with manipulating the gullible with misinformation. Misinformation is what they convey and they do it quite deliberately to achieve a result - badly misinformed, hence easily manipulated, followers. From AlterNet:

This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care. The body of evidence that Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine dedicated to lies is growing by the day.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 09/17/11 07:46 AM
A more important question to ask of Nancy Pelosi....

Chazster's photo
Sat 09/17/11 08:11 AM

And it's not coincidence and it sure as hell isn't accidental either. A study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found Fox News viewers far more misinformed than those who got their news elsewhere and, better yet, the more viewers watched Fox, the more misinformed they became.

That's because Fox has precious little to do with information and almost everything to do with manipulating the gullible with misinformation. Misinformation is what they convey and they do it quite deliberately to achieve a result - badly misinformed, hence easily manipulated, followers. From AlterNet:

This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care. The body of evidence that Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine dedicated to lies is growing by the day.

Now I am not saying Fox new isn't biased because it is. But getting one side of the story is one thing. But saying things like 24% believe in Santa and 100% ... is ridiculous.

Having 100% on anything is a red flag right there.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 09/17/11 08:51 AM
ANYONE listening to ANYTHING the media has to say is a SHEEP! I don't even watch TV any more becasue f how STUPID AND INCIPID most programming is. Sex in the City was one shopw that began my hatered for mass media. That show sucks on far too many levels and is HUGE on man bashing and sending all the wrong signals about relationships as well as empowering the FEARXISTS out there to hate the penis.

Where news is concerned, ALL of your favorite media channels have a bias left or right but this POLL is such a steaming crock of poo I will not even enter int oa debate over it. This is nothing but loaded statistics. It also is a cheap excuse to scapegoat FOX news where all the otehr stations do the same bull crap.

I am not buying this load of shitte! If you call this news someone is smoking something a lot stronger than the Sticky Icky Chronic I am smoking right now. I could argue this is a Faberge Egg of Hallucination except this is not a quality hallucination. It is a fantasy!!! I mean how is it that anyone with ANY education thinks Hawaii wasn't a state when Obama's daddy was born? Or how about "36% Believe the “Bill of Rights” is legislation introduced by the Republican Party to stop “Barack Obama’s socialist agenda.” Who is teaching our kids these days? Clowns?

Utter Steaming Feces!

And 100% of those polled could care less if this country fell apart just to keep BHO out of office a second term? Who is the Mental Deficient who came up with that BS???

no photo
Sat 09/17/11 09:13 AM
I wonder if those complaining about the liberal slant would also point out the conservative slant to many surveys?

Anyway, the survey made me laugh, because many of those things people actually do believe. Even some people here in this forum. laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 09:58 AM
laugh of course there are slants on both sides. The problem is one side thinks their sources are unbiased when they are just as biased as the other side. laugh

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:37 AM

You cant believe those statistics. Especially since it says 78% believe he was born in X while 30% believe he was born in Y. Thats 108%... yea real reliable data.

Lots of those are beliefs. That has nothing to do with information or education. Only opinions.

The Founding fathers were born in what is now America. Should it matter that it was a British colony at the time? Thats just a technicality.

Most of the 1787 delegates were natives of the Thirteen Colonies. Only 9 were born elsewhere: four (Butler, Fitzsimons, McHenry, and Paterson) in Ireland, two (Davie and Robert Morris) in England, two (Wilson and Witherspoon) in Scotland, and one (Hamilton) in the West Indies.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:39 AM

And it's not coincidence and it sure as hell isn't accidental either. A study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found Fox News viewers far more misinformed than those who got their news elsewhere and, better yet, the more viewers watched Fox, the more misinformed they became.

That's because Fox has precious little to do with information and almost everything to do with manipulating the gullible with misinformation. Misinformation is what they convey and they do it quite deliberately to achieve a result - badly misinformed, hence easily manipulated, followers. From AlterNet:

This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care. The body of evidence that Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine dedicated to lies is growing by the day.

Sadly Faux news dumbs down our population for their own benefits

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:42 AM

I wonder if those complaining about the liberal slant would also point out the conservative slant to many surveys?

Anyway, the survey made me laugh, because many of those things people actually do believe. Even some people here in this forum. laugh

My point exactly.

I had the same reaction when I read it. I couldn't believe there were more than a couple of people to believe this garbage.

Faux News for ya....noway

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:44 AM

laugh of course there are slants on both sides. The problem is one side thinks their sources are unbiased when they are just as biased as the other side. laugh

surprised Slants?

noway okay.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:47 AM
slants, biased, whatever people want to call it. Fox news is on one side and MSNBCS, Commondreams, TRUTHOUT, etc are on the other.

I just used the words used previouslyslaphead

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:49 AM
just like in the source in the OP. They only report about the Republicans. Not the wrongs on the other side too

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 10:52 AM

slants, biased, whatever people want to call it. Fox news is on one side and MSNBCS, Commondreams, TRUTHOUT, etc are on the other.

I just used the words used previouslyslaphead

It isn't even slant or bias, it is stupidity.... It isn't even politically slanted, it is educationally deficient slaphead

I could understand if it was slanted or bias. This even goes to another level of ignorance and stupidity....spock

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