Topic: Shocking Things Fox News Viewers Believe
Chazster's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:23 AM

Faux News is dumbing down people because stupid people are easier to influence.

The poll is as accurate as any other.

Which is really here nor there on this one.

If any amount of Americans believe this they are very ignorant and that is a concern to all.

Ok this is me officially questioning your intelligence. Why don't you start asking people you know who watch Fox if they believe Santa is real and see how close to 24% you get.

I agree with the sentiment , but not the advice, as people gneerally know and hang around those of like minds

for instance, I could show statistics on black males in jail, even though I dont personally know ONE of the black males ,,,it doesnt mean the statistics are wrong,,,,

That would make since except we are talking about viewers of a program. They wouldn't really hang around each other. Again I would argue there are not enough adults that believe in Santa to even = 24% of fox's viewership. LOL

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:25 AM

Faux News is dumbing down people because stupid people are easier to influence.

The poll is as accurate as any other.

Which is really here nor there on this one.

If any amount of Americans believe this they are very ignorant and that is a concern to all.

Ok this is me officially questioning your intelligence. Why don't you start asking people you know who watch Fox if they believe Santa is real and see how close to 24% you get.

Since intelligence is in question here let's question yours and you do it....

Hey, I am not the one blindly believing poll numbers that any logical person would believe is untrue. But I welcome any person on this sight that watches or knows anyone that watches Fox news to give their opinion on Santa.

Well I am not the one that is not considering that this is a problem that grown folks would answer these questions this way, Regardless to how accurate it would be. If there is one that answers this way it is a concern.

Do we want to leave the intelligence out of it? Or are we still questioning yours?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:25 AM

Okay, i guess I have to break it down here. Faux News cannot teach the people the answers on the poll and still be considered news.

So they allow their watchers to be dumb and they do not challenge the dumbness at all so they can then have an audience that buys into their anything,

So this is not bias, slant or whatever,.... it is pure ignorance that is perpetuated by the news channel.

This does not happen on the "other" side.... I have read the commentary on that side and there is a great difference...

Again I say....same with the other side. It DOES happen on the other side.

The source of the OP is a liberal site. They are just there to attack the conservative side but never mentions the bads of liberals.

I've read them too and I see the EXACT same thing from both sides.

I wouldn't trust any poll just because a media source says it's true. The source and poll in the OP aren't vaild

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:27 AM
The problem with the polls is....who do they select to answer to get the answers they want. How do we even know they asked a single person or just used the numbers they want??

rofl rofl rofl rofl

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:31 AM
Since I have heard (seen) people on this site say the things in the poll, that makes the poll a bit more than just fantasy...

Making this site verification of it's validity slaphead

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:33 AM

Since I have heard (seen) people on this site say the things in the poll, that makes the poll a bit more than just fantasy...

Making this site verification of it's validity slaphead

I've seen it from ALL and in the real world.

So those people are the ones that were polled? Or just coincidence?

I can agree with a poll but that doesn't validate the poll.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:34 AM
This site validates THIS poll.

Sadly I must add.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:36 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 09/17/11 11:38 AM

Faux News is dumbing down people because stupid people are easier to influence.

The poll is as accurate as any other.

Which is really here nor there on this one.

If any amount of Americans believe this they are very ignorant and that is a concern to all.

Ok this is me officially questioning your intelligence. Why don't you start asking people you know who watch Fox if they believe Santa is real and see how close to 24% you get.

I agree with the sentiment , but not the advice, as people gneerally know and hang around those of like minds

for instance, I could show statistics on black males in jail, even though I dont personally know ONE of the black males ,,,it doesnt mean the statistics are wrong,,,,

That would make since except we are talking about viewers of a program. They wouldn't really hang around each other. Again I would argue there are not enough adults that believe in Santa to even = 24% of fox's viewership. LOL

I think ya missed my point,,lol, but thats ok

I would contribute that depending upon how exhaustive the survey (and this one seemed to have ALOT of questions) , the more data there is to go through in any report or job actually, the more opportunity there is for people to merely 'check the wrong box'

questions that have yes and no answers can often lead to this type of mistake, particularly if there are a long string of yes answers or no answers at a time,,,

I dont find it hard to believe at all that 24 percent would check yes,,even if they didnt believe it,,, because they werent REALLY paying attention to the question or to what they were checking at that point,,

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:37 AM

This site validates THIS poll.

Sadly I must add.

this site??? Meaning Mingle or the site the article came from? If it is Mingle....I actually see more people saying the poll isn't valid. If it's from the articles site, of course like minded people would post there.

Still doesn't validate a poll. Again...we don't know who was polled, what was actually said or if any one was polled at all.\

Most polls target the people that would give them the results that they want....if they poll any one at all

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:41 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 09/17/11 11:44 AM
This site validates this poll because there are members who say that the questions asked in the poll are true on here so it validates the poll.


There are other sites who validate this poll too. The right wing hatemongering sites validate this poll also because they will say things that show they believe the questions asked of this poll to be true too.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:43 AM
My point is that it is a sad state of affairs when grown folks do not know that these questions are not correct.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:44 AM

This site validates this poll because there are members who say that the questions asked in the poll are true on here so it validates the poll.


There are other sites who validate this poll too. The right wing hatemongering sites validate this poll also because the will say things that show they believe the questions asked of this poll to be true too.

again...which site are you referring to?

If it's Mingle...I see members saying the exact opposite too, so it cancels each other out.

If it's a liberal site, well of course people would agree. Just as people on a conservative site would agree with a poll saying the exact opposite as the OP.

Just because I might agree (or several people might agree) with what a poll says....that doesn't validate the poll or prove the poll was done honestly/accurately

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:45 AM

My point is that it is a sad state of affairs when grown folks do not know that these questions are not correct.

that is an opinion not fact. Just as it wouldn't be a fact for a Fox believer to say the poll is accurate for the other side

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:46 AM
People on this site have said/wrote things that prove this poll correct at more than one level.

That validates it.

No matter their political leaning.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:48 AM
The sad thing I see is that when it's a poll favoring an opposing side of what one believes, then they will use the same arguments I am using now.

I use the same arguments for all polls, even if I happen to agree with a poll.


Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:48 AM
Again it is a sad state of affairs when grown folks believe this garbage...

Showing that their choice of news outlets are not informing them well. Nor are their representatives in the government informing them well.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:49 AM

People on this site have said/wrote things that prove this poll correct at more than one level.

That validates it.

No matter their political leaning.

AGAIN....I see many saying the opposite. Even in this thread alone. The majority are saying the opposite. So by the standards above, it would prove the poll is false.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:50 AM
I think I proved my point over and over and most can see it. So I will stop spinning my wheels now laugh

no photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:56 AM

I think I proved my point over and over and most can see it. So I will stop spinning my wheels now laugh

well it took you a bit, but you got there, bless your heart

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/17/11 11:56 AM

Again it is a sad state of affairs when grown folks believe this garbage...

Showing that their choice of news outlets are not informing them well. Nor are their representatives in the government informing them well.

I dont know about americans in general. I Think our need for instant gratification has ruined our need for facts and truth. One issue is that we have so many 'news sources' and you would think they all have their own stories,, but they dont. Many will pick up and re publish or re state information from the same ONE source. So when that ONE source is wrong, it gives the illusion that these other sources have backed it up when all they did was repeat it.

this happened with the story about OBamas alleged 200 mill a day trip to INdia

it happened with the story about the alleged 'death panels' in the healthcare bill

it happened with the story about Saddam being connected to 9/11

it continues to happen with stories about an alleged OBAma birth certificate FORGERY or an alleged Kenya birth certificate

,,,if its sensational and cant be immediately DISPROVEN, people grab it and run with it and they will sooner die than give it up,,lol

,,,,its just one more of the oddities of human nature,,