Topic: Shocking Things Fox News Viewers Believe
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:37 PM

I am not doing a poll and the majority here makes no difference to the validity of the poll.

There are threads in the political forums that prove this poll correct at many levels.

That validates the poll.

No matter who votes against it, it is still validated on this site.

it does because that was your claim, was it not? If some people think it's true and some don't then the theory cancels out.

Threads started by one side. There are just as many threads started by the their polls would be accurate too? They can't all be accurate when they oppose each other.

no photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:37 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:38 PM

One of many studies this one was done by tbe University of Maryland.

One would have to take the time to see that this study was and taken for the most accurate results possible. It is a university study for petes sake. They have no agenda beyond accuate results. To say it is agenda driven is absurd.

"Looking at the misperceptions one at a time, people were asked, for example, if the U.S. had discovered the alleged stockpiles of WMD in Iraq since the war began. Just 11% of those who relied on newspapers as their “primary news source” incorrectly believed that U.S. forces had made such a discovery. Only slightly more — 17% — of those who relied on NPR and PBS were wrong. Yet 33% of Fox News viewers were wrong, far ahead of those who relied on any other outlet."

Heya Yellow Rosesmitten

what??? no smirkingchimp??? You know how much that sight makes me giggle....come on...I want the chimp laugh

love ya doll

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:38 PM

hey...I;m allergic to that stuff

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:40 PM
I am not doing a poll to see what people think of the poll.

I am here to say that the verification to the poll can be seen on this site and it is a sad state of affairs.

Faux loves them some easily lead astray people that is for sure.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:41 PM

I am not doing a poll to see what people think of the poll.

I am here to say that the verification to the poll can be seen on this site and it is a sad state of affairs.

Faux loves them some easily lead astray people that is for sure.

not true

Just like MSNBC and all of those other site do too :thumbsup:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:42 PM
I rarely debate these days and I choose to debate about polls spock

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:42 PM

I am not doing a poll and the majority here makes no difference to the validity of the poll.

There are threads in the political forums that prove this poll correct at many levels.

That validates the poll.

No matter who votes against it, it is still validated on this site.

it does because that was your claim, was it not? If some people think it's true and some don't then the theory cancels out.

Threads started by one side. There are just as many threads started by the their polls would be accurate too? They can't all be accurate when they oppose each other.

This is still irrelevant to the verification of the validity of this poll on this site.

Making the poll accurate at some levels regardless to who likes it or not.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:43 PM
But it would make it inaccurate as well by those standards....hence it makes the polls invalid

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:44 PM
I've had enough fun for the day...

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:45 PM
I have to go to lunch now.

no photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:48 PM

I've had enough fun for the day...


no photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:49 PM
i cant believe that people think fox news is real news

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 09/17/11 12:54 PM

I've had enough fun for the day...
I have to find the owner of this raceing pigeon I foundddamn thing was huddled in a corner of the shopping center this morning pure white with an ID band on the legg. I managed to find the owner on the internet but hav not been called back. I am tempted to hold it ransom but do not have a mailing address as of yet just a phone number............... been cutting out letters from the newspaper all morning.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 09/17/11 01:20 PM

I think I proved my point over and over and most can see it. So I will stop spinning my wheels now laugh

laugh I would have given up long before you did. :wink:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 01:42 PM

I think I proved my point over and over and most can see it. So I will stop spinning my wheels now laugh

laugh I would have given up long before you did. :wink:

but you are more level headed than I am laugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/17/11 01:51 PM

Wishing here that someone really could prove it false but it has already been proven pretty accurate in this site alone.

The burden of proof is on the person(s) making a positive claim. :wink:

a positive claim,, meaning what?

IF I said, HEavenly didnt graduate college(I actually think you did, just using it as a refrence though) , am I relieved from having to prove it?

but if I say Heavenly DID graduate college, I am not relieved from having to prove it?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/17/11 01:57 PM

Wishing here that someone really could prove it false but it has already been proven pretty accurate in this site alone.

The burden of proof is on the person(s) making a positive claim. :wink:

a positive claim,, meaning what?

IF I said, HEavenly didnt graduate college(I actually think you did, just using it as a refrence though) , am I relieved from having to prove it?

but if I say Heavenly DID graduate college, I am not relieved from having to prove it?

I didn't see that post that way. I can see it could be taken that way too (now lol)

I took it as positive as in "I'm certain this is true" not positive versus negative.

Thank again....I'm hard headed laugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/17/11 02:20 PM

Wishing here that someone really could prove it false but it has already been proven pretty accurate in this site alone.

The burden of proof is on the person(s) making a positive claim. :wink:

a positive claim,, meaning what?

IF I said, HEavenly didnt graduate college(I actually think you did, just using it as a refrence though) , am I relieved from having to prove it?

but if I say Heavenly DID graduate college, I am not relieved from having to prove it?

I didn't see that post that way. I can see it could be taken that way too (now lol)

I took it as positive as in "I'm certain this is true" not positive versus negative.

Thank again....I'm hard headed laugh

Yeah, I think that is probably right

the person who makes the INITIAL claim(as opposed to positive or negative)

but then its a slippery slope, like in a court where the prosecution must prove a case with preponderance of evidence OR beyond a reasonable doubt,, it seems like the burden is on them BUT

the defense is actually burdened with injecting some reasonable doubt (disproof),,,,,so its hard to say,,

TJN's photo
Sat 09/17/11 03:56 PM
I think those who believe the poll should be the ones who's intelligence needs to be questioned.