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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/04/11 10:35 AM

Cowboy wrote:

John 3:17

17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Saved from what?

I though you said that there aren't any threats? If we need to be saved from a wrathful God who is threatening to cast us into a place of eternal damnation, then we are indeed being threatened by this God.

John 12:47

47And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

Jesus didn't come to condemn the world, or judge the world. He was not here to judge anyone. He was here to bring peace, to bring the promise of heaven, to bring us the new covenant between man and God. Judgement time is still to come.

These fables are riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies like this. Moreover, there would not have been any need to bring a "New Covenant" unless the previous covenant had been flawed or insufficient.

Therefore any story that has a God changing his mind about what his covenant with mankind should be is a story of a God who is unsure of himself and didn't get it right the first time.

So this very ideology flies in the face of what a supposedly all-perfect, all-wise, omniscient being should be. The very story itself is a contradiction in terms of the character that this supreme being is supposed to have.

That's a red flag right there that should instantly give us a heads-up to the fact that these stores are nothing more than the made up superstitious fables of men.

You have already defiled those words using hate tactics.

There is no hate tactics or even any hate going on here. I'm not threatening you, I'm not saying hateful things toward you. Maybe you should look into why you take these things so personal, cause I don't say them as a personal attack. Again, we're just discussing a belief.

From my perspective you portray this religion in a very hateful manner. You are portraying Jesus to be someone who hates everyone who refuses to believe in him.

You may not mean to do this, but this is the end result of your style of ministry whether you realize it or not. You focus entirely on creating a situation where Jesus will hate and be mean to anyone who does not believe in these stories.

Show me the LOVE Cowboy, not the hate.

Show me the RIGHTEOUSNESS, not the religious bigotry.

I have showed you the love. You automatically get mad and or upset like I'm personally attacking you.

I have never seen anything come from you that I would classify as love. All I ever see you do is preach how Jesus will hate those who refuse to believe in him, and how he is justified in hating non-believers.

1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

Why should Jesus tolerate people that worship other beings or things besides him? How would it be righteous for him to reward these people the same as he would reward a strong believer? Heaven is earned, it is earned through faith and works.

There you just did it again. You're attempting to justify intolerance and hatred in Jesus toward people who do not believe in him.

This is just yet another huge RED FLAGCowboy. This religion supposedly started out being about behavior and a God wanting people to be good. But now it has been deviously turned into something entirely differently.

Now it has become a story about a God who hatefully punishes anyone who simply refuses to believe that he exists.

It's a train-wrecked religion Cowboy.

It started out being about morals, and ended up being about a highly egotistical God who is supposedly justified in hating everyone who refuses to worship him.


That is a hate-filled ministry my friend. A ministry that is based entirely on a hateful intolerant and highly egotistical and selfish God.

James 2:14

14What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

There we go again with the "Save Him" crap.

Save him from what? There has to be a THREAT before someone can be saved from it. This is an extremely threatening religion that claims that everyone need to be "saved" from this horrible hateful egotistical godhead.

James 2:18
18Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

That's probably one of the rare statements that actually came from Jesus as printed. A Buddhist could have said this.

James 2:19
19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

The devils "believe" in God? laugh

Don't they KNOW? laugh

My uncle was once asked what he would do if a devil came to him and offered him all the riches of the world. His answer was quite simple, he said, "I would then know that God exists". laugh

James 2:26
26For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

What does this have to do with anything we're talking about?
A Buddhist could have said this.

John 3:16

16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

What more love could you ask for? God gave Jesus to us, so we could have ever lasting life. Jesus gave himself to us, so we could have ever lasting life. What more love could someone ask for besides someone dying for them?

First off if Jesus is indeed an eternal being who existed before creation and will preside as the King of Kings for all of eternity then it's meaningless to claim that he "gave his life" or "died" for anyone.

Jesus didn't give his life for anyone if he's going to be the eternal egotistical King who demands that everyone worship him for all of eternity.

So it's utter nonsense to even suggest that he gave his life for anyone.

Moreover, what would have been the purpose of this? Why would this have been necessary? There can be no formidable enemy that God had to appease or conquer before God can have his way. Therefore the only entity that could have been appeased by a bloody brutal crucifixion would have had the God himself.

Again, not a pretty picture of a supposedly all-righteous, all-wise God.

I see no wisdom in this whatsoever. A God who creates a universes where he has to be nailed to a pole by the objects of his creation in order to "save" them from his very won wrath is sicker than sick Cowboy.

There is no excuse for such sick demented behavior.

As a superstitious fictitious fable it doesn't even make sense, much less expecting someone to believe that it could actually be true.


Love is a two sided coin. You can not buy love, but love is earned. Love is earned with love. How can you expect someone to love you, when you don't love them? How can you expect someone to be there for you when you deny them in front of everyone? And again, these are general questions, just questions to think about.

I wouldn't want the "love" of the God you describe from your personal interpretations of the biblical scriptures.

I have no desire to be "loved" by a hateful demonic egotistical selfish God.

You may as well be asking me to condone the behavior of Hilter and worship and love him just to appease him so I can serve his perverted desires for the rest of my days and wallow in knowing that he supposedly loves me back.


I wouldn't do it. I would rather die.

Same thing goes for the biblical picture of God. I have absolutely no desire to acquire the "love" of such a sick perverted being.

How many times do I need to tell you. Atheism is a far more beautiful picture.

If the Biblical God somehow turned out to be true as described in the biblical scriptures my only request of it would be to make atheism become true for me!

Strike me out of existence altogether with a lightening bolt or something. If possible, make it so that I had never existed at all.

If the Biblical description of God is true Cowboy, then I am totally disappointed in our creator. I would have so much pity for this God that it would be impossible to worship it. All I would want to do is to HELP it to get better.

This biblical God himself is in dire need of a Goddess to show him the meaning of LOVE.

I read posts made by mortal women on these forums that exhibit far more love and understanding that these religious fables of the Hebrews.

It's crystal clear to me that all this amounts to is religious bigotry.

Either worship "Our God" or god to hell! rant

That's all it is Cowboy. It's just a man-made religious bigotry.

There is no "love" in it.

The Hebrews didn't even know what Love is!

They were male chauvinist pigs who used a make-believe God as an excuse to belittled and degrade their wives and daughters.

If they were living today we'd call them the Taliban and totally renounce their behavior as being "ungodly".

Yet here you are trying to convince me that our creator is like the Taliban!

Saved from what?

I though you said that there aren't any threats? If we need to be saved from a wrathful God who is threatening to cast us into a place of eternal damnation, then we are indeed being threatened by this God.

Saved from death. Not saved from any threats. Saved from dying. Death is a punishment put on us through our disobedience. Jesus offers a way to be forgiven and offers life

These fables are riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies like this. Moreover, there would not have been any need to bring a "New Covenant" unless the previous covenant had been flawed or insufficient.

Therefore any story that has a God changing his mind about what his covenant with mankind should be is a story of a God who is unsure of himself and didn't get it right the first time.

So this very ideology flies in the face of what a supposedly all-perfect, all-wise, omniscient being should be. The very story itself is a contradiction in terms of the character that this supreme being is supposed to have.

That's a red flag right there that should instantly give us a heads-up to the fact that these stores are nothing more than the made up superstitious fables of men.

Not true. The old covenant prophesied it's ending. That covenant wasn't suppose to last use for ever. It was already planned for the old to end and for the new to come about.

Jeremiah 31:31-34
 31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
 32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD

From my perspective you portray this religion in a very hateful manner. You are portraying Jesus to be someone who hates everyone who refuses to believe in him.

You may not mean to do this, but this is the end result of your style of ministry whether you realize it or not. You focus entirely on creating a situation where Jesus will hate and be mean to anyone who does not believe in these stories.

First off, I have no “ministry”. I'm not preaching, nor have I ever. I'm discussing the matter at hand with all my heart. Secondly, Jesus hates no one. Does a parent hate their child because they do not give the child everything they ask? No, gifts and rewards are EARNED, they aren't frelly given. Death isn't a threat. It's the end of the line unless someone wishes to receive the gift Jesus offers.

I have never seen anything come from you that I would classify as love. All I ever see you do is preach how Jesus will hate those who refuse to believe in him, and how he is justified in hating non-believers.

Again, I have never once said Jesus hates anyone or even insinuated it. Jesus offers eternal life, eternal love. He promises to help you in your life while still here on Earth in this life. What more could Jesus do to show his love for you? And all he expects in return for this is your love

Now it has become a story about a God who hatefully punishes anyone who simply refuses to believe that he exists.

Why are you so stuck on hate? There is no hate. Death is the ending point of our lives if you do not wish to accept the gift Jesus offers of eternal life. No threats, nothing, death is the end of the line unless you wish to accept the gift. May I ask why you see hate? Why you always think of hate? Why is hate such a big part of you and your discussions?

Jesus didn't give his life for anyone if he's going to be the eternal egotistical King who demands that everyone worship him for all of eternity.

God gave his son to the world. Jesus didn't have to come down and feel the pain of death. He didn't have to come and feel the humiliation people put him through on his way to the cross and while he was on the cross. He endured all this for you, so you could have eternal life.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/04/11 11:36 AM

Cowboy wrote:

Just wanted you to know the reason I spend so much time in these forums discussing with you. It's not exactly to prove a point, it's not a mine's bigger then yours kind of thing. I discuss in here to try to reveal the truth to you and other's. You have forced your eyes closed because of the troubles of the world. You are hiding. I'm trying to show you the way out of this. A way out of your troubles and worries. I love you man.

A way out of my troubles and worries?

What makes you think that I am troubled or worried about anything especially in terms of spirituality?

As far as I can tell you're the one who is attempting to bring me troubles and worries.

If I don't cower down to precisely the conditions that you dictate as being the correct interpretations of "God's Will", then this God will condemn me.

Now THAT would be something to be troubled and worried about. ohwell

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/04/11 12:01 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 08/04/11 12:03 PM

Cowboy wrote:

First off, I have no “ministry”. I'm not preaching, nor have I ever. I'm discussing the matter at hand with all my heart.

You may not have a "ministry" in any official capacity, but you most certainly are preaching. You're in extreme denial if you are not aware of this.

Secondly, Jesus hates no one. Does a parent hate their child because they do not give the child everything they ask? No, gifts and rewards are EARNED, they aren't frelly given. Death isn't a threat. It's the end of the line unless someone wishes to receive the gift Jesus offers.

No Cowboy the threat being made in the Bible is not merely death, the threat being made in the Bible is a threat of everlasting punishment.

Matt.25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Get that straight right off the bat. If you're going to preach this stuff at least own up to what it actually says.

Again, I have never once said Jesus hates anyone or even insinuated it. Jesus offers eternal life, eternal love. He promises to help you in your life while still here on Earth in this life. What more could Jesus do to show his love for you? And all he expects in return for this is your love

No that's not what you preach most of the time. Most of the time you harp on how Jesus will condemn those who refuse to acknowledge that his is LORD.

Why are you so stuck on hate? There is no hate. Death is the ending point of our lives if you do not wish to accept the gift Jesus offers of eternal life. No threats, nothing, death is the end of the line unless you wish to accept the gift. May I ask why you see hate? Why you always think of hate? Why is hate such a big part of you and your discussions?

Matt.25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.


If you're going to sell a religion it's best to tell the TRUTH about it.

God gave his son to the world. Jesus didn't have to come down and feel the pain of death. He didn't have to come and feel the humiliation people put him through on his way to the cross and while he was on the cross. He endured all this for you, so you could have eternal life.

That's hogwash.

What would any of that have needed to be done? huh

To appease whom? God? what

If those things were required to appease God then it is God who was appeased by them.

And if they were required to appease God, then they would be pointless in the context of sin and salvation.

You certainly shouldn't need to accept that someone suffered pain to pay for your sins, if that wasn't a requirement of God in the first place.

There is no justification in a brutal crucifixion to appease a blood thirsty Godhead who is appeased by blood sacrifices.

This is the stuff of Zeus and Greek Mythology!


It makes far sense to me to recognize that Jesus was a Jewish Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva who clearly taught against the horrible disgusting immoral values that had been taught in the Torah.

Immoral bigotries, chauvinism, and hatred toward 'heathens of the religion' in the name of a God.

Jesus renounced all that crap. flowerforyou

Jesus wasn't the sacrificial lamb of the God of the Taliban!

Jesus spoke out against that horrible immoral crap and was crucified for it.

Now you are attempting to hold Jesus up to support the very nonsense that Jesus himself rejected and taught against.

You are trying real hard to make Jesus into the unholy dastardly God of the Old Testament.

I don't buy your PREACHING.

The religion is insane, IMHO.

Why preach hatred in the name of Jesus when you can preach LOVE instead?

Jesus as a Mahayana Buddhist represent far more LOVE than a demigod born of a virgin for the purpose of becoming the sacrificial lamb of some sick demented Godhead who lusts to be appeased by blood sacrifices.

Jesus as a Mahayana Buddhist represents LOVE Cowboy! flowerforyou

A God who has sick demented obsessions with blood sacrifices does not represent love in the slightest. ohwell

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:04 AM

I never said God our father created everything. I said "God" created everything. In this case we would be talking about lord "GOD".

Cowboy...if you claim that Jesus is "Lord God" and the term "The Lord God" wasn't used until Genesis 2:7

then name the God that was doing all the creating between Genesis 1:1 until Genesis 2:6

3.Aunt Bee

To the best of my knowledge, we do not know the father's name. It is not included in the king james version of the bible nor any english version. It might be in the original scriptures, I do not know. Nor did Jesus ever say it. He merely said things along the lines of "FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do". Jesus only referanced God by "father".

I looked further into it which I should have done before making my first post. But it seems that our father's name is Yahweh. Yahweh is in the original writings. It is found in the Torah.

now that you know that it was Yahweh as the God that was creating during the first day of Creation

then logic would tell you that Yahweh is the God that created everything during the other 5 days of Creation

it would mean that he also created Man

and this is why Yahweh and not jesus is "The Lord God" mention in Genesis 2:7 as being the creator of Man

Genesis 2:4
4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

cool... so now all you have to do is explain why a "Lord God" is not mention in Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1
In The Beginning "God" created The Heavens and The Earth

so now Cowboy why isn't the term "The Lord God" mention in Genesis 1:1..

come on .....figure it out logically...you're almost there

I wonder if Jesus had this much trouble teaching his disciples?

Cowboy..I guess since you didn't answer the above question as to why "The Lord God" wasn't mention in Genesis 1:1 is because you logically deduced that Yahweh is "The Lord God" mention in Genesis 2:7 as the creator of man

as I go to each passage in Genesis you will begin to realize that The Old Testament is such constructed that it will not allow anyone or any other religion including Christianity to replace Yahweh with another God or with a Man that others claim to be a God

Christianity is not constructed as such....it's construction allows for a Man and even an Alien to claim that he/she and/or it... is God

take a Man or an Alien dress them up with a beard, long hair, a toga and earth shoes with a sword of righteousness in hand....put them on a Predator Drone with a dry ice machine to create an effect of floating down on a cloud and all they have to do is claim that they are Jesus and God and the faithful will follow ...

but anyway unless you can find an answer on one of those Satan websites you run to as to why the term "The Lord God" is not mention in Genesis 1:1... then it's time for me to move on or back to Genesis 1:13 to try and find where Jesus clearly first made his biblical debut

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:18 AM
Genesis 1:14
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

if Jesus is the light...then in this passage God made a whole bunch of little itsy bitsy Jesus-es

but since the lights were created...they are not Gods

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:20 AM
Genesis 1:15
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light on the earth: and it was so.

wow...God sure like stringing up the Lights in the Heavens...almost like Christmas Lights.....maybe that's why Jesus moved his birthday to December 25th

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:21 AM
Genesis 1:16
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also

wow two great lights? ...ok perhaps this is evidence that two other God heads exist ...oh wait.... it states that God made those two light ...so I guess that would mean that those Lights can't be God heads

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:21 AM
Genesis 1:17
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

in this passage God re-invents the light bulb

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:22 AM
Genesis 1:18
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good

ok in this passage it states that the lights will ""rule" ...maybe this is why followers further confuse Jesus as the light

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:23 AM
Genesis 1:19
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

wow.....three whole days of Creation and still no evidence of Jesus

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:42 AM
Genesis 1:20
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

we have moving creatures and fowl but no other God heads

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:53 AM
Edited by funches on Fri 08/05/11 08:54 AM
Genesis 1:21
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

I guess that ends the theory that birds evolved from Dinosaurs

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 09:08 AM
Genesis 1:22
And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

this passage brings up many questions ....

were the animals granted the intelligence or the "Free Will" to make the decision to carry out the command to be fruitful and multiply on their own

or was this command an instinctive subconscious drive or desire placed into the animals to force them to multiply...also known as lust

I can not at this moment equate this command to the command given to Man to be fruitful and multiply because as of yet Man has not been created

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 09:19 AM
Genesis 1:23
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

wow....four days of creation and still no Jesus...I may have to get the angels to tempt him out of hiding...perferably Satan should do the tempting.....I heard that he's good at it

gilbertpaul's photo
Sun 08/07/11 08:54 PM
Funches, Your really confused and I doubt you really want to know if God is Trinity. First it's up to God's Spirit, the third person of God's Trinity to let you know this divine truth. You must really want to know this doctrine before God will let your mind become illuminated enough to see it. And if you humble yourself and pray before the God of all the earth then God will have mercy and open your eyes. In Genesis 1: 26 God said, " Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness. " This is the TRINITY in the Old Testament. God doesn't have to prove anything to you or anybody. If you really want to know it's in the King James Bible right there in Genesis just like I showed you. Also I wrote a thread called," The Trinity in the Old Testament. " Go read it if your really interested. And it is my prayer you really want to know my friend.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 08/08/11 12:03 AM

Funches, Your really confused and I doubt you really want to know if God is Trinity. First it's up to God's Spirit, the third person of God's Trinity to let you know this divine truth. You must really want to know this doctrine before God will let your mind become illuminated enough to see it. And if you humble yourself and pray before the God of all the earth then God will have mercy and open your eyes. In Genesis 1: 26 God said, " Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness. " This is the TRINITY in the Old Testament. God doesn't have to prove anything to you or anybody. If you really want to know it's in the King James Bible right there in Genesis just like I showed you. Also I wrote a thread called," The Trinity in the Old Testament. " Go read it if your really interested. And it is my prayer you really want to know my friend.

Deut 6:4-5

4 "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our Elohim, ahweh is one ! 5 You shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

not 3 but 1

sanelunasea's photo
Mon 08/08/11 02:04 AM
Wow, is this topic really still here? And going strong, I see.
Ok, well, I'll be moving on now... still not caring.

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 07:57 AM

Funches, Your really confused and I doubt you really want to know if God is Trinity. First it's up to God's Spirit, the third person of God's Trinity to let you know this divine truth. You must really want to know this doctrine before God will let your mind become illuminated enough to see it. And if you humble yourself and pray before the God of all the earth then God will have mercy and open your eyes. In Genesis 1: 26 God said, " Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness. " This is the TRINITY in the Old Testament. God doesn't have to prove anything to you or anybody. If you really want to know it's in the King James Bible right there in Genesis just like I showed you. Also I wrote a thread called," The Trinity in the Old Testament. " Go read it if your really interested. And it is my prayer you really want to know my friend.

"gilbertpaul" ...as I expressed earlier in this thread the "US" in
Genesis 1:26 "Let us make man in our image" is God talking to an angel not a Godhead

the angel was there with God when the bible states in Genesis 1:2 that the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters....since God is omnipresent God would have no need to move upon the waters or move anyplace

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 08:23 AM

Wow, is this topic really still here? And going strong, I see.
Ok, well, I'll be moving on now... still not caring.

to go through the trouble to post that you don't care...only proves that you do .....

sanelunasea's photo
Mon 08/08/11 04:22 PM

Wow, is this topic really still here? And going strong, I see.
Ok, well, I'll be moving on now... still not caring.

to go through the trouble to post that you don't care...only proves that you do .....

Oh, I can post all day long. But there's no way I'm actually reading through 13 pages of this nonsense.

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