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Topic: When the Bible is discredited...
donthatoneguy's photo
Fri 07/08/11 01:07 PM

and after the waters were lowered Noah looked to his wife,his sons and their wives and said "alrighty then we better start screwing we got to start populating again,you 2 can make oriental babies,you 2 can make black babies,you 2 can make middle eastern babies and my wife and i will work on north,central and south american babies along with the whites.I have know idea how we'll get them over there to the Americas cause the ark is stuck on this mountain but i'm sure god has a plan."


msharmony's photo
Fri 07/08/11 01:38 PM

1. In Genesis 1:1-26, God created plants on the third day and fish and birds on the fifth day. On the sixth day, He created animals and man.

2. In Genesis 2:7-25, God created man first. Then He created plants. Then, for man to have company, God created animals and birds. And finally, God created woman.

hell you can't even get past the first 2 genesis without there being a lie and a very conflicting story,funny thing is pastors have tried to neglect answering why this is written this way,all they say is genesis2 is a more detailed discription,REALLY but the days are still mismatched,so which one is correct?

but you religious people will still "stand by your man"laugh

i can't believe the authors of the fictional bible didn't even catch that typo.

its not a typo, its seperate accounts

Genesis 1

1st day,,,light seperated from darkness
2nd day....created skies
3rd day...created land, seas, plants
4th day...created sun and moon
5th day,,,created animals in the skies and the seas
6th day....created humans and other land dwelling animals

7th day...rested

Genesis one is an account of how the DAYS came to be 'numbered', which events marked their order

Genesis 2

(there is no mention of the order of days)

before anything had reproduced (no shrub sprung up)

Adam was created and placed in an eastern garden(already present but not mentioned in 'order' of its creation)

the garden had trees, and rivers, and ADam was instructed to enjoy the garden(paraphrasing),,the animals which were already created were brought to him to name

,,there is not really any contradiction

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/08/11 01:41 PM

and after the waters were lowered Noah looked to his wife,his sons and their wives and said "alrighty then we better start screwing we got to start populating again,you 2 can make oriental babies,you 2 can make black babies,you 2 can make middle eastern babies and my wife and i will work on north,central and south american babies along with the whites.I have know idea how we'll get them over there to the Americas cause the ark is stuck on this mountain but i'm sure god has a plan."

I suggest a study in why there are different 'races' of people

namely how those categories stem from an educated guess of the region of the earth where certain 'human adaptation' occurred brought on by varying climates and conditions,,,

we all started out the same, but though TRAVELING and SPREADING across the globe certain traits became dominant in some places and not in others to adapt to their environments,,,

Kleisto's photo
Fri 07/08/11 01:52 PM

I believe it is vitally important for the future of the world that the truth be discovered about the fake religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

People need to start questioning the roots of these Abrahamic religions.

That idea shocks most people who have been indoctrinated into their religion all their life because they are taught never to question "G0D" and they are gripped with the fear of doing so.

They are taught to turn away knowledge and information. They are afraid to even look at it. They have been taught that to lust for another man's wife is THE SAME as adultery, so they even fear their own thoughts.

Even their thoughts are not free.

They are told over and over to "have faith" and "don't question" blah blah blah.


Then they parrot the worn out cliche' "The truth will set you free" thinking (mistakenly) that their religion is the truth.

But your religion will not set you free. It will condemn you for your thoughts, it will condemn you for seeking knowledge.

Even the story of Adam and Eve condemns them from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


I've said it before and I will say it again: Religion binds, spirituality frees. That's the story in a nutshell.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 07/08/11 01:59 PM
Jeanniebean wrote:

How did it get so blown out of proportion and why do educated modern people still pretend to believe it? It is not logical at all.

Over many centuries people have been pressured not to believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God and that they should not question or second-guess God's "wisdom".

So this is what gets people thinking that they shouldn't question these things.

Does it make any sense that an all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful Fatherly-figure God would sit back and wait until all his "children" have become sinners and their every thought was evil? And then finally take action to drown them all out SAVE for a handful of children that he's going to use to start all over with?

Why didn't this God nip this in the bud early on?

Don't question God's wisdom! rant

Why didn't this God kill individual sinners via giving them heart-attacks or whatever so that their evil thoughts and actions wouldn't give good people bad ideas and examples?

God had to let people have FREE WILL! rant

What? He ended up killing them in the end anyway. Why not kill the evil ones early on before they contaminate the rest of God's children?

Don't question God's wisdom! rant

Why did he have to use a messy flood? When he decided to kill them why not just make all the evil people sterile and let them die off naturally allowing his good children to survive?

Don't question God's wisdom! rant

I'm not. I'm questioning the sanity of these utterly absurd stories.

How DARE you call the "Word of God" absurd! rant

Well I don't see any reason to believe that it's the "Word of God", it seems pretty stupid to me.

You arrogant prissy brat! How DARE you think that you are wiser than God! rant

I don't think I'm wiser than God. I just don't think those stories are wise enough to be the thoughts and actions of some all-wise God.

Who are YOU to say whether these stories came from God! rant

Who are you to say that they did?

I am a Religious Zealot Fundamentalists and I KNOW in my heart of hears that these stories are TRUE and you are a shameful arrogant heathen who thinks that you know better than God! rant

Yeah right. whoa

no photo
Fri 07/08/11 02:16 PM

and after the waters were lowered Noah looked to his wife,his sons and their wives and said "alrighty then we better start screwing we got to start populating again,you 2 can make oriental babies,you 2 can make black babies,you 2 can make middle eastern babies and my wife and i will work on north,central and south american babies along with the whites.I have know idea how we'll get them over there to the Americas cause the ark is stuck on this mountain but i'm sure god has a plan."

I suggest a study in why there are different 'races' of people

namely how those categories stem from an educated guess of the region of the earth where certain 'human adaptation' occurred brought on by varying climates and conditions,,,

we all started out the same, but though TRAVELING and SPREADING across the globe certain traits became dominant in some places and not in others to adapt to their environments,,,

Are you suggesting that the black race turned black because of adaptation? That sounds a bit like evolution to me.

I don't buy it anyway. Races are genetic. They don't spring from adaptation brought on by varying climates and conditions.

Tell me, were did you get this idea? How much scientific evidence do you have to back it up or is it just someone's imagination?

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/08/11 02:32 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 07/08/11 02:33 PM

and after the waters were lowered Noah looked to his wife,his sons and their wives and said "alrighty then we better start screwing we got to start populating again,you 2 can make oriental babies,you 2 can make black babies,you 2 can make middle eastern babies and my wife and i will work on north,central and south american babies along with the whites.I have know idea how we'll get them over there to the Americas cause the ark is stuck on this mountain but i'm sure god has a plan."

I suggest a study in why there are different 'races' of people

namely how those categories stem from an educated guess of the region of the earth where certain 'human adaptation' occurred brought on by varying climates and conditions,,,

we all started out the same, but though TRAVELING and SPREADING across the globe certain traits became dominant in some places and not in others to adapt to their environments,,,

Are you suggesting that the black race turned black because of adaptation? That sounds a bit like evolution to me.

I don't buy it anyway. Races are genetic. They don't spring from adaptation brought on by varying climates and conditions.

Tell me, were did you get this idea? How much scientific evidence do you have to back it up or is it just someone's imagination?

no, I actually think we were all much closer to 'black' initially and evolved/adapted as we started to populate different climates,,,

some people who migrated to colder climates, adapted with less melanin so they would absorb more nutrients from the sun

some who migrated to warmer climates , adapted with more melanin so they would absorb less

some who migrated to areas with more sun developed more fatty deposit on the eyes to protect them from the sun

,,,its evolved genetics, where certain populations retain traits that help them survive in the climates they inhabit

,,,,there is plenty of information about it but now that there is more interpopulation and world travel, we will be seeing more of these 'distinctions' used to classify race disappearing and our appearances will be much more similar then they are under the current 'racial' classifications

no photo
Fri 07/08/11 02:38 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 07/08/11 02:40 PM
I think the cradle of humankind is Africa. I think the Egyptians were Africans with dark skin.


In more recent years South Africa has once again captured the world's attention with the discoveries of human remains at the Klasies River Caves along the Eastern Cape coast. Human remains with anatomically modern features have been found, dating well over 100 000 years old. If these dates are correct, then it is in Southern Africa that the world's oldest remains of our own species, Homo sapiens, have been found - some 60 000 years before their arrival in Europe and Asia.


RKISIT's photo
Fri 07/08/11 03:14 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 07/08/11 03:29 PM

1. In Genesis 1:1-26, God created plants on the third day and fish and birds on the fifth day. On the sixth day, He created animals and man.

2. In Genesis 2:7-25, God created man first. Then He created plants. Then, for man to have company, God created animals and birds. And finally, God created woman.

hell you can't even get past the first 2 genesis without there being a lie and a very conflicting story,funny thing is pastors have tried to neglect answering why this is written this way,all they say is genesis2 is a more detailed discription,REALLY but the days are still mismatched,so which one is correct?

but you religious people will still "stand by your man"laugh

i can't believe the authors of the fictional bible didn't even catch that typo.

its not a typo, its seperate accounts

Genesis 1

1st day,,,light seperated from darkness
2nd day....created skies
3rd day...created land, seas, plants
4th day...created sun and moon
5th day,,,created animals in the skies and the seas
6th day....created humans and other land dwelling animals

7th day...rested

Genesis one is an account of how the DAYS came to be 'numbered', which events marked their order

Genesis 2

(there is no mention of the order of days)

before anything had reproduced (no shrub sprung up)

Adam was created and placed in an eastern garden(already present but not mentioned in 'order' of its creation)

the garden had trees, and rivers, and ADam was instructed to enjoy the garden(paraphrasing),,the animals which were already created were brought to him to name

,,there is not really any contradiction
ok so genesis 1:25-27 doesn't state God created animals then man then Genesis 2:18-19 doesn't state Adam was first then God from the ground created animals and sent them to Adam to be named?Really?that's contradiction no matter how you want to manipulate it to make it not look like it isn't.

to be honest i really don't care cause i think it's all BS anyways it's just i find it amazing that people actually worship a myth.

no photo
Fri 07/08/11 03:29 PM
er.... what about the rest of the universe?

Stars, Galaxies, etc.?

no photo
Fri 07/08/11 03:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 07/08/11 03:38 PM
I don't think people worship the myth. They believe the myth, and they worship a concept of God set forth by the myth.

People can worship God without the myth, even if "God" is just a mystery.

Stories of Gods I think are stories about aliens or an advanced civilization of the earth. Maybe the advanced civilization lives underground, in cities under us. Not aliens from the stars at all.

Maybe the dinosaurs evolved into reptilian humanoids.

If you believe in evolution, and that mankind evolved from a single celled animal in the ocean.... in such a short time, then why not reptilian creatures or dinosaurs? They were on the earth a lot longer than warm blooded creatures or humans.

The question would be, if this is true, why do they live underground and not on the surface?

Its safer there.

That's where the shadow government all headed on 9-11. They ran like squirrels to their burrows.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 07/08/11 03:46 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 07/08/11 03:47 PM

I don't think people worship the myth. They believe the myth, and they worship a concept of God set forth by the myth.

People can worship God without the myth, even if "God" is just a mystery.

Stories of Gods I think are stories about aliens or an advanced civilization of the earth. Maybe the advanced civilization lives underground, in cities under us. Not aliens from the stars at all.

Maybe the dinosaurs evolved into reptilian humanoids.

If you believe in evolution, and that mankind evolved from a single celled animal in the ocean.... in such a short time, then why not reptilian creatures or dinosaurs? They were on the earth a lot longer than warm blooded creatures or humans.

The question would be, if this is true, why do they live underground and not on the surface?

Its safer there.

That's where the shadow government all headed on 9-11. They ran like squirrels to their burrows.

the reptilian humanoids theory looks good

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/08/11 04:04 PM

and after the waters were lowered Noah looked to his wife,his sons and their wives and said "alrighty then we better start screwing we got to start populating again,you 2 can make oriental babies,you 2 can make black babies,you 2 can make middle eastern babies and my wife and i will work on north,central and south american babies along with the whites.I have know idea how we'll get them over there to the Americas cause the ark is stuck on this mountain but i'm sure god has a plan."


:thumbsup: laugh

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/08/11 04:09 PM

I believe it is vitally important for the future of the world that the truth be discovered about the fake religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

People need to start questioning the roots of these Abrahamic religions.

That idea shocks most people who have been indoctrinated into their religion all their life because they are taught never to question "G0D" and they are gripped with the fear of doing so.

They are taught to turn away knowledge and information. They are afraid to even look at it. They have been taught that to lust for another man's wife is THE SAME as adultery, so they even fear their own thoughts.

Even their thoughts are not free.

They are told over and over to "have faith" and "don't question" blah blah blah.


Then they parrot the worn out cliche' "The truth will set you free" thinking (mistakenly) that their religion is the truth.

But your religion will not set you free. It will condemn you for your thoughts, it will condemn you for seeking knowledge.

Even the story of Adam and Eve condemns them from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


I've said it before and I will say it again: Religion binds, spirituality frees. That's the story in a nutshell.

Binds, steals your and your loved ones joy in life, makes you beat your children, kill others, condemn others to live your joyless life like you by making laws and societal condemnations that restrict them even when they don't believe as you do, blocks emotional and mental growth as a human keeping you stunted like 2000 years ago people were, etc...

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 07/08/11 04:26 PM

I believe it is vitally important for the future of the world that the truth be discovered about the fake religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

People need to start questioning the roots of these Abrahamic religions.

That idea shocks most people who have been indoctrinated into their religion all their life because they are taught never to question "G0D" and they are gripped with the fear of doing so.

They are taught to turn away knowledge and information. They are afraid to even look at it. They have been taught that to lust for another man's wife is THE SAME as adultery, so they even fear their own thoughts.

Even their thoughts are not free.

They are told over and over to "have faith" and "don't question" blah blah blah.


Then they parrot the worn out cliche' "The truth will set you free" thinking (mistakenly) that their religion is the truth.

But your religion will not set you free. It will condemn you for your thoughts, it will condemn you for seeking knowledge.

Even the story of Adam and Eve condemns them from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


I've said it before and I will say it again: Religion binds, spirituality frees. That's the story in a nutshell.

Binds, steals your and your loved ones joy in life, makes you beat your children, kill others, condemn others to live your joyless life like you by making laws and societal condemnations that restrict them even when they don't believe as you do, blocks emotional and mental growth as a human keeping you stunted like 2000 years ago people were, etc...

Holy shytt Dragoness!

And I thought I was venomous toward this religion.

Makes you beat your children? laugh

I guess psychologically that is true.

It also condones punishment as a "divinely approved" method of mentoring.


That's pretty sick right there, IMHO.

I also agree that it blocks and inhibits emotional and intellectual growth. Especially in matters of intimacy and sensual enjoyment.

It basically condemns physical creation and flesh to being the realm of Satan.

That's absurd. The physical world is supposed to God's creation, not Satan's.

It's truly an oxymoronic mythology if there ever was one.

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/08/11 05:14 PM

1. In Genesis 1:1-26, God created plants on the third day and fish and birds on the fifth day. On the sixth day, He created animals and man.

2. In Genesis 2:7-25, God created man first. Then He created plants. Then, for man to have company, God created animals and birds. And finally, God created woman.

hell you can't even get past the first 2 genesis without there being a lie and a very conflicting story,funny thing is pastors have tried to neglect answering why this is written this way,all they say is genesis2 is a more detailed discription,REALLY but the days are still mismatched,so which one is correct?

but you religious people will still "stand by your man"laugh

i can't believe the authors of the fictional bible didn't even catch that typo.

its not a typo, its seperate accounts

Genesis 1

1st day,,,light seperated from darkness
2nd day....created skies
3rd day...created land, seas, plants
4th day...created sun and moon
5th day,,,created animals in the skies and the seas
6th day....created humans and other land dwelling animals

7th day...rested

Genesis one is an account of how the DAYS came to be 'numbered', which events marked their order

Genesis 2

(there is no mention of the order of days)

before anything had reproduced (no shrub sprung up)

Adam was created and placed in an eastern garden(already present but not mentioned in 'order' of its creation)

the garden had trees, and rivers, and ADam was instructed to enjoy the garden(paraphrasing),,the animals which were already created were brought to him to name

,,there is not really any contradiction
ok so genesis 1:25-27 doesn't state God created animals then man then Genesis 2:18-19 doesn't state Adam was first then God from the ground created animals and sent them to Adam to be named?Really?that's contradiction no matter how you want to manipulate it to make it not look like it isn't.

to be honest i really don't care cause i think it's all BS anyways it's just i find it amazing that people actually worship a myth.

so long as it doesnt matter, then Genesis 2 doesnt state Adam was first and then God created animals

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/08/11 05:21 PM

I believe it is vitally important for the future of the world that the truth be discovered about the fake religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

People need to start questioning the roots of these Abrahamic religions.

That idea shocks most people who have been indoctrinated into their religion all their life because they are taught never to question "G0D" and they are gripped with the fear of doing so.

They are taught to turn away knowledge and information. They are afraid to even look at it. They have been taught that to lust for another man's wife is THE SAME as adultery, so they even fear their own thoughts.

Even their thoughts are not free.

They are told over and over to "have faith" and "don't question" blah blah blah.


Then they parrot the worn out cliche' "The truth will set you free" thinking (mistakenly) that their religion is the truth.

But your religion will not set you free. It will condemn you for your thoughts, it will condemn you for seeking knowledge.

Even the story of Adam and Eve condemns them from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


I've said it before and I will say it again: Religion binds, spirituality frees. That's the story in a nutshell.

Binds, steals your and your loved ones joy in life, makes you beat your children, kill others, condemn others to live your joyless life like you by making laws and societal condemnations that restrict them even when they don't believe as you do, blocks emotional and mental growth as a human keeping you stunted like 2000 years ago people were, etc...

Holy shytt Dragoness!

And I thought I was venomous toward this religion.

Makes you beat your children? laugh

I guess psychologically that is true.

It also condones punishment as a "divinely approved" method of mentoring.


That's pretty sick right there, IMHO.

I also agree that it blocks and inhibits emotional and intellectual growth. Especially in matters of intimacy and sensual enjoyment.

It basically condemns physical creation and flesh to being the realm of Satan.

That's absurd. The physical world is supposed to God's creation, not Satan's.

It's truly an oxymoronic mythology if there ever was one.

it cant make people do anything

people can interpret the words to support whatever is inside of them already,,,,but the words dont CREATE what was inside

anymore than science finding the higher incidence of genetic issues in children born to women over forty has MADE women over forty stop conceiving

people believe and take what fits in with what they feel and what opinions have formed from the life they live

no reading has 'made' anyone do anything,,,truly

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/08/11 05:29 PM
Africa was where humans first stood so all races come from Africa and evolved into different skin adaptions, etc...

RKISIT's photo
Fri 07/08/11 05:37 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 07/08/11 05:38 PM
bad img ruined the joke dang it

no photo
Fri 07/08/11 05:42 PM

Africa was where humans first stood so all races come from Africa and evolved into different skin adaptions, etc...

I'm not so sure of that. The Hopi claim that their ancestors came up from beneath the earth where they had been taken care of by the "ant people".

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