Topic: When the Bible is discredited... | |
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. You know I find that funny, cause I see a lot of Christians bashing in the same way, in the name of their version of love. That's about the definition of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Further, maybe some people HAVE studied, and just came to a different conclusion than you did. Just because they don't believe what you believe, doesn't mean they're wrong. This I find fascinating. Those that argue against Christianity are fairly angry, or at least appear to be, towards Christians. They get mad at Christians for being exclusionary and say that Christians hate. The Christian response is generally, just open your heart and accept people for who they are. Then these same people that beat up Christians, congratulate each other on how loving and accepting they are towards everyone, (except Christians but they never mention that.) No, we have no problem with you, EXCEPT when you shove your beliefs down our throats when we don't care to hear it. If you wanna believe what you do, that's fine, no one is going to tell you can't, even if we don't agree with it. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line. It's a line many Christians cross, whether they realize it or not. So don't even tell me, that Christians accept people as they are, because if they did, they wouldn't push their ideas of change onto people who don't think or live their lives the way they do. Granted not all Christians may do that, but I'd bet a good portion of them do, be it consciously or subconsciously. Um, actually, the OP in this thread is saying I shouldn't believe in it and I am wrong to do so. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line.
Seriously? Your belief is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Atheism is a for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Islam is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Buddhism is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Apparently, Christianity is not allowed in this category. Seems today's prevailing attitude is: "You can be Christian if you are now. That is OK. But you aren't allowed to infest others or your children with it." Yes to us you are wrong, but we aren't telling you you can't believe it, or that if you don't you will die or anything like that. We cannot take that right from you as much as you can't take the right from us to believe the opposite. No, here's the difference between Christianity and some of the others, particularly things like atheism and buddhism. In other non religious systems, nowhere are you told that if you don't believe as they believe, you won't be saved, or that God is gonna send you to Hell, or any variation therein. They will tell you what they believe, and whether you believe it or not, what you take from it, that's up to you, and they by and large will understand that. It's not quite the same thing in Christianity, because you HAVE to be right, and you can't be right and have others believing what they want too. So if one tries to go against you, they're wrong by default, and they have to come back to the "truth". They are given little choice. I felt this from my own family when I left Catholicism, they drove me away from them for simply making a choice. If you wanna tell people what you believe, do that, I have no issue with that. But when you start to get on people who think different from you, and start to forcably try and convert them, that's going too far. Like what if you had a kid, who decided he didn't believe in your version of God? Could you handle that, or would you cast him out for it? Um, you are telling me what I must feel towards you because I call myself a Christian. You said I can have my faith and in the next sentence tell me how wrong I am for having it. Which is it? If you don't believe in Christianity, why does it bother you so much that there are people that believe it is correct? What you say is true. Christians believe they are right (just as every other faith believes as well) But if you are right, what does it matter what a Christian believes? Then they are wrong and foolish. So, why does it bother you. Why does it bother so many to have someone say there is a right and there is a wrong. It is not possible for everyone to be right. So, who is wrong then? If I am wrong and we are a cosmological accident, then my faith is just foolishness. Won't mean anything when I die. But if I'm right ... But then again, if Islam is right, then I may be in trouble... I can believe I am right and others are wrong. You can believe the same thing. Personally, I don't think that anyone anywhere is right about how this will all play out. I think if Jesus came back today, He would tell all faiths how they are not doing it right. As far as my son, he is my son. I will love him no matter what. He may think I don't if I try to tell Him why my belief is important. But that won't change how I feel. There is a much greater chance of him disassociating himself from me than anything else. Running away bitterly cursing me for not allowing him his freedom or something along those lines. When I am just sitting here waiting for him to realize that I love him and always will. He will be his own man someday and will have to live with his own choices. My dad was P.O.ed with me when I left the Catholic church. But I had no doubt he still loved me and would be there for me even though he seriously disagreed with what I did. |
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. You know I find that funny, cause I see a lot of Christians bashing in the same way, in the name of their version of love. That's about the definition of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Further, maybe some people HAVE studied, and just came to a different conclusion than you did. Just because they don't believe what you believe, doesn't mean they're wrong. This I find fascinating. Those that argue against Christianity are fairly angry, or at least appear to be, towards Christians. They get mad at Christians for being exclusionary and say that Christians hate. The Christian response is generally, just open your heart and accept people for who they are. Then these same people that beat up Christians, congratulate each other on how loving and accepting they are towards everyone, (except Christians but they never mention that.) No, we have no problem with you, EXCEPT when you shove your beliefs down our throats when we don't care to hear it. If you wanna believe what you do, that's fine, no one is going to tell you can't, even if we don't agree with it. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line. It's a line many Christians cross, whether they realize it or not. So don't even tell me, that Christians accept people as they are, because if they did, they wouldn't push their ideas of change onto people who don't think or live their lives the way they do. Granted not all Christians may do that, but I'd bet a good portion of them do, be it consciously or subconsciously. Um, actually, the OP in this thread is saying I shouldn't believe in it and I am wrong to do so. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line.
Seriously? Your belief is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Atheism is a for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Islam is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Buddhism is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Apparently, Christianity is not allowed in this category. Seems today's prevailing attitude is: "You can be Christian if you are now. That is OK. But you aren't allowed to infest others or your children with it." Yes to us you are wrong, but we aren't telling you you can't believe it, or that if you don't you will die or anything like that. We cannot take that right from you as much as you can't take the right from us to believe the opposite. No, here's the difference between Christianity and some of the others, particularly things like atheism and buddhism. In other non religious systems, nowhere are you told that if you don't believe as they believe, you won't be saved, or that God is gonna send you to Hell, or any variation therein. They will tell you what they believe, and whether you believe it or not, what you take from it, that's up to you, and they by and large will understand that. It's not quite the same thing in Christianity, because you HAVE to be right, and you can't be right and have others believing what they want too. So if one tries to go against you, they're wrong by default, and they have to come back to the "truth". They are given little choice. I felt this from my own family when I left Catholicism, they drove me away from them for simply making a choice. If you wanna tell people what you believe, do that, I have no issue with that. But when you start to get on people who think different from you, and start to forcably try and convert them, that's going too far. Like what if you had a kid, who decided he didn't believe in your version of God? Could you handle that, or would you cast him out for it? Excuse me young man! Have I told anyone here what to believe? I'm not saying you personally have, but a good deal of Christians do. |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 03:04 AM
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. You know I find that funny, cause I see a lot of Christians bashing in the same way, in the name of their version of love. That's about the definition of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Further, maybe some people HAVE studied, and just came to a different conclusion than you did. Just because they don't believe what you believe, doesn't mean they're wrong. This I find fascinating. Those that argue against Christianity are fairly angry, or at least appear to be, towards Christians. They get mad at Christians for being exclusionary and say that Christians hate. The Christian response is generally, just open your heart and accept people for who they are. Then these same people that beat up Christians, congratulate each other on how loving and accepting they are towards everyone, (except Christians but they never mention that.) No, we have no problem with you, EXCEPT when you shove your beliefs down our throats when we don't care to hear it. If you wanna believe what you do, that's fine, no one is going to tell you can't, even if we don't agree with it. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line. It's a line many Christians cross, whether they realize it or not. So don't even tell me, that Christians accept people as they are, because if they did, they wouldn't push their ideas of change onto people who don't think or live their lives the way they do. Granted not all Christians may do that, but I'd bet a good portion of them do, be it consciously or subconsciously. Um, actually, the OP in this thread is saying I shouldn't believe in it and I am wrong to do so. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line.
Seriously? Your belief is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Atheism is a for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Islam is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Buddhism is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Apparently, Christianity is not allowed in this category. Seems today's prevailing attitude is: "You can be Christian if you are now. That is OK. But you aren't allowed to infest others or your children with it." Yes to us you are wrong, but we aren't telling you you can't believe it, or that if you don't you will die or anything like that. We cannot take that right from you as much as you can't take the right from us to believe the opposite. No, here's the difference between Christianity and some of the others, particularly things like atheism and buddhism. In other non religious systems, nowhere are you told that if you don't believe as they believe, you won't be saved, or that God is gonna send you to Hell, or any variation therein. They will tell you what they believe, and whether you believe it or not, what you take from it, that's up to you, and they by and large will understand that. It's not quite the same thing in Christianity, because you HAVE to be right, and you can't be right and have others believing what they want too. So if one tries to go against you, they're wrong by default, and they have to come back to the "truth". They are given little choice. I felt this from my own family when I left Catholicism, they drove me away from them for simply making a choice. If you wanna tell people what you believe, do that, I have no issue with that. But when you start to get on people who think different from you, and start to forcably try and convert them, that's going too far. Like what if you had a kid, who decided he didn't believe in your version of God? Could you handle that, or would you cast him out for it? Excuse me young man! Have I told anyone here what to believe? I'm not saying you personally have, but a good deal of Christians do. Who, name them? I don't see people on here acting disrespectful to you. I mean look at this thread. It is about bashing people. Human beings, people who you go to school with, and eat with, and live with you. If you don't want people talking to you about Christ tell them but don't bash people. Kleisto there are a ton of nice Christians out there. Obviously they don't believe like you do, but bashing them? No man, that's not the way. If you think they believe a lot of myths, so? It doesn't hurt you. How many Christians come up to you a week and try to hurt you in some way? let me show you something here. "And the truth is exposed.... People will one day completely discredit Kleisto's belief as mostly a work of fiction and discover how it was rewritten. It will be discovered that your foundation was a fictional character, as well as your so-called descendants. That is when all of the people who believe like Kleisto will fall apart and the true lineage of the kleisto's ancestors will be discovered, because they certainly can't be Kleisto's people after all when this happens. So in this way, Kleisto and the people who believe like he does are co-dependent on each other in the desire to prevent the truth from being known. This chipping away of the lies we have been told for centuries is happening now. No need to loose your belief in God, if you have one. But we have been lied to." Tell me honestly, How would you feel if someone started a thread like that about you? I'll tell you how I would feel. I'd feel like that person has close ties to Hitler or someone else who desires to wipe out a whole belief system just because they don't understand it. |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 03:58 AM
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. If people haven't studied it, it's just wind and anger. Now I'm kinda hoping more Christians come up here than they can count and give them a big kiss right on the lips. take care bro huh. so you don't get these people who try to prove the bible false, can't be done btw, and you just spent a whole week of your time telling people how they can find for themselves if the bible is "true or not" which likewise cannot be proved. absurd. have you studied every possiblility offered for how the universe began as deeply as you've studied genesis? have you studied the koran to the extent that you've studied the bible to find what's true and what's not? do you know pele as the hawaiians who believe in him do as well as you know your god? of course you don't because like everybody else on the planet you only have so much time to devote to things you care about finding out about. people i don't get are people like you who think that learning can come only from sources that you've learned from, that you find credible. if you're happy with the answers that you've found in the bible, great, but i've found the bible highly incredible so i choose to spend my time looking for answers where i think they might be found and that does not include spending a week with you learning how and what i can study. hell, i'd pay good money for a week with neal tyson or stephen hawking to get further insight on how they've studied theoretical physics. care to join me or will you remain among a group of people I DON'T GET??? |
The only thing you should be believing in is yourself its what comes from within that matters an not what others say !
Get a life ! |
The Bible states we are to share the JOY that being a christian has given us. Hopefully the lost will follow on a path to Jesus also. Saying you are christian is a general statement, there are many personal beliefs as to what and how a christian should be or act. This is due to the many religions our society has created. Even christians will dispute others beliefs but it is your personal connection with God that matters.
Thank you Lord for the diversity in men and for all the beautiful things you have given to us in this world. May God bless and touch all! |
the " eclesia mundi " has the right words for anybody, target is always aimed
who has written the great book? when? do you really think that some poor beduins done it? 2000 years ago? have you idea what mean to know a theo-phylosophy to be able to write a book as a bible? the temple is in your heart |
You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime.
If people haven't studied it, it's just wind and anger. Now I'm kinda hoping more Christians come up here than they can count and give them a big kiss right on the lips. take care bro A benign tumor is not a harmless thing, and a seemingly benign opinion may be the one that causes the most harm. For example, we often ask for tolerance of certain behaviors and we think that through tolerance we have found civility. But why do we ask for tolerance instead of acceptance. When would tolerance be more beneficial than acceptance? In what cases would tolerance and acceptance be expected to have a reciprocal exchange? MG – people study in different ways. Would you have them study to gain tolerance or acceptance? I studied the bible through history, archeology & anthropological research, through the views of more Christian doctrines than I can remember to even name. From the age of 12 I was no longer studying for belief, I was studying to gain understanding. My greatest understandings have come through studies of philosophies and science. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love).
Your beliefs, your views, partially stem from your way studying which is not the way everyone studies. I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime.
Is that due to a lack of tolerance or a lack of acceptance? Is it possible that the choice of tolerance or acceptance by an individual, in most cases, has to do with how strongly a fundamental belief is embodied in that individual? I can certainly accept that there are many beliefs and that the beliefs of any individual should be respected and whenever possible we should make sure that person is provided the liberty to behave in accordance with their own belief. Notice the singularity, what a person believes about the mystical forces of the universe are strictly subjective and can only be a belief of one. I am tolerant of those who would not reciprocate my gesture of acceptance while imposeing their beliefs into the bigger picture in which I and everyone else live and function. I am tolerant because I hold back from wishing or causing such individuals harm. That doesn’t mean I would allow those individual to continue without intervention, to impose their individual religious beliefs on others with discrimination. What do you all think about questions of tolerance and acceptance? |
Thank you so much for your voice of reason and clarity, which I have not heard from others here. It is refreshing to hear. |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 08:52 AM
I value truth above all things and I am willing to put my feelings on the back burner and suspend my own belief in order to let the truth be realized. All religions that depend on the truth concerning the Bible stories of Abraham, as I have said, do have the same common interest to keep the truth hidden. But it is the truth of the origins of the Jewish people that will eventually unravel the entire lie that supports all of the Abrahamic religions. Credibility should not involve holding on to unproven beliefs.(belief in unproven information) In order to find the truth one has to consider the possibility that their unproven belief(about the information) might wrong. You cannot cling to unproven beliefs or attach personal belief to unproven information and call that "credible." You can still believe in God without attaching your belief to false information. You can still practice love and acceptance for people without agreeing with the particular false information they have attached to their personal belief. People are so mired in their own personal and emotional religious notions and beliefs and so dependent and entangled into the false information that has be foisted upon them that they cannot think rationally or clearly about the truth. Only an atheist stands out from the crowd as someone who thinks rationally and clearly. Red knows that "tolerance" is not acceptance. I accept that people lie for their own agendas. I accept that people will reject the truth and persecute the people who seek it because in finding the truth, the lies are exposed. If the Bible is true then stop defending it as if it needed defended. The truth shall always prevail. You will not lose God if you find the truth. You need not lose faith if you find the truth. You will only lose the lie. That can only be a good thing. The truth about the true lineage and history of the Jewish people will unravel all the Abrahamic religions. The Christian churches, all based on this lie, have a vested interest in keeping the truth hidden. P.S. Don't be afraid of the truth. Take the red pill. |
Um ... Ok ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. As far as I'm concerned the Bible has already been proven to be false beyond any shadow of a doubt in a myriad of ways. We already know that death, disease, and thorns on plants existed long before mankind ever showed up on this planet. That flies directly in the face of the biblical claim that mankind's supposed "fall from grace" is responsible for these things. So yes, it's already been proven to a false mythology. The world is naturally dog-eat-dog and has been long before humans ever came onto the scene. The Bible is a lie. I'm also personally convinced that the biblical stories themselves shoot themselves in their own foot far too many times to be a credible story. The stories themselves are often so utterly absurd and contradictory of what this God's character is supposed to be like that there can be no doubt whatsoever that these are nothing more than man-made myths. Not even very well thought-out in many cases, IMHO. I dismiss the Biblical fables completely without the slightest question that I might have come to the wrong conclusion. Moreover, the very idea that some supposedly all-wise, all-benevolent God would actually frown upon my dismissal of these fables is even more absurd. Knowing what I know, I'm certain that any supposedly all-wise, and all-benevolent God would actually expect me to reject these absurdities based on my current knowledge and life's experience. Finally, I also KNOW without any shadow of a doubt, that my rejection of these utterly insane and absurd fables, has absolutely nothing to do with a decision to "reject" God, or reject all that is good and wholesome. On the contrary, as far as I'm concerned I have some of the most wholesome moral values and ideals that I can imagine. I also totally support everything that is good and 'holy' or 'divine'. The crude and ignorant fables of the ancient Hebrews simply don't fall under that umbrella. Those fables are filled with religious bigotry, violence, hatred toward non-believers of their religion, and they even have their God supporting their male-chauvinistic attitude toward their women. Just look at some of the Arab countries to see how those ancient fables have men treating their women! It's disgusting and there is nothing divine about it. The biblical fables of Yahweh have absolutely no more merit than the Greek fables of Zeus. In order for the religion to be true this God would need to condemn me to hell for blaspheme against "His Holy Word". Yet I am a decent highly moral and extremely honest and sincere person. So in order for this religion to be true, this God would necessarily need to be totally unrighteous and hideous. This is the mistake that the Hebrews wrote into their myths. You can't have a God who condemns people for merely disbelieving in it. That can't work. There mere fact that these fables make those sorts of claims shows that they are nothing more than the lies of mortal men to begin with. So as far as I'm concerned, it's proven to be false in very possible way. ![]() I truly saddened by the fact that so many people continue to support it as though is has some sort of merit. That's my sincere and honest view. |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 09:48 AM
I think tolerance and acceptance are two sides of the same coin. Acceptance just has more of a pc ring to it.
Think about it. To even utter "I accept' may merely suggest a willingness to receive something as fact or as contractual. I accept that the sky is blue. I accepted my husbands hand in marriage. That type of thing is pretty IMPERSONAL/contractual ( I take this information without refutal or resistance, kind of thing). but when we speak of 'accepting' people, what are we speaking of exactly? are we saying accept unconditionally, or accept in spite of? I think most people, most of the time, mean accept in spite of, which would be similar to tolerate, but it just sounds more enlightened and politically correct to claim 'acceptance' of something or someone than to say you are 'tolerant' of any particular thing about it or them. |
mg wrote:
You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. If people haven't studied it, it's just wind and anger. Now I'm kinda hoping more Christians come up here than they can count and give them a big kiss right on the lips. take care bro I don't think anyone is concerned about losing credibility with you to be perfectly honest. You're basically insulting people by suggesting that they could study and find out whether this is true or not. What makes you assume that they haven't already done this? ![]() I've studied enough about this religion to be totally convinced without any shadow of a doubt that it's absolutely false. Period. There is no new information that could salvage this religion. You can't go back and REWRITE the story. I already know the story and I find it to be totally without merit and totally unbelievable. So what more "studying" could possibly be done? Unless someone is going to rewrite it into a whole different story what's to study? It's going to be just as absurd the umpteenth time I read it as it was the first time! It contains far too many utter absurdities and contradictions to be true. And no amount of "studying" can possibly make those absurdities and contradictions go away. You'd have to CHANGE the whole story to give it merit, IMHO. But then it wouldn't be what it is. |
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. If people haven't studied it, it's just wind and anger. Now I'm kinda hoping more Christians come up here than they can count and give them a big kiss right on the lips. take care bro huh. so you don't get these people who try to prove the bible false, can't be done btw, and you just spent a whole week of your time telling people how they can find for themselves if the bible is "true or not" which likewise cannot be proved. absurd. have you studied every possiblility offered for how the universe began as deeply as you've studied genesis? have you studied the koran to the extent that you've studied the bible to find what's true and what's not? do you know pele as the hawaiians who believe in him do as well as you know your god? of course you don't because like everybody else on the planet you only have so much time to devote to things you care about finding out about. people i don't get are people like you who think that learning can come only from sources that you've learned from, that you find credible. if you're happy with the answers that you've found in the bible, great, but i've found the bible highly incredible so i choose to spend my time looking for answers where i think they might be found and that does not include spending a week with you learning how and what i can study. hell, i'd pay good money for a week with neal tyson or stephen hawking to get further insight on how they've studied theoretical physics. care to join me or will you remain among a group of people I DON'T GET??? may you be blessed with light and love |
You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime.
If people haven't studied it, it's just wind and anger. Now I'm kinda hoping more Christians come up here than they can count and give them a big kiss right on the lips. take care bro A benign tumor is not a harmless thing, and a seemingly benign opinion may be the one that causes the most harm. For example, we often ask for tolerance of certain behaviors and we think that through tolerance we have found civility. But why do we ask for tolerance instead of acceptance. When would tolerance be more beneficial than acceptance? In what cases would tolerance and acceptance be expected to have a reciprocal exchange? MG – people study in different ways. Would you have them study to gain tolerance or acceptance? I studied the bible through history, archeology & anthropological research, through the views of more Christian doctrines than I can remember to even name. From the age of 12 I was no longer studying for belief, I was studying to gain understanding. My greatest understandings have come through studies of philosophies and science. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love).
Your beliefs, your views, partially stem from your way studying which is not the way everyone studies. I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime.
Is that due to a lack of tolerance or a lack of acceptance? Is it possible that the choice of tolerance or acceptance by an individual, in most cases, has to do with how strongly a fundamental belief is embodied in that individual? I can certainly accept that there are many beliefs and that the beliefs of any individual should be respected and whenever possible we should make sure that person is provided the liberty to behave in accordance with their own belief. Notice the singularity, what a person believes about the mystical forces of the universe are strictly subjective and can only be a belief of one. I am tolerant of those who would not reciprocate my gesture of acceptance while imposeing their beliefs into the bigger picture in which I and everyone else live and function. I am tolerant because I hold back from wishing or causing such individuals harm. That doesn’t mean I would allow those individual to continue without intervention, to impose their individual religious beliefs on others with discrimination. What do you all think about questions of tolerance and acceptance? Light and love |
Truth I value truth above all things and I am willing to put my feelings on the back burner and suspend my own belief in order to let the truth be realized. All religions that depend on the truth concerning the Bible stories of Abraham, as I have said, do have the same common interest to keep the truth hidden. But it is the truth of the origins of the Jewish people that will eventually unravel the entire lie that supports all of the Abrahamic religions. Credibility should not involve holding on to unproven beliefs.(belief in unproven information) In order to find the truth one has to consider the possibility that their unproven belief(about the information) might wrong. You cannot cling to unproven beliefs or attach personal belief to unproven information and call that "credible." You can still believe in God without attaching your belief to false information. You can still practice love and acceptance for people without agreeing with the particular false information they have attached to their personal belief. People are so mired in their own personal and emotional religious notions and beliefs and so dependent and entangled into the false information that has be foisted upon them that they cannot think rationally or clearly about the truth. Only an atheist stands out from the crowd as someone who thinks rationally and clearly. Red knows that "tolerance" is not acceptance. I accept that people lie for their own agendas. I accept that people will reject the truth and persecute the people who seek it because in finding the truth, the lies are exposed. If the Bible is true then stop defending it as if it needed defended. The truth shall always prevail. You will not lose God if you find the truth. You need not lose faith if you find the truth. You will only lose the lie. That can only be a good thing. The truth about the true lineage and history of the Jewish people will unravel all the Abrahamic religions. The Christian churches, all based on this lie, have a vested interest in keeping the truth hidden. P.S. Don't be afraid of the truth. Take the red pill. I pray you'll be blessed with love |
Um ... Ok ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. As far as I'm concerned the Bible has already been proven to be false beyond any shadow of a doubt in a myriad of ways. We already know that death, disease, and thorns on plants existed long before mankind ever showed up on this planet. That flies directly in the face of the biblical claim that mankind's supposed "fall from grace" is responsible for these things. So yes, it's already been proven to a false mythology. The world is naturally dog-eat-dog and has been long before humans ever came onto the scene. The Bible is a lie. I'm also personally convinced that the biblical stories themselves shoot themselves in their own foot far too many times to be a credible story. The stories themselves are often so utterly absurd and contradictory of what this God's character is supposed to be like that there can be no doubt whatsoever that these are nothing more than man-made myths. Not even very well thought-out in many cases, IMHO. I dismiss the Biblical fables completely without the slightest question that I might have come to the wrong conclusion. Moreover, the very idea that some supposedly all-wise, all-benevolent God would actually frown upon my dismissal of these fables is even more absurd. Knowing what I know, I'm certain that any supposedly all-wise, and all-benevolent God would actually expect me to reject these absurdities based on my current knowledge and life's experience. Finally, I also KNOW without any shadow of a doubt, that my rejection of these utterly insane and absurd fables, has absolutely nothing to do with a decision to "reject" God, or reject all that is good and wholesome. On the contrary, as far as I'm concerned I have some of the most wholesome moral values and ideals that I can imagine. I also totally support everything that is good and 'holy' or 'divine'. The crude and ignorant fables of the ancient Hebrews simply don't fall under that umbrella. Those fables are filled with religious bigotry, violence, hatred toward non-believers of their religion, and they even have their God supporting their male-chauvinistic attitude toward their women. Just look at some of the Arab countries to see how those ancient fables have men treating their women! It's disgusting and there is nothing divine about it. The biblical fables of Yahweh have absolutely no more merit than the Greek fables of Zeus. In order for the religion to be true this God would need to condemn me to hell for blaspheme against "His Holy Word". Yet I am a decent highly moral and extremely honest and sincere person. So in order for this religion to be true, this God would necessarily need to be totally unrighteous and hideous. This is the mistake that the Hebrews wrote into their myths. You can't have a God who condemns people for merely disbelieving in it. That can't work. There mere fact that these fables make those sorts of claims shows that they are nothing more than the lies of mortal men to begin with. So as far as I'm concerned, it's proven to be false in very possible way. ![]() I truly saddened by the fact that so many people continue to support it as though is has some sort of merit. That's my sincere and honest view. Peace and love to you |
mg wrote in response to Jeanniebean
I pray you'll be blessed with love What? ![]() Jeannie is already a source of love. She emanates love to everyone who's willing to accept it. ![]() |
I just get real tired of nonChristians saying my faith is a lie and I am a fool to believe. Constantly being shown "proof" that it is.
I have never said anyone else believes in a lie. But these same people say they accept everyone and are tolerant of all beliefs. That is patently untrue when they say my faith is a lie. How can you say you accept me and are tolerant of me and say I believe in a lie at the same time? |
Peace and love to you Thank you mg. I send my love to you as well. ![]() We clearly view things differently with respect to our views on ancient rumors. But in the end we both are filled with love, and that's all that truly matters. We should all worship love and then we'd all be in agreement with what is truly important in live. We could probably even get the atheists to climb on board. And then we could all live in peace and love. ![]() |