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Topic: Are YOU in Danger?
Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:14 PM

What you been smoking.

Budhism teachs that there is but one all.

Christianity teaches that futility is the only reward for life...

(proof... all are evil... Heaven is achieved only by the pure in christ... yet mankind is evil and falls short.)

The christian 'salvation' is not a free gift from god... One must first 'purchase' the 'package'... Then the 'free' gift is given.


This. It amazes me how some people cannot see this. If you have to do something to get a "free" gift, then it really is not free. It can't be by definition.

It is a free gift. Whether or not you accept the gift offered is the question. That is Free Will.

There is nothing you have to "do" to earn it.

But I guess you could argue that being required to believe is something you have to do. Well, that is the case. Because if you do accept the gift you do believe. They are hand in hand. Not a requirement, just a simple fact. Kind of like when you buy a car, you acknowledge you will buy the gas that you need as well. They are connected.

It is not possible to accept His Gift without believing. It is possible to believe and not accept it though...

Ok let's say for the hell of it this was the case. Even then you're STILL wrong. Reason being there are other requirements put on you besides just believing. It is not just faith, you have to follow rules and commandments. Hardly free when you have to do all those things in addition to accepting it.

In fact, your own book contradicts itself! It says in one part that Jesus says whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life, but then in another part states faith without works is dead. Which is it? It can't be both.

But it can be both. Your works shows your faith. If one doesn't have faith it will show through on their works, if one has faith it will show through on their works.

Jesus also says that no evil works can come from God.

Yet all you do is spread religious bigotry in the name of God.

Therefore your works cannot be from God.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:15 PM

What you been smoking.

Budhism teachs that there is but one all.

Christianity teaches that futility is the only reward for life...

(proof... all are evil... Heaven is achieved only by the pure in christ... yet mankind is evil and falls short.)

The christian 'salvation' is not a free gift from god... One must first 'purchase' the 'package'... Then the 'free' gift is given.


This. It amazes me how some people cannot see this. If you have to do something to get a "free" gift, then it really is not free. It can't be by definition.

It is a free gift. Whether or not you accept the gift offered is the question. That is Free Will.

There is nothing you have to "do" to earn it.

But I guess you could argue that being required to believe is something you have to do. Well, that is the case. Because if you do accept the gift you do believe. They are hand in hand. Not a requirement, just a simple fact. Kind of like when you buy a car, you acknowledge you will buy the gas that you need as well. They are connected.

It is not possible to accept His Gift without believing. It is possible to believe and not accept it though...

Ok let's say for the hell of it this was the case. Even then you're STILL wrong. Reason being there are other requirements put on you besides just believing. It is not just faith, you have to follow rules and commandments. Hardly free when you have to do all those things in addition to accepting it.

In fact, your own book contradicts itself! It says in one part that Jesus says whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life, but then in another part states faith without works is dead. Which is it? It can't be both.

But it can be both. Your works shows your faith. If one doesn't have faith it will show through on their works, if one has faith it will show through on their works.

Jesus also says that no evil works can come from God.

Yet all you do is spread religious bigotry in the name of God.

Therefore your works cannot be from God.

To take that even further, the Bible even says that the Lord created both good and evil, so is Jesus a liar?

mylifetoday's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:15 PM

What you been smoking.

Budhism teachs that there is but one all.

Christianity teaches that futility is the only reward for life...

(proof... all are evil... Heaven is achieved only by the pure in christ... yet mankind is evil and falls short.)

The christian 'salvation' is not a free gift from god... One must first 'purchase' the 'package'... Then the 'free' gift is given.


This. It amazes me how some people cannot see this. If you have to do something to get a "free" gift, then it really is not free. It can't be by definition.

It is a free gift. Whether or not you accept the gift offered is the question. That is Free Will.

There is nothing you have to "do" to earn it.

But I guess you could argue that being required to believe is something you have to do. Well, that is the case. Because if you do accept the gift you do believe. They are hand in hand. Not a requirement, just a simple fact. Kind of like when you buy a car, you acknowledge you will buy the gas that you need as well. They are connected.

It is not possible to accept His Gift without believing. It is possible to believe and not accept it though...

Ok let's say for the hell of it this was the case. Even then you're STILL wrong. Reason being there are other requirements put on you besides just believing. It is not just faith, you have to follow rules and commandments. Hardly free when you have to do all those things in addition to accepting it.

In fact, your own book contradicts itself! It says in one part that Jesus says whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life, but then in another part states faith without works is dead. Which is it? It can't be both.

I won't be able to answer this to your satisfaction. Not because of any conflict or indecisiveness on my part. But because to understand this, you need to accept some basic principles of Christianity to truly understand what I am saying.

Essentially, to put it as succinctly as possible, when you accept His Gift, you will accept Him as your Savior. In that process, you will want to keep His Word and Commandments. Not a "requirement" as you are trying to say, more of a desire. It is a journey, not a destination...

The part in the Bible is not in conflict. It is identifying what true faith is. Essentially what that is saying is, you really don't have faith if you keep your faith hidden from the world.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:16 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Yes we are all part of God.

Well, there you go Cowboy. No one can be condemned then unless God condemns part of himself.

If you're going to claim that we are all facets of God, then you really need to consider a Pantheistic spiritual philosophy because the Zeus-like jealous God of the Bible can never be twisted into Pantheism.

Try as you will, but you can't make it work.

It's not a Pantheistic view. Pantheistic view is we are all God. We are all just a part of God. If your foot becomes infected with disease, do you not chop it off if that disease can not be cured? If one doesn't reach out for forgiveness of their sins, that diseased person is chopped off the body of Christ.

mylifetoday's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:16 PM

There is 1 SUPREME being though. Our father which art in heaven is in control of it all. There's not say "mother nature" and "father time" ect or any other example you wish to use. There is God our father, Jesus the son, and The Holy Spirit. But they are all under the command of God our father. They are all his creations. They are not equal or greater. So no, not the same.

Cowboy...."The Highlander" said it best..."There Can Only Be But One" ...so pick one ...which one is the God...Yahweh, Jesus or The Holy Ghost

Yes there can only be but one, God our father is the one. Jesus and the Holy Ghost are creations of God.

Cowboy...so let's get it on record..are you stating that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are not God ...but only creations?

Your creation is you.

1. your child, it is a part of you.
2. the work you do in your life. This work done resembles who you are. It shows what type of person you are. It shows who you are.

ect ect.

An ugly, horrible, totally disgusting person does not make beautiful poetry, doesn't make beautiful paintings, ect. Have you ever noticed or even paid attention to the type of people that do certain things? Are painters of beautiful nature scenery abrasive? Are they crude? Are they wild and crazy? Or are they calm and collected? Nice and polite?

Cowboy...everything in creation is the creation of God...so again...is Jesus and the holy ghost "God" or are they "creations" of God

So again, your creation is you and or is a part of you. Jesus and the Holy Ghost are one with God because they are created by God.

Cowboy...name one thing that wasn't created by God

All things were created by God. There is not one thing that wasn't created by God.

Sure there is...


laugh laugh laugh

That's funny!

no photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:17 PM

There is 1 SUPREME being though. Our father which art in heaven is in control of it all. There's not say "mother nature" and "father time" ect or any other example you wish to use. There is God our father, Jesus the son, and The Holy Spirit. But they are all under the command of God our father. They are all his creations. They are not equal or greater. So no, not the same.

Cowboy...."The Highlander" said it best..."There Can Only Be But One" ...so pick one ...which one is the God...Yahweh, Jesus or The Holy Ghost

Yes there can only be but one, God our father is the one. Jesus and the Holy Ghost are creations of God.

Do you really believe this??? surprised

it took me about a year to get Cowboy to understand that concept ...you're next

sorry, I believe in the Trinity 100%. There is nothing you can say or do that will shake that faith. It would be just as futile as it would be for me to try to convert you to being a Christian.

Actually for me, it really isn't faith. The way I see it, it is more of a fact. Kind of like - "duh, how do you not know this?"

it should be more like "DUH"..why would you believe this ....and that is the purpose of faith

You can have your opinion.

I have my faith and knowledge.

knowledge doesn't require faith

and faith requires no knowledge


What's your point?

My faith is based on my knowledge...

right...the bible

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:18 PM
Cowboy wrote:

It is not God's fault one is born with sin. It is their descendants fault. It is the one's before you who is to blame. If no one was to have sinned, no one would be born with sin, thus no one would ever sin. That sin goes away if you ask for forgiveness of it, yes. But till then that sin carries on. And God is restricted in no way, it is not God's fault or anything to do with God because one has sinned. Sinning is going against God's will, so therefore couldn't possibly be God's fault.

It absolutely is this "God's Fault" Cowboy since he's supposedly the one who designed this scheme.

He set things up so that he can only create new souls that are already contaminated with sin.

So you're just suggesting now that this God was a fool in his design.

It necessarily is his fault by design.

You can't justify a God who creates souls with sin. That's a flaw in the very design of creation.

So you place your faith in a story of an inept God.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:20 PM

What you been smoking.

Budhism teachs that there is but one all.

Christianity teaches that futility is the only reward for life...

(proof... all are evil... Heaven is achieved only by the pure in christ... yet mankind is evil and falls short.)

The christian 'salvation' is not a free gift from god... One must first 'purchase' the 'package'... Then the 'free' gift is given.


This. It amazes me how some people cannot see this. If you have to do something to get a "free" gift, then it really is not free. It can't be by definition.

It is a free gift. Whether or not you accept the gift offered is the question. That is Free Will.

There is nothing you have to "do" to earn it.

But I guess you could argue that being required to believe is something you have to do. Well, that is the case. Because if you do accept the gift you do believe. They are hand in hand. Not a requirement, just a simple fact. Kind of like when you buy a car, you acknowledge you will buy the gas that you need as well. They are connected.

It is not possible to accept His Gift without believing. It is possible to believe and not accept it though...

Ok let's say for the hell of it this was the case. Even then you're STILL wrong. Reason being there are other requirements put on you besides just believing. It is not just faith, you have to follow rules and commandments. Hardly free when you have to do all those things in addition to accepting it.

In fact, your own book contradicts itself! It says in one part that Jesus says whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life, but then in another part states faith without works is dead. Which is it? It can't be both.

But it can be both. Your works shows your faith. If one doesn't have faith it will show through on their works, if one has faith it will show through on their works.

Jesus also says that no evil works can come from God.

Yet all you do is spread religious bigotry in the name of God.

Therefore your works cannot be from God.

All I do is spread the truth, I spread no evil nor do I say any form of evil.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:24 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 04/27/11 01:26 PM

Cowboy wrote:

It is not God's fault one is born with sin. It is their descendants fault. It is the one's before you who is to blame. If no one was to have sinned, no one would be born with sin, thus no one would ever sin. That sin goes away if you ask for forgiveness of it, yes. But till then that sin carries on. And God is restricted in no way, it is not God's fault or anything to do with God because one has sinned. Sinning is going against God's will, so therefore couldn't possibly be God's fault.

It absolutely is this "God's Fault" Cowboy since he's supposedly the one who designed this scheme.

He set things up so that he can only create new souls that are already contaminated with sin.

So you're just suggesting now that this God was a fool in his design.

It necessarily is his fault by design.

You can't justify a God who creates souls with sin. That's a flaw in the very design of creation.

So you place your faith in a story of an inept God.

It is not God's fault one is born with sin though. Why you try to find a scapegoat? Would be one's decedents that cause that person to be born with sin, God didn't make those people do the things they did or didn't do, God didn't force those people to act as such. They disobeyed on their own free will, thus it can't be God's fault.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:24 PM
Cowboy wrote:

Sinning is going against God's will, so therefore couldn't possibly be God's fault.

If sinning is going against God's will, then it would be impossible to be born "with Sin" since a newborn baby isn't even capable of knowing "God's will" much less going against it.

So you're claims are oxymoronic and have no rational merit whatsoever.

no photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:25 PM

What you been smoking.

Budhism teachs that there is but one all.

Christianity teaches that futility is the only reward for life...

(proof... all are evil... Heaven is achieved only by the pure in christ... yet mankind is evil and falls short.)

The christian 'salvation' is not a free gift from god... One must first 'purchase' the 'package'... Then the 'free' gift is given.


This. It amazes me how some people cannot see this. If you have to do something to get a "free" gift, then it really is not free. It can't be by definition.

It is a free gift. Whether or not you accept the gift offered is the question. That is Free Will.

There is nothing you have to "do" to earn it.

But I guess you could argue that being required to believe is something you have to do. Well, that is the case. Because if you do accept the gift you do believe. They are hand in hand. Not a requirement, just a simple fact. Kind of like when you buy a car, you acknowledge you will buy the gas that you need as well. They are connected.

It is not possible to accept His Gift without believing. It is possible to believe and not accept it though...

Ok let's say for the hell of it this was the case. Even then you're STILL wrong. Reason being there are other requirements put on you besides just believing. It is not just faith, you have to follow rules and commandments. Hardly free when you have to do all those things in addition to accepting it.

In fact, your own book contradicts itself! It says in one part that Jesus says whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life, but then in another part states faith without works is dead. Which is it? It can't be both.

But it can be both. Your works shows your faith. If one doesn't have faith it will show through on their works, if one has faith it will show through on their works.

Jesus also says that no evil works can come from God.

Yet all you do is spread religious bigotry in the name of God.

Therefore your works cannot be from God.

All I do is spread the truth, I spread no evil nor do I say any form of evil.

Cowboy....you do not spread the truth ....do you want me to bring up that Noah's Ark incident again ......

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:30 PM
Cowboy wrote:

It is not God's fault one is born with sin though. Why you try to find a scapegoat? Would be one's decedents that cause that person to be born with sin, God didn't make those people do the things they did or didn't do, God didn't for those people to act as such. They disobeyed on their own free will, thus it can't be God's fault.


Scapegoat for what?

The God you describe is an unrighteous demon Cowboy.

No 'scapegoat' required.

The religion that you're trying to sell is a flawed product.

It's unworthy of "faith", IMHO.

Your religion is nothing more that evil religious bigotry spread in the name of your so-called "God". But you're God would need to be more demonic than your Satan in order for your hate scheme to work.

It's clearly a contradiction in terms and therefore has to be false.

You place your "faith" in an irrational picture of a creator.

That's all.

I see no reason to place my "faith" in a picture of such an ignorant inept and ultimately evil picture of a supposed supreme being. There would be nothing supreme or divine about such a being. Such a being would be totally untrustworthy and deceitful in his creations.

Thus this picture of a "god" isn't worthy of "faith".

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:40 PM
Cowboy wrote:

All I do is spread the truth, I spread no evil nor do I say any form of evil.

The very fact that you claim that what you speak is the "Truth" is itself a lie.

Your belief in the Christian stories is entirely FAITH BASED.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

You interpretations of those ancient fables is just that, - your own personal interpretations.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

In fact, when you speak as though the things that you say are indeed "truth" that is when you lie.

You cross over from truth into the world of lies when you pretend that your FAITH represents truth.

If you want to be TRUTHFUL, you need to acknowledge that everything that you believe, you do so on FAITH, and it's your personal desire and hope that your beliefs will potentially come true.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

You spread and support religious bigotry to the hilt in the name of Jesus as The Christ Almighty.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

Those are the TRUTHS.

So why don't you just own up to the TRUTH and tell everyone that your beliefs and interpretations are indeed nothing more than your on FAITH-BASED desires.

Then you could finally claim to be speaking the TRUTH.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:40 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Sinning is going against God's will, so therefore couldn't possibly be God's fault.

If sinning is going against God's will, then it would be impossible to be born "with Sin" since a newborn baby isn't even capable of knowing "God's will" much less going against it.

So you're claims are oxymoronic and have no rational merit whatsoever.

Sin is condemned to the flesh. Your parents flesh is passed on to you, so is the sin. That is why we accept Jesus into our hearts. We then walk in the spirit rather then in the flesh.

Romans 8:3
3For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:42 PM

Cowboy wrote:

It is not God's fault one is born with sin though. Why you try to find a scapegoat? Would be one's decedents that cause that person to be born with sin, God didn't make those people do the things they did or didn't do, God didn't for those people to act as such. They disobeyed on their own free will, thus it can't be God's fault.


Scapegoat for what?

The God you describe is an unrighteous demon Cowboy.

No 'scapegoat' required.

The religion that you're trying to sell is a flawed product.

It's unworthy of "faith", IMHO.

Your religion is nothing more that evil religious bigotry spread in the name of your so-called "God". But you're God would need to be more demonic than your Satan in order for your hate scheme to work.

It's clearly a contradiction in terms and therefore has to be false.

You place your "faith" in an irrational picture of a creator.

That's all.

I see no reason to place my "faith" in a picture of such an ignorant inept and ultimately evil picture of a supposed supreme being. There would be nothing supreme or divine about such a being. Such a being would be totally untrustworthy and deceitful in his creations.

Thus this picture of a "god" isn't worthy of "faith".

That is your choice my friend.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:45 PM

Cowboy wrote:

All I do is spread the truth, I spread no evil nor do I say any form of evil.

The very fact that you claim that what you speak is the "Truth" is itself a lie.

Your belief in the Christian stories is entirely FAITH BASED.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

You interpretations of those ancient fables is just that, - your own personal interpretations.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

In fact, when you speak as though the things that you say are indeed "truth" that is when you lie.

You cross over from truth into the world of lies when you pretend that your FAITH represents truth.

If you want to be TRUTHFUL, you need to acknowledge that everything that you believe, you do so on FAITH, and it's your personal desire and hope that your beliefs will potentially come true.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

You spread and support religious bigotry to the hilt in the name of Jesus as The Christ Almighty.

That is the TRUTH my friend.

Those are the TRUTHS.

So why don't you just own up to the TRUTH and tell everyone that your beliefs and interpretations are indeed nothing more than your on FAITH-BASED desires.

Then you could finally claim to be speaking the TRUTH.

And that is why I've shown everything you know of yesterday that did not directly effect you is taken on faith. If you wish not to put faith in that Jesus is the only begotten child of God, our savior and friend. That is again, your choice :). That is not the purpose of these discussions anyways. Not trying to win you over not trying to denounce your beliefs. You take it to personal my friend, we are having a DISCUSSION on our different beliefs.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:47 PM
Cowboy wrote:

That is your choice my friend.

Absolutely. I chose to reject bigotry and religious dogmas that perpetuate the idea of hateful untrustworthy jealous godheads.

Yes, I chose righteousness over hatred in the name of God.

Most certainly. flowerforyou

mylifetoday's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:52 PM

Cowboy wrote:

That is your choice my friend.

Absolutely. I chose to reject bigotry and religious dogmas that perpetuate the idea of hateful untrustworthy jealous godheads.

Yes, I chose righteousness over hatred in the name of God.

Most certainly. flowerforyou

You know, there are quite a few people that have faith without hating anyone. Granted, they aren't main stream. But Jesus does tell us to love everyone, especially our enemies. flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 01:52 PM
Cowboy wrote:

And that is why I've shown everything you know of yesterday that did not directly effect you is taken on faith. If you wish not to put faith in that Jesus is the only begotten child of God, our savior and friend. That is again, your choice :). That is not the purpose of these discussions anyways. Not trying to win you over not trying to denounce your beliefs. You take it to personal my friend, we are having a DISCUSSION on our different beliefs.

I'm glad to hear that you finally confess that you're views are indeed just your faith that you express for the sake of discussion.

In that spirit, then I will simply say that I could never place faith in the demonic hateful picture that you paint of a deceitful God.

I see not point in supporting such hateful ignorance.

It serves no good other than to inflate the ego of the person who is trying to push that view as far as I can see.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/27/11 02:14 PM
mylifetoday wrote:

You know, there are quite a few people that have faith without hating anyone. Granted, they aren't main stream. But Jesus does tell us to love everyone, especially our enemies. flowerforyou

I believe that.

I also believe that Jesus himself did indeed preach love and did not support religious bigotry, etc.

Many Christians have been taught that Jesus was the "Only begotten son" of God. Thus giving his words credence far above that of any mortal man.

This fulfills their desire to believe that they have heard something that did indeed come straight from the creator. So that is the basis of why they believe in this particular religion over all others. They buy into the idea that the ancient Hebrews hold the copyright on God, and that the authors of the New Testament now even hold a copyright on God that trumps the ancient Hebrews.

But that kind of thinking truly isn't necessary.

If you can believe that God could speak to Moses, then you can just as easily believe that God could speak to Confucius, or Lao Tzu, or Krishna, etc.

If you believe that God could send Jesus to speak to the Jews, then you can just as easily believe that God could send Siddhartha Gautma to speak to the Indians, or even the Dalai Lama to speak to us.

It's all "Faith based".

But the Abrahamic religions result in extreme religious bigotry. Bigotry against one another no less.

Even the Christian sect has broken into a myriad of factions and denominations that are in heated opposition to each others views.

So if you step back and take a look at the big picture you can see the hostility and religious bigotry that Christianity ultimately creates. That is clearly no "good works" and thus by Jesus' own proclamation cannot be emanating from God.

So, yes, there are a lot of innocent "believers" who simply want to believe in a righteous God. They don't bother with the details themselves, and in fact, the vast majority of them do not even agree with the kind of religious extremism that is preached by people like Cowboy and others. Most of them totally renounce that kind of crap.

They have FAITH alright. But what they truly place their FAITH in is the idea of a genuinely righteous God not a God who would go around condemning people on trivial petty technicalities such as whether or not they support religious bigotry in the name of Jesus as the Christ Almighty. In fact, most descent Christians would be appalled at that very notion.

People who support religious bigotry and preach it do not support the idea of a truly righteous and loving God. Instead they are just wallowing in the egotistical pleasure they get out of using religion to incite religiously bigoted riots.

They use the religion to support their own form of hatred.

And the decent Christians shouldn't even be supporting them. Either financially or morally.

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