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Topic: Senate Votes to Repeal DADT
Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/20/10 09:06 PM

It was our job.
We were trained, conditioned, to react violently and then think about it.

There are different MOSs.
Everyone in the Army isn't a combat soldier.
Many serve in relatively safe areas. Protected by the combat soldier.
And there are a lot more of these rear echelon MOSs than combat MOSs.

Everyone isn't patrolling an alley, kicking in doors, and being shot at from the rooftops.

You really didn't think every US soldier in Iraq was fighting did you?

Less than 2% of the US Army is Infantry!
Therefor the slogan.

Sorry, but saying it was your job to beat him like that does not make it any better.

The reality goes much further and deeper than you will ever be able to comprehend.
and, with less than 10% of the military being gay means your chances of knowing people who actually served along side a gay person is very remote.

no photo
Thu 12/23/10 08:40 AM
The repeal was signed yesterday. :thumbsup:

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/23/10 08:44 AM

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