Topic: Senate Votes to Repeal DADT
Thomas3474's photo
Sun 12/19/10 10:17 PM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Sun 12/19/10 10:19 PM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 12/19/10 10:18 PM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Sun 12/19/10 10:19 PM

Tromette's photo
Sun 12/19/10 10:25 PM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 12/19/10 10:29 PM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

only difference is with a lez, you really don't have to worry about anything being shoved up your butt...rubbing bellies is not dangerous... and i see why you would be turned off by guys too, it really is disgusting...

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 12/19/10 11:35 PM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

Gay men are also notorious for being bluntly direct and far more aggressive towards getting what they want then lesbian women.I think trying to compare each others tactics when it comes to getting a man or woman to sleep with you is worlds apart.I know most gay men will give a BJ to anyone who asks for it.Hardly the same for women.

As said earlier in the military you can not choose who you are sharing a room with.I was in the Navy and 6 months was a typical deployment on a ship.8 months is also common.6 months out at sea with a bunch of mostly 18-25 year old men on a ship that has no women on it is the last place you want a bunch of gay men.The only privacy you are going to get is the shower curtain.Everything else is out in the open for everyone to see.

In boot camp there is no privacy.Even the crappers have no doors or walls.You are taking a dump looking right at another guy across the room.When it comes time to shower you all go at the same time and you are all standing in one or two long lines totally naked watching everyone one else shower waiting your turn.The showers are nothing but a few shower towers in one big room.You undress and dress in front of everyone in the same room.There is no privacy anywhere!

I personally don't care if gays are in the military.I just don't want to get that creepy feeling someone is getting off watching me shower or unwelcome comments or offers.I don't want some pervert straight or gay watching porn in the same room as me and asking me sexual questions.I don't want some moron telling me I should explore my bisexual side.I don't want some guy jerking off in the room because he knows what time I am coming home from work and thinks I will like catching him.

These are all things I have dealt with while I was in the military and things I don't want to experience again.There is nothing the military can do now to stop any of these things from happening.If you are telling gays it's fine now to be open about their attraction to men there is little that straight men can do about it.

I wonder how the women would feel about sharing a room with two horny 18-25 year olds.I wonder how they would feel about sharing and showering in one large room for 3 months with over a hundred men(boot camp)?How would they feel if they were married and some guy keeps asking them to watch a porno with him.Having no privacy at all.Men are not women.But they get the same treatment when dealing with a gay man.

Tromette's photo
Sun 12/19/10 11:57 PM
I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 12/20/10 12:23 AM

I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

I understand and it is no different than a gay man.Imagine being stuck with that pushy guy for 4-6 years on a ship or a submarine.

Seriously if you were a gay man or woman the military is like a dream come true.I think the cut off date to join the military for age is around 38.The majority of people join when they are 18-20.Imagine being a 35 year old gay guy showering with 160 different men 90% of them are 18-20 in boot camp.Spending 3-4 months in the same room seeing everything they do.Then being shipped off somewhere where you are living with men all the time in close quarters.

Gay men and women will join for 4 years just to be a pervert.Just like men would join for 4 years if they slept and showered with women.

It's bad enough to stomach serving in the military under Obama.It's worse knowing you are going to be stuck with a bunch of out and proud horny homosexuals who are joining to get a free show and intimate encounters.

Tromette's photo
Mon 12/20/10 05:37 AM

I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

I understand and it is no different than a gay man.Imagine being stuck with that pushy guy for 4-6 years on a ship or a submarine.

Seriously if you were a gay man or woman the military is like a dream come true.I think the cut off date to join the military for age is around 38.The majority of people join when they are 18-20.Imagine being a 35 year old gay guy showering with 160 different men 90% of them are 18-20 in boot camp.Spending 3-4 months in the same room seeing everything they do.Then being shipped off somewhere where you are living with men all the time in close quarters.

Gay men and women will join for 4 years just to be a pervert.Just like men would join for 4 years if they slept and showered with women.

It's bad enough to stomach serving in the military under Obama.It's worse knowing you are going to be stuck with a bunch of out and proud horny homosexuals who are joining to get a free show and intimate encounters.

Wow. Just wow.

You're really suggesting that gay people are only joining the military during wartime, putting their lives in danger, not to server their country but just to get a free shower show.

I'm finished discussing this with you.

no photo
Mon 12/20/10 07:59 AM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

The part you described that I've bolded is what straight men do, too. laugh

As for the rest of your post? You sound paranoid and insecure.

no photo
Mon 12/20/10 08:02 AM

I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

I understand and it is no different than a gay man.Imagine being stuck with that pushy guy for 4-6 years on a ship or a submarine.

Seriously if you were a gay man or woman the military is like a dream come true.I think the cut off date to join the military for age is around 38.The majority of people join when they are 18-20.Imagine being a 35 year old gay guy showering with 160 different men 90% of them are 18-20 in boot camp.Spending 3-4 months in the same room seeing everything they do.Then being shipped off somewhere where you are living with men all the time in close quarters.

Gay men and women will join for 4 years just to be a pervert.Just like men would join for 4 years if they slept and showered with women.

It's bad enough to stomach serving in the military under Obama.It's worse knowing you are going to be stuck with a bunch of out and proud horny homosexuals who are joining to get a free show and intimate encounters.

You're assuming all gay men and women will join the military to be a pervert? Wow.

Interesting, though, the people I've talked to who have served and who knew of gay people there had absolutely no problem with them. They said they were there to do their job and did it well. I guess it's the difference in attitude between you and them. They were able to accept them as people there to serve their country. You do not seem to be able to do that.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/20/10 08:20 AM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

Women aren't allowed to serve in Combat MOSs though.

What's next, new hate laws added to the Geneva Convention?

Tromette's photo
Mon 12/20/10 08:28 AM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

Women aren't allowed to serve in Combat MOSs though.

What's next, new hate laws added to the Geneva Convention?

I stopped listening to anything you said after you admittedly beat a homosexual to the point of needing medical attention with 40 of your homophobic buddies.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/20/10 08:50 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 12/20/10 08:51 AM

I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

I understand and it is no different than a gay man.Imagine being stuck with that pushy guy for 4-6 years on a ship or a submarine.

Seriously if you were a gay man or woman the military is like a dream come true.I think the cut off date to join the military for age is around 38.The majority of people join when they are 18-20.Imagine being a 35 year old gay guy showering with 160 different men 90% of them are 18-20 in boot camp.Spending 3-4 months in the same room seeing everything they do.Then being shipped off somewhere where you are living with men all the time in close quarters.

Gay men and women will join for 4 years just to be a pervert.Just like men would join for 4 years if they slept and showered with women.

It's bad enough to stomach serving in the military under Obama.It's worse knowing you are going to be stuck with a bunch of out and proud horny homosexuals who are joining to get a free show and intimate encounters.

You're assuming all gay men and women will join the military to be a pervert? Wow.

Interesting, though, the people I've talked to who have served and who knew of gay people there had absolutely no problem with them. They said they were there to do their job and did it well. I guess it's the difference in attitude between you and them. They were able to accept them as people there to serve their country. You do not seem to be able to do that.

less than 10% of all Americans are gay.

I'd bet it is even less of a percentage in the Military.
Except maybe the Navy or AF.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/20/10 08:55 AM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

Women aren't allowed to serve in Combat MOSs though.

What's next, new hate laws added to the Geneva Convention?

I stopped listening to anything you said after you admittedly beat a homosexual to the point of needing medical attention with 40 of your homophobic buddies.

but you entirely missed it.

He wasn't even gay.
We assumed wrongly.

As far as beating him goes,
what do you want? A bunch of pansy *** Infantrymen defending your country.

Infantrymen are ruthless. The Army needs them to be that way.

Tromette's photo
Mon 12/20/10 09:13 AM

Most gay men I know don't hit on obviously straight guys. Perhaps they were messing with you because it bothers you so much? Other than that, I can't see why a gay guy would hit on you since you are very obviously straight and disgusted by gays.

Ha,ha thats funny!Gay guys don't go after straight guys! laugh You are not a male and you have no idea what it is like to be a man.If you were a male,were attractive,you would know why myself and others don't want homosexuals in the military.As someone who was active going to concerts and clubs and as someone who worked out in the gym on a regular basis I can tell you that there was no shortage of gay men hitting on me.I have said this before and I will say it again.I am sure nearly all men who work out in the gym and take a shower later will have that unpleasant experience of a gay man showering next to him.How do you know he is gay?He is staring at your body 80% of the time,complementing your body,asking you if you are single,etc.There is also 20 empty shower heads and he has to be the one guy standing right next to you.

In the military we saw them as well.They would rent pornos and ask you to watch with them.Instead of drying off in the shower they dried off in the room you had to share with them.You would get offers for a three some or to have sex with someones wife while the husband watches.

Needless to say this is a whole lot of BS I would not want to deal with but had to deal with it since my roommates were assigned to me by some officer.

As usual the people who support the end to this ban are the ones who have never served and have no idea what they are talking about.

I would imagine a man being hit on by a man he's not attracted to is just about a frustrating and uncomfortable as when a woman is hit on by a man she's not attracted to. The sex of the person doesn't really matter. I imagine it's about the same as when I'm working out at the gym and some gross sweaty dude is staring at me. The showering with lesbians thing doesn't bother me half as much as it does you though. Maybe because I don't think that everyone who glances my way thinks I'm totally hot and are f*king me with their eyes. You should relax.

Women aren't allowed to serve in Combat MOSs though.

What's next, new hate laws added to the Geneva Convention?

I stopped listening to anything you said after you admittedly beat a homosexual to the point of needing medical attention with 40 of your homophobic buddies.

but you entirely missed it.

He wasn't even gay.
We assumed wrongly.

As far as beating him goes,
what do you want? A bunch of pansy *** Infantrymen defending your country.

Infantrymen are ruthless. The Army needs them to be that way.

Your actions make you all pansies.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/20/10 09:36 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 12/20/10 09:39 AM
It was our job.
We were trained, conditioned, to react violently and then think about it.

There are different MOSs.
Everyone in the Army isn't a combat soldier.
Many serve in relatively safe areas. Protected by the combat soldier.
And there are a lot more of these rear echelon MOSs than combat MOSs.

Everyone isn't patrolling an alley, kicking in doors, and being shot at from the rooftops.

You really didn't think every US soldier in Iraq was fighting did you?

Less than 2% of the US Army is Infantry!
Therefor the slogan.

no photo
Mon 12/20/10 10:35 AM

I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

I understand and it is no different than a gay man.Imagine being stuck with that pushy guy for 4-6 years on a ship or a submarine.

Seriously if you were a gay man or woman the military is like a dream come true.I think the cut off date to join the military for age is around 38.The majority of people join when they are 18-20.Imagine being a 35 year old gay guy showering with 160 different men 90% of them are 18-20 in boot camp.Spending 3-4 months in the same room seeing everything they do.Then being shipped off somewhere where you are living with men all the time in close quarters.

Gay men and women will join for 4 years just to be a pervert.Just like men would join for 4 years if they slept and showered with women.

It's bad enough to stomach serving in the military under Obama.It's worse knowing you are going to be stuck with a bunch of out and proud horny homosexuals who are joining to get a free show and intimate encounters.

You're assuming all gay men and women will join the military to be a pervert? Wow.

Interesting, though, the people I've talked to who have served and who knew of gay people there had absolutely no problem with them. They said they were there to do their job and did it well. I guess it's the difference in attitude between you and them. They were able to accept them as people there to serve their country. You do not seem to be able to do that.

less than 10% of all Americans are gay.

I'd bet it is even less of a percentage in the Military.
Except maybe the Navy or AF.

Why would that matter? A gay man serving in the military is not less of a person than a straight men. You may think they are, but that's your issue.

no photo
Mon 12/20/10 10:36 AM

It was our job.
We were trained, conditioned, to react violently and then think about it.

There are different MOSs.
Everyone in the Army isn't a combat soldier.
Many serve in relatively safe areas. Protected by the combat soldier.
And there are a lot more of these rear echelon MOSs than combat MOSs.

Everyone isn't patrolling an alley, kicking in doors, and being shot at from the rooftops.

You really didn't think every US soldier in Iraq was fighting did you?

Less than 2% of the US Army is Infantry!
Therefor the slogan.

Sorry, but saying it was your job to beat him like that does not make it any better.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 12/20/10 12:03 PM

I was referring to how you straight men are pushy and don't know when to quit when hitting on girls who aren't interested. Same feeling.

I understand and it is no different than a gay man.Imagine being stuck with that pushy guy for 4-6 years on a ship or a submarine.

Seriously if you were a gay man or woman the military is like a dream come true.I think the cut off date to join the military for age is around 38.The majority of people join when they are 18-20.Imagine being a 35 year old gay guy showering with 160 different men 90% of them are 18-20 in boot camp.Spending 3-4 months in the same room seeing everything they do.Then being shipped off somewhere where you are living with men all the time in close quarters.

Gay men and women will join for 4 years just to be a pervert.Just like men would join for 4 years if they slept and showered with women.

It's bad enough to stomach serving in the military under Obama.It's worse knowing you are going to be stuck with a bunch of out and proud horny homosexuals who are joining to get a free show and intimate encounters.

Wow. Just wow.

You're really suggesting that gay people are only joining the military during wartime, putting their lives in danger, not to server their country but just to get a free shower show.

I'm finished discussing this with you.

Wow???You say wow because you have never served.You think everyone joins to serve their country?That's a laugh.Those who join for the sake of serving their country is few and far between.I can remember in boot camp our Company commander asking us that very question and there was only 3 people who said they joined to serve their country.I was one of them.The majority are serving to get money to pay for college.A good portion joined because they come from small towns with no jobs.Many join for the travel and the money.

I remember talking to one guy who joined simply because he saw the movie full metal jacket and wanted to get yelled at and punished by the drill instructor.I talked to several women who said they wanted to have babies but could not afford it and knew the military would pay for everything.The list goes on and on.

For your information a huge majority of our currently serving military will never put their lives in harms way over this War.The majority of the people in the Navy are safe,majority of people in the Air force have nothing to worry about.The Army and Marines are the people out there on the front lines.But even then how many of them are actually fighting?Women are not allowed in combat so you can take them out.By the Army's own figures 33% of the Army hasn't even served who are ready to go into battle.Another 27.1% work in fields(such as hospitals)where they do not see combat.Even if you are in Iraq you can be serving as a cook,mechanic,secretary,etc.

I am still standing behind my statement that homosexuals love the idea of the close intimate contact between hundreds of men and that is one of the reasons they join.

Hence, for those who wish to know why more and more people are joining the military, here is a list of 10 amazing yet strange reasons why they wanted to join the forces.

1. Financial reasons

One of the most intriguing reasons why people join the military is due to the bonuses and compensation that they will get.

The reason for this high-paying job is that the military recruitment program is actually experiencing a downfall in their program. In spite of the many contentions of the military people, they cannot dismiss the fact that for the past 10 years or so, they have been trying to recruit as many people as possible to join the military but to no avail.

That is why they have decided to increase the benefits and "enlistment bonuses." These "enlistment bonuses" are juts the primary benefits that they and their family can obtain even just from the start of the enlistment.

Basically, the military people in the United States can obtain to as much as $70,000 as the government support in the studying of qualified service affiliates.

During the retirement, the military personnel can obtain as much as $100 in a month for the repayment of "tutorial assistance."

Because of these benefits, the main target of the military recruitment is the college students who might want to take their time off from schooling. The military recruitment also focuses in recruiting high schoolers who are studying in a home school program.

With the remarkable financial benefits given by the military, who could resist such offer?

2. To be away from their parents

Funny as it may seem but many young boys are actually enticed to join the military because they wanted to stay away from their parents. 7 out of 10 high-school- age boys stated that their parents are so strict and demanding that they wanted to steer clear from them.

Hence, when opportunities like joining in the military along with the astonishing financial benefits, they would rather join the forces than to get spank and scolded by their moms.

3. A test of one's courage

Joining the military is like a "daring" game, where people get to grab the chances of proving their courage and guts. Some say it is a man thing. It is as if when you join the military, you have somewhat proven to your neighborhood that you are brave enough to face Saddam or Bin Laden.

4. Good citizenship

Others say that the reason why they join the military is that they wanted to prove to their beloved country that they are good citizens and that they will defend the nation for as long as they can hold a gun and kill an Iraqi.

Sounds pathetic? Think again.

Some people think that joining a military is like paying tribute to the wonders that the United States was able to provide them. And yet, by the time they get into the war, they claim that the tribute is no longer present.

The problem is that there is no turning back.

5. To fight Al Qaeda and look for Osama Bin Laden

It may sound hilarious but this is actually one of the main reasons why some people join the military. In a recent survey, almost 35% out of the 100 interviewees responded that they wanted to help the American soldiers find Osama Bin Laden and bring down the forces of Al Qaeda.

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why Pat Tillman, a legendary football star, has finally decided to give up his sports career and join the military.

With this reason, it is as if the military is all about the Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.

6. A good career

Another reason for joining the military is that people are enticed to do so because the recruiters say it is definitely a good career joining the military.

Just hope they are not lying.

7. Full time employment

For most people who had been completely jobless for almost 4 years, joining the military is a very attractive decision to make. Many insist that one of their main reasons why they join the service is because of the full time employment that they can achieve.

This would mean a the end of their job hunting, another four years not worrying anymore what to eat and where to buy their baby's diapers, and a secured future, maybe not for them but for their family.

8. Family tradition

It is the way it is. Some people join the military because everyone in the family is doing it. Not much choice, huh?

9. To learn new skills

People who have these reasons are the adventurous type. They seek newer skills that they can master, and military seems to be the only way to gain such expertise.

10. Pride

Some people join the military because having those badges on their soldiers makes them proud of themselves. It is as if being a soldier is the most honorable job any one could ever have.

Some of these reasons may sound hilarious, while others sound so pathetic. For those who still want to join the military with reasons that are not included here, just think before you act. As they say, whoever lights a match will definitely get burn.
Mary Murtha has BLS and M. Div degrees majoring in biblical studies and ethics. She is an accredited author and publisher who started in the IM business in 1998 and started back up in Feb 2005. Her main passion is content and its availability. She has 18 sites that are specific niches. You can read about the youth and Military st: []

mightymoe's photo
Mon 12/20/10 12:10 PM
you forgot one... to become a citizen.... the military lets non citizen join, and with their completion served in the military, they will become a citizen....