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Topic: do you worry to much about your weight?be honest
no photo
Tue 11/16/10 07:19 PM

I exercise and try to eat healthy for myself, but I'm never going to be a skinny girl. I'm ok with that.
well i can tell you something the metabolism of a person slows down on age but then again theres a secrect if you want to do exercise don't do it 1 time in a day for 1 or 2 hours do it for 5 mins several diff times in the day cause you will burn 10 times more then 1 long work out as your body burns off fat after u work out for the next 1/2 hour as long as you excert yourself for them 5-10 min several times a day n you won't be as tired either n your metabolism will grow better n better really fast:) this is for your health if you like the healthy facts :) hugss my friend n you look good too

I wasn't looking for advice. But, thanks.
oh its ok i use to studie tons on health years ago and know alot about good foods for the body its just me lolllllll i guess i like giving advice its not you :) hugsss

That's great, but I still wasn't looking for advice. :)

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you are always sanding against the grain. laugh

No kidding. The OP was about how too many women worry about their weight, so I commented about how I do exercise, but I'm never going to be one of the skinny girls, so I don't worry about it. Some people always want to give advice whether it's asked for or not, though.

JuiceboxJJ3's photo
Sun 11/21/10 08:56 AM
I don't worry about my weight whatsoever. Yes, I work out and whatnot, but, I don't worry about looking in the mirror and hating the guy I see looking back at me. I'm a BBM, and I am so darn proud of it. blushing

Besides? The thicker the better. flowerforyou

navygirl's photo
Mon 11/22/10 05:56 PM

i Hear so many times Ladys say i can't eat that its to fattening or i need to lose some weight don't you think? and i talking about some ladys that were even really thin worrying about that now me myself i love women that has something to hug i bet alot of guys would say the same thing you ladys worry way to much about weight but curious why??????? i mean in my books most look just great .i think ladys worry way to much:)so stop the worrying and know that us guys like you for you:banana: :smile: waving

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight. We certainly all can't be thin but we can try to keep ourselves fit.

Holly4459's photo
Mon 11/22/10 05:59 PM

i Hear so many times Ladys say i can't eat that its to fattening or i need to lose some weight don't you think? and i talking about some ladys that were even really thin worrying about that now me myself i love women that has something to hug i bet alot of guys would say the same thing you ladys worry way to much about weight but curious why??????? i mean in my books most look just great .i think ladys worry way to much:)so stop the worrying and know that us guys like you for you:banana: :smile: waving

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight. We certainly all can't be thin but we can try to keep ourselves fit.

I have to agree with this...


Seakolony's photo
Mon 11/22/10 06:04 PM

i Hear so many times Ladys say i can't eat that its to fattening or i need to lose some weight don't you think? and i talking about some ladys that were even really thin worrying about that now me myself i love women that has something to hug i bet alot of guys would say the same thing you ladys worry way to much about weight but curious why??????? i mean in my books most look just great .i think ladys worry way to much:)so stop the worrying and know that us guys like you for you:banana: :smile: waving

Of course I do.....its more about controlling my weight over losing though......and women are inundated with beautiful thin women all over magazines and television...hearing their men call them hot soooo yeah it feels like a competition to women to a certain extent to look their best....also it really isn't healthy to be overweight......when u r healthy....u feel happier too....

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 06:06 PM

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight.

then stay away from most men. because the rest of us like women for their personalities

navygirl's photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:06 PM

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight.

then stay away from most men. because the rest of us like women for their personalities

Wow; men that would want me for my personality? Send a few out my way. :banana:

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:07 PM

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight.

then stay away from most men. because the rest of us like women for their personalities

Wow; men that would want me for my personality? Send a few out my way. :banana:

*starting up bike*

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:16 PM

I exercise and try to eat healthy for myself, but I'm never going to be a skinny girl. I'm ok with that.
well i can tell you something the metabolism of a person slows down on age but then again theres a secrect if you want to do exercise don't do it 1 time in a day for 1 or 2 hours do it for 5 mins several diff times in the day cause you will burn 10 times more then 1 long work out as your body burns off fat after u work out for the next 1/2 hour as long as you excert yourself for them 5-10 min several times a day n you won't be as tired either n your metabolism will grow better n better really fast:) this is for your health if you like the healthy facts :) hugss my friend n you look good too

I wasn't looking for advice. But, thanks.
oh its ok i use to studie tons on health years ago and know alot about good foods for the body its just me lolllllll i guess i like giving advice its not you :) hugsss

That's great, but I still wasn't looking for advice. :)

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you are always sanding against the grain. laugh

No kidding. The OP was about how too many women worry about their weight, so I commented about how I do exercise, but I'm never going to be one of the skinny girls, so I don't worry about it. Some people always want to give advice whether it's asked for or not, though.
i guess people just polite to give cause they being a gentleman but some take it the wrong way thats sad oh well life go's on:)winking :smile:

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:20 PM

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight.

then stay away from most men. because the rest of us like women for their personalities
i aggree the rest of us do like personalitys thats why i made this chat to let women not worry so much i agree 100% go for the 1s that like personalitys:)like us:smile:

fireflysgirl's photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:25 PM
I worry about my weight for health reasons! I don't obsess over it, but I eat healthier than I use to and I work out regularly. Lost 35 lbs this year and feel great.

naomianne's photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:04 PM
Hi. I've had weight loss surgery, and lost heaps of weight, around 42 kgs, .... then.... I stopped smoking. I gained 25 kg. But again, I've lost half of that extra. I was a nice size 14, but now I'm a size 16.

Telling someone, I don't care, straight or not straight to lose weight is the utter most despicable thing to do. We all have feelings about how we look. Actually, I nearly always find slightly plump women very attractive. :tongue:

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:12 PM

i Hear so many times Ladys say i can't eat that its to fattening or i need to lose some weight don't you think? and i talking about some ladys that were even really thin worrying about that now me myself i love women that has something to hug i bet alot of guys would say the same thing you ladys worry way to much about weight but curious why??????? i mean in my books most look just great .i think ladys worry way to much:)so stop the worrying and know that us guys like you for you:banana: :smile: waving

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight. We certainly all can't be thin but we can try to keep ourselves fit.

This is very true.

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:23 PM
I think that everyone worries about their weight at some point in their lives. When I got with my now fiancee, I was at my highest weight to date. And he stayed with me.

He gets stressed alot, ( he is trying to get his gaming company up and going). The times that I really think about my weight and I get so down is when we don't make love for a long time. Then I use the weight issue as an excuse for him not wanting to be with me. Then I accept the fact that we could very well be living as roommates instead of as a couple. there are ALOT of times that I don't let him see me naked, because I know that fat is NOT sexy.

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 11/24/10 01:48 PM

I worry about my weight for health reasons! I don't obsess over it, but I eat healthier than I use to and I work out regularly. Lost 35 lbs this year and feel great.
well see thats ok to worry about your weight if you have health reasons i hope you feeling better now :)))))) hugsss

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 11/24/10 01:55 PM

I think that everyone worries about their weight at some point in their lives. When I got with my now fiancee, I was at my highest weight to date. And he stayed with me.

He gets stressed alot, ( he is trying to get his gaming company up and going). The times that I really think about my weight and I get so down is when we don't make love for a long time. Then I use the weight issue as an excuse for him not wanting to be with me. Then I accept the fact that we could very well be living as roommates instead of as a couple. there are ALOT of times that I don't let him see me naked, because I know that fat is NOT sexy.
well i understand what you saying but you sure its a weight thing? he worrys about? unless you ask him maybe he just stressed about other stuff and and his mind not on sex maybe its nothing to do with weight i would open up with him on a day that he is relaxed and tell him how you feel:))))) hugssssss my friend

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 11/24/10 02:04 PM

Hi. I've had weight loss surgery, and lost heaps of weight, around 42 kgs, .... then.... I stopped smoking. I gained 25 kg. But again, I've lost half of that extra. I was a nice size 14, but now I'm a size 16.

Telling someone, I don't care, straight or not straight to lose weight is the utter most despicable thing to do. We all have feelings about how we look. Actually, I nearly always find slightly plump women very attractive. :tongue:
i aggree with you 100% i not sure who told you to strait or not strait that but that is dispicable your right i myself love plump woman and normal size woman too what i saying alot of guys don't worry as much as a woman think weeeeeeeee worry about thier weight cause we love someone to hold on too hugsss and have a great day:) cheers

navygirl's photo
Wed 11/24/10 06:11 PM

I worry about my weight for health reasons! I don't obsess over it, but I eat healthier than I use to and I work out regularly. Lost 35 lbs this year and feel great.

I have to agree with you there. Had a nasty car accident and couldn't walk for 4 years so I gained alot of weight. I lost the weight and not only can I walk again; but have lots of energy. So I keep my weight down for health and of course personal reasons. One good incentive for me is I need to fit into my military uniform so its not like I can go out every week and buy a bigger one. laugh

navygirl's photo
Wed 11/24/10 06:22 PM

Actually most men want thin women so this is why we worry about our weight.

then stay away from most men. because the rest of us like women for their personalities

Wow; men that would want me for my personality? Send a few out my way. :banana:

*starting up bike*

Okay; I will be waiting. :smile:

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 11/24/10 06:33 PM

I worry about my weight for health reasons! I don't obsess over it, but I eat healthier than I use to and I work out regularly. Lost 35 lbs this year and feel great.

I have to agree with you there. Had a nasty car accident and couldn't walk for 4 years so I gained alot of weight. I lost the weight and not only can I walk again; but have lots of energy. So I keep my weight down for health and of course personal reasons. One good incentive for me is I need to fit into my military uniform so its not like I can go out every week and buy a bigger one. laugh
sorry to hear about your car accident and glad you doing alot better and if thats your picture you looking beautiful:)))))flowerforyou

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