Topic: How Religion Is Killing Our Most Vulnerable Youth | |
NOONE is born homosexual or heterosexual as we get older we decide what our preference is If that was true you would probably have a 50%/50% change being born gay or straight much like you have a 50%/50% chance being born male or female.We would also have to assume the animals are in the same scenario.Yet considering a very small minority in this country is gay I find this logic extremely flawed.There has never been any proof anyone was born gay. Everyone is born straight.Nobody is born gay. Proof, there it is....proof, there it is. noone has proven whether people are born this way or not, I personally dont think they are but thats besides the point,, whatever DESIRES or WANTS someone decides to act upon, once they decide to ACT upon some desire or want, they have made a choice noone knows my desires or wants until I share them with them in some way, either through talking or acting in a certain manner,, speech and action are also choices I do understand that we shouldnt treat people unfairly, but I contend that just as 'natural' as it is for someone to choose to have sex with a man or a woman or with noone at at all or with themself,,,,it is 'natural' for some things to be unattractive to us (from physical features to behaviors to speech patterns) and by US , I am including myself,,lol and when something is unattractive to us or unappealing to us it is also natural (in closed circles) to talk about it,,,but none of that would justify then going out and MISTREATING anyone for their choice in behavior or speech,,, Neal Bortz has a good way to prove that no one chooses to be a homosexual. If it's a choice, simply ask a straight person at what point in their life did they deceide to be straight. If one can't deceide to be straight, one can't deceide to be gay, either. And seriously, does anyone really think some teenage boy wakes up one day and says to himself, "Penis! I think I'll try some penis. That's what I should do today. Try some penis."? ![]() ![]() a more relevant question was when was the first time you decided to have homosexual/heterosexual SEX,,which is different than when you first had a 'feeling' whats funny is that is EXACTLY what millions of young teenage girls do EVERY DAY,,, they decide they would like to TRY it,,,for whatever reasons,,, and the more SOCIETY expresses to these girls that its the natural and normal thing to do,,the more curious they become about trying it,,, Strangly, I don't really have a problem w/ people trying "it", whatever "it" is to them. Frankly, I think this world would be alot calmer if more people were getting "it" more often. |
Edited by
Fri 10/22/10 09:32 AM
Neal Bortz has a good way to prove that no one chooses to be a homosexual. If it's a choice, simply ask a straight person at what point in their life did they deceide to be straight. If one can't deceide to be straight, one can't deceide to be gay, either. And seriously, does anyone really think some teenage boy wakes up one day and says to himself, "Penis! I think I'll try some penis. That's what I should do today. Try some penis."? If the norm is Hetero, then only homosexuals would need to make a choice to change from the norm. So Neal Bortz hasn't thought too deeply on the subject. Actually, I'm thinking you have not thought too hard on this. Your premise is false. The only reason hetero is the "norm" is because it occurs more frequently. Like brown hair over red hair. I'm very surprised that atheists, who claim to be the smartest of humanity, would make such obvious mistakes. I never said hetero was the norm, I pointed out that Neal Bortz had ignored that possibility. Are you denying that it is a possibility? We don't know the genetics of sexuality, yet you pretend that you do. You might have an opinion, but we don't *know* how or if genetics effect sexuality. I'm not going to take the time to reply to all of your posts, because they all have the same characteristic flaws of the dogmatic atheist. 1) You start with the assumption that your religious opponent is wrong and then try to address his or her points. 2) You make assumptions about subjects, of which you have no knowledge, and you act as if your assumptions are facts. 3) You accuse your opponent of the crime of which you are guilty. For instance, you claim that I "make assumptions not based on facts". I haven't MADE any assumptions. I pointed out that there are possibilities which Neal Bortz ignored. That's not making an assumption, it's pointing out the obvious flaw in his thinking. 4) Perhaps worst of all, you read more into the post than was typed. I can communicate for myself, even when I don't do it well. If I don't explicitly say something, then you have no right to assume that I think or believe that way. |
You know most GOP'ers wanted him to kill himself... What a truly horrible thing to say. This is why so many leftists compare right wingers to Hitler (even though Hitler was a leftist), because you don't see us as political opponents, but as enemies. Purely evil and without good intent. In your mind, we (or many of us) wish for people to die or to be killed. It's a blindness, which I hope you learn to overcome. And before you mention the tea partiers who have compared Obama to Hitler, you should know that most, if not all, have been LaRouche supporters. Lyndon LaRouche is so far to the left wing, that I doubt there are many who are further left. |
Neal Bortz has a good way to prove that no one chooses to be a homosexual. If it's a choice, simply ask a straight person at what point in their life did they deceide to be straight. If one can't deceide to be straight, one can't deceide to be gay, either. And seriously, does anyone really think some teenage boy wakes up one day and says to himself, "Penis! I think I'll try some penis. That's what I should do today. Try some penis."? If the norm is Hetero, then only homosexuals would need to make a choice to change from the norm. So Neal Bortz hasn't thought too deeply on the subject. Actually, I'm thinking you have not thought too hard on this. Your premise is false. The only reason hetero is the "norm" is because it occurs more frequently. Like brown hair over red hair. I'm very surprised that atheists, who claim to be the smartest of humanity, would make such obvious mistakes. I never said hetero was the norm, I pointed out that Neal Bortz had ignored that possibility. Are you denying that it is a possibility? We don't know the genetics of sexuality, yet you pretend that you do. You might have an opinion, but we don't *know* how or if genetics effect sexuality. I'm not going to take the time to reply to all of your posts, because they all have the same characteristic flaws of the dogmatic atheist. 1) You start with the assumption that your religious opponent is wrong and then try to address his or her points. 2) You make assumptions about subjects, of which you have no knowledge, and you act as if your assumptions are facts. 3) You accuse your opponent of the crime of which you are guilty. For instance, you claim that I "make assumptions not based on facts". I haven't MADE any assumptions. I pointed out that there are possibilities which Neal Bortz ignored. That's not making an assumption, it's pointing out the obvious flaw in his thinking. 4) Perhaps worst of all, you read more into the post than was typed. I can communicate for myself, even when I don't do it well. If I don't explicitly say something, then you have no right to assume that I think or believe that way. Wow. That is soooo funny. I was just thinking the exact same things about you. Interesting. |
You know most GOP'ers wanted him to kill himself... What a truly horrible thing to say. This is why so many leftists compare right wingers to Hitler (even though Hitler was a leftist), because you don't see us as political opponents, but as enemies. Purely evil and without good intent. In your mind, we (or many of us) wish for people to die or to be killed. It's a blindness, which I hope you learn to overcome. And before you mention the tea partiers who have compared Obama to Hitler, you should know that most, if not all, have been LaRouche supporters. Lyndon LaRouche is so far to the left wing, that I doubt there are many who are further left. You vastly underestimate me. Point of fact, I wish most PEOPLE to die, not just right wingers. But hey, we can start there, if you like. ![]() And yeah, if he had killed himself, he would've been a helluva martre for the GOP cause. |
You know most GOP'ers wanted him to kill himself... What a truly horrible thing to say. This is why so many leftists compare right wingers to Hitler (even though Hitler was a leftist), because you don't see us as political opponents, but as enemies. Purely evil and without good intent. In your mind, we (or many of us) wish for people to die or to be killed. It's a blindness, which I hope you learn to overcome. And before you mention the tea partiers who have compared Obama to Hitler, you should know that most, if not all, have been LaRouche supporters. Lyndon LaRouche is so far to the left wing, that I doubt there are many who are further left. whooops. read that wrong. Ok, so yes, most people are evil and w/o good intent. And many of YOU wish people to be converted OR die. That would be indeed my opinion, based on experience. |
You vastly underestimate me. Point of fact, I wish most PEOPLE to die, not just right wingers. But hey, we can start there, if you like. ![]() That's sad. I have faith in humanity, that no matter what happens, as a whole, we strive for more fairness and equality. It must be terrible to have so little faith and love for your own species. And the arrogance to believe that the world would be better if most people died (except for yourself, of course). And yeah, if he had killed himself, he would've been a helluva martre for the GOP cause. And since he didn't, he remains a father, husband and, I'm sure, a friend. I'm glad he didn't take his own life and I can't think of more than one person who has ever suggested that him dying would be a good thing. |
You vastly underestimate me. Point of fact, I wish most PEOPLE to die, not just right wingers. But hey, we can start there, if you like. ![]() That's sad. I have faith in humanity, that no matter what happens, as a whole, we strive for more fairness and equality. It must be terrible to have so little faith and love for your own species. And the arrogance to believe that the world would be better if most people died (except for yourself, of course). And yeah, if he had killed himself, he would've been a helluva martre for the GOP cause. And since he didn't, he remains a father, husband and, I'm sure, a friend. I'm glad he didn't take his own life and I can't think of more than one person who has ever suggested that him dying would be a good thing. No. What's sad is the wonderful and brilliant potential that is humanity being squandered on stupid superstitious bs. We've killed ourselves off in the name of some non-existant deity. Bravo humanity. And you really must be new to this...I have no "faith" in anything. |
No. What's sad is the wonderful and brilliant potential that is humanity being squandered on stupid superstitious bs. We've killed ourselves off in the name of some non-existant deity. Bravo humanity. And you really must be new to this...I have no "faith" in anything. And the 100+ million killed for socialism, do they count? If you actually look at the statistics, more people have been killed in the 20th century by non-religious administrations than were killed in all recorded religious wars. The simple fact of the matter is that humans fight wars and sometimes they use land or resources or property or even religion as an excuse. This isn't my "stupid superstitious bs" talking, it's the facts as determined by historians. Google "democide" (death by government) and read the statistics yourself. |
No. What's sad is the wonderful and brilliant potential that is humanity being squandered on stupid superstitious bs. We've killed ourselves off in the name of some non-existant deity. Bravo humanity. And you really must be new to this...I have no "faith" in anything. And the 100+ million killed for socialism, do they count? If you actually look at the statistics, more people have been killed in the 20th century by non-religious administrations than were killed in all recorded religious wars. The simple fact of the matter is that humans fight wars and sometimes they use land or resources or property or even religion as an excuse. This isn't my "stupid superstitious bs" talking, it's the facts as determined by historians. Google "democide" (death by government) and read the statistics yourself. 57 million in WWII..I guess you're another duhnier of the damages of Christianity. It takes a low life to defend a low life belief system. |
Edited by
Sat 10/23/10 09:29 AM
57 million in WWII..I guess you're another duhnier of the damages of Christianity. It takes a low life to defend a low life belief system. And are you actually blaming the deaths in WWII on Christianity? It's spelled denier, not "duhnier". If you get FireFox and use that browser, you can install a spell checking add-on to help prevent such obvious mistakes in the future. |
Edited by
Sat 10/23/10 09:56 AM
I wonder how many lives religion saves? probably not a popular topic though,,,
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple." one of the thousands of scriptures of the Bible which stands out for ME and I wonder how many others,,,,, |
No. What's sad is the wonderful and brilliant potential that is humanity being squandered on stupid superstitious bs. We've killed ourselves off in the name of some non-existant deity. Bravo humanity. And you really must be new to this...I have no "faith" in anything. And the 100+ million killed for socialism, do they count? If you actually look at the statistics, more people have been killed in the 20th century by non-religious administrations than were killed in all recorded religious wars. The simple fact of the matter is that humans fight wars and sometimes they use land or resources or property or even religion as an excuse. This isn't my "stupid superstitious bs" talking, it's the facts as determined by historians. Google "democide" (death by government) and read the statistics yourself. You really are quite limited in your thinking, aren't you. You're not a big picture kinda guy. Humanity has doomed itself to extinction. Largely due to religious influences on human societies. I wasn't quibbling on whether religion or atheism has killed more..ect ect ect. At this point, it doesn't really matter. |
I wonder how many lives religion saves? probably not a popular topic though,,, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple." one of the thousands of scriptures of the Bible which stands out for ME and I wonder how many others,,,,, I've always wondered of those that believe that particular passage, how do they justify ear/body piercings and tatoos? |
I wonder how many lives religion saves? probably not a popular topic though,,, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple." one of the thousands of scriptures of the Bible which stands out for ME and I wonder how many others,,,,, I've always wondered of those that believe that particular passage, how do they justify ear/body piercings and tatoos? good question, perhaps they see it more as decorating or painting the temple than destroying it,,, I have never done either though, because I am hesitant of doing those things to my temple, and I find them unattractive,,lol |
Disharmony in the family
Unhealthy or abusive relationship or break-up Alcohol or drug abuse Feelings of anger and guilt Physical or mental disorders Poor academic performance Sibling rivalry History of suicide within close circle Experience of a personal loss Inability to handle hardships due to low energy and depression from seems culture might be just as much a culprit in teen suicides as religion,,,,(which is a part of culture too) |
I wonder how many lives religion saves? probably not a popular topic though,,, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple." one of the thousands of scriptures of the Bible which stands out for ME and I wonder how many others,,,,, I've always wondered of those that believe that particular passage, how do they justify ear/body piercings and tatoos? good question, perhaps they see it more as decorating or painting the temple than destroying it,,, I have never done either though, because I am hesitant of doing those things to my temple, and I find them unattractive,,lol We definatly agree on that. I do have one ear pierced. A girl I was dating thought it would look cute. I keep it to remind me not to do stupid chit for girls. Like that would work.... ![]() |
I wonder how many lives religion saves? probably not a popular topic though,,, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple." one of the thousands of scriptures of the Bible which stands out for ME and I wonder how many others,,,,, I've always wondered of those that believe that particular passage, how do they justify ear/body piercings and tatoos? good question, perhaps they see it more as decorating or painting the temple than destroying it,,, I have never done either though, because I am hesitant of doing those things to my temple, and I find them unattractive,,lol We definatly agree on that. I do have one ear pierced. A girl I was dating thought it would look cute. I keep it to remind me not to do stupid chit for girls. Like that would work.... ![]() lol, we live and learn, I cant share all the things I CONSIDERED doing for 'love' |
Humanity has doomed itself to extinction. Largely due to religious influences on human societies. Why is that? Because you have arbitrarily stated that as a fact? You really are quite limited in your thinking, aren't you Let me guess...because I don't agree with you, my thinking is quite limited? Okay dude. You are the one who makes up facts and insists you know something that science is nowhere near to determining. |
57 million in WWII..I guess you're another duhnier of the damages of Christianity. It takes a low life to defend a low life belief system. And are you actually blaming the deaths in WWII on Christianity? It's spelled denier, not "duhnier". If you get FireFox and use that browser, you can install a spell checking add-on to help prevent such obvious mistakes in the future. Yes I do blame Christianity for all of WWII, It started with the Christians supporting Hitler into office... since he held Christian "values"...and I blame Christians for the Dippical disasters that have lead to these wars and the bad economic situation we are in now...own it voted for it, you got it. And gee, make sure you guys continue to vote your "morals", vote Palin in 2012 to try to continue the damage...and I like my choice of spelling of "duhnier"...and I think Firefox is a POS program. |