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Topic: One GLORIOUS profile - part 7
no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:23 PM
"I'm a helpless romantic"

It's kind of sad when they can't even get the brain-dead cliches right....

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:26 PM
"i writrte a lot"

Is any of it decipherable?

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:30 PM
"A bit hard to describe myself maybe we leave some of it aside and you tell me about myself when you get to know me so I can complete this part."

Oh, do your own work for once.

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:31 PM
"what makes me unique is that im me and theres no one close to being like me."

You've never actually read any other dating site profiles, have you?

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:34 PM
"Never go to any place, without my boyfriend, he is heterosexual."

The fact that he's your boyfriend should have been your first clue.

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:36 PM
"counicacion is very importen"

Couldn't have said it better myself. I could have spelled it better, though.

tngxl65's photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:36 PM

"Never go to any place, without my boyfriend, he is heterosexual."

The fact that he's your boyfriend should have been your first clue.

I had a girlfriend in high school that was a lesbian. I'm not sure if she was before we dated.

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:39 PM
"First time on this site and not so sure its the right thing to do, but if it doesn't work next stop is E-Harmony!!!!"

Good plan. You get to pay them a lot of money so they can tell you that you're unmatchable.

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:41 PM

"Never go to any place, without my boyfriend, he is heterosexual."

The fact that he's your boyfriend should have been your first clue.

I had a girlfriend in high school that was a lesbian. I'm not sure if she was before we dated.

Well, yeah, I've probably generated a half a dozen lesbians myself. These things happen. It wasn't like I MEANT to do it, but I'm sure it's best for all concerned.

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:43 PM

0-for-3, wow. Let's take it down a notch and see if you know colors and shapes.

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:48 PM
"im not gay"

A little defensive, aren't we?

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:49 PM
"About my goals and aspirations can be a very good theme to talk about."

In the field of writing, we call this a "bad sentence."

no photo
Thu 11/18/10 05:51 PM
"I love collecting bills from all over the world."

Damn collection agencies.

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:10 AM
"What am I looking for? Someone with a good sense of humor and can challenge me intellectually."

What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:12 AM
"No reason to create drama, life it's to beautiful to waiste it worrying about the little things."

I think this is a hula hoop reference, but I'm not sure.

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:20 AM
" i plan on majoring in message therapy"

So now you don't actually see the therapist. They just text you asking "How does that make you feel?"

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:25 AM
"I'm a student studying pre-medicine."

Read.... "I study first, then I medicate."

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:31 AM
"I want to change alot about my life, and have been looking at things from a different point of view now a days. Just bare with me...."

Is getting naked one of the changes?

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:40 AM
"I've been a Secretary, a Mother, a Soldier, a Prison Guard, a Probation Surveillance Officer, a Law Student, a Health Care Worker and a Writer of Mysteries among other things. "

Right. So you have trouble keeping a job. Check.

tngxl65's photo
Sat 11/20/10 09:42 AM
Edited by tngxl65 on Sat 11/20/10 10:15 AM
"I have 2 kids that are adults by age."

As opposed to adults by presidential decree?

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