Topic: One GLORIOUS profile - part 7 | |
"I'm a helpless romantic"
It's kind of sad when they can't even get the brain-dead cliches right.... |
"i writrte a lot"
Is any of it decipherable? |
"A bit hard to describe myself maybe we leave some of it aside and you tell me about myself when you get to know me so I can complete this part."
Oh, do your own work for once. |
"what makes me unique is that im me and theres no one close to being like me."
You've never actually read any other dating site profiles, have you? |
"Never go to any place, without my boyfriend, he is heterosexual."
The fact that he's your boyfriend should have been your first clue. |
"counicacion is very importen"
Couldn't have said it better myself. I could have spelled it better, though. |
"Never go to any place, without my boyfriend, he is heterosexual." The fact that he's your boyfriend should have been your first clue. I had a girlfriend in high school that was a lesbian. I'm not sure if she was before we dated. |
"First time on this site and not so sure its the right thing to do, but if it doesn't work next stop is E-Harmony!!!!"
Good plan. You get to pay them a lot of money so they can tell you that you're unmatchable. |
"Never go to any place, without my boyfriend, he is heterosexual." The fact that he's your boyfriend should have been your first clue. I had a girlfriend in high school that was a lesbian. I'm not sure if she was before we dated. Well, yeah, I've probably generated a half a dozen lesbians myself. These things happen. It wasn't like I MEANT to do it, but I'm sure it's best for all concerned. |
0-for-3, wow. Let's take it down a notch and see if you know colors and shapes. |
"im not gay"
A little defensive, aren't we? |
"About my goals and aspirations can be a very good theme to talk about."
In the field of writing, we call this a "bad sentence." |
"I love collecting bills from all over the world."
Damn collection agencies. |
"What am I looking for? Someone with a good sense of humor and can challenge me intellectually."
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? |
"No reason to create drama, life it's to beautiful to waiste it worrying about the little things."
I think this is a hula hoop reference, but I'm not sure. |
" i plan on majoring in message therapy"
So now you don't actually see the therapist. They just text you asking "How does that make you feel?" |
"I'm a student studying pre-medicine."
Read.... "I study first, then I medicate." |
"I want to change alot about my life, and have been looking at things from a different point of view now a days. Just bare with me...."
Is getting naked one of the changes? |
"I've been a Secretary, a Mother, a Soldier, a Prison Guard, a Probation Surveillance Officer, a Law Student, a Health Care Worker and a Writer of Mysteries among other things. "
Right. So you have trouble keeping a job. Check. |
Edited by
Sat 11/20/10 10:15 AM
"I have 2 kids that are adults by age."
As opposed to adults by presidential decree? |