Topic: who are the free masons? | |
ive been trying to unravel the mysteries behind this organization for some time now i always get drawn back to the principles of alchemy though several historic figures were alchemist and masons.
examples are issac newton, gallileo, lastly john dee altough i cant find much evidence of his involvement with the masons. |
I don't have a problem with anyone being free or a mason. From what I have seen it is sorta like the Elks lodge with a hint of Cristian Scientology.....
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i was just seeing if anybody knows of a link between alchemy and free masonry. ever since i read this article on sir fancis bacon i cant help but have a gut feeling about a link between the 2.
Not sure of the link between the two. I used to work with free masons. I do love the book "The Alchemist".........
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Why not just ask a Mason one day? They'd be happy to 'splain you what they're about. Remember, if you want to join, YOU have to ask THEM if you can join, THEY won't recruit YOU ... that's just the way it works.
Edited by
Sat 09/04/10 11:53 AM
Why not just ask a Mason one day? They'd be happy to 'splain you what they're about. Remember, if you want to join, YOU have to ask THEM if you can join, THEY won't recruit YOU ... that's just the way it works. I agree. The free masons are a free thinking order of sorts, and in certain times of the history of mankind different things compised "free thinking". At some point probably alchemy was it, at other times astronomy, at still other times, astrology. Newton, for instance, was involved heavily with the spiritual aspects of astronomy, which is called astrology. Free masons are an extremely long-running order, older than free dry wallers or even free stuccoists, but not as old as free thatched roofed mud hutters. What I am trying to say is that whenever Free Masonry started (opposed to pricey masonry), there have been all kinds of free-thinking thoughts, and it is no surprise that some older free masons are alchemists. I used to know a free mason who was an orator, he took lessons from Cicero. "Quo usque tandem abutere Katalina paciencia nostra?" So the best thing to do is what king's knight said, I agree, ask a free mason. Don't ask prisoner masons, or communist masons. Best to ask an American mason. |
I thought...well, hoped, really...that this was going to a mis-spelled question about mesons.
I thought...well, hoped, really...that this was going to a mis-spelled question about mesons. I know what you mean. I needed my fireplace redone. |
It's all a bit quarky... js.
i do understand what you mean.
i think that i will have to find out myself one day. thanks for teh insights. |
Who are the free mesons? Why, they are Eta, Kao, and Pio.
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Tue 09/07/10 12:39 PM
well youre right, the two are related in some ways. my boyfriend is a freemason, which is fraternity that you have to apply to and be accepted into in order to join. in my boyfriends case, he wanted to be a shriner one day which requires you becoming a mason first. i also come from a masonic family. however i know hed be interested in discussing this with you as he does a lot of research on it himself. if you want to look under my friends list his handle is paradox. and a lot of posters have given you great advice. or who knows maybe hell sign on and quit reading over my shoulder and respond to this himself lol. have a great one
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i was just seeing if anybody knows of a link between alchemy and free masonry. ever since i read this article on sir fancis bacon i cant help but have a gut feeling about a link between the 2. There are such rumors. I do not know with any certainty, but I suspect there were members who are/were. I find it fascinating as well. |
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Tue 09/07/10 12:51 PM
well you have to remember that masons, like anyone, are a lot of things and have a wide variety of interests. some are just part of the fraternity for networking. however i do believe you have to be at least a little bit of a free thinker to join since the preinterviews and later oaths you take require it. a lot of masons were also unitarians, universalists, and unitarian universalists- not that that has anything to do with alchemy lol. many are philanthropists. what i would try to do is get in touch with current day authors on the subject or related subjects. for instance the man who does the flower of life workshops has a lot to say on alchemy and its history etc since he is close friends with a modern day alchemist.
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Well, I'm a Mason. I've been attending lodge for years, even served as a Master of my lodge. From what I know, and what I've seen and what I've been told, I can honestly say, that the Freemasons have never tried to turn non-precious metals into gold.
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Tue 09/07/10 01:01 PM
![]() a persons personal interest doesnt always consume their whole life. sometimes it doesnt even consume their whole day. and rarely does it consume their whole fraternity. however there are some masons that were alchemists. but that doesnt mean that every single alchemist is a mason or vice versa. |
I am a freemason and I believe that to understand the Freemasons you have to understand their history to some extent. There is allot of gray area as far as this is concerned but from my research the Freemasons began as a guild of stone masons. Later they were contracted to build the many of the great Gothic Cathedrals in Europe at which point they were imparted sacred knowledge by the Cistercians which was a off shoot of the Essenes.
The secrets of the Freemasons are that they obtained proof of God that is veiled in symbol and only those that are dedicated and determined enough will find it. The Freemasons know that everyone is on the same spiritual path, but we are all just at different points so only those that are ready to get the information will find it. |
Edited by
Tue 09/07/10 01:31 PM
oh cmon paradox....get into the "good stuff". you dont have to break your vows to offer some juicy mental tidbits. booo-yaaaaa!
![]() ![]() besides all knowledge is worth having ![]() |
One only has to study the symbols that Freemasons hold sacred and by doing this it can greatly increase your knowledge and understanding of God, and the universe. A person simply has to be determined enough to break through the many veiled layers of information the symbols hide to reach understanding. Anyone can do this, but few will dedicate themselves enough.
I thought...well, hoped, really...that this was going to a mis-spelled question about mesons. No no no no nooooooooo ... it's 'maisons' ... |