To further clarify dimensions: The ether is an invisible substance that you cannot see, feel or touch but connects everyone and everything together! We are not individual entities but rather all one connected by this force.
The earth for example has natural rhythms because it also has and is energy and motion. And these rhythms send ripples or waves through the ether which are detectable to anyone if you are sensitive enough. Everything in the universe has rhythms and since we are really connected to everything through the ether and one who is sensitive enough can pick up these vibrations. |
What exactly are multiple dimensions or layers? If a spirit was capable of giving that much information where is the detail? I believe dimensions are different densities in what some call the ether. So a dimension is simply a name given to a certain layer of the either. Ex: If you were to pour 8 different kinds of oils into a glass in equal amounts on top of water, you would notice that they all form different layers and will arrange themselves according to how dense they are. Vibrations also have density and I believe everything in the universe vibrates at different rates including spirits and humans. so spirits will find themselves in a particular dimension based on how high they vibrate and these vibrations are detectable to those who are sensitive enough. At what level does emotion exist in the spirit world? Is there jealousy, prejudice, fear, hate, love, desire, selfishness, patience, greed, hunger, anger….? I believe all emotions exist in the spirit world as they do in the human world. Why should we know how to help spirits? If we can consult spirits to get all this other information about their realm, why can’t they help themselves? Helping spirits or anyone is a personal choice just like anything else in life. Just like humans some people get along without much help others have trouble. Why couldnt psychics be real if everything in the universe breaks down to energy and vibration? Could there not be those that are sensitive to that vibration and other vibrations??
What causes vibration? What is required to make something vibrate? What is energy? What is light? What is velocity and what gives anything in the known universe velocity? What is gravity and what causes it? What is meant by spacetime? Energy and the motion of energy causes vibration! I believe everything in the universe has vibration including people and spirits! You may not be sensitive to these vibrations, but that does not mean others couldnt be.
Why do you think that? Can you explain how a vibration in our physical world is like a vibration in a non-physical realm? Everything in the universe has vibration because everything breaks down to energy and energy vibrates! Would someone who is so sensitive to vibrations also sense weather patterns, earthquakes, meteor showers all around the world? Some people are sensitive enough to detect earth quakes but its usually only minutes before they happen. I mean we’re only here for a short time and we have an eternity to be spirits – so why not use all that love, compassion, and desire to help others, by putting that sensitivity to use right here? Many legit psychics do try to help people everyday! |
i need help helping a spirit that has asked me to help it move on to the light. i have no experience in this and know no one with experience in this field. myself and a few others are looking into the matter, but it is SLOW GOING. i was kind of at a loss where to put this but hoping maybe someone will have some advice to offer. The first thing that comes to mind are questions, like: Where do spirits come from? For example do spirits exist only as a by-product of a physical life form? That bring up a kind of chicken and the egg question - Which came first the spirit or the physical? Obviously some people believe that spirits exist apart from, or not bound to, a physical form. Since the spiritual realm is not part of the physical there is no objective way to gain empirical evidence about anything called the spiritual. Therefore, any human that claims to have such information, makes the claim from a purely subjective position. That means anyone could report anything and no matter how outlandish it may seem, those who believe in the spirit world would have to believe it - unless it could be proved false. But the only possible way (at this point) to prove that a subjective claim about the spiritual world is false is to compare it to some other individual's claim, the only difference of which is that the claim is from a different individual's perspective. So the point is that if some spirit, whether it was once in physical form or not, is somehow lost - why would that spirit require or even think to ask someone in the physical realm for help???? Be that as it may - there is another reason to question why a spirit would ask someone from the physical realm to help them. Might it be kind of like the pedofile who approaches children with a story about being lost, or sick and so the child's help is needed? If there are spirits, then it makes sense that there is a realm to which they belong. It also makes sense that if, even some, spirits were once in physical form that there is somthing beyond the physical realm that is just as 'universally' organized as the physical realm. In that case, there should be plenty of help that can be sought in the spiritual realm. It would be illogical for any spirit to consult with the physical realm about how to maneuver in the spiritual realm. At best, what could be communicated to the spiritual realm from the physical realm would be any one of an infinate number of subjective ideas. So - after thinking about all this, I've decided if any spirit ever contacts me, I'm going to suggest that the spirit look for other spirits and perhaps together they can figure it all out. At the very least two spirits have a lot more in common than one spirit and all of the humans in the physical realm put together. Why would spirits come to people for help? Spirits could be separated by multiple dimensions or layers. I believe we all have free will including spirits. So some spirits could find themselves in an area they put themselves in by choice that has contact with humans but many spirits in that area are in a state of confusion or lack of understanding and now that dont know how to get out of it. Why couldnt psychics be real if everything in the universe breaks down to energy and vibration? Could there not be those that are sensitive to that vibration and other vibrations?? I believe everything in the universe has vibration including people and spirits! You may not be sensitive to these vibrations, but that does not mean others couldnt be. |
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Tue 09/14/10 04:55 PM
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Take those last few posts with a grain of salt babe. You're hoping that someone will read this and have something of value to offer, and I believe it will happen once the right person chances upon your post. You're doing a good job and a good thing here. Not everyone is a skeptic.
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who are the free masons?
One only has to study the symbols that Freemasons hold sacred and by doing this it can greatly increase your knowledge and understanding of God, and the universe. A person simply has to be determined enough to break through the many veiled layers of information the symbols hide to reach understanding. Anyone can do this, but few will dedicate themselves enough.
who are the free masons?
I am a freemason and I believe that to understand the Freemasons you have to understand their history to some extent. There is allot of gray area as far as this is concerned but from my research the Freemasons began as a guild of stone masons. Later they were contracted to build the many of the great Gothic Cathedrals in Europe at which point they were imparted sacred knowledge by the Cistercians which was a off shoot of the Essenes.
The secrets of the Freemasons are that they obtained proof of God that is veiled in symbol and only those that are dedicated and determined enough will find it. The Freemasons know that everyone is on the same spiritual path, but we are all just at different points so only those that are ready to get the information will find it. |
I would buy as many farms and orchards as I could. I would turn them into nonprofit of which would be run by homeless and those less fortunate who would be able to live on site. All proceeds would go to the workers and keeping the farm or orchard running. The workers could stay on infinitely as long as they work hard. In this way I could provide on going work and housing to those in need.
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Wed 09/09/09 05:10 PM
Dec 21st 2012 is extremely important, but today is 9-9-09. First things first. :
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THE OPENING OF THE 09 09 09 Triple Nine crystalline Gateway The opening of another cosmic crystalline gateway soon approaches on your Earth - or it is more appropriate to say that this gateway is opening now as you move forward in your linear Earth's calender towards a date that signifies, through the energy of it's geometry, the highest peak of energy in your year of 2009. the date we speak of is the 9th september which carries the geometric frequency of the triple Nine, the 09,09,09 simply because that is the 'date' you all know, you all see, write, speak of & hold within your thoughts. From our perspective all dates are simultaneous in high energy and light - but for the one that experiences the linear journey of incarnation on Earth - the 09 09 09 - 9th September 2009 - this date holds that energy peak that is visible to and felt by the sensitive Starseeds and conduits of Light on Earth. This date holds the energy of the Nine - the energy of all that is 'us' for the Nine is the number of source energy and signifies the mathematical frequency - or energy signature as it were of the very multiverse - of hyperspace - the central core of the Zero Point and the frequency of this is available to all who seek it during the opening of this triple Nine gateway which is at it's highest on the 09 09 09. how does one access this energy? Meditation is a great key for you and we highly recommend this as you take your brain waves down to a frequency that allows the receiving of these energies in their fullest. There will be meditations taking place by many groups of Light for we see that many of you are fully aware of the significance of this date, even those who have not yet raised their awareness to the Ascension process and the Quantum shifts now occuring on your planet are still aware at some level that this date is significant. Those who feel they are in power on your planet, those who operate from service to self energies are very aware of the significance of this date. Yet it is you the human people that the energy of this date is most accessable to. You only have to ask - just ask - even if you have no awareness to whom you are asking! - you who have a pure heart will be heard, you will be protected in your asking, your asking will be acted upon. All one needs to do is ask to receive the energies of the 09 09 09 - to walk through the triple Nine gateway on the 9th September 2009. It matters not where you live in the world or what exact timeframe your daylight hours move into the 09 09 09 - many do not understand how a date within a calender, a counting system that has flaws and from certain levels is not correct when one views the very beginning of Earth's history, can possibly hold significance. To those we say the geometric energy that is placed on a date that holds the frequency of the 09 09 09 simply by it's name - as you have a name - gives it this significance - yet it goes beyond that for your calender indeed has consciousness and it's own blueprint which, as geometry is designed to do, as with crop circles and Art and certain mathematical understanding is designed to do - is an inner trigger for the human DNA and the triple Nine is a major awakening for all human beings - for all beings that you would know as Extra Terrestrial - hold the language of the DNA within - the language of the DNA that is within geometry - from this perspective the day of the triple Nine says much indeed and when one opens willingly to that frequency, which is a choice, it is a choice because you have free will. When one opens to that frequency one allows the geometry of the 09 09 09 to speak directly to the DNA and this knowledge, understanding and light shall then be processed by the human brain and you that has recieved this energy, you that has then walked through the triple Nine gateway shall know. You shall know and you shall have knowing. It has long been known the significance of the geometric language, the signigicance of the triple numbers, the Master Nimbers and the 09 09 09. There are those that have kept this knowledge secret, there are those that have deliberetly placed the consciousness of fear upon the triple master number 09 09 09...the opening of this gateway on the 09th September 2009 signifies the end of this hold of fear on the 09 09 09 for many shall ask to receive this energy, many with awakened and activated DNA are receiving this energy now and this gateway shall remain open as long as the awareness of the 09 09 09 remains, the combined consciouness of the aware ones shall therefore bathe the 09 09 09 with love, for it is love and any attemps to create fear around the geometric master numbers shall cease. The 09 09 09 date, the triple Nine crystalline gateway is therefore created by you, it is you that hold the keys to open this gateway, it is you, oh so many of you that shall not walk but skip with a lightness of step through this gateway as you have walked through so many gateways before, you shall hold the hands of those less sure than yourselves but as you create this gateway, as you unlock this gateway with your inner golden keys, you realise the oneness that stands within creation & creating & know that the 09 09 09 gateway was created FOR you and BY you yet stands timeless as it is a trigger for your DNA and the DNA in it's truest form has no beginning and no end. The frequency of the Nine is universal, it is unconditional love, healing, strength and higher consciousness. It can indeed be used for opposite frequencies as all geometric master numbers have the opposing polarity. It is with gladness we see that the energy of the Light, the higher frequency of the Nine is the energy that abounds as this gateway opens. The strength of the darker, service to self, pyramid structures of consciousness cannot and will not be any match for the Light on this day. The 09 09 09 is the true finish line for the consciousness structures of service-to-others Light that now holds so much more space within your planetary grid. This is available for all who wish it, for the opening of the triple Nine crystalline gateway marks that point of no return for the opposing frequencies....and they too shall be embraced by the love, compassion and forgiveness of those who hold the Light. The frequencies of the Nine have always been passed to those who hear these words yet on this day, the 09 09 09, the opening of the Triple Nine crystalline gateway, the energies of the Nine are passed to all those who hear these words, who feel these words, in multiplied abundance. Now is the time for the energy of the Nine. |
Cure for Cancer?
I have worked at a chemical company for 20 years and found a conspiracy about another chemical that can cure cancer called Benzaldehyde which is the essential oil of the bitter almond. We use it as a fragrance for our products because it has a strong cherry smell. This is available in almost EVERY grocery store in the spice section called Pure Almond Extract! It is safe to consume in small quantities, but it was the ONLY chemical we had to register with for the DEA!!! We had to state that we would only use it for the stated purpose of fragrance. I researched this material being suspicious and found it has a HIGH cancer cure rate! We have much more dangerous materials so why did we have to register only this one?? Because they are trying to suppress it!! Because it works and is really cheap. There are actually many alternative therapies that are highly effective cancer treatments, but they are all potential cures that the pharmacutical companies cant make money from so the proper research never goes into proving they can and do work! They are also hiding this and its horrible really! I have studied all of following potential cures and tested many of them on myself when sick. They dont just work on cancer they work on ALL disease and bacteria. You dont treat a disease you treat a bodily system! A disease is a symtom of your bodies system being out of wack! Some very good potential cures are: Colliodal Silver- Hydrogen peroxide-Food Grade..Yes you can drink it! Benzaldehyde- Blood Electrofication- Water ozination- Squalene- Rife Frequency- Magnetic Therapy- Germanium- B 17 Laetrile- If anyone wants additional information on anything I posted feel free to contact me. I only wish to help people and will do whatever I can to that end. : ) |