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Topic: Funny/Weird/Favorite Pickup Lines
synergized's photo
Fri 09/24/10 04:14 PM

"How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. Hi, my name is (insert name here)."

My daughter was hit on with this line. She told him, maybe enough to get a hi ya...lol

ProPhotographer's photo
Sat 09/25/10 02:51 AM
"Your eyes are like diamonds and make me just as hard"

popcornncoke's photo
Sun 09/26/10 06:26 PM
I had a guy tell me once.Damm you are pretty.We sure could make some pretty babies..

Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/26/10 10:28 PM

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sun 09/26/10 10:46 PM
During an eight hour layover in a Detroit bus station, a black man approached me trying to get me to buy a watch from a various assortment he had pinned to the inside of his trench coat.

When I declined his sales pitch for the watch he said, "Salt and pepper make beautiful music together." Then he explained he had a hotel room down the street.

I replied with, "SECURITY?!"

arcblade's photo
Mon 09/27/10 06:02 AM
Another respnse would be "I'm sure I couldvmake you scream"
Then whip out some pepper spray.

no photo
Mon 09/27/10 09:41 AM
True, there are a lot of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'd like to catch and mount back at my place.

no photo
Mon 09/27/10 09:44 AM
Roses are red. Violets are blue. I like spaghetti. Let's go f***.

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/30/10 02:27 PM
If a younger man approaches an older woman:
Have you ever been cougar hunting?
Well, now that I've caught you, how about I take you home, mount and stuff you.

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/30/10 02:28 PM
Go for the simple:
Hi, I'm [ name ], nice to meet you.

Loy822's photo
Thu 09/30/10 02:29 PM

If a younger man approaches an older woman:
Have you ever been cougar hunting?
Well, now that I've caught you, how about I take you home, mount and stuff you.

Have to ask - how'd that work for ya?

Elisapi's photo
Sun 10/10/10 12:08 PM

were you raised on a chicken farm?
cuz you sure know how to raise a ****.

Ok, I'll bite. raise a what? egg?
Obviously that one flew by me so fast I missed it in the blink.

raise a c*ck

Elisapi's photo
Sun 10/10/10 12:14 PM

Does this rag smell like chloroform?

THAT is hilarious! Though if anybody actually used that line and got away with it, that chick or dude is seriously SERIOUSLY stupidlaugh noway frustrated

lyndahnmt's photo
Tue 10/12/10 02:58 AM
Hehehe.. All these pick up lines are so funny.

Duffy's photo
Tue 10/12/10 02:44 PM
hey didn't i see u in the library?

MzSwaggittarius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 02:37 AM
I thought about introducing you to my sister, but I’m not that generous.

MzSwaggittarius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 02:43 AM
You must be a magician, because everytime I look at you, everyone else disappears.

If I followed you home, would you keep me?

You dropped something. (What?) My jaw.

For use when someone you know is getting married: Hi, I'm throwing the bachelor/bachelorette party for a friend of mine, and I need a stripper. Interested?

If I were to ask you for sex, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?

You want me. I can smell it.

If I bit my lip would you kiss it better?

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