Community > Posts By > arcblade

arcblade's photo
Fri 10/08/10 05:52 AM

arcblade's photo
Tue 10/05/10 06:01 AM
Good morning all :)

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/30/10 02:28 PM
Go for the simple:
Hi, I'm [ name ], nice to meet you.

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/30/10 02:27 PM
If a younger man approaches an older woman:
Have you ever been cougar hunting?
Well, now that I've caught you, how about I take you home, mount and stuff you.

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/30/10 02:20 PM

arcblade's photo
Mon 09/27/10 11:29 AM
Don't think there is enough glitter in that 1.

arcblade's photo
Mon 09/27/10 06:03 AM
mmm .... mashed potatoes ....

arcblade's photo
Mon 09/27/10 06:02 AM
Another respnse would be "I'm sure I couldvmake you scream"
Then whip out some pepper spray.

arcblade's photo
Wed 09/22/10 08:28 PM
Did that 1 manage to find their way out?

arcblade's photo
Wed 09/22/10 01:15 PM
Hi, I'm God.
You will be thanking me later.

arcblade's photo
Fri 09/17/10 11:26 AM
Yes, this is a roll of hundred dollar bills in my pocket AND yes I am happy to see you.

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/16/10 11:22 AM
One nite with me, and you'll never want another man.

arcblade's photo
Wed 09/15/10 10:36 AM
When are they running the state fair?

arcblade's photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:33 AM
Would it be a good or bad response if she said she wanted her eggs fertilized?

arcblade's photo
Sun 09/12/10 03:45 PM

arcblade's photo
Sun 09/12/10 03:45 PM

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/09/10 11:10 AM
A trace?
been pretty wet here in the DFW.
Also interesting to see a small tornado go thru part of down town dallas.

arcblade's photo
Thu 09/09/10 07:32 AM
When you bring up the subject of awkwards lines you can go,
Well would you preferred I used a line like
Hi, My name is [insert name]
I'm a [insert astrolgoical sign]
And I'm into Interpretive dance and S&M.

arcblade's photo
Thu 08/19/10 11:22 AM
Edited by arcblade on Thu 08/19/10 11:23 AM
Give me a chance, I'll show you the best 8 and a half seconds of my life.

arcblade's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:42 PM
Dallas//Addison here :)