Topic: I was watching the Faux news station again this morning..... | |
They are in favor of some action, not the law in Arizona itself so that is also a twist of information. how are you getting "some action" from in favor of such a law in their own state? The law stated in the rasmussen poll is the federal law not the Arizona law and it was asked if they want some action taken, of course they do. Everyone wants some action taken. They should have asked do you want racism to be perpetrated to get the job done and then we could have at least seen how many racist will own up. |
The federal government either needs to enforce the existing laws or stop requiring visas.. Its one or the other..
Preferential treatment based on proximity to the border or national origin is wrong.. |
I read it and posted it directly. 55% favor passage of such a law in their own state. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters believe a police officer should be required to check the immigration status of anyone stopped for a traffic violation or violation of some other law if he suspects the person might be an illegal immigrant. not sure which part of my post is untrue. You were talking about the Rasmussen report in the OP...that is my source 69 percent support the federal law, not the law in Arizona because that is what is stated here. but isn't that what you are saying is racist? and it is in the AZ law (which is what we are talking about) The poll was about the AZ law not the federal law. So that is true from the site itself. They didn't ask about the federal law, regardless of it is similar or the exact same as the federal law. What you posted is the federal law, not the Arizona law. So if you have an issue than talk to rasmussen for not asking about the Arizona law when they did their poll. The information was falsely used by Fox news to show support for a law that is not supported. |
The federal government either needs to enforce the existing laws or stop requiring visas.. Its one or the other.. Preferential treatment based on proximity to the border or national origin is wrong.. I agree the federal laws should have been enforced for all these many many years that they were not. Now we have compounded the issue. I just want people to know how deceptive Fox News Network is in their "portrayal" of the news. |
They are in favor of some action, not the law in Arizona itself so that is also a twist of information. how are you getting "some action" from in favor of such a law in their own state? The law stated in the rasmussen poll is the federal law not the Arizona law and it was asked if they want some action taken, of course they do. Everyone wants some action taken. They should have asked do you want racism to be perpetrated to get the job done and then we could have at least seen how many racist will own up. wrong. Look at the link again. It is polling the AZ law NOT the federal law. "55% Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s For Their State" is the headline itself. |
I did NOT post the federal law. The OP was about the Rasmussen report poll regarding the AZ LAW....NOT the FEDERAL law
They are in favor of some action, not the law in Arizona itself so that is also a twist of information. how are you getting "some action" from in favor of such a law in their own state? The law stated in the rasmussen poll is the federal law not the Arizona law and it was asked if they want some action taken, of course they do. Everyone wants some action taken. They should have asked do you want racism to be perpetrated to get the job done and then we could have at least seen how many racist will own up. wrong. Look at the link again. It is polling the AZ law NOT the federal law. "55% Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s For Their State" is the headline itself. wrong. The question asked was the federal law, not the Arizona law. Regardless to what they say they were doing. |
Either I "proved" that Fox news skewed the percentage or it's the wrong law. Can't be both. It's the same source.
They are in favor of some action, not the law in Arizona itself so that is also a twist of information. how are you getting "some action" from in favor of such a law in their own state? The law stated in the rasmussen poll is the federal law not the Arizona law and it was asked if they want some action taken, of course they do. Everyone wants some action taken. They should have asked do you want racism to be perpetrated to get the job done and then we could have at least seen how many racist will own up. wrong. Look at the link again. It is polling the AZ law NOT the federal law. "55% Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s For Their State" is the headline itself. wrong. The question asked was the federal law, not the Arizona law. Regardless to what they say they were doing. Can you READ ... ? |
Most U.S. voters have been following news reports about the new immigration law in Arizona, and 55% favor passage of such a law in their own state. where does it ask about the Federal Law in this? |
Most U.S. voters have been following news reports about the new immigration law in Arizona, and 55% favor passage of such a law in their own state. where does it ask about the Federal Law in this? The question they asked people was the federal law not the Arizona law. That is not my fault. They did it that way. |
Most U.S. voters have been following news reports about the new immigration law in Arizona, and 55% favor passage of such a law in their own state.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 33% of voters are opposed to enactment of that kind of law. Another 12% are not sure. When asked specifically about the chief provision of the Arizona law, support is even higher. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters believe a police officer should be required to check the immigration status of anyone stopped for a traffic violation or violation of some other law if he suspects the person might be an illegal immigrant. Just 23% say police officers should not be required to do this. Earlier reports suggested that the Arizona law would allow police to stop anyone they suspected of being an illegal immigrant. The law as it stands, however, applies only to situations where someone has been lawfully stopped for some other violation. Since the law in Arizona has become popular in the polls, some political figures in Washington have sought to move away from the issue. Interestingly, 58% of Mainstream voters say immigration as an issue is Very Important in terms of how they will vote in the next election, a view shared by just 20% of the Political Class. (Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook. The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on May 14-15, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology. Most voters have supported the Arizona immigration law from the start, despite criticism of it by President Obama and others, including most major Hispanic groups. Only 25% have a favorable view of those who marched and protested for immigrant rights in major cities following passage of the law. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of voters say the issue of immigration is at least somewhat important in terms of how they will vote in the next election. This includes 50% who say it is Very Important. Among those who say immigration is a Very Important issue in their voting decision, 78% favor a law like Arizona’s in their own state. Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters remain at least somewhat concerned that efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants also will end up violating the civil rights of some U.S. citizens. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t have this concern. This includes 27% who are Very Concerned and 15% who are Not At All Concerned. This level of concern is consistent with previous surveys. Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party are much more supportive than Democrats of having a law like Arizona’s in their home state. But when asked the separate question of whether police officers should be required to check the immigration status of those stopped for other reasons, a majority of Democrats say yes. While 68% of Mainstream voters favor passage of a law like Arizona’s in their own state, 66% of the Political Class are opposed. But there’s a complete reversal of opinion when the Political Class is asked specifically about the chief provision of the Arizona law. In that case, 69% of Political Class voters agree that a police officer should be required to check the immigration status of people they stop if the officer suspects they’re here illegally. Eighty-two percent (82%) of all voters say they have followed stories about the new immigration law in Arizona at least somewhat closely, with 50% who are following Very Closely. Most voters continue to say as they have for years that gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of undocumented workers. But most Americans also favor a welcoming immigration policy that excludes only “national security threats, criminals and those who would come here to live off our welfare system.” Americans also continue to overwhelmingly believe that English should be the official language of the United States and reject by sizable margins the idea that such a move is racist or a violation of free speech. Eighty percent (80%) of voters believe that those who move to America should adopt American culture. Again, this level of support has remained largely unchanged for years. This is the full article. Where is it asking for a poll on Federal Laws instead of the Arizona Laws? |
Most U.S. voters have been following news reports about the new immigration law in Arizona, and 55% favor passage of such a law in their own state. where does it ask about the Federal Law in this? The question they asked people was the federal law not the Arizona law. That is not my fault. They did it that way. Show me |
Either I "proved" that Fox news skewed the percentage or it's the wrong law. Can't be both. It's the same source. It is both. Fox lied about their story and rasmussen asked people if they approve of a law that is the federal law not the arizona law. |
Either I "proved" that Fox news skewed the percentage or it's the wrong law. Can't be both. It's the same source. It is both. Fox lied about their story and rasmussen asked people if they approve of a law that is the federal law not the arizona law. Show me that poll. I showed the one where they polled about the ARIZONA LAW |
seems a difference in sources
the OP stated 'Rasmussen asked if people thought that action should be taken on the immigration issue and 60% said yes. Faux said that showed that people supported the Arizona law. ' this seems to question just taking 'action' and not the Arizona specifics,, |
seems a difference in sources the OP stated 'Rasmussen asked if people thought that action should be taken on the immigration issue and 60% said yes. Faux said that showed that people supported the Arizona law. ' this seems to question just taking 'action' and not the Arizona specifics,, That is why I went to the Rasmussen site and looked it up. The articles I posted SPECIFICALLY talk about the AZ law |
58% in Pennsylvania Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona's
55% of Colorado Voters Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona's 62% in Florida Favor Arizona-style Law On Illegal Immigration Arizona Voters Favor Welcoming Immigration Policy, 64% Support New Immigration Law If these work better. These are all from the Rasmussen site itself or google Rasmussen report and search Arizona law |
But the question asked the people on the poll is not even the Arizona law, it is the federal law.
So Rasmussen misrepresented the info also. So now we have a lying Fox using a misinforming Rasmussen as verification. LOL, it just gets worse and worse for |
So what isn't the AZ law? How do you know people polled are thinking of the Federal Law and not the AZ law....which was asked about in the poll?
Apparently I am missing something. The OP doesn't provide the poll in question (I did from the actual site itself) and even though it is talking about the AZ law through and's not asking about the AZ Law? Makes no sense. What source is the OP going by? I'm not going by Fox, MSNBC or any other source, but by Rasmussen (the poll in question) |