Topic: Does anyone know what the definition of a liberal is? | |
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and then again there is a difference between a non Christian (or atheist) and an anti-Christian a anti-Christian is ALWAYS gonna look for the most negative to deride the religious, in which case there ceases to be any discussion and then just becomes competing rants Considering that all non Christians are not atheists and all non religious are not atheists. I am not anti Christian, I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. Christianity just happens to be the most active in imposition in this country. including the president and other members of congress right? Hell yea. then we must get him out of there right???? I mean he attended a church with an extremist he must have those thinkings too right??? not to mention he has a chair in the UN security council. but who do we replace them with??? atheists???? the supreme court ruled it's a religion and there are extremists there too They can have whatever religion they want privately. That is not a reason for concern. If they impose those religious beliefs on others that is a concern. Don't make laws based on religion and there will be no problems. Do not have religion in the government and there will be no problem. Practice the religion at home and keep it out of the government of all. The only way to be fair here would be to include all religion in the government, every last one, which are thousands if not more or to take the religion out of the government completely. There is no include just one religion in the government and be fair to all. So keep it out of the government and then we can be fair to all. since you have complete faith in the president and congress to not impose their beliefs into the government...then that is proof not all Christians are the way that gets by those that hate. that is proof that some Christians CAN separate church and state. so next time we generalize...remember the president you support and members of congress and our founding fathers...Christian I said as long as they keep it private. They will have problems from me if they impose their beliefs on the people too, just like everyone else. So as long as they keep it at home and not impose it on all of us I will accept them as right and just. I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. that is what you said that I am referring to. there will always be religion in government but that doesn't mean the laws effecting the people will necessarily be changed don't you think an atheist politicians uses his or her beliefs to influence how he or she votes at times????? of course...just like other religions...but that doesn't necessarily mean that laws will change that voids the constitution and tramples on others rights Except it is in the form of a denial of gay marriage. Religious voting to deny others their civil rights. You can't make it right. didn't we go over this???? I don't have a problem with gay marriages myself and others don't as well. but since you don't know what religion votes what...your post isn't accurate It is obvious, sorry. again...obvious to YOU...not me It seems to be obvious to others too so you might be the minority on this one too. according to others posts....they agree with me as well. I forget....I'm right your wrong huh??? ![]() as far as the article...they ARE protected under the constitution to do this...whether agree with it or not. and, as I have explained won't be a text book in public schools. so where is the problem???? just don't read it |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :) Considering this whole post in inaccurate, I don't where to start here. Yellow hasn't been attacked not once. Being gay is not a choice. You either are gay or bi or you are not. It is not a choice at all. How do I know I am not gay? I see a naked woman and have no desire for her. So I am not bi or gay. I was born ungay. Yes, being gay is a choice. And one day you wake up and say "Hmmm, you know what dating the same sex isn't doing it for me so let me try the same instead" That's choice. Also, yes she has bc she mentioned a belief of hers and then the Libs come out (as usual) and want a clear definition or response for what she meant. She gives you one and (of course) it's not to your group's liking so you want another. Read back on the post and you'll see... But, hey I'm just talking out loud :) If you are not turned on by the same sex you cannot flip flop from one to the other. So what the hell are you talking about? You are born attracted to a certain sex or both for that matter. We know what turns us on before we are even sexually active. I cannot CHOOSE to be gay because women do not turn me on. Men turn me on. Nothing is wrong either way as long as they are of age and mental consent. Only people who cannot see outside of themselves long enough to realize all are not the same as themselves, consider that gays are choosing to be ostracized just for the hell of it. As long as they can keep it listed as a choice they can keep mistreating the gay folks for their "choices". So they insist so they can continue to hate. |
Dragoness, It would be funny if my child wouldn't have to hear it. I can't imagine all of those kids going to college thinking that. ![]() but your child goes to private school that you chose. not public school. if you don't like what the teacher says...go to another private school or complain about it |
Dragoness, It would be funny if my child wouldn't have to hear it. I can't imagine all of those kids going to college thinking that. ![]() I am sure because your child is in a christian school they assume she will also attend a christian college where they can cement those notions once and for all. They hope. Didn't work on me. |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() ![]() ![]() According to them it is already laden with the liberal I never thought I would see the day when a conservative would call the bible evil in it's ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I still say, if the bible is too liberal then you are too conservative and if the bible is too conservative then you are too liberal you don't change the bible to suit your politics you change your politics to suit the bible with the disclaimer that that would only apply to Christians who follow the bible you and I know that but there are people on both sides that think differently. after this there will probably be a group of liberals that rewrite the Bible to suit them. it doesn't end....I just don't have to read it. BUT under the constitution...whether agree or not...they are within their rights 'liberals that rewrite the Bible to suit them...' Now that is funny. ![]() Thou shalt keep your religion to yourself... hey I kinda like it, maybe I'll start the NEW LIBERAL BIBLE... ![]() are you saying there aren't biased liberal sources out there and this couldn't POSSIBLY happen???? well I guess it depends on what definition of liberal you use huh? and actually....from what I believe religions are...that passage wouldn't be in there....maybe the convenient liberal Bible, maybe????? Hmmm how about using convenient conservative, break up the monotony or repetition. I was just laughing at the notion that liberal would care to waste time editing or redoing a book that has already caused wars and all manner of hatred of others. Life's too short. I have never said I'm a straight by the book conservative. in fact I have said I live more on the conservative side but liberal minded enough to know not all think like me....and yes there are conveient conservatives...just as liberals. as far as hatred goes...that is your opinion. the wars are started by men. so instead of blaming a religion...blame men ![]() and I see hatred on the other side as well. look at the past posts in general religion as well as in politics. |
and then again there is a difference between a non Christian (or atheist) and an anti-Christian a anti-Christian is ALWAYS gonna look for the most negative to deride the religious, in which case there ceases to be any discussion and then just becomes competing rants Considering that all non Christians are not atheists and all non religious are not atheists. I am not anti Christian, I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. Christianity just happens to be the most active in imposition in this country. including the president and other members of congress right? Hell yea. then we must get him out of there right???? I mean he attended a church with an extremist he must have those thinkings too right??? not to mention he has a chair in the UN security council. but who do we replace them with??? atheists???? the supreme court ruled it's a religion and there are extremists there too They can have whatever religion they want privately. That is not a reason for concern. If they impose those religious beliefs on others that is a concern. Don't make laws based on religion and there will be no problems. Do not have religion in the government and there will be no problem. Practice the religion at home and keep it out of the government of all. The only way to be fair here would be to include all religion in the government, every last one, which are thousands if not more or to take the religion out of the government completely. There is no include just one religion in the government and be fair to all. So keep it out of the government and then we can be fair to all. since you have complete faith in the president and congress to not impose their beliefs into the government...then that is proof not all Christians are the way that gets by those that hate. that is proof that some Christians CAN separate church and state. so next time we generalize...remember the president you support and members of congress and our founding fathers...Christian I said as long as they keep it private. They will have problems from me if they impose their beliefs on the people too, just like everyone else. So as long as they keep it at home and not impose it on all of us I will accept them as right and just. I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. that is what you said that I am referring to. there will always be religion in government but that doesn't mean the laws effecting the people will necessarily be changed don't you think an atheist politicians uses his or her beliefs to influence how he or she votes at times????? of course...just like other religions...but that doesn't necessarily mean that laws will change that voids the constitution and tramples on others rights Except it is in the form of a denial of gay marriage. Religious voting to deny others their civil rights. You can't make it right. didn't we go over this???? I don't have a problem with gay marriages myself and others don't as well. but since you don't know what religion votes what...your post isn't accurate It is obvious, sorry. again...obvious to YOU...not me It seems to be obvious to others too so you might be the minority on this one too. according to others posts....they agree with me as well. I forget....I'm right your wrong huh??? ![]() as far as the article...they ARE protected under the constitution to do this...whether agree with it or not. and, as I have explained won't be a text book in public schools. so where is the problem???? just don't read it It is still obvious the religious in this country are imposing their views and denying civil rights to gays in this country. Whoever you want to call right or wrong, that is obvious. |
and then again there is a difference between a non Christian (or atheist) and an anti-Christian a anti-Christian is ALWAYS gonna look for the most negative to deride the religious, in which case there ceases to be any discussion and then just becomes competing rants Considering that all non Christians are not atheists and all non religious are not atheists. I am not anti Christian, I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. Christianity just happens to be the most active in imposition in this country. including the president and other members of congress right? Hell yea. then we must get him out of there right???? I mean he attended a church with an extremist he must have those thinkings too right??? not to mention he has a chair in the UN security council. but who do we replace them with??? atheists???? the supreme court ruled it's a religion and there are extremists there too They can have whatever religion they want privately. That is not a reason for concern. If they impose those religious beliefs on others that is a concern. Don't make laws based on religion and there will be no problems. Do not have religion in the government and there will be no problem. Practice the religion at home and keep it out of the government of all. The only way to be fair here would be to include all religion in the government, every last one, which are thousands if not more or to take the religion out of the government completely. There is no include just one religion in the government and be fair to all. So keep it out of the government and then we can be fair to all. since you have complete faith in the president and congress to not impose their beliefs into the government...then that is proof not all Christians are the way that gets by those that hate. that is proof that some Christians CAN separate church and state. so next time we generalize...remember the president you support and members of congress and our founding fathers...Christian I said as long as they keep it private. They will have problems from me if they impose their beliefs on the people too, just like everyone else. So as long as they keep it at home and not impose it on all of us I will accept them as right and just. I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. that is what you said that I am referring to. there will always be religion in government but that doesn't mean the laws effecting the people will necessarily be changed don't you think an atheist politicians uses his or her beliefs to influence how he or she votes at times????? of course...just like other religions...but that doesn't necessarily mean that laws will change that voids the constitution and tramples on others rights Except it is in the form of a denial of gay marriage. Religious voting to deny others their civil rights. You can't make it right. didn't we go over this???? I don't have a problem with gay marriages myself and others don't as well. but since you don't know what religion votes what...your post isn't accurate It is obvious, sorry. again...obvious to YOU...not me It seems to be obvious to others too so you might be the minority on this one too. according to others posts....they agree with me as well. I forget....I'm right your wrong huh??? ![]() as far as the article...they ARE protected under the constitution to do this...whether agree with it or not. and, as I have explained won't be a text book in public schools. so where is the problem???? just don't read it It is still obvious the religious in this country are imposing their views and denying civil rights to gays in this country. Whoever you want to call right or wrong, that is obvious. the voters...whether Christian or not...are the ones denying gay marriages not denying people from being gay. I don't oppose them to marry. but again...the article has what to do with any of this. it's a Bible that they are protected to translate by the constitution and it's not going to be in public schools or anything else except a book store with other books. paranoia???? possibly. so not wanting this Bible and thinking it should be stopped goes against freedom of speech and religion as well. isn't that what the other side complains about as well? |
Edited by
Thu 10/08/09 01:23 PM
it's also straight people keeping pot smokers from smoking dope
amd it's non smokers preventing smokers from lighting up there is a whole lot more to it than just gays not getting to act out their wishes democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner it would behoove the sheep to convince the wolves to eat some thing else I'm not saying its right ot wrong. its just the way it is |
so how is this Bible forced on those that don't want to read or buy it???? how are the laws going to change because of this Bible??? Christians in office have done fairly well with keeping the Bible now out of what would change? this is a group of conservatives...not even all conservatives want this. not all Christians want this.
it's also straight people keeping pot smokers from smoking dope amd it's non smokers preventing smokers from lighting up there is a whole lot more to it than just gays not getting to act out their wishes democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner it would behoove the sheep to convince the wolves to eat some thing else I'm not saying its right ot wrong. its just the way it is good point |
the voters...whether Christian or not...are the ones denying gay marriages not denying people from being gay. I don't oppose them to marry. but again...the article has what to do with any of this. it's a Bible that they are protected to translate by the constitution and it's not going to be in public schools or anything else except a book store with other books. paranoia???? possibly. so not wanting this Bible and thinking it should be stopped goes against freedom of speech and religion as well. isn't that what the other side complains about as well? ![]() |
1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. |
and then again there is a difference between a non Christian (or atheist) and an anti-Christian a anti-Christian is ALWAYS gonna look for the most negative to deride the religious, in which case there ceases to be any discussion and then just becomes competing rants Considering that all non Christians are not atheists and all non religious are not atheists. I am not anti Christian, I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. Christianity just happens to be the most active in imposition in this country. including the president and other members of congress right? Hell yea. then we must get him out of there right???? I mean he attended a church with an extremist he must have those thinkings too right??? not to mention he has a chair in the UN security council. but who do we replace them with??? atheists???? the supreme court ruled it's a religion and there are extremists there too They can have whatever religion they want privately. That is not a reason for concern. If they impose those religious beliefs on others that is a concern. Don't make laws based on religion and there will be no problems. Do not have religion in the government and there will be no problem. Practice the religion at home and keep it out of the government of all. The only way to be fair here would be to include all religion in the government, every last one, which are thousands if not more or to take the religion out of the government completely. There is no include just one religion in the government and be fair to all. So keep it out of the government and then we can be fair to all. since you have complete faith in the president and congress to not impose their beliefs into the government...then that is proof not all Christians are the way that gets by those that hate. that is proof that some Christians CAN separate church and state. so next time we generalize...remember the president you support and members of congress and our founding fathers...Christian I said as long as they keep it private. They will have problems from me if they impose their beliefs on the people too, just like everyone else. So as long as they keep it at home and not impose it on all of us I will accept them as right and just. I am anti any religion in government, making laws of any kind to govern us all. that is what you said that I am referring to. there will always be religion in government but that doesn't mean the laws effecting the people will necessarily be changed don't you think an atheist politicians uses his or her beliefs to influence how he or she votes at times????? of course...just like other religions...but that doesn't necessarily mean that laws will change that voids the constitution and tramples on others rights Except it is in the form of a denial of gay marriage. Religious voting to deny others their civil rights. You can't make it right. didn't we go over this???? I don't have a problem with gay marriages myself and others don't as well. but since you don't know what religion votes what...your post isn't accurate It is obvious, sorry. again...obvious to YOU...not me It seems to be obvious to others too so you might be the minority on this one too. according to others posts....they agree with me as well. I forget....I'm right your wrong huh??? ![]() as far as the article...they ARE protected under the constitution to do this...whether agree with it or not. and, as I have explained won't be a text book in public schools. so where is the problem???? just don't read it It is still obvious the religious in this country are imposing their views and denying civil rights to gays in this country. Whoever you want to call right or wrong, that is obvious. the voters...whether Christian or not...are the ones denying gay marriages not denying people from being gay. I don't oppose them to marry. but again...the article has what to do with any of this. it's a Bible that they are protected to translate by the constitution and it's not going to be in public schools or anything else except a book store with other books. paranoia???? possibly. so not wanting this Bible and thinking it should be stopped goes against freedom of speech and religion as well. isn't that what the other side complains about as well? Actually the point of my posting this was the definition of "liberal" in the article. It is sick. |
Edited by
Thu 10/08/09 01:28 PM
this thread has gone way off topic
from whether a re-translation of the bible is right and proper to a blanket indictment of Christians in general and that is what ALWAYS happens |
the voters...whether Christian or not...are the ones denying gay marriages not denying people from being gay. I don't oppose them to marry. but again...the article has what to do with any of this. it's a Bible that they are protected to translate by the constitution and it's not going to be in public schools or anything else except a book store with other books. paranoia???? possibly. so not wanting this Bible and thinking it should be stopped goes against freedom of speech and religion as well. isn't that what the other side complains about as well? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
this thread has gone way off topic from whether a re-translation of the bible is right and proper to a blannket indictment of Christians in general and that is what ALWAYS happens very true. I tend to stray myself. I've tried to go back to the politics of it ![]() |
Dragoness, It would be funny if my child wouldn't have to hear it. I can't imagine all of those kids going to college thinking that. ![]() but your child goes to private school that you chose. not public school. if you don't like what the teacher says...go to another private school or complain about it It's a Lutheran school. I am going to complain about it. |
Dragoness, It would be funny if my child wouldn't have to hear it. I can't imagine all of those kids going to college thinking that. ![]() I am sure because your child is in a christian school they assume she will also attend a christian college where they can cement those notions once and for all. They hope. Didn't work on me. Hmm..I didn't think about that way. Good point. |
this thread has gone way off topic from whether a re-translation of the bible is right and proper to a blannket indictment of Christians in general and that is what ALWAYS happens very true. I tend to stray myself. I've tried to go back to the politics of it ![]() ![]() |