Topic: Does anyone know what the definition of a liberal is? | |
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Thu 10/08/09 08:46 PM
I'm still laughing about the post that Thomas made too. I'm going to have to tell my 71-year-old Democrat mom that she's that way.
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con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv) adj. 1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. 2. Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit. 3. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate. 4. a. Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism. b. Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement. 5. Conservative Of or belonging to the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada. 6. Conservative Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism. 7. Tending to conserve; preservative: the conservative use of natural resources. n. 1. One favoring traditional views and values. 2. A supporter of political conservatism. 3. Conservative A member or supporter of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada. 4. Archaic A preservative agent or principle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- conservative - 6 dictionary results con⋅serv⋅a⋅tive /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] Show IPA Use conservative in a Sentence See web results for conservative See images of conservative –adjective 1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. 2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate. 3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit. 4. (often initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the Conservative party. 5. (initial capital letter) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism. 6. having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative. 7. Mathematics. (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar. –noun 8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc. 9. a supporter of conservative political policies. 10. (initial capital letter) a member of a conservative political party, esp. the Conservative party in Great Britain. 11. a preservative. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Origin: 1350–1400; < LL conservātīvus, equiv. to L conservāt(us) (see conservation ) + -īvus -ive; r. ME conservatif < MF < L, as above Main Entry: 1con·ser·va·tive Pronunciation: \kən-ˈsər-və-tiv\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century 1 : preservative 2 a : of or relating to a philosophy of conservatism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party professing the principles of conservatism: as (1) : of or constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support of established institutions (2) : progressive conservative 3 a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditional b : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate> c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners 4 : of, relating to, or practicing Conservative Judaism |
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I know what the definition of a liberal is.... Anti Christian but Pro Muslim Firm supporter of gay rights issues,gay pride parades,and any other form of unnatural sexuality.Favors gays in the military Never supports the militay and never has. Open borders on both Mexico and Canada.Illegals should have the same rights citizens have. College educated but often works some dead end job such as Burger king,Walmart,or more often than not unemployed because they are too lazy to get a job. Hates any type of public display of Christmas even if it is on someones personal property. Anti guns,anti security,anti anything that gives the people the right to defend themselves. Pro abortion on every level. Anti Capitalism and Pro Communism. Anti anything that helps America grow and prosper. Pro regulation of everything. Believes in Global warming. Follows idiots like Micheal moore,Jane fonda,Rosie,Dustin hoffman,and John kerry. Tax increases every year on everything that can be taxed. ![]() |
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things...
1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. |
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things... 1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. Your definition of liberal was not fact or reality. |
Edited by
Thu 10/08/09 09:00 PM
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things... 1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. Then start posting facts, Thomas. That's how a debate starts. The items you had in your post were a joke. |
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things... 1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. Then start posting facts, Thomas. That's how a debate starts. The items you had in your post were a joke. you mean they werent meant to be? |
Edited by
Thu 10/08/09 09:04 PM
I know what the definition of a liberal is....
Anti Christian but Pro Muslim Wrong Firm supporter of gay rights issues,gay pride parades,and any other form of unnatural sexuality.Favors gays in the military Wrong, there are conservatives that also support gays Never supports the militay and never has. Wrong again Open borders on both Mexico and Canada.Illegals should have the same rights citizens have. Wrong, dang your'e not doing so good here College educated but often works some dead end job such as Burger king,Walmart,or more often than not unemployed because they are too lazy to get a job. Dang wrong again Hates any type of public display of Christmas even if it is on someones personal property. Wrong Anti guns,anti security,anti anything that gives the people the right to defend themselves. Wrong, go ahead try breaking into my house, we'll test that theory! Pro abortion on every level. On ever level? Wrong, pro choice is not the same thing as pro abortion Anti Capitalism and Pro Communism. Wrong again.. damn! Anti anything that helps America grow and prosper. Wrong Pro regulation of everything. Wrong, at least not everything.. Believes in Global warming. Believe it's possible.. Follows idiots like Micheal moore,Jane fonda,Rosie,Dustin hoffman,and John kerry. Don't cha just hate that?? Dustin Hoffman? What'd he ever do to you? Tax increases every year on everything that can be taxed. Big wrong! Dang you might be better off picking your nose cuz you sure don't have all liberals figured out. ![]() |
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things... 1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. Our fellow liberals? So what? Your a liberal? And you hate liberals? ![]() You are a perfect example of ignoring reality. |
sometimes some people make me embarrassed to be conservative
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things... 1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. Then start posting facts, Thomas. That's how a debate starts. The items you had in your post were a joke. I did post facts what are you talking about??? Are you really going to tell me Liberals like Nancy pelosi and John kerry are pro life?Are you going to tell me that the Minute men who patrol the borders are Liberal Democrats?Are you going to tell me that Liberals support traditional Men-Women marriage?It's always the same story.Democrats always support abortions.Republicans always are against it. Come on Winx we have been debating these issues for a long time and if you can't tell who is what side than you have a learning disability.I can tell you who is writing bills before I even know if they are a Democrat or Republican just by what they are asking for.Anyone with any type of common politcal sense can tell you what the difference between the two parties is and I named alot of them. Check the voting record!Do we really need to waste time to see who wrote bills for gay marriage?Do you think it is a Republican? Damn! ![]() |
sometimes some people make me embarrassed to be conservative Well I hate admitting it but I always thought people who saw things the way Thomas does were what conservatives were all about. Right wingers have taken the name conservative for themselves. So much so I am not sure what a conservative really is some days. |
sometimes some people make me embarrassed to be conservative Well I hate admitting it but I always thought people who saw things the way Thomas does were what conservatives were all about. Right wingers have taken the name conservative for themselves. So much so I am not sure what a conservative really is some days. I posted the definition. No help??? Sorry. |
It will be a wonderful day when our fellow liberals can do two things... 1.)Have a debate with facts.I know thats asking a lot. 2.)Stop ignoring reality. Then start posting facts, Thomas. That's how a debate starts. The items you had in your post were a joke. ![]() ![]() |
sometimes some people make me embarrassed to be conservative Well I hate admitting it but I always thought people who saw things the way Thomas does were what conservatives were all about. Right wingers have taken the name conservative for themselves. So much so I am not sure what a conservative really is some days. I posted the definition. No help??? Sorry. I am not sure it went far enough to help me. I think I am confused by the traditional values and the hate change, I have a couple of friends that say they are conservative but they voted for Obama and they aren't afraid of change, and are not traditional types. |
a liberal is someone that kills unborn babies or looks the other way or jUST DOESN NOT CARE. a liberal is a godless scumbag
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a liberal is someone that kills unborn babies or looks the other way or jUST DOESN NOT CARE. a liberal is a godless scumbag ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality. However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences. But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights. It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person. Those are your response???? To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural???? That's weak... Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion |