Topic: Does anyone know what the definition of a liberal is? | |
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Tue 10/06/09 03:24 PM
After reading this, I am not sure that there is anyone out there who really truly knows the definition of a liberal.
Bible Too Liberal? Conservatives Say YesBy Anne Miller, AOL News posted: 2 HOURS 2 MINUTES AGOcomments: 223PRINT|E-MAILMOREText SizeAAA(Oct. 6) -- Debates between conservatives and liberals are going Biblical. A collaborative online project seeks to update the Bible with a more conservative translation -- and has drawn the ire of less right-leaning bloggers and columnists. Skip over this content The Conservative Bible Project is the brainchild of attorney and teacher Andy Schlafly, a son of conservative standard-bearer Phyllis Schlafly. His Bible-related Wiki, which allows contributors to post information, comment on others' and suggest tweaks or fixes, went up this summer. The project quickly drew fire. "These right-wing ideologues know better than the early church councils that canonized Scripture?" So asked Rod Dreher, a conservative blogger for Beliefnet. "They really think it's wise to force the word of God to conform to a 21st-century American idea of what constitutes conservatism?" Schlafly said he aims to counteract modern translations, not edit the Bible. "I think liberal bias was less of a problem in older translations," he said. "It's refreshing to read anything that is free of liberal bias, and the Bible is the most well-read book in the world, so that should be the first thing to clean up." As an example, he cited a recent church service he attended near his New Jersey home. "There was a reading from the gospel, and the pronoun used to refer to a child in this translation was 'it'," he said. "So this translation of the gospel referred to a child as an 'it,' a thing. And that is liberal, it's offensive and it's incorrect." The 10 commandments of the project include avoiding unisex or "gender inclusive" language, being concise (Lord, instead of Lord God) and expressing "free market parables." Meanwhile, a Time magazine writer called the project "insane." A Salon writer suggested a few sarcastic entries of his own. Schlafly counters that his critics "are liberals who are unhappy that their game is up." And a few dozen people have already logged on to help craft the new translation. Schlafly predicts the conservative version will be completed, and available for a publisher to download and print, in about a year. ***There was a reading from the gospel, and the pronoun used to refer to a child in this translation was 'it'," he said. "So this translation of the gospel referred to a child as an 'it,' a thing. And that is liberal, it's offensive and it's incorrect.*** ![]() Craziness ![]() |
Unless the reader can speak Greek or Aramahic, then there's really no point to translate conservative or liberal, the debate is pointless
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Tue 10/06/09 03:42 PM
lib·er·al (lbr-l, lbrl)
adj. 1. a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism. d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. 2. a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor. b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes. 3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation. 4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education. 5. a. Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman. b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious. n. 1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions. 2. Liberal A member of a Liberal political party. Here is just a little help. Or Main Entry: 1lib·er·al Pronunciation: \ˈli-b(ə-)rəl\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lēodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free Date: 14th century 1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <liberal education> b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth 2 a : marked by generosity : openhanded <a liberal giver> b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal> c : ample, full 3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : licentious 4 : not literal or strict : loose <a liberal translation> 5 : broad-minded; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms 6 a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives — lib·er·al·ly \-b(ə-)rə-lē\ adverb — lib·er·al·ness noun synonyms liberal, generous, bountiful, munificent mean giving or given freely and unstintingly. liberal suggests openhandedness in the giver and largeness in the thing or amount given <a teacher liberal with her praise>. generous stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift <a generous offer of help>. bountiful suggests lavish, unremitting giving or providing <children spoiled by bountiful presents>. munificent suggests a scale of giving appropriate to lords or princes <a munificent foundation grant>. |
I don't understand why some folks are so freaked out by anything liberal. And especially the religious nut cases? Son of Schafly, I should have known. Phyllis Schlafly was a speaker at the recent Values Voter Summit along with what looked like half or the republican leadership.
He doesn't want to edit the bible? Then what do you call changing words in it? I guess the bible isn't scary enough in it's current translation. |
I don't understand why some folks are so freaked out by anything liberal. And especially the religious nut cases? Son of Schafly, I should have known. Phyllis Schlafly was a speaker at the recent Values Voter Summit along with what looked like half or the republican leadership. He doesn't want to edit the bible? Then what do you call changing words in it? I guess the bible isn't scary enough in it's current translation. He wants to remove anything that fits his incorrect definition of liberal from the book??? It is like too crazy. |
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that which is not rep.
that which is not dem. that which is not anal..... ![]() who is not my great grandfather? |
that which is not rep. that which is not dem. that which is not anal..... ![]() who is not my great grandfather? HUH? |
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Tue 10/06/09 08:02 PM
Modern "liberals" are actually progressives with the goal of shifting power from the people to the government. When Liberalism was founded in response to feudalism, it was founded on the following principles:
Human Rights Equality Rule of Law Individual Freedom Private Property Economic Freedom Liberal Democracy How many leftist policies don't violate at least one of these principles? If not directly, then they violate them through negligence and indifference. But yeah, I saw that on another thread. I disagree with the project and suspect it might be a troll created to discredit conservatives and Christians. I have never heard a Christian suggest altering the Bible, such an action would be antithetical to anyone who accepted the Bible as the word of God. |
How many leftist policies don't violate at least one of these principles? If not directly, then they violate them through negligence and indifference.
Human Rights Equality Rule of Law Individual Freedom Private Property Economic Freedom Liberal Democracy And how many rightwing policies protect any of the list? NONE They claim to but in truth do not. |
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Tue 10/06/09 08:09 PM
How many leftist policies don't violate at least one of these principles? If not directly, then they violate them through negligence and indifference. Human Rights Equality Rule of Law Individual Freedom Private Property Economic Freedom Liberal Democracy And how many rightwing policies protect any of the list? NONE They claim to but in truth do not. Examples? |
How many leftist policies don't violate at least one of these principles? If not directly, then they violate them through negligence and indifference. Human Rights Equality Rule of Law Individual Freedom Private Property Economic Freedom Liberal Democracy And how many rightwing policies protect any of the list? NONE They claim to but in truth do not. Examples? Think about it. It is there to see. |
Think about it. It is there to see. Green = Supports Liberal Principles Red = Suppresses Liberal Principles Democrat Platform Fairness Doctrine: Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Abortion: Human rights, Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Rights Higher Taxes: Private Property, Economic Freedom Health Care Reform: Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Cap and Trade: Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Republican Platform Pro-Gun Rights: Individual Rights, Property Rights Anti-Abortion: Human rights, Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Rights Health Care Deregulation: Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Please feel free to add your own. |
Think about it. It is there to see. Green = Supports Liberal Principles Red = Suppresses Liberal Principles Democrat Platform Fairness Doctrine: Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Abortion: Human rights, Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Rights Higher Taxes: Private Property, Economic Freedom Health Care Reform: Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Cap and Trade: Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Republican Platform Pro-Gun Rights: Individual Rights, Property Rights Anti-Abortion: Human rights, Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Rights Health Care Deregulation: Equality, Rule of Law, Individual Freedom, Private Property, Economic Freedom Please feel free to add your own. Did you find that on a right wing site? LOL Not accurate by the way. |
Gratuitous assertions aren't arguments. I'm not going to make this a tennis match. Enjoy your evening. |
Dragoness, Gratuitous assertions aren't arguments. I'm not going to make this a tennis match. Enjoy your evening. I do not need to argue when I know I am correct. Just pointing it out to you. Have a good evening too. |
1. it's not all conservatives
2. by the definition given....liberal shouldn't worry about this IMO just do what I plan on doing and not buy this Bible or are some thinking it should be banned? |
Modern "liberals" are actually progressives with the goal of shifting power from the people to the government. When Liberalism was founded in response to feudalism, it was founded on the following principles: Human Rights Equality Rule of Law Individual Freedom Private Property Economic Freedom Liberal Democracy How many leftist policies don't violate at least one of these principles? If not directly, then they violate them through negligence and indifference. But yeah, I saw that on another thread. I disagree with the project and suspect it might be a troll created to discredit conservatives and Christians. I have never heard a Christian suggest altering the Bible, such an action would be antithetical to anyone who accepted the Bible as the word of God. I'd say it's amazing what you don't know about the heads of your own religion, but I can't really say that because it would have been true of myself as well except for the past 10 or so years when I started paying attention to what the religious right is up to. You might want to pay more attention, this is not a troll it's a fact and it was discuss briefly on the news today, but I am hoping it's looked into, though I won't hold my breath, because people tend to see them as a select bunch of wackos, but it's much deeper than that. |