Topic: Going Rogue
AndrewAV's photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:17 PM

All she did in her book was the mentally unhealthy task of blaming everyone else for everything that happened instead of taking her responsibility.

She just showed herself to be the dipshit we knew she was from the campaign.

She is one of the top reasons McCain lost.
The other one was he was too much like baby Bush.

Blaming everyone else (the last guy).... taking no responsibility for your self and your situation...

why does that sound so familiar?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:20 PM
Palin claimed $50,000 a year in per diem expenses for plane tickets and travel expenses incurred for unofficial trips for her and her family.

She awarded contracts without allowing other bids.

She used unethical pressure to acquire verdicts for strictly family benefit.

She could not even finish one term. Resigning 18 months early because the stress from investigations into her unethical behavior was too high.

She shouldn't even be in charge of a PTA committee.

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:22 PM

Being a community organizer for ACORN and voting present in the senate are much better credentials than being a mayor or a governor.

Not when that Govs only previous political experience was as a small town mayor. A town so small the mayors office and police department were located in a strip mall.
And, Not when that same Gov, of the nations least populated state, had only been in office for 2 years.

She's a quitter. She couldn't even handle the stress for a full term.

Do you think she's qualified to be the VP of the whole country?
The next in-line to lead the largest Democratic country in the world?

To be honest and defend her a little (but by no means defending her qualifications to be VP) there was a lot of legal bulls**t that came after the elections against her office, the vast majority of which was thrown out. There was only one case before the courts when she was nominated, IIRC, there were over three dozen in the last year and 99% of them were almost instantly thrown out. Truthfully though, I feel that she quit so she could do this book gig and go into permanent campaign mode.

There was a lot of bulls**t because many on the left were afraid of her. After all, the democrats were supposed to be the proressives to put a woman in one of the nation's highest offices.

The irony is that they had no reason to be afraid. She made it abundantly clear she was not able to grasp the magnitude of the office very early on IMO and while she was extremely popular as a governor, VP is a slightly larger responsibility she was not ready for.

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:32 PM

Palin claimed $50,000 a year in per diem expenses for plane tickets and travel expenses incurred for unofficial trips for her and her family.

She awarded contracts without allowing other bids.

She used unethical pressure to acquire verdicts for strictly family benefit.

She could not even finish one term. Resigning 18 months early because the stress from investigations into her unethical behavior was too high.

She shouldn't even be in charge of a PTA committee.

you know debating with you is a lot of work fanta! you continue to make false statements and i have to continue to prove them false! Let's try something different? before making accusations why don'y you provide some evidence? I mean your entiltled to your opinion i have stated mine but i provide facts with them! Give us something to work with here man!

Palin claimed $50,000 a year in per diem expenses for plane tickets and travel expenses incurred for unofficial trips for her and her family.


She awarded contracts without allowing other bids.


She used unethical pressure to acquire verdicts for strictly family benefit.


She could not even finish one term. Resigning 18 months early because the stress from investigations into her unethical behavior was too high.

Slanted and opinionated, the above references prove that because all allegations where proven false in a court of law! Every single one of them although it cost her and alaska a lot of money to fight the attack machine lawyer rally from the left!

She shouldn't even be in charge of a PTA committee.

Why is that cause Alaska owes her a great debt of gratitude for all the money pouring into Alaska?

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:35 PM
Lack of experience doesn't bother me from either side, I just think it's hypocritical to dog pile on Palin and give Obama a pass.

I think it's principles that matter and Sarah Palin's principles are far superior to the current President's.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:39 PM

Why is that cause Alaska owes her a great debt of gratitude for all the money pouring into Alaska?


Federal tax dollars?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:40 PM

Why is that cause Alaska owes her a great debt of gratitude for all the money pouring into Alaska?


Federal tax dollars?

They should have bought her a telescope so she could see Russia from her backyard!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 01:52 PM

Lack of experience doesn't bother me from either side, I just think it's hypocritical to dog pile on Palin and give Obama a pass.

I think it's principles that matter and Sarah Palin's principles are far superior to the current President's.

She's awesome I think! I would take a simple minded honest woman over an intelligent crook any day. But I think Obama is not very smart at all and Sahra Palin as quite intelligent!

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:11 PM
Wow, well I would say that I try not to judge a book by its cover. I was more impressed with Baracks background than hers but I was impressed with her OPENING speech at the repub convention and I thought at that time they had made a good choice. She hung herself when she started speaking and seemed (to me at least) very unaware of what the job of vp or president even was or the etiquette of the position, very unaware of the issues, and very unaware in general.

she came across, as well, a model/spokeswoman, smiling and making cute comments on the surface but not offering much of her own to the issues.

Barack is and does come across much more intelligent and aware of his position and responsibilities, and not a quitter or a divisive force, but a uniting one. My observation of this whole period concerning the candidates is that those who prefer bullying tactics seem to prefer Palin while those who prefer diplomacy seem to prefer Obama. But that is just my opinion.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:16 PM

House bill 3001 alone, if thats all she ever got done for Alaska was a monumental accomplishment and will be remembered for that fondly by Alaskans for generations to come! That's a whole lot of money for Alaska!

thank you for giving an answer,, jeesh, like getting blood from a stone on these threads some days,,,

Ok. I can respect that reason. I feel the same about the healtchare reform bill if it is passed. I guess the way one rates a politicians is determined by the issues they place priority on. As usual,, much respect and thank you.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:19 PM

The fact remains that the only reason McCain's campaign made a hasty grasp at Palin for VP was as an attempt to soften the woman vote Clinton brought to the Dems.

At first it worked, but after keeping her from making public speeches at first the effect began to wear off.
When finally they did allow her to speak the effect was immediate. People then realized she wasn't qualified for the job, and recognized the choice for what it was. Making her a liability to the campaign. A liability which probably cost them more votes than had they chosen a qualified male VP.

I aknowledge that as an opinion,,,but one I happen to agree with. The momentum of a female on the ticket bumped mccains chances for a bit,,until the lady spoke. It was just scary,,to me anyhow. She was like a female bush but less articulate.

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:22 PM
Haters got to hate.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:22 PM

That's it. Side-track the question by using a trivial arguement.

Here, I'll reword the question,

Not when that Govs only previous political experience was as a small town mayor. A town so small the mayors office and police department were located in a strip mall.
And, Not when that same Gov, of the nations least populated state, had only been in office for 2 years.

She's a quitter. She couldn't even handle the stress for a full term.

Do you think she's qualified to be the VP of the whole country?
The next in-line to lead the largest Republic in the world?

She is more qualified to be VP than the current occupant of the WH.

I guess that would totally depend upon what qualifications one deemed important for the position. I disagree. Her qualifications did not impress me more than Baracks concerning how they relate to the presidential position, but I respect the opinion of those who felt her 'qualifications' fit what they wanted to see in the position.

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:26 PM

Wow, well I would say that I try not to judge a book by its cover. I was more impressed with Baracks background than hers but I was impressed with her OPENING speech at the repub convention and I thought at that time they had made a good choice. She hung herself when she started speaking and seemed (to me at least) very unaware of what the job of vp or president even was or the etiquette of the position, very unaware of the issues, and very unaware in general.

she came across, as well, a model/spokeswoman, smiling and making cute comments on the surface but not offering much of her own to the issues.

Barack is and does come across much more intelligent and aware of his position and responsibilities, and not a quitter or a divisive force, but a uniting one. My observation of this whole period concerning the candidates is that those who prefer bullying tactics seem to prefer Palin while those who prefer diplomacy seem to prefer Obama. But that is just my opinion.

Yeah i get caught up in the storm sometimes msharmony. Sorry! I think Obama is an inteeligent man, but not remarkable intelligence like others in politics. I do beleive he is the best speaker i have ever witnessed in my time so i am not against giving props when due. I do think though his actions speak to his dishonesty and lack of intelligence! For example trampling on the constitution in contract rights is one point of his dishonesty. His Ideology in my opinion lacks intelligence in my opinion because it's failed throughout history! I am looking for a president that makes conclusions based on results regardless if they popular! Sarha i give credit to for just the oppisite! Now granted i am forming this based on ideology but you see i think the democratic ideology as well-wishing and utopia that doesnt exsist and never will and only leads to more problems and history bares that out. In my opinion that shows a lack of intelligence!

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:27 PM
Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:36 PM

Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent

It was reported that an aid told a source that told fox news and then they reported it! The Aid later denied it! Sarah was not a good choice to to a lot of conservatives like me! I thought Dick Cheney would of been a much better VP! But it's all politics right? Dick Chenney is the bomb! I love that guy!

And here is her answer to the alleged

markumX's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:36 PM
Palin's a dummy pure and simple and birds of a feather , flock together. This was proven when she'd parrot Sean Hannity's silly assertions after every show.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:38 PM

Wow, well I would say that I try not to judge a book by its cover. I was more impressed with Baracks background than hers but I was impressed with her OPENING speech at the repub convention and I thought at that time they had made a good choice. She hung herself when she started speaking and seemed (to me at least) very unaware of what the job of vp or president even was or the etiquette of the position, very unaware of the issues, and very unaware in general.

she came across, as well, a model/spokeswoman, smiling and making cute comments on the surface but not offering much of her own to the issues.

Barack is and does come across much more intelligent and aware of his position and responsibilities, and not a quitter or a divisive force, but a uniting one. My observation of this whole period concerning the candidates is that those who prefer bullying tactics seem to prefer Palin while those who prefer diplomacy seem to prefer Obama. But that is just my opinion.

Yeah i get caught up in the storm sometimes msharmony. Sorry! I think Obama is an inteeligent man, but not remarkable intelligence like others in politics. I do beleive he is the best speaker i have ever witnessed in my time so i am not against giving props when due. I do think though his actions speak to his dishonesty and lack of intelligence! For example trampling on the constitution in contract rights is one point of his dishonesty. His Ideology in my opinion lacks intelligence in my opinion because it's failed throughout history! I am looking for a president that makes conclusions based on results regardless if they popular! Sarha i give credit to for just the oppisite! Now granted i am forming this based on ideology but you see i think the democratic ideology as well-wishing and utopia that doesnt exsist and never will and only leads to more problems and history bares that out. In my opinion that shows a lack of intelligence!

Aw Ronny, you consider me unintelligent,,,,say it isnt so,,lol

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:38 PM

Palin's a dummy pure and simple and birds of a feather , flock together. This was proven when she'd parrot Sean Hannity's silly assertions after every show.

Didnt i already shred you yesterday? Didnt think you would ever come back after i proved you wrong so thouroughly!

no photo
Wed 12/09/09 02:41 PM

Wow, well I would say that I try not to judge a book by its cover. I was more impressed with Baracks background than hers but I was impressed with her OPENING speech at the repub convention and I thought at that time they had made a good choice. She hung herself when she started speaking and seemed (to me at least) very unaware of what the job of vp or president even was or the etiquette of the position, very unaware of the issues, and very unaware in general.

she came across, as well, a model/spokeswoman, smiling and making cute comments on the surface but not offering much of her own to the issues.

Barack is and does come across much more intelligent and aware of his position and responsibilities, and not a quitter or a divisive force, but a uniting one. My observation of this whole period concerning the candidates is that those who prefer bullying tactics seem to prefer Palin while those who prefer diplomacy seem to prefer Obama. But that is just my opinion.

Yeah i get caught up in the storm sometimes msharmony. Sorry! I think Obama is an inteeligent man, but not remarkable intelligence like others in politics. I do beleive he is the best speaker i have ever witnessed in my time so i am not against giving props when due. I do think though his actions speak to his dishonesty and lack of intelligence! For example trampling on the constitution in contract rights is one point of his dishonesty. His Ideology in my opinion lacks intelligence in my opinion because it's failed throughout history! I am looking for a president that makes conclusions based on results regardless if they popular! Sarha i give credit to for just the oppisite! Now granted i am forming this based on ideology but you see i think the democratic ideology as well-wishing and utopia that doesnt exsist and never will and only leads to more problems and history bares that out. In my opinion that shows a lack of intelligence!

Aw Ronny, you consider me unintelligent,,,,say it isnt so,,lol

No it's not so sweetheart, i just think your a caring loving person that wants to beleive in utopia for the betterment of society that has your mind clouded! I know you mean well but I just think the devil is real and we can't defeat him but we have to fight him!