Topic: Going Rogue
Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:20 PM
if I were gonna bash her I think I would read the book first and then be at least be capable of discussing it on it's merits (good or bad)

Cambolaya65's photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:35 PM
Im gonna go ahead and agree with 'quiet',everyone deserves a fair chance. Politics is just too gross for the time i have left.Im out and God bless...

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:43 PM

What marketing and advertisement can do to create a superstar regardless of skill, knowledge, or know how. Simply amazing what money can buy youdrinker

What evidence exists that Sarah Palin lacks skill, knowledge or know how?

I feel like this is deja vu.

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:44 PM

for someone y'all think is "stupid" you're giving her an awful lot of free publicity. If I were you, I'd just ignore her. As it is, you're giving the average person more reasons to think of you as crass and rude, thus siding with Palin regardless of what she says.

P.S. I'm not a Palin fan myself, but I don't see any point in unsubstantive bashing like what's going on in this thread.

That could be said about any politician, right? People often say what they think of people here. Should they stop doing that, so people don't think they're crass and rude?

bedlum1's photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:44 PM
should be called "laughing joke"...she's pure evil...she ever gets elected...lights out party's over, hell hath come.

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:24 PM
the defense rests, your honor

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:50 PM

What marketing and advertisement can do to create a superstar regardless of skill, knowledge, or know how. Simply amazing what money can buy youdrinker

What evidence exists that Sarah Palin lacks skill, knowledge or know how?

I feel like this is deja vu.

They must have changed something in the matrix.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:52 PM

for someone y'all think is "stupid" you're giving her an awful lot of free publicity. If I were you, I'd just ignore her. As it is, you're giving the average person more reasons to think of you as crass and rude, thus siding with Palin regardless of what she says.

P.S. I'm not a Palin fan myself, but I don't see any point in unsubstantive bashing like what's going on in this thread.

The same sentiment I have about OBama, whom I happen to admire and others love to bash, but good luck wishing people to be more enlightened and make some POINT with that one.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:54 PM
She seemed to me like a female Bush, but I read is biography out of curiousity. Im sure she didnt personally write the book and it could be a good read. Im just not gonna run out to buy it,not interested enough.

tohyup's photo
Wed 11/18/09 06:06 PM
Sarah Palin is something of the past . One just wonders how many politically blind there are in the US and elsewhere .
Buying such a book and supporting such a moron are things that show how mindless folks are brainwashed to kiss the butts of any celebrity .

InvictusV's photo
Wed 11/18/09 06:10 PM

Sarah Palin is something of the past . One just wonders how many politically blind there are in the US and elsewhere .
Buying such a book and supporting such a moron are things that show how mindless folks are brainwashed to kiss the butts of any celebrity .

I was thinking the same thing about Al Franken. What kind of fool would vote for that idiot?

TJN's photo
Wed 11/18/09 06:14 PM

Sarah Palin is something of the past . One just wonders how many politically blind there are in the US and elsewhere .
Buying such a book and supporting such a moron are things that show how mindless folks are brainwashed to kiss the butts of any celebrity .

I was thinking the same thing about Al Franken. What kind of fool would vote for that idiot?

drinker rofl rofl rofl drinker

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 12/08/09 05:55 AM

A man was arrested for allegedly throwing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin from the second floor balcony during a book signing event at the Mall of America in Minnesota, reported.

Neither tomato came close hitting the former 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, but did hit a police officer in the face, the station reported.

The unidentified man may face charges for assaulting a police officer, according to the station.

laugh rofl

LewisW123's photo
Tue 12/08/09 06:03 AM

A man was arrested for allegedly throwing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin from the second floor balcony during a book signing event at the Mall of America in Minnesota, reported.

Neither tomato came close hitting the former 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, but did hit a police officer in the face, the station reported.

The unidentified man may face charges for assaulting a police officer, according to the station.

laugh rofl

Yeah, but was he a Mingler?

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 06:05 AM

A man was arrested for allegedly throwing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin from the second floor balcony during a book signing event at the Mall of America in Minnesota, reported.

Neither tomato came close hitting the former 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, but did hit a police officer in the face, the station reported.

The unidentified man may face charges for assaulting a police officer, according to the station.

laugh rofl

That's the left for you: Cowardly throwing fruit at a woman. Luckily, leftists are usually beta males and can't throw to save their lives.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 12/08/09 06:35 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Tue 12/08/09 06:41 AM

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:48 AM

A man was arrested for allegedly throwing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin from the second floor balcony during a book signing event at the Mall of America in Minnesota, reported.

Neither tomato came close hitting the former 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, but did hit a police officer in the face, the station reported.

The unidentified man may face charges for assaulting a police officer, according to the station.

laugh rofl

I love how everyone makes fun of her calling her stupid, but they they act completely immature and low-class by doing something like this.

To be honest, I think the left is scared of her. She's a woman and she is the perfect example of the modern Republican's party ideals (unfortunately, not the old, good republican party ideals). If she didn't matter, they wouldn't spend so much time bashing her and trying to hold her down.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 12/08/09 03:54 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 12/08/09 04:00 PM
:smile: Sarah Palin did not write the book,and it is reportedly riddled with errors.:smile:The book attributed a leftist Native American quote to a basketball coach,and now her father is saying that she left college in Hawaii because there were too many natives in attendence.slaphead It's looking like Palin may be racist against Asian/Pacific Islanders according to her own fathershocked

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 12/08/09 03:55 PM
The abuse of those poor tomatoes will not be tolerated!!

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:39 PM

Fox said it's number one on Amazon sales but i work at Amazon and i haven't seen one single order go out the door yet. I could care less, if the neocons go ape sh** over a book in which most of the contents is her whining about Mccain's people then that means more work for me.

Well she is not a neocon, hence the disagreement between her and newt! She is a true conservative from what i can see and was a great governer for Alaska!