Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread | |
Here is one spell that I found interesting: Consecration is defined by the dictionary as to “dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.” Consecration must be practiced before any tool can be used in the practice of witchcraft. Consecration is a form of purification, and is done with salt, water and incense, which all stand for the five elements of nature – water, earth, fire, air and spirit. It is important that consecration to be used for witchcraft be done in a positive state of mind, as this incorporates the “spirit” part of the elements. Consecration is used in witchcraft to gain the approval of the God and Goddess for what they are about to practice. Spell for Cleansing the body of Negative Energy The following tools will be needed: 1 White Candle – this is representative of positive energy 1 Black Candle – this is representative of negative energy 1 Green Candle – this is representative of healing Clear your mind and light the white candle. Say the following incantation: “Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit, I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies” Light the black candle and say the same thing. After this light the green candle and say the following incantation: “Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit, I ask thee to free and heal my body from all negative forces. Blessed be!” Sit back, and keep your mind clear for fifteen minutes. After this you should feel renewed and fresh. That's a good one. ![]() Consecrating one's tools is a smart thing to do before using them in ritual. Cleansing and consecrating can be done simultaneously. I have a little ritual I do to cleanse and consecrate the area I'm going to work in and the tools I'm going to use at the beginning of any spellwork. Its very simple. I'm a firm believer in keeping it simple. |
Absolutely! I am also a firm believer in keeping everything as simple as possible, but I am also a firm believer in emptying my mind each day when I meditate. I am surprised I still have something in there.
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There are many different types of magic. Folk magic, ceremonial, hoodoo, voudoun, etc.
I have used various types at various times. is a great site for hoodoo and the woman who owns it has written some excellent books. She also offers an online course with a textbook she wrote. She's a little nutty but her knowledge and expertise are great. Most of the time I use a combination of ceremonial (the ritual helps me raise energy) and folk magic like Smiless listed above. I like using art supplies in my magic. I'm not the best at visualization so I use paper, pens, ribbon, pictures, dolls, etc to help me focus on the outcome. |
On Magical Transformations
I've been studying Witchcraft and Shamanism for just about a year now. Note that I placed the word "studying" in boldface type. This is because this is precisely what I've been doing for the past year. This is not at all the same as practicing Witchcraft and Shamanism for a year. Although I certainly have practiced many exercises and techniques. Far more with respect to Shamanism than with respect to Witchcraft. I'm more interested in spiritual communiqué than I am with learning the art of magickal transformations and spells. I not interested in learning how to turn princesses into frogs (or frogs into princesses), although the latter would really be a cool trick to learn as I have an over abundance of frogs around here and very few princesses. ![]() Many of the 'spells' I cast I don't even think of as 'spells' anymore. I write and chant invocations and wave brooms, wands, and athames, around all the time. It's basically becoming a way of life for me. However it has grown to become something quite different from what I had first imagined. It's actually become 'more magickal' in a more 'spiritual way'. And even far more so after my very recent epiphany from just yesterday. I am so very glad that I had actually taken the time to write up that journey and post it. I gained very valuable insight by having done that. Insight that I may not have gained otherwise. So never be afraid to share! Also, take no thought of how others react. If someone responds to something you've shared with laughter and makes fun of it, or comments on it in a negative way, just allow that view to pass on through. Even agree with them that maybe they could be right, but you enjoyed the experience and learned something from it and that's all that's truly important. There may be those who will read it and be inspired by it in some positive way. And most important of all you may learn something from the experience of having shared it, even if the feedback you get is skeptical or downright degrading. I guess I'm rambling off topic. It's just that there are two entirely different (yet the same) things going on in my life right now. One is Witchcraft, and the other is Shamanism. I make a personal distinction between these very connected, yet basically the same, concepts. Please allow me to explain my own personal distinction. I define these terms as follows: Witchcraft - The Art of Physical Transformation Shamanism - The Art of Spiritual Transformation. I do Shamanism in my mind. I do Witchcraft in the physical world. The only caution I would offer is that there is no precise line that can be drawn between the mind and the physical word. And that, in and of itself, is an epiphany. Witchcraft and Shamanism are ultimately the same thing only because there is no distinction between the mind and the manifestation of the physical world. So this is something to keep in mind. (or to keep in the physical world ![]() I've recently also made a personal distinction between "Casting Spells' and what I call, "Routine Transformations" or actually what I prefer to call "Routine Orchestrations" Just as a quick definition allow me to define "Routine Orchestrations" (or routine magick) as magick that is performed locally. (within the immediate environment of the witch). I personally define a 'spellwork' as something that needs to be 'cast' out into the universe to request for large-scale transformation, or orchestration of synchronicity, to bring about fertile ground in which seeds of manifestation can be planted. With this in mind, I would consider the 'spell' that John had posted to be more along the lines of "Routine Orchestration" (although there's nothing wrong with calling it a spell I suppose). But nothing needed to be 'cast' out into the universe as a request for a large-scale orchestration of events. And therefore this 'spell' did not need to be 'cast'. It was merely "directed" or orchestrated locally by the Witch. A have sip of tea and allow me to continue, if you find this interesting: I believe that there exists natural forces in the universe that are indeed available for humans to direct via psychic orchestration and intent. In witchcraft these forces have been categorized into four main groups, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Clearly if these 'elements' are taken to be the physical elements, then there would be many other forces at work as well, 'namely the power of emotions'. We can indeed convey and transmit emotional energy such as love (or unfortunately hostility as well). However, in witchcraft these human emotional energies are included in the elemental forces. Love and emotion is included in Water, as an example. These forces of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are abstract notions. However, having said that, the forces of nature, (i.e. material manifestation, flame, wind, and rain) can indeed be guided by the psyche. So it's not entirely wrong to think of these actual physical forces when doing psychic orchestrations (performing magick). When theses forces are not being guided by the psyche they are 'random'. What does 'random' mean in this case? It means that they just 'bounce' around off of each other in predicable ways that have been described by the scientific laws of physics. They are just 'randomly' bouncing around off of each other. In other words, without and specific desire or intent guiding them. It is in this sense that I use the term "random". However, this process can be overridden by the mind. Why? Because there is no true distinction of where the mind leaves off and where the so-called "physical" universe begins. Witchcraft is the art of psychically guiding the physical forces of nature to orchestrate conditions that result in transformations. Locally, this is done by guiding these forces using psychic energy. What is 'psychic energy'? It's nothing more than the cerebral orchestration of desire and intent. Various physical tools are used to aid in the orchestration of physic energy, such as the waving of crystals mounted on sticks common called "Magick Wands" and the pointing of daggers commonly known as "Athames" to direct the forces of nature. There is also a lot of rhythmic and rhyming chanting going on commonly called "Incantations" that psychically raise and direct the energy of these elemental forces. If you saw me conducting this orchestra of nature you would most likely say that it appears that I'm 'casting a spell'. However, I don't typically think of these kinds of local orchestrations as being 'spells'. It's just routine maintenance. Like a Shepard herding sheep a Witch herds the elemental forces of nature. You might ask, "But why should we need to boss nature around? Shouldn't nature know best?" Well, clearly this is a personal question of faith. In answer to this question I suggest that the creator(s) of this universe made it so that conscious beings, such as humans, who have achieved sentience can indeed direct the forces of nature using their psychic power of desire and intent. We are the caretakers of the Earth. Yes, we should respect nature and not 'interfere' with natural carelessly, or with total disregard of desire and intent. However, if we have sincere desire and intent then we should orchestrate the powers of the universe to come together to bring those psychic dreams into manifestation. This is the power that has been granted to us. So when I do 'magick' around my home I don't think of it as 'casting' spells. I think of it more as being the conductor of an orchestra. The musicians are the forces of nature. Without a conductor they all just play their own tune. Sometimes often just 'noise' although even when left on their own they will sometimes come together to make very beautiful music. However, when a Witch steps in to conduct the orchestra, the Witch can bring desires and dreams to fruition via physical manifestation. She or he does this by conducting the orchestra using Wands, Athames, or even just a finger to direct the forces into synchronicity. What is the purpose? The purpose is to create fertile ground where seeds of manifestation may be sown so that the fruits of desire can be reaped just as in a garden. So a Witch is both a conductor of the orchestra as well as a sower of seeds. Most of my 'witchcraft' is performed for the express purpose of actual gardening. Although performing physical orchestration that helps to bring about transformations of health and well-being are also something that I engage in. I see all of this as being 'routine orchestration' that every human should be doing. On Casting Spells Now on the topic of "casting spells". For me, an actual 'spell' is something that needs to be 'cast' out into the universe. It's a psychic request where the entire universe participates in the orchestration and synchronization of events to create a situation were there is fertile 'ground' (conditions) where seeds of manifestation may be sown. Based on this definition I've only cast one spell since I have become a 'witch'. It was a 'love spell'. It consisted of sending out a request into the universe. The request was simply that the universe assist in the orchestration of synchronization that would bring about a situation where I could easily meet someone who is compatible enough with me, and open enough, and available enough, that I could then plant a seed that has the potential to grow into a manifestation of love. I cast this spell. And it worked. It worked like a 'charm'. ![]() Within the week I was contacted by a single available compatible woman who found me to be quite attractive and interesting. The spell worked as well as anyone could possible wish for. However, there were other problems to be considered. This was like casting a spell to ask to have a 747 jumbo jet land on my property and not taking into consideration that I have no airport here! I cast the spell, the Jet is heading in for a 'crash' landing (just as I had requested!) and I'm not ready to have a jumbo jet land on my property! OUCH! ![]() So I had to wave the jet off, and I wasn't able to plant the seed of manifestation of love. And the whole spell was for naught. But still the spell worked. I got precisely what I asked the universe to do for me. I asked the universe to orchestrate events to bring about a situation where I could plant a seed of manifestation, and the universe did precisely that. It was up to me then, to plant the actual seed of manifestation and nurture it to maturity. So I believe that I know how witchcraft works, and I even believe that I know how to perform it well. What I'm learning now is that there is more to making a wish, than just making it. We must also be prepared to take active part in making it come true and bringing it to fruition. There are things that magic won't do for you (or at least I haven't master this kind of physical transformation yet), and that is that you can wave a magic wand over a sink full of dirty dishes until you are blue in the face and what you'll most likely find is that you still have a sink full of dirty dishes after you have waved the wand. There are limitations to 'magick'. I don't deny this in the least. Just the same, there is also much power to magic. It's not a cure-all (for things like dirty dishes), but it can indeed be used to synchronize and orchestrate events to get you employment, love, or anything else that you desire. Of course just like the dishes, magic will provide you with the employment, but it won't go to work in your stead. If you aren't willing to work, don't cast a spell to get a job. That sort of thing. Spiritual Magick is not a free ticket to just become a couch potato and make things magically appear before you. That's the stuff of 'stage magic' not spiritual magick. The spell you referred to John, with the candles for cleaning the body of negative energies, is indeed spiritual magick, and should work quite well. All that's truly required is belief, and an understanding that you are the conductor of the orchestra. Conduct the natural orchestra and it will play for you. ![]() |
Isn't it great to have James in the family. His wisdom, logic, and intelligence really enlightens us each and everytime he posts. I am very proud to have him as a friend and family member here on the thread.
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Isn't it great to have James in the family. His wisdom, logic, and intelligence really enlightens us each and everytime he posts. I am very proud to have him as a friend and family member here on the thread. ![]() ![]() Yes, we are very lucky. James is able to articulate something that I can only feel. Its the difference between a Cancer and a Gemini I think. Gemini: I think, therefore I am. Cancer: I feel, therefore I am. |
Whan I get my new computer I am going to print out that post from James and put it in my BOS. That was one of the very best explanations of magick I have ever read.
Whan I get my new computer I am going to print out that post from James and put it in my BOS. That was one of the very best explanations of magick I have ever read. Well witchy woman, you sure do make me blush. ![]() I'm very happy that you enjoyed it. I offer it only as my own personal vision of witchcraft of course. By the way, I'm just now starting in on Penczak's book "Temple of High Witchcraft". I realize that this must sound absurd for such a neophyte to be reading such an advanced book already. However, it's all about the Qabalah and this is a topic that I've already been studying in books from other authors. So I want to get Penczak's view now. I think you're right though when you say that I'm progressing. ![]() At least I'm learning some things anyway. |
Whan I get my new computer I am going to print out that post from James and put it in my BOS. That was one of the very best explanations of magick I have ever read. Well witchy woman, you sure do make me blush. ![]() I'm very happy that you enjoyed it. I offer it only as my own personal vision of witchcraft of course. By the way, I'm just now starting in on Penczak's book "Temple of High Witchcraft". I realize that this must sound absurd for such a neophyte to be reading such an advanced book already. However, it's all about the Qabalah and this is a topic that I've already been studying in books from other authors. So I want to get Penczak's view now. I think you're right though when you say that I'm progressing. ![]() At least I'm learning some things anyway. You have packed more studying, learning and practicing into one year than most people put into 5. Granted, this is a life long process but if I just met you today I would be asking you to teach me. |
I call James "Spock" from the starship enterprise. He has alot of logic and is just tapping into the spiritual realm in a different way and has advanced so quickly in it surpassing probably many who have been studying it their whole lives.
![]() Good Friday everyone by the way. ![]() What are your weekend plans? Mine is going to the foster home tonight to read children stories to my dear friends. And sneak some candy in their pockets also. ![]() Saturday we will be going to my friends to the Miccussokee Reservation to have a grill party. They know to only grill vegetables for me. ![]() Sunday we will be going to the zoo again. Just got back from there two weeks ago, but my daughter is doing great in school and wants to go again as a reward. I am also taking a 7 year old that is a friend of my native americans child to tag along. This makes it more fun for my daughter being with someone of her age this time. Now we are three kids going to the zoo and my wife can roll her eyes at us. ![]() Her job is to watch over us while we run around looking at the animals. ![]() |
Yes I have, and a large reason for this is because I'm retired and have the time to do it.
![]() Plus I also find it quite interesting. I'm studying it with the same level of intensity that I had previously given to studying science and physics. So it's no wonder that I'm starting in on the 'graduate book' already. (that's how Penczak describes his "Temple of High Witchcraft book in his introduction) Although like you say, it's a lifelong process and there is no actual graduation. It's just one continuous graduation. By the way, I just received my painting books in the mail today. ![]() I bought 3 at once. I'm like that. ![]() These are fabulous! If I can learn to draw anything close to how these artists draw I'll be tickled pink. One of these books, "Dreamscapes", focuses entirely on watercolor painting as well as drawing and sketching. I'm probably going to start in on that one. The second book, "Fairyland", introduces both watercolor painting and arcylic painting, was well as using various other types of crayons and watercolor pencils, etc. The third book, "Fairy Art", focuses entirely on arcylics and arcylic techniques. It's clearly the most advanced and has the most 'lifelike' paintings that almost look like photographs of real fairies. I don't know if I'll ever get that good. The first two books have pictures that are more like what might be seen in a high quality commic book or story book illustrations. So that's where I'll start. This excusion into artwork is actually part of my spiritual training. It fits in well with several concepts. Painting itself can become a meditaive journey. Plus it will allow me to bring my journeys out into the real world visually so you can meet Raol and the whole Laybrinth Garden. I just need to gain the skills. Another thing that I've also just realized from reading Penczaks book on "Spirit Allies" is that I may be able to use a bit of 'automatic writing' transformed into 'automatic painting'. Owl have to ask Raol if she can paint, and if she can, maybe she can paint through me. She might even like that idea. I hope so! That would be so cool. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 09/11/09 11:21 AM
Sounds like a winner James. It is exciting when you get new material that you have been waiting for. I am like a kid also when I get something new to play with.
![]() The trick is to practice all year round! Not to give up half way through. Draw, draw, paint, paint, and practice as much as you can. In time you get better and better. All the logic in the world doesn't help a artist if he or she doesn't practice. I have met cartoonists that don't have a single degree under their belt. Don't read books either! Maybe a magazine once in awhile to get ideas for drawing. ![]() What made them great artists is practice. Exploring on their own without any regrets of worrying about mistakes. And of course the feedback when they showed their illustrations or artwork is always beneficial to their experiences. Well have fun James with this. ![]() |
Happy Friday everyone...
Hope you all have a great weekend ![]() |
This weekend I will be taking the girls to the pool and we are going to make dream catchers.
The rest of the weekend I will be spending studying and trying to catch up to James a little. ![]() |
This weekend I will be taking the girls to the pool and we are going to make dream catchers. The rest of the weekend I will be spending studying and trying to catch up to James a little. ![]() Well, just so you know, my just fired up my afterburners. ![]() I've been glancing through this High Witchcraft book and preparing an outlined notepad to start digging in. I study this stuff like I'm craming for a final exam at college. ![]() What I typically do is just go through a book rather quickly jotting down notes and basically just scanning over the text fairly rapidly to get a bird's-eye view. I jot down important concepts and connections in my notes that I can focus on later. After having gone through the whole book like that. Then I start all over again actually reading it in detail. But this time owl have a better bird's-eye view of what's going on. I've already noticed that this High Witchcraft book is entirely focused on the Qabalah. So this is basically the information that I've been looking for. Although I'm not sure if I'm crazy about his views on this just yet. Only time will tell on that. The real irony is that in the intro (which I have read in detail), he states that the High Witchcraft book and the Qabalah itself are actually all about questioning our beliefs and belief systems and discovering what it true and "meaningful" for us as individuals. So this almost seems to fly in the face of how most people view the Qabalah, as well as how he appears to be presenting it. Each chapter is devoted to an individual sephirah of the Qabalah. He covers all 12 Sepiroth including the mystical Da'ath which he devotes an entire 30-page chapter to. This is so exciting. ![]() Although at the same time it's quite a bit different from what I had initially expected. In R. J. Stewart's book "The Miracle Tree: Demystifying the Qabalah", Stewart focused more on the "Traids". These are the triangular pathways formed between the sephiroth. So Stewart's work was focused more on "Pathways" and Path Work, whilst Penczak's work appears to be more focused on the individual sephirah. I kind of enjoyed Stewart's "Pathwork" approach, especially since he presented in a form that can be worked with in shamanic journey work. Penczak's approach seem to be more intellectually oriented to what was going on in the minds of ancient preists and magi. I think this may also reflect where these two men got their historical information. Penczak seems to be focusing on Egypt and Isael whilst Stewart had focused more on the Celts. So anyway, only time will tell now. I still have five large introductory chapters to get through before I get to the first actual sephirah in chapter six. I do work through each chapter in detail even though I scan through the whole book every once in a while to soak up more 'bird's-eye view'. Have fun making the dream catchers! Here's an indian maiden with a dream catcher. Evidently she's also calling in the spirit of the wolf. Maybe these dream catchers are also used for calling spirits into shamanic journeys? Owl have to make one for Raol. ![]() ![]() |
That's a beautiful picture! I should go get myself a wolf for the weekend so that can be me.
![]() I went to the bookstore for Penczak's newer books. I only have the Inner and Outer Temples but when I got there I decided to come home and order them from amazon. They are about $6 cheaper on Amazon and that adds up if I'm going to buy more than one. But I did buy a copy of The Way of the Hedge Witch. I have been wanting this book for some time. You may not be able to do the dishes with magick but you can find the sacred in domestic activities. Which is good because my life has a lot of domestic activity. ![]() |
Well, just so you know, my just fired up my afterburners. ![]() ![]() No fair! ![]() |
Tomorrow it's warp drive!
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Edited by
Fri 09/11/09 08:29 PM
So I am back from reading Grimm Brother stories to the children at the foster home I visit almost every week. Some of my favorite children stories come from these authors. Fun to read!
Then I went to the hospital here to visit a child who is suffering from severe bone cancer. I just don't get it. This poor child as it looks like will not even get a chance to live a very long life and his health is failing quickly. He has no idea who his parents are in which he asks me all the time when I visit. I can relate alot to him in many ways. How some life for some doesn't last longer then the first 8 years and then suddenly they must perish? It is like a quick hello and goodbye so to say. What makes it worst is the few years they live they live in pain with it. I wish I knew the reasons behind why that is even possible. If there is a creator then why? I mean what actually determines the lifespan of a human being. Yes I know the physical reasons, but spiritual is what I am interested in. Is life predetermined, accidental or by mistake, not controlled, or what have you? Why aren't we allowed to know? I am a bit shaky and not thinking clear on this. It is just so saddening. I am actually sobbing here now thinking of the poor child. Alright I am off to shower. Maybe that will make me feel a little better. |
I'm so sorry. ![]() It probably doesn't help much and its only my personal belief, but I believe that people like that are put here for the benefit of mankind. I believe that their souls volunteer to go through that for us. Perfect and good souls that teach us what we can't seem to learn otherwise. Like I said, that probably doesn't help the pain you feel now, but that's what I believe. |