Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread | |
May laughter
![]() ![]() May the sun ![]() May the rain cause your flowers ![]() This is my wish, this is my plea, as I will so mote it be ![]() |
If there is light in the soul, There will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, There will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, There will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, There will be peace in the world.
Exerpt from Song of the Mystic by Daniel
Upon an early morn, while the earth still lay in slumber, did the child seek out the Mystic's counsel: "Oh Mystic," cried the child, "heartless and cruel are the minds of men, And unforgiving are the hypocrites that hide behind the veils of religion. The holy men of the temple have declared thee an unbeliever, And would deny thee entrance unto the Kingdom of Heaven; For you worship not as they believe." And the Mystic answered with a power that made the wind echo his very words: Not unlike the leaves of the quaking aspen, singing and dancing upon the wind, are the religions of man, And you, who live clinging to the bosom of the earth, see not the tree as a whole and Living Truth: But only the leaves that whisper the message of Life, though singing not in the rhythm of unity that you would desire or understand. Listen only to the Voice from within, and be content with the solitude of your own awareness; For is not the silent melody of the heart sweeter to the ear of thy soul, than the song upon a thousand unknowing lips? It is true my child, I am not a believer: for what is it to believe, but to proclaim God's Truth with yet half a voice? To believe is also to doubt, and to hope, the twin sister of fear. A knower of God am I, and need I waste my days blindly believing that which is already known unto my soul? Tell me oh child, who are they to deny another of the God-given birthright unto the Kingdom of Heaven? Know you not, that each soul carries the key to that hidden gate within the depths of his own heart? And ignorant would be those who curse me in the name of their religion, For all paths lead unto the Most High, And I but choose to walk upon each, the path of the Christian, the Jew, the Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu. I walk upon the path of Truth with God alone. |
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That's a really beautiful picture of yin yang.
I would have never thought to do that, yet after having seen it, it seems like the most natural possible way to portray it. It's like, "Of course!" ![]() That's the way it should always be drawn! ![]() |
Yes, Lilypetal, that is a very beautiful picture. I'd like to have that hanging in my home.
Wow this thread in which I will call the common room is slowly getting decorated
![]() ![]() We just need a good cook and some great bartenders ![]() ![]() |
Wow this thread in which I will call the common room is slowly getting decorated ![]() ![]() We just need a good cook and some great bartenders ![]() ![]() Good, cause I'm starved! ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 06:31 PM
Here is a interesting question for perhaps a few of you brothers and sisters.
Does a spiritual form see the same way as we see from our eyes, or do you think it sees everything in a energy type radiant style? Like when we put on those special forces night goggles seeing everything in green or even in a hazy way? I ask for I was thinking why would our spiritual forms be so curious to want to be in a human life form? Unless everything is perfect and non-competitive in a spiritual form that we grow bored wanting this type of lifestyle as a human. I know this sounds all bizarre and maybe everyone will think what is smiless imagining again, but if anything, if you don't believe, or are uncertain, then use your imagination on what possibilities there could be or what conclusions you have that seems to be true. It can become a great story if nothing else. ![]() ![]() |
I couldn't help myself.
I had to run off and make the following picture from a couple of photographs. ![]() ![]() Does a spiritual form see the same way as we see from our eyes, or do you think it sees everything in a energy type radiant style? Like when we put on those special forces night goggles seeing everything in green or even in a hazy way? My guess is that a spirit 'sees' with the mind's eye just like we do. After all, if spirit exists, we're it. Only I think that when we are in the state of pure spirit we have a lot more control over our mind's eye. That's my guess. I ask for I was thinking why would our spiritual forms be so curious to want to be in a human life form? Unless everything is perfect and non-competitive in a spiritual form that we grow bored wanting this type of lifestyle as a human. Well, like you suggest, there are probably a myriad of reasons. Some kind of bordom or a desire to play. Some people believe that we are newly created spirits and we're just learning how to control our powers. Maybe we're just baby spirits and this life is some sort of nursery. I've think about this question quite a bit actually. I've come up with a tone of potential answers. This life could be some kind of amusement park, or like a movie theater. After all, why do humans go to movies when they could be experiencing real life instead? If humans do such silly things, and humans are spirits, then spirits probably do silly things too. ![]() After all, if humans are ultimately spirits, and spirits are ultimately humans, then if one is crazy the other one is probably just as insane. |
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![]() I sooooooooo love this picture! I says so muc.. which I will try to best sum up, which is: Only YOU define your "Light"... do not think you must be what others have defined as the only way ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 07:16 PM
Very good answers you have James and what a wonderful picture you have created! I truly miss the Alp Mountains back home. Here I am in mosquito infested humid and hot country
![]() ![]() but I always make the best out of it regardless where I am at. Great work on the art. One could make many various displays and have them as a collection actually. I guess that would get boring after awhile though. ![]() |
I ask for I was thinking why would our spiritual forms be so curious to want to be in a human life form? Okay, here is my best attempt at giving my opinion on this. I don't believe our spiritual forms (I'll refer to them as spirits) are completely evolved when they come into being. I believe that there are many experiences (not just here in this world) that they must go through to evolve into a more "enlightened" being. Just as people grow and become stronger, better people through adversity, so does our spirit which grows with each lifetime. So, I don't think it's a matter of boredom so much as it is a process that must be experienced. |
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 07:17 PM
![]() I sooooooooo love this picture! I says so muc.. which I will try to best sum up, which is: Only YOU define your "Light"... do not think you must be what others have defined as the only way ![]() Hello Lady of the Water! I hope you come here often and keep it inspiring and interesting for us like you just did. What a great magic trick you show us! Wow that is creative! I love creativity so much and this is truly is one of them. Brilliant ![]() |
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May laughter ![]() ![]() May the sun ![]() May the rain cause your flowers ![]() This is my wish, this is my plea, as I will so mote it be ![]() Nice. ![]() |
Peace Is The Only Way Really all there is, is love It's all around, below and above. We can have the life we seek to find We can start by simply being kind. There's just nothing left to fear Spirit is calling ever present, ever near It's time to learn to just let go Start remembering what we already know. No need for us to keep asking why Glimpse beyond the clouds and sky The answers are there through the inner voice It's time to make a conscious choice. It's alright to be mad, it's alright to be sad What happens with war is always bad We have to change the course and the stop this fight And use our wings for peaceful flight. Precious lives are being taken away Brothers and sisters are dying every day John and Paul said..I am he as you are he as you are me.. Why is this so hard to see? The delusion of one's perception Can create mass deception When we learn to understand our oneness connection Then we begin to see each other in our own reflection. Peace Is the Only way LJS (Ladylid) August 2005 Thank you Smiless for starting this thread. You are love materialized. Francine I am truly sorry your daughter suffers this heart condition. I will meditate on strength for you. ![]() |
Here is a interesting question for perhaps a few of you brothers and sisters.
Does a spiritual form see the same way as we see from our eyes, or do you think it sees everything in a energy type radiant style? Like when we put on those special forces night goggles seeing everything in green or even in a hazy way? To the best of my knowledge, the answer is BOTH.. and then some ![]() I ask for I was thinking why would our spiritual forms be so curious to want to be in a human life form? Unless everything is perfect and non-competitive in a spiritual form that we grow bored wanting this type of lifestyle as a human. Human existance is very different from being in Spirit form... thus it offers a very different experience that cannot be garnered any other way. Think of it like this: The pregnant man! A man can try to wear a body suit.. it's close.. but not the real deal. the only way for a man to ever know what it would FEEL like to be pregnant is TO BE IT. Now.. 99.9% of people would think "OMG! Are you freaking nuts man???" But how else would he AUTHENTICALLY experience it?? As far as I know, there is only one man on this planet that has been brave enough ![]() |
I ask for I was thinking why would our spiritual forms be so curious to want to be in a human life form? Okay, here is my best attempt at giving my opinion on this. I don't believe our spiritual forms (I'll refer to them as spirits) are completely evolved when they come into being. I believe that there are many experiences (not just here in this world) that they must go through to evolve into a more "enlightened" being. Just as people grow and become stronger, better people through adversity, so does our spirit which grows with each lifetime. So, I don't think it's a matter of boredom so much as it is a process that must be experienced. That could be a possibility indeed that the spirit is also just going through a cycle like we do as humans from being born to growing old. What do you think about death for a spirit? Do you think that a spirit grows old and also fades away? Or is it indefinite? What do you believe to be true? |