Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread | |
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Wed 09/09/09 07:07 AM
![]() ![]() My wish for today (for myself and everyone) is this: May all that we see today, be thru the eyes of Love... ![]() I wish you a most enjoyable week with much love and happiness. ![]() ![]() |
Hi James, The outline or idea looks painful? It almost looks like the guy is going to drill a hole in the ladies side after attaching the chalice into her body! ![]() I know! ![]() ![]() ![]() It's horrible! I probably shouldn't have posted it. But I thought I'd just share how at least one neophyte artist pieces together drawing aides. The male "God" was actually taken from statue of Hercules killing a centaur. ![]() His arm was cut off an statue of a Ninja warrior boxing. ![]() In fact, I'm planning on taken photos of my own profile and using myself as the model for the face of the God. Why not? I think it would be cool to be a God. Especially one who is dipping his dagger into the chalice of a Goddess. Yes, this pieced-together garbage is truly horrible, but it's just a very first rough template to get an idea of what I'm shooting for. I hope the end result will truly convey a sense of pure bliss and love. (It was hard enough to find a head tilted in just the right position) So I settled for a murdering Hercules. ![]() |
Good morning Ruth and Lightvoice.
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I hope the end result will truly convey a sense of pure bliss and love. (It was hard enough to find a head tilted in just the right position) So I settled for a murdering Hercules. ![]() Freud would have a field day with that one! ![]() I'm just kidding. I can see what you're doing and I'm sure it will be beautiful in the end. There's nothing more beautiful than the life-giving union of the god and goddess. In perfect love and perfect trust. |
I have a question to put to y'all. This recently came up during a conversation with my sister and I'd really like some input.
We have a friend, a close friend, who is doing things she knows she aught not be doing. And we KNOW these things to be true, they came from her own mouth and when we saw her...there was a feel to her that just wasn't right (saw her before she told us what she had done). Now then, what she did was this: She bound her teenage daughter. Yes, bound her. Why? Because she could see and talk to those who have passed over and our friend admitted she did this out of jealousy. I was horrified and just...stunned. The next thing she admitted to doing was trying to figure out a way to completely strip her daughter of any and all abilities, i.e. turn her into a null. Now, I don't know if this is even possible, but just the though of her attempting this makes me ill. I mean WHY would you want to do that?????? The question is, what to do with this knowledge? Our friend is a member of a local coven and I really doubt they know what she's been doing. Any suggestions or questions are welcome. I love this friend, but I cannot condone what she is doing and I'm troubled. Thank you. |
I have a question to put to y'all. This recently came up during a conversation with my sister and I'd really like some input. We have a friend, a close friend, who is doing things she knows she aught not be doing. And we KNOW these things to be true, they came from her own mouth and when we saw her...there was a feel to her that just wasn't right (saw her before she told us what she had done). Now then, what she did was this: She bound her teenage daughter. Yes, bound her. Why? Because she could see and talk to those who have passed over and our friend admitted she did this out of jealousy. I was horrified and just...stunned. The next thing she admitted to doing was trying to figure out a way to completely strip her daughter of any and all abilities, i.e. turn her into a null. Now, I don't know if this is even possible, but just the though of her attempting this makes me ill. I mean WHY would you want to do that?????? The question is, what to do with this knowledge? Our friend is a member of a local coven and I really doubt they know what she's been doing. Any suggestions or questions are welcome. I love this friend, but I cannot condone what she is doing and I'm troubled. Thank you. Too bad you can't report her to Children's Services. How old is the daughter? |
Wow Kindred. I just read your profile. If I were a guy, I'd date you!
![]() Very nice! ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 09:39 AM
I have a question to put to y'all. This recently came up during a conversation with my sister and I'd really like some input. We have a friend, a close friend, who is doing things she knows she aught not be doing. And we KNOW these things to be true, they came from her own mouth and when we saw her...there was a feel to her that just wasn't right (saw her before she told us what she had done). Now then, what she did was this: She bound her teenage daughter. Yes, bound her. Why? Because she could see and talk to those who have passed over and our friend admitted she did this out of jealousy. I was horrified and just...stunned. The next thing she admitted to doing was trying to figure out a way to completely strip her daughter of any and all abilities, i.e. turn her into a null. Now, I don't know if this is even possible, but just the though of her attempting this makes me ill. I mean WHY would you want to do that?????? The question is, what to do with this knowledge? Our friend is a member of a local coven and I really doubt they know what she's been doing. Any suggestions or questions are welcome. I love this friend, but I cannot condone what she is doing and I'm troubled. Thank you. Wow that is a difficult situation indeed. If you get a chance to talk to the daughter of this friend that you call and see how you can help her in her situation that would be a plus, but again this is a sensitive situation to where you can get yourself in alot of trouble. So really think about it if you want to get yourself involved in this mess. If the child shows markings such as bruises, cuts, etc. etc. then yes I would take the suggestion Ruth is mentioning. Get help from professionals that handle child abuse. Child abuse shouldn't never be tolerated! Now if this lady is your friend then it would be best to talk to her about the situation. I personally couldn't be with someone who abuses children. That for me is no friend, but again I don't know the history between your friendship. When there is a will then there is a way. I am sure you will find a way to resolve a deep problem. Just be careful in today's crazy world. I may be a bit paranoid, but what do you expect from a man who lives in a dangerous city like Miami. ![]() |
Hi Wicked
![]() I think there has been some misunderstanding of your post.. correct me if I am wrong. When you say she "bound" her daughter, you mean she has put a "hold" on her daughter's psychic abilities?? I want to clarify for others that this in NO way refers to PHYSICALLY binding! This is done on a psychic/energy level. Having that cleared up... I have a few questions before I can respond with my thoughts on this. 1 - how old is the child?? 2 - you mentioned jealousy.. meaning the mother wishes she had the same abilities/level as the child. To bind her though, tells me she knows enough & has some abilities of her own. How knowledgeable is she in SPIRITUAL matters (not just magic)? 3 - is she perhaps not comfortable or knowledgeable enough to teach her child the things she needs to know to be safe? Is this maybe misguided parental protective mode? 4 - last, but not least.. is it possible that the mother does not fully understand "with harm to NONE" (thinking her binding her daughter's abilities will not harm her)? |
That is very true what the Light says. If it is mentally with magick of somekind then that is a whole different situation that is out of my reach of expertise, but you surely have a good thread to post this on for alot of the family in here knows about magick and its consequences. I hope you get good advice on this problem in here.
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Hi Wicked ![]() I think there has been some misunderstanding of your post.. correct me if I am wrong. When you say she "bound" her daughter, you mean she has put a "hold" on her daughter's psychic abilities?? I want to clarify for others that this in NO way refers to PHYSICALLY binding! This is done on a psychic/energy level. No, I knew what she meant. I just think its terrible to do that to a child (or anyone) and that's why I said it was too bad she couldn't report it as abuse. The problem is that the girl is a minor. Otherwise I would tell her what her mother had done and show her how to fight it. I might, however, talk to the other members in the mom's coven and see they could intervene with her. And I would be honest with the mom about how what she has done is wrong. |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 10:17 AM
So what do you say beautiful mid-wives of vast knowledge?
What should Kindred2wicked do about the situation if at all? |
Well my handsome soul, much depends on the answers to the questions I asked. The age of the child and the abilities/knowledge of the mother are vital pieces of information.
Once that is known... then the next important part is how much energy/effort Kindred is willing to expend. And of course.. there is always the easy way, the hard way.. and a dozen shades in between ![]() This is not a situation where I feel/think a blanket response would be truly helpful... actually, a generic response could put into action something that could add/cause more harm. For now... I have asked the Universe (God/dess) to keep an eye on things.. and to please protect all from harm ![]() |
Yes I do hope that the teenager will be protected from anykind of harm mentally or physically.
![]() We shall see how Kindred2wicked will reply to your questions. I hope from there more can be done to help. ![]() |
I agree completely with LV. Too many unknowns in this scenario to make a blanket statement. And much will depend on how much time and effort Kindred wants to put into the situation.
Me, I do not have the kind of energy required to go about undoing other people's magic that does not directly affect me. It would be quite a task. Much depends on the age of the child and the true motives of the mother. |
That is very true what the Light says. If it is mentally with magick of somekind then that is a whole different situation that is out of my reach of expertise, but you surely have a good thread to post this on for alot of the family in here knows about magick and its consequences. I hope you get good advice on this problem in here. ![]() Well, I'm with you on this one John. I'm totally unaware of how one person could 'bind' the spiritual or psychic powers of another person. That whole concept flies in the face of everything I've studied thus far. On a totally non-magickal note, the bottom line for me in this situation is the simple fact that legally the mother is the guardian of the child and therefore it's basically her responsibility. People can certainly attempt to communicate their thoughts and feelings to the mother, but that's about all they can do. Other than that, it's quite frankly none of their business. I mean, as far as I'm concerned I feel that a lot of Christians are absuing their children by teaching them the things they do. But that's what those parents do. There's nothing I can do about that. I personally feel that I had been spiritually cripped and psychologically damaged by the dogma of Christianity as well. I'm not even sure that I can say I 'survived' it. Clearly I survived it physically, but did I truly survive it spiritually? Of that, I think it's safe to say that I didn't. At least not in a timely fashion. Anyway, there isn't much that can be done other than to appeal to the mother. If the mother thinks it's best for her child not to commune with certain spirits then this is the mother's choice. It would be no different that disallowing the child to commune with certain other mortal friends as far as I can see. Like I say, from what I've read, no one could stop a well-meaning spirit who communes in perfect love and perfect trust from communing with the child. If the mother can intervene in a psychic communique it would seem to me that the spirits she is preventing from contacting her daughter have not come in perfect love and perfect trust in the first place. That's all know. But I confess that my knowledge is extremely limited and based on positive teachers such as Penczak and Chopra, neither of whom believe that anyone can prevent a well-intentioned communique. Of course just because they don't believe it doesn't mean it's not possible. The Christians believe that with Satan all things are possible. ![]() |
Yes I do hope that the teenager will be protected from anykind of harm mentally or physically. ![]() We shall see how Kindred2wicked will reply to your questions. I hope from there more can be done to help. ![]() There are also different types of "binding"... knowing the mothers level of knowledge & ability is important. It's kinda like rushing into a dr office saying: this person has been poisoned! Well.. did they swallow it? get bit? what type of poison? etc, etc... the doc may have some basic procedures .. but to truly address the exact issue, more info is required. |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 10:56 AM
That is very true what the Light says. If it is mentally with magick of somekind then that is a whole different situation that is out of my reach of expertise, but you surely have a good thread to post this on for alot of the family in here knows about magick and its consequences. I hope you get good advice on this problem in here. ![]() Well, I'm with you on this one John. I'm totally unaware of how one person could 'bind' the spiritual or psychic powers of another person. That whole concept flies in the face of everything I've studied thus far. On a totally non-magickal note, the bottom line for me in this situation is the simple fact that legally the mother is the guardian of the child and therefore it's basically her responsibility. People can certainly attempt to communicate their thoughts and feelings to the mother, but that's about all they can do. Other than that, it's quite frankly none of their business. I mean, as far as I'm concerned I feel that a lot of Christians are absuing their children by teaching them the things they do. But that's what those parents do. There's nothing I can do about that. I personally feel that I had been spiritually cripped and psychologically damaged by the dogma of Christianity as well. I'm not even sure that I can say I 'survived' it. Clearly I survived it physically, but did I truly survive it spiritually? Of that, I think it's safe to say that I didn't. At least not in a timely fashion. Anyway, there isn't much that can be done other than to appeal to the mother. If the mother thinks it's best for her child not to commune with certain spirits then this is the mother's choice. It would be no different that disallowing the child to commune with certain other mortal friends as far as I can see. Like I say, from what I've read, no one could stop a well-meaning spirit who communes in perfect love and perfect trust from communing with the child. If the mother can intervene in a psychic communique it would seem to me that the spirits she is preventing from contacting her daughter have not come in perfect love and perfect trust in the first place. That's all know. But I confess that my knowledge is extremely limited and based on positive teachers such as Penczak and Chopra, neither of whom believe that anyone can prevent a well-intentioned communique. Of course just because they don't believe it doesn't mean it's not possible. The Christians believe that with Satan all things are possible. ![]() I agree James although it is saddening that a parent will not allow a child to decide on their own what spiritual or religion they feel best for. I mean I see it all the time down here how they baptise their babies or at a very young age. The children don't even really know what is going on?? Nevertheless, it is the parents decision and I always hope when the child gets older they ask questions and realize that there are many answers to those deep philosophical questions we have been asking for thousands of years. And at the end I hope that the child can come up with his or her own conclusions that work best for them. Unfortunately, many children are abused because they believe in their parents decision and knowledge and then pass it on to their children without researching. I mean in my case I wasn't raised on any religion and I am grateful for it, because those who took care of me said that this is something I should discover on my own. Concerning physical abuse to where bruises, cuts, deep markings, on a child is seen then I think that a adult should get involved for that is physcial child abuse and that shouldn't be tolerated in my opinion. I can't stand to watch a child walk up to me all messed up. It makes me truly sad and the poor kid is asking for help, but is too afraid to say anything because of what his or her parents might do. That is scary and I think adults should step up and get involved when it crosses this point. It is just an opinion I have of course. Everyone is different on this. |
That is very true what the Light says. If it is mentally with magick of somekind then that is a whole different situation that is out of my reach of expertise, but you surely have a good thread to post this on for alot of the family in here knows about magick and its consequences. I hope you get good advice on this problem in here. ![]() Well, I'm with you on this one John. I'm totally unaware of how one person could 'bind' the spiritual or psychic powers of another person. That whole concept flies in the face of everything I've studied thus far. On a totally non-magickal note, the bottom line for me in this situation is the simple fact that legally the mother is the guardian of the child and therefore it's basically her responsibility. People can certainly attempt to communicate their thoughts and feelings to the mother, but that's about all they can do. Other than that, it's quite frankly none of their business. I mean, as far as I'm concerned I feel that a lot of Christians are absuing their children by teaching them the things they do. But that's what those parents do. There's nothing I can do about that. I personally feel that I had been spiritually cripped and psychologically damaged by the dogma of Christianity as well. I'm not even sure that I can say I 'survived' it. Clearly I survived it physically, but did I truly survive it spiritually? Of that, I think it's safe to say that I didn't. At least not in a timely fashion. Anyway, there isn't much that can be done other than to appeal to the mother. If the mother thinks it's best for her child not to commune with certain spirits then this is the mother's choice. It would be no different that disallowing the child to commune with certain other mortal friends as far as I can see. Like I say, from what I've read, no one could stop a well-meaning spirit who communes in perfect love and perfect trust from communing with the child. If the mother can intervene in a psychic communique it would seem to me that the spirits she is preventing from contacting her daughter have not come in perfect love and perfect trust in the first place. That's all know. But I confess that my knowledge is extremely limited and based on positive teachers such as Penczak and Chopra, neither of whom believe that anyone can prevent a well-intentioned communique. Of course just because they don't believe it doesn't mean it's not possible. The Christians believe that with Satan all things are possible. ![]() Very well put, James. |
Yes I do hope that the teenager will be protected from anykind of harm mentally or physically. ![]() We shall see how Kindred2wicked will reply to your questions. I hope from there more can be done to help. ![]() There are also different types of "binding"... knowing the mothers level of knowledge & ability is important. It's kinda like rushing into a dr office saying: this person has been poisoned! Well.. did they swallow it? get bit? what type of poison? etc, etc... the doc may have some basic procedures .. but to truly address the exact issue, more info is required. I could imagine and I know not from experience, but in believing, that magick can be a very dangerous practice if not done correctly. I think a mind can be manipulated in many ways and this includes the practice of magick. but who knows maybe you can help somehow by using magick to help the kid. Of course you would have to know more about the situation like you have mentioned. |