Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread | |
Anyway on the bright side. I hope all is good.
What are you guys doing now? Aren't I a curious soul. ![]() ![]() |
Anyway on the bright side. I hope all is good. What are you guys doing now? Aren't I a curious soul. ![]() ![]() I am very well today, thank you! Well, the woman who was previously handling all the city's graffiti restitution cases quit and went to Greece. So now I will be handling a lot of these and I'm trying to learn how to do this. The good news is that its job security for me to have the added responsibility. The bad news is that I was already really busy. ![]() Sorry you asked? ![]() |
Well at least you can't complain that you are never busy.
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Hello everyone,
Just as a 'heads-up' I'm going to post a description of the shamanic journey that I experienced last night. This is a very personal sharing. It's intended entirely in that spirit. I'm not attempting to claim anything beyond that. It's quite lengthy and will consist of about 4 or 5 posts broken up into parts. I'm just posting it for anyone who might find it interesting. So it here comes: |
Smiless wrote:
Share your latest experiences with the magick you do! I had the most wonderful journey last night. It was quite elaborate so it will take a bit to explain. So be forewarned that this is a lengthy story that rambles on for at least four posts. I have extreme difficulties in my shamanic journeys yet. I'm far too logical! I've always been too logos-minded. It's extremely difficult to get out of that mode after having lived in that mode most of my life. As most of you know, I had been heavily into science and mathematics as well as considering philosophy from the perspective of pure logic. Now I'm attempting to approach something that is far more intuitively based. I have always had a very profound imagination. Which has served me well in science. It also serves me well in terms of being creative. And you'd think it would serve me well in shamanic journeying too. I think it does to a point, but then those disturbing questions come up as to whether I'm just making this whole thing up in my mind, or is any of it 'real' in the sense of actually meeting with genuine spiritual entities? This, of course, is the whole purpose of my journeys. I want to contact spirits. Actual living entities that have a 'will' of their own yet are willing to participate in psychic communion with me. I met this girl in my Labyrinth Garden. This is the psychic garden that I created in my mind. I fully understand that I created this garden. At least in part. Clearly it's also chock full of archetypes that have been with humanity since the dawn of time, so even though I have created the garden structure itself, it was done using traditional archetypal themes that have always existed in the consciousness of humanity in general. So, yes, I've created the labyrinth garden in my mind, but it's really just a psychic playground where I have openly invited all of these spirits to come and play. Now, I met this human girl in my labyrinth journey. She's very real to me. She came into the garden totally unexpectedly. I didn't intentionally dream her up. She's not one of the archetypes that I have set in the garden as statues. She just appeared out of nowhere and truly seems to have her own 'will'. She doesn't do what I imagine, she just does her own thing. Like as if she truly has her own personality and free will. Now last night I had a very strange experience. One of the strangest since I began doing this. Before I went to bed (where I often journey) I read some of Penczak's book on "Spirit Allies". I have to confess that sometimes when I'm reading this stuff I just roll my eyes ![]() So anyway, Penczak lists "20 Questions" to ask a spirit in your shamanic journeys. These questions are designed to help you get to know the spirit. The very first question to ask a spirit is "What is your name?". I hadn't yet asked this girl in my labyrinth garden what her name is. We're not 'speaking' in English yet. Thus far all we've been doing is communing via a telepathic 'knowingness'. It's almost not even a verbal communication. It's more like a sharing of the minds. It's hard to describe in words. Anyway, after having read Penczak's suggestions I went to bed to have the journey. I started in the Labyrinth Garden as always. I've always been alone and there was no one else around at all until his mysterious girl showed up. Of course I wanted this girl to show up again, but I didn't want to summon her or do anything that would 'logically' make me feel like I was just creating her. So I went straight over to the magician's table where I always begin the journey. I picked up my clay pentacle that I ritually place in the amulet pouch that hangs from a leather necklace I wear. This pentacle represents the element Earth. It's actually a fairly large clay disk that has a pentacle embossed on both sides of it. On one side of the disk the pentacle is embossed over an engraving of the Tree of Life. On the other side the pentacle is embossed over an engraving of the Horned God. I use the Tree of Life side for invocations and the Horned God side for banishments. Although in truth, I must confess that I haven't done any invocations and banishments at all in reality. In fact, I haven't even learned the proper way to do them. Thus far I just kind of view one side of this clay disk to represent invocations and the other side to represent banishments. Now, I'd like to stop here momentarily to explain that this is precisely how I start into a journey. I "allow" myself to get lost in the details thus taking my mind off of any conscious anticipations of where the journey will proceed or unfold. Continued to Part II: |
Part II:
Well, I was examining this clay pentacle very closely. It becomes more vivid with each journey. I can feel it's heft in my hand as if I am actually standing there holding it. It's vividly painted in bright colors. I was actually flipping it back and forth to view the two sides in detail. It was like examining an real physical object. Just then the girl in my journey reached around me and took the pentacle from my hand. It wasn't a hostile grasp. She just lifted it softly from my hand and took it. I instantly turned to see her standing just beside me. She held the pentacle out before her and traced over it with her finger. I telepathically knew from her mind that this was an invocation ritual. As soon as she completed the tracing the entire garden came alive. All of the statues were living persons and there was activity everywhere. There were even other children in the garden running around playing and laughing. Children that had nothing to do with the statuary in the garden. There were also adults around in the background that seemed to be entirely focused on mentoring and watching over the children. Then she held the pentacle up again. Flipped it around and traced over it in a banishment ritual. The entire garden went back to being silent stone statues and the children and people simply vanished. Her and I were the only living beings in the garden. She handed the pentacle back to me, and smiled, and then started doing cartwheels off into a grassy area. I held the pentacle out in front of me and traced out an invocation. Once again the garden statuary came alive just as before. Little children were once again running around laughing and playing with each other. And adults were in the background watching over them. I held the pentacle up again and traced out a banishment and everything went back to stone again. The children just vanished into thin air. All that remained was myself and this girl who was still doing various gymnastics and dances on the lawn. Once again I invoked the garden to life and the hustle and bustle came back. This time I left it "on". I was going to continue my journey as normal only this time with the garden fully alive. I dropped the heavy clay pentacle into the pouch I wear around my neck as an amulet. I moved on to the next stage which is where I pick up the Sword of Logos and the Quill of Communiqué. I picked up the Sword and drew it from its scabbard as I always do. The blade glittered in the sunlight with it's razor sharp edges reminding me of the power of logos to slice through the jungle of ignorance. I slid the Sword back into its scabbard and placed the protected blade on my back where I wear it like an archer wears a quill of arrows. The Sword is only about two feet long. Then I picked up the Quill of Communiqué and stuck it in my headband where I carry it in preparation for writing down symbols and insights along the labyrinth path. Next I picked up the Wand of Creativity and slipped it into the loop on my belt where it dangles from my side. Then I picked up the small Cauldron of Purity and removed the lid to light the incense and small candle within. Typically I had been lighting it from an eternal flame that burns just north of the magicians table. But this time I felt an urge to use the pentacle to invoke the flame. No sooner did I begin to retrieve the pentacle from the amulet pouch when the mysterious girl returned placing her hand on mine, and telepathically conveying to me, "no". Then she turned to face the small hand-held cauldron and traced out an invoking pentacle in mid air. The cauldron candle burst into flame and incense began to smolder. Then she traced out a banishment pentacle and the cauldron was instantly quenched and no longer spewed forth flame or smoke. Then she turned and looked into my eyes. No communication this time. I got a profound sense that she was just looking into my soul. Almost as if wanting to make contact with the being within me but not sure how. I asked, "What is your name?" The question just came out of nowhere, but obviously it had been sparked by my previous reading of Penczak and my desire to know who this girl is. She telepathically told me her name and then instantly turned away to do more cartwheels on the lawn. I didn't catch what she had said. I think this was the very first actual 'word' that we had ever communed. Continued to part III: |
Part III:
The name "Rachel" came to mind. But I couldn't be sure if that's what she had said. She was off doing her lawn dancing now so I turned to the caldron and invoked it into flame. Then I banished it. Then invoked it again. I stood there turning it on and off like a child that had just learned how to use a light switch. The whole garden was still alive with activity. All of the stone statues were alive and, although they were staying put, they were clearly interacting with each other and doing things in their own local areas. The children were also still running around and playing and laughing yet ignoring me entirely like as if I didn't exist. I looked at a part of the garden near the magician's table where there were some flowers in bud but not yet bloomed. I traced out an invoking pentacle in front of them and they blossomed into full bloom right before my eyes. Then I traced out a banishment pentacle and they closed back up into buds. I started doing this around the garden with various differnet things. Invoking and banishing. Invoking and banishing. Like a kid with a new remote control device. Yet I was using nothing other than my finger and a gesture drawn in mid air. I found myself out on the lawn invoking individual flowers to appear on the lawn and then banishing them to make them disappear again. I notices that the children were starting to do the very same thing. They were imitating me and invoking flowers and then banishing them again all over the lawn. They were all giggling and having fun with it. Then I turned to the garden gate and looked up at the large crystal obelisks that stand on either side of the gate. One is very rounded and feminine, the other is very jagged and looks like a roughed-out statue of a masculine king. I don't know why I did it, but I drew an invoking pentagram over each of them and they both came alive. The feminine obelisk took on the form of watery statue of a living goddess. The masculine obelisk took on the form of a fiery crystal glowing like molten lava. I was about to trace out a banishing pentacle over these God and Goddess figures to turn them back into static crystal obelisks but just as I held out my hand to do so, "Rachel" literally tackled me to the ground from behind, all the while telepathically conveying to me "no, don't ever banish a god or goddess". She didn't seem to be scolding me, like as if I had actually done something wrong. Instead it was like she was just trying to educate me on proper etiquette associated with the divine beings. Like my ignorance was truly innocent and she understood this. Clearly this girl is some kind of teacher as she always intervenes when I need to learn something. I fully understood the lesson and also realized that I just didn't know any better so I didn't feel guilty or stupid. She then got up from the lawn to return to her cart-wheeling activities. As she was walking away I yelled out "Rachel?". She turned to looked back at me and shook her head, "no", then telepathically said clearly, "Raol". This time I heard her voice clearly even though she was still communicating telepathically. Continued to Part IV: |
Part IV: (the finale)
I figured that I better get back into my original journey. All of this journeying and I hadn't even started down the Labyrinth Path yet. I had one more item to retrieve from the magician's table which is the Chalice. I always hang the Chalice on my belt opposite from the crystal wand. However when I went to grab the Chalice I was surprised to find that it was made of clear quartz crystal. It has always been a silver metal Chalice before. But now it's crystal. I was surprised by this as it seemed too delicate to be carrying around a crystal Chalice hanging from my hip. I was also surprised by this because it had always been made of silver before. I think I consciously and logically had created this Chalice to be made of silver so that it would be durable and easily carried dangling from my hip with no worry about it breaking. As I picked up the crystal Chalice Raol came over to me and telepathically, without words. conveyed the following message which I translation for you here in English: "Yes, you shall now carry a crystal Chalice at your side and be aware of its feminine delicacy." With that she bumped her hip against mine almost as if to say, "So there". And then she quickly dove into another cartwheel that took her rolling back out onto the lawn. I smiled with this new turn of events because this was all taking me by surprise. These are the kinds of things I was hoping to experience in shamanic journeys. Things are starting to happen that are clearly not coming from me. At least not via any sort of conscious logical decisions. Even if this is just my very own subconscious mind coming into the journeys it's still a wonderful change of status. I finally began to walk down the actual labyrinth path. I do this starting with the Sun God and drawing the symbol of the Sun God twice: Once starting with the circle and then drawing the dot in the center and saying aloud "All is One". Then I draw it a second time starting with the central dot and then drawing a circle around that and saying aloud "Spirit creates from the well of infinite potentiality". This is my standard ritual. This is all I do at the "Sun God Station". I then move on to the statue of the Fool. In my garden this statue is a small baby winged Cherub on a swing. The cherub was quite alive this time as were all of the statues in the garden. I looked at the little fellow on the swing and he looked at me and giggled like babies do. I didn't attempt to communicate with him but it was clear to me that he was conveying a sense that he was wishing me well on my journey. In some sense I felt that he was a very real part of me which makes logical sense too I guess since the Fool ultimately represent my very own spirit. I drew out the symbol for the Fool, which is just an elaborate letter "F" but my mind was on "Raol". I started pronouncing her name over and over again, "Ra-ol, raw-ool, raw-awl,..." Raol approached me, and started helping me to pronounce her name. She placed her fingertips on my cheeks helping me to form the proper 'ool' sound. She was actually pronouncing her name aloud this time as she helped me with the pronunciation. I noticed that her ears were pointy like an elf or fairy. I had never noticed that before. It was slight, but definitely pointy. Then I realized that I had met her before in another journey a while back when I journeyed to the center of the earth in a faery exercise. As soon as I made the connection and visualized that other journey in my memory she smiled and shook her head acknowledging that she was the same being that I had meet in the land of the fae. Although at that time the meeting had been extremely brief. Even though she had kissed me in that journey. That had been a "guided" meditation from the Faery Teachings CD. So I had met her before, but at that time I felt that I had just made her up because the guy on the CD basically suggested as much. Although he didn't describe the being. He simply stated that it was a very close spirit friend that is like a 'soulmate'. He did suggest the kiss which I enjoyed because I had "imagined" a very beautiful girl. But it was indeed Raol. Although at that time she was dressed in entirely different garb and was also accompanied by a whole troop of elves. She continued to say her name aloud, "Raol" coaxing me to repeat it again and again. I began to repeat her name over and over again as I awakened from this journey which had basically become an entire lucid dream. I actually 'woke up from it' in a sleepily state listening to my own voice repeating, "Raol, Raol, Raol,..." A dream where I had actually fallen to sleep entirely yet never once lost consciousness of the dream not even for a moment. I immediately got up and ran to look up the proper invocation and banishing motions in Penczak's witchcraft books. I hadn't truly paid much attention to these before, and prior to this dream I couldn't have described the proper way to draw them out with absolute confidence. Yet the way that Raol had taught me to draw them in this shamanic journey was precisely correct. This was indeed one of the most spiritual journeys I've had to date. I'm also, not in any way attempting to put this out there as any kind of 'evidence' for anything. It was entirely a dream. Everything in it, including the precise and correct way to trace out pentacles for invocations and banishments may have well already existed in my subconscious. Just the same, I'm very pleased with this journey. |
The 20 questions:
Just for those who might be interested, these are the 20 questions to ask a spirit. (clearly I've only gotten to question one with Raol) But hey, that's a start. 1. What is your name? 2. What is your purpose? 3. What do you have to tell me? 4. What are you? 5. Where are you from? 6. Have you ever lived in a physical body? 7. Have you lived on Earth? 8. Do we have any past-life associations? 9. Do you guide anyone else who is in body? 10. Do you have an area of expertise, and if so, what is it? 11. What is the best way to contact you? 12. How will I recognize you in the future? 13. Where are you? Are you physically near me at all? 14. Are you ever "not with me"? 15. How do I know you are real and not a figment of my imagination? 16. What is my life's purpose? 17. What is the meaning of life? 18. What should I be changing in my life? 19. What can I specifically be doing to improve my health, balance, and overall life? 20. Why are you my guide? And why are we meeting now, at this point in my life? I have a feeling that I already know some of the answers to some of these questions as they apply to Raol. Other questions I have no clue how she might answer. Some of these questions I already know the answer to. Like #18. I'm well aware of what I should be changing in my life. My LAZINESS! ![]() If I could change that one thing I think all the rest would be a snap. :bismile: I'm not really looking for "help" with life, nor am I looking for the answers to life, although that would truly be cool to know. All I'm truly interested in doing is contacting a genuine spirit. So far this seems promising. I'm not even a full year into this and I'm already having experiences that are interesting. I have met other 'spirits' too in other shamanic journeys. This Raol isn't the only spirit I've met. But thus far she's been the most convincing in terms of having a will of her own. She's also been the most consistent. I truly feel like she's here to stay. And if she is indeed the fae that I meet earlier then it seems like she does represent some sort of soulmate and is serving as a vehicle for that communiqué. The actual spirit behind her may not even have a physical body at all right now. Anyway, I just thought I'd share all of this for anyone who is interested. Like I say, I'm just sharing my dreams. Whether there is anything spiritual going on here or whether this is all just a figment of my own imagination and subconscious desire to find a companion is anyone's guess, including me! All I know is that I'm enjoying the dreams! If that's all it is, it's still GREAT! |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 12:52 PM
Well James what a fascinating story,
I must say I always viewed you as "Spock" on Star Trek. You are truly a logical person who can break it down to explaining in a easier term for us all to understand in which I really appreciate it. I am more of a Captain Kirk when he has his funny moments. ![]() I can see the problem with the struggle focusing on using the imagination in a sense of contacting the spirit world and the mind that thinks logically. It must be such a struggle. Now who are we to tell if we don't really see spirits or not. I think it is the lack of belief that many don't see them. I also think that the spiritual world is not fully understood even by the top professionals who write about it. It is a mysterious world unknown to us, and unbelievabled by many. Yet your individual experience with this lady may have been a real outer body experience as in the soul or spirit. It is very possible that we do it everyday but just cannot explain how and therefore, just call it an imaginative experience to keep the masses quiet. lol Now the 20 questions may be a good thing, but wouldn't it be too much logic involved again. I mean the poor lady is asked so many questions like she is in a court session or something. As for me if I ever meet a spiritual form, I am not going to smother her or him with questions. I am just going to work hard in trying to make the spirit feel as comfortable as possible with me. If the spirit wants to talk to me and give answers then I of course will embrace them. I think now that you have encountered a spirit she may slowly reveal more of her world and ways to you. I always want to think that spirits are shy of showing their connection to us in human form. I could be wrong about it. The medaillion that she so cherishes is interesting. What does it look like and what do the symbols mean? That would interest me of course. I always want to believe there is a portal somewhere where we can go to this spiritual world, but one has to figure out the symbols and meanings in order to get there. I actually think that perhaps the Stone Henge was somekind of portal at one time. Of course this is my imagination going wild as usual. ![]() I like your journal indeed. Keep writing and observing. I am sure what you write will fit in the pieces to this crossword puzzle. In the end whatever you discover, I think will help contribute to happiness. |
I must also add that if she is a teacher then that is a blessing because how many people can claim to have the opportunity to see the spiritual world let alone understand its meanings. The objects, the symbols, and the definitions are shown to you!
Very interesting indeed. ![]() |
Hi Wicked ![]() I think there has been some misunderstanding of your post.. correct me if I am wrong. When you say she "bound" her daughter, you mean she has put a "hold" on her daughter's psychic abilities?? *Yes, putting a hold on her psychic abilities is exactly what I meant. If it were physical abuse I would have reported her already, friend or not. I want to clarify for others that this in NO way refers to PHYSICALLY binding! This is done on a psychic/energy level. Having that cleared up... I have a few questions before I can respond with my thoughts on this. 1 - how old is the child?? *She is 12, soon to be 13. 2 - you mentioned jealousy.. meaning the mother wishes she had the same abilities/level as the child. To bind her though, tells me she knows enough & has some abilities of her own. How knowledgeable is she in SPIRITUAL matters (not just magic)? *In spiritual matters she has tremendous knowledge. 3 - is she perhaps not comfortable or knowledgeable enough to teach her child the things she needs to know to be safe? *She is teaching her younger son, and from knowing her for a few years I'd have to say she is knowledgeable enough to teach. She has given lessons before and is a good teacher. Is this maybe misguided parental protective mode? *I don't believe so no. 4 - last, but not least.. is it possible that the mother does not fully understand "with harm to NONE" (thinking her binding her daughter's abilities will not harm her)? *Honestly, I think it really stems from pure jealousy. The daughter is gifted, I mean really gifted. I've known her for a few years, she and my daughter used to play alot together. |
Wow Kindred. I just read your profile. If I were a guy, I'd date you! ![]() Very nice! ![]() Awww thank you! ![]() |
James, that was very generous of you to share your journey. Thank you. And you confirmed for me what I have always never dismiss or banish the god/dess. I had a coven leader who did this and I was always uncomfortable with it.
Thank you again for sharing. ![]() |
What is the most complicated and powerful yet significant spell you have ever casted or created?
This question goes to everyone here in the family. ![]() |
James, that was very generous of you to share your journey. Thank you. And you confirmed for me what I have always never dismiss or banish the god/dess. I had a coven leader who did this and I was always uncomfortable with it. Thank you again for sharing. ![]() Well, you know Ruth, there truly are lessons to be learned here. Some of this stuff seems almost silly in a way. And part of the reason, I think, is because I take it all quite light-heartedly. Maybe even too light-heartedly. I go into this with perfect love and perfect trust. And I allow my inner child to play. I hold nothing back. I become child-like in these journeys. I don't lose my adult wisdom, but at the same time I'm there to play as well as to learn. I go into this whole thing with a total innocence. I have totally shed any sense of any guilt or shame. This may actually be a result of how utterly repugnant and disgusting Christianity's has been for me in my life. I have never done anything to deserve the burdens of guilt and shame that Christianity has hatefully bestowed upon me. This idea that we should fear our creator is nothing short of insanity as far as I'm concerned. At least I feel this way. I guess if I was a rapist, murderer, thief, or even insincere in a relationship, I might have reason to feel otherwise. But I'm none of those things and I never have been. I can't even imagine being unfaithful or untrue. It's just not in me. If I'm not evil, and God's not evil, then why should I fear God? Or a Goddess, or whatever. However, I do confess that I may not be taking this whole labyrinth thing as ceremonially serious as perhaps I should. I have very sincerely filled my imaginary Labyrinth Garden with spiritual statuary and divine symbols. I created this entire archetypal journey via many hours of sincere dedication to learn and discover the divine secrets of human spirituality. Yet on some level it's still just cold stone symbols and dead crystal obelisks to me. I was brought up to believe that all of these mythologies are just false legends and folklore. Especially if they haven't been officially condoned by the judgmental Christian clergy who so readily pronounce all men to be sinners. But what just happened? For the very first time in all my journeys my Labyrinth Garden came alive. And what did I do? I took it all for granted. It's just a dream right? I'm just imagining all of this stuff. These aren't real spirits coming to commune with me. It's all just a dream. A make believe fantasy! I'm not yet convinced. I'm still the scientific skeptic that I've always been. Even though my spiritual quest is coming true in my very own mind. I still refuse to accept it as "real". I learned to bring my garden to 'life'. Real spirits are offering to fill every nook and cranny of my garden, and here I am turning them on and off like TV set with a remote control. I'm taking the whole thing for granted. When I invoked the God and Goddess in the crystal obelisks they truly came to commune with me! And what did I do? I took it all for granted and just tried to shut the stupid obelisks back off again! I'm still viewing them as obelisks. Just symbols. I'm not allowing them to be used as vehicles for spiritual communiqué. I'm trying to maintain control. I'm not taking it seriously. I'm not allowing the spirits to become manifest in these forms. I'm shutting them off like a bad-tasting beer commercial. No wonder Raol tackled me to the ground. She hit me like a linebacker sacking the quarterback on the game-deciding play of the Superbowl. She couldn't allow me to just 'turn off the Gods'. I invoked them into my journey. I requested their presence and they showed up! And then what was I going to do? Just instantly banish them again? How RUDE! I'm a completely IDIOT! I have no respect whatsoever for the divine. Of course that's not true. I do. It's just that I wasn't taking it seriously. I'm still skeptic. I'm still convinced that it's just my imagination. Raol understood that, and I'm sure the God and Goddess understood too. But just the same I needed to learn a lesson. Had Raol not tackled me I would have just kept turning things on and off and taking it all for granted. And they would have remained just imaginary crystal obelisks forever. Now I realized the grave mistake that I had made. I'll never banish a spirit lightly again. I'll treat them all with the respect that I would give to any "REAL" being. I LEARNED A VERY VALUABLE LESSON HERE. But it took me all of today to learn it. And your input here contributed to that learning process. How so? Please allow me to share: You said: And you confirmed for me what I have always never dismiss or banish the god/dess. I had a coven leader who did this and I was always uncomfortable with it.
These words helped to open my eyes fully to the error of my ways. I wasn't banishing the God and Goddess! That's the whole POINT! I was merely turn on and off cold dead imaginary crystal obelisks! I wasn't respecting the TRUTH! And the TRUTH is that all of these symbols in my shamanic journey have been meticulously created for the express purpose providing physic vehicles of communiqué for spirits to psychically inhabit. Even though I had created them (or adopted them and incorporated them) specifically for this purpose, I, ME! My own STUPID SELF! Have refused to acknowledge and respect them for precisely the reason they have been created and manifest in my mind. I'm tripping over my own intent. I'm spitting in the face of my own desire. I've built a castle of dreams only to disallow the dreams from becoming manifest within the castle walls. Raol stopped me from destroying all of my effort. I know that this lack of faith on my part has not been greeted angrily by the gods. Gods are infinitely patient and forgiving. They know I'm the FOOL. They know that I'm just starting down the Labyrinth Path. They know I mean well. They know I'm an idiot and they're probably laughing about it hysterically as I type this. But they also know that I've learned my first little lesson. And that's what's important. I've come so far, and now I need to start realizing that if I'm going to continue down this path I'm going to need to find a way to take it more seriously. I don't know if I'm truly ready to do that or not. This Raol girl is very real to me and now I can't abandon her. She has already shown me that spirit guides are real and they teach real lessons. I also sensed that when the garden came alive the place was truly filled with genuine live spirits, all of whom are more than ready to commune with me. They are just waiting to see if I'm truly ready to commune with them. I'm not even sure if I am. That wasn't even on the list of Penczak's questions. We need to add it to the list. Question #0. Am I ready to commune with the gods? P.S. I just want you to know that I also consider you to be a spirit guide as well Ruth. You are the one who introduced me to the way of the witch. You introduced me to Cunningham and Penczak, as well as sharing other information along the way. And as I've said, you're very short, but meaningful post above, has truly been helpful in getting me to see that I'm the FOOL. ![]() That particular stop along the garden path is going to be quite meaningful for me from now own. It will always remind me of the "Raol tackle" and the lessons that come from spiritual obelisks. |
What is the most complicated and powerful yet significant spell you have ever casted or created? This question goes to everyone here in the family. ![]() The problem with sharing something like that in this kind of a forum is that the event loses all its magic once it is told. I have told very few people of my spells and only when they are past. And even then, I feel as though I lose a part of myself when I tell the story. I made a promise to myself about 9 months ago that I would not tell anyone ever again about my workings unless I was very close to that person and I could completely trust them. |
James, I don't know about the future. Perhaps you do need to take it more seriously, I don't know. But one thing I am sure of is that you got as far as you did because of your ability to become childlike. It is the very fact that you were able to approach without fear in TRUE perfect love and perfect trust that allowed you to be where you are now. Don't underestimate this. I am in awe of your progress and your ability to make a journey like that.
The fact that such an analytical person as yourself could put aside those things that hold most of us back is amazing. Its very exciting to have a moment when you suddenly "get it". A little piece of enlightenment. You must have truly let go and just let it happen. I need to try and do that and I think you are showing me how. I am glad I helped you, James, because you just taught me a very important lesson. Maybe that makes you a spirit guide too. ![]() |
What is the most complicated and powerful yet significant spell you have ever casted or created? This question goes to everyone here in the family. ![]() The problem with sharing something like that in this kind of a forum is that the event loses all its magic once it is told. I have told very few people of my spells and only when they are past. And even then, I feel as though I lose a part of myself when I tell the story. I made a promise to myself about 9 months ago that I would not tell anyone ever again about my workings unless I was very close to that person and I could completely trust them. Then by all means do not tell your story if you feel you lose a part of yourself. I understand completely. ![]() The last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable in a thread like this. ![]() I will tell a few stories occassionally by mid wives in Germany that were told to me as a child that involved spell casting. Of course it is a tradition from their family ancestory to pass on their knowledge and wisdom. I grew up with a few mid wives in Bavaria as a child and even celeberated some of the holidays unknown to many here in the states. It will be fun to introduce this one day. |
Here is one spell that I found interesting:
Consecration is defined by the dictionary as to “dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.” Consecration must be practiced before any tool can be used in the practice of witchcraft. Consecration is a form of purification, and is done with salt, water and incense, which all stand for the five elements of nature – water, earth, fire, air and spirit. It is important that consecration to be used for witchcraft be done in a positive state of mind, as this incorporates the “spirit” part of the elements. Consecration is used in witchcraft to gain the approval of the God and Goddess for what they are about to practice. Spell for Cleansing the body of Negative Energy The following tools will be needed: 1 White Candle – this is representative of positive energy 1 Black Candle – this is representative of negative energy 1 Green Candle – this is representative of healing Clear your mind and light the white candle. Say the following incantation: “Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit, I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies” Light the black candle and say the same thing. After this light the green candle and say the following incantation: “Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit, I ask thee to free and heal my body from all negative forces. Blessed be!” Sit back, and keep your mind clear for fifteen minutes. After this you should feel renewed and fresh. |