Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread | |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 11:47 AM
I am a happy man indeed. Thank you for asking.
![]() I just completed baking a sacher torte. It is an traditional Austrian rich chocolate cake that offers a hint of raspberry jam filling in the middle. Of course my version is this way. The original is apricot thin layer. I am still trying to master this recipe. ![]() ![]() but I have no complaints thus far ![]() |
James you are not meditating hard enough that is why! ![]() Watch out for the wicked witch(inner critic). I heard she always tries to stop anyone from achieving their goals. ![]() Well, the wicked witch of wacky ways has indeed influenced me today. I went over to town to get the Liquid Plumber and came home with a bunch of art supplies. ![]() Not to worry. I got the Liquid Plumber too! But not until having been cursed by the wicked witch of wacky ways. I bought three art tablets. One for arcylics, one for watercolors, and one for pencil drawings. And I couldn't even stop at that. The gory goon of gruesome greed wouldn't let me leave the store until I had also purchased a wooden easel. ![]() Fortunately I already have paint and brushes so when the dreadful dragon of decandant desire breathed her fiery flames through the lustful corridors of my mind I was able to escape unscathed. ![]() |
I am a happy man indeed. Thank you for asking. ![]() I just completed baking a sacher torte. It is an traditional Austrian rich chocolate cake that offers a hint of raspberry jam filling in the middle. Of course my version is this way. The original is apricot thin layer. I am still trying to master this recipe. ![]() ![]() but I have no complaints thus far ![]() I'm in the middle of reclaiming my kitchen. There used to be a large woodstove right in the middle of the kitchen and I just moved it out of there. The place is a mess with ash and soot where the stove used to sit. The wall needs painted and I'm redoing the ceiling above where the stove was. I actually started the ceiling project this spring but this stove was in the way so I stopped when I got to where the stove was. It was a mammoth job to get the stove out for a number of reasons. Not the least of which was the stove weighed a ton (literally). I had also remodeled the kitchen since that stove had been put in there so some walls had to be torn down. ![]() Now I'm like starting over from scratch. But at least it feels good to have the ROOM back! I want to get back into crock-pot cookery which I used to do a lot. I have three crock pots and I typically have all three of them going (at different stages), especially during the winter month. I just leave them on low and eat out of them all day long whenever I'm hungry. It's nice in the wintertime because a hot meal is always ready anytime I get hungry. I also bake bread in a breadmaker machine which I haven't done in a while because of the kitchen mess. Things are looking up now with that woodstove out of the way. ![]() I have an outdoor wood boiler now. (MUCH CLEANER!) |
A great adventure you tell us hero.
![]() I am sure you have found a new endeavor that will keep you entertained and most of all happy. Don't hesitate to show us your work occassionally and decorated this room for us. ![]() There is a new forum out here on Mingle2. The art forum. A good place to show ones art. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 12:18 PM
I am a happy man indeed. Thank you for asking. ![]() I just completed baking a sacher torte. It is an traditional Austrian rich chocolate cake that offers a hint of raspberry jam filling in the middle. Of course my version is this way. The original is apricot thin layer. I am still trying to master this recipe. ![]() ![]() but I have no complaints thus far ![]() I'm in the middle of reclaiming my kitchen. There used to be a large woodstove right in the middle of the kitchen and I just moved it out of there. The place is a mess with ash and soot where the stove used to sit. The wall needs painted and I'm redoing the ceiling above where the stove was. I actually started the ceiling project this spring but this stove was in the way so I stopped when I got to where the stove was. It was a mammoth job to get the stove out for a number of reasons. Not the least of which was the stove weighed a ton (literally). I had also remodeled the kitchen since that stove had been put in there so some walls had to be torn down. ![]() Now I'm like starting over from scratch. But at least it feels good to have the ROOM back! I want to get back into crock-pot cookery which I used to do a lot. I have three crock pots and I typically have all three of them going (at different stages), especially during the winter month. I just leave them on low and eat out of them all day long whenever I'm hungry. It's nice in the wintertime because a hot meal is always ready anytime I get hungry. I also bake bread in a breadmaker machine which I haven't done in a while because of the kitchen mess. Things are looking up now with that woodstove out of the way. ![]() I have an outdoor wood boiler now. (MUCH CLEANER!) Now that sounds like a winner. It looks like you are now starting to get that cottage back to shape again. I am really happy for you. Cooking and baking can be alot of fun. It is one of my fun time activities actually. I will end up looking like Buddha at his older age, if he ever really got that heavy when he was older. I love cooking and baking very much and enjoy digging up old tradtional recipes that take a long time to do. The smile and sensation I see on faces is the reward when they take the first bite. Cooking and baking is also a great way to contemplate on other things more clearly. At least for me. It is a type of relaxation for me. I think once you start getting into baking breads and doing some great slow cooking methods that bring out an admirable aroma in the house you will have a great time. Don't forget a good wine with your meals. I miss the days of good wines in the wine valleys of Europe. Every town with its comfortable small taverns offered always free tasting of wines from their regions. |
The Great Spirit of Liquid Plumber worked!
![]() This was crazy, you wouldn't believe what all I went through with this drain. I ran an electric power snake down it to no avail. I tried vacuuming it out! (don't laugh, that worked once before!). Sometimes if you can't "push" the clog it works to "pull" it. Nothing was working this time. I even tried Drano, scalding hot water, and even a cup of Liquid plumber that I had laying around. I was at the end of my rope here. This time I poured half a gallon of Liquid Plumber down the drain. ![]() Still no good! But I was fortune to have purchased this new-fangled plunger. I just bought it on an intuitive whim. I don't typically go for 'gagets', but like I say, I was running out of options. So I bought this thing: ![]() It looked like I could build up more pressure with this than with a standard plunger. So I sealed off all the drains and overflows airtight. (my kitchen sink and bathtub both use this same drain ultimately). Then I put this magick plunger to work and it did build up a lot of pressure and then POP! Whatever it was gave way and now the drain runs like new again. Although I better go check to see if maybe I just popped the plug out of the kitchen sink! ![]() No, really, the water's going down the drain like gangbusters. So that's one job done. Don't forget a good wine with your meals. I miss the days of good wines in the wine valleys of Europe. Every town with its comfortable small taverns offered always free tasting of wines from their regions. Yes, I want to start buying a collection of wines. Particularly to use for rituals. The Great Rite in particular. I've been using grapejuice. Of course water would be fine as well. But I'm thinking of starting to use champagne so I can have an excuse to get tipsy during the ritual. ![]() |
It is amazing sometimes how a small thing can take a whole day to resolve. Now patience is what is called for when such problems occurs! In the end you find a way!
![]() Can you tell me what the Great Rite is? I am interested to learn the history and significance it has when practicing this ritual. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 01:54 PM
Can you tell me what the Great Rite is? I am interested to learn the history and significance it has when practicing this ritual. ![]() Well, gee, I'm almost afraid to comment on it because it's a rite that has many different meanings to different people. So with that in mind I can only give you my perceptions of it. Overall, the Great Rite is a ritual that celebrates the sexual intercourse between the Goddess and the God. This is quite important in many witchcraft traditions, and has different meanings for different people. Quite often the ceremony is performed 'abstractly' or 'symbolically' almost always within a circle ceremony. When performed abstractly the Chalice represents the Goddess, and the Athame represents the God (although some people will use a Wand) to represent the God. The Chalice is filled with "Holy Water" (although many people use wine, champagne or other herbal brews or special potions). In fact, some people have gone down the path of associating various potions for specific rituals. In some cases the ceremony is performed physically. This may be through the actual act of intercourse between a high priestess and a high priest, or throught the act of intercourse between a high priestess and several virgin males, or through the act of intercourse between a high priest and several virgin females. Since don't have any virgin female volunteers I'm stuck with having to do the rite abstractly. ![]() When done symbolically the Chalice is filled with the "Holy Liquid" (this just means that the liquid has been cleansed and sanctified prior to pouring it into the Chalice). That sanctification may have taken place in a prior ceremony, or it could be sanctified during this ritual by simply cleansing it with a Wand, Athame, or incantation. Once the Chalice is filled with the "Holy Liquid", then the Athame, or Wand, is also sanctified and then dipped into the Chalice as if performing sexual intercourse with the Chalice. This process may be quite simple, or it may be a repetitive action that builds in energy until the participants of the ceremony actually feel the ecstasy of the orgasm. After this part of the rite is finished, there are many different things that people do with the contents of the Chalice. Some people will drink it in a celebration of the new life. Other traditions will take the contents and pour it onto the Earth or into a flower bed, or a stream where it can give rise to new life or heal the Earth. So there are many different ways that different cultures and folklore handle this rite. ~~~ Another thing that differs among traditions is when to perform this rite. Some witches perform it with every circle ceremony. Other's perform it only on special occasions. Still others, perform it only once a year. And that would be at Beltane I believe? I'm not precisely sure about that. Some people may perform it at Ostara or even as early as Imbolc. And some may even perform it as late as Midsummer. The idea stems from the Birth and Death of the Sun God. The newly born God is born at mid-December (Yule). The God is in its infancy, then grows to puberty, and somewhere during early spring he has intercourse with the Goddess. He must do this so that when he dies the next Yule a new God will be born again. So this is the fundamental underpinnings of the Great Rite (from my perspective). Although, like I say, I think some people just view the Great Rite in terms of the Goddess and God constantly bringing forth new life so they may not feel restricted to just performing the ritual once a year. In fact, if you think about the Great Rite from this perspective it make no sense for a High Priestess or High Priest to be having sexual intercourse with a bunch of virgin mortals. ![]() That kind of misses the point that this is supposed to represent the union of the God and Goddess for the purpose of restablishing a new God to be born for the next Yule. In any case, lacking a High Priestess (or a bunch of virgins witch volunteers) I'm stuck with the just using a Chalice and an Athame. ![]() I drink the "Holy Water" from the "Holy Grail" as part of the ceremony. Although when I first started I used to pour it onto my garden. I was using just spring water at that time. But now I use a very high quality grape juice and I may move on to using actual wine or champagne. I also perform this ritual many times throughout the year to insure pregnancy. ![]() Hey why not? Don't want to take a chance that no new God is born for the next Yule do we? ![]() |
Can you tell me what the Great Rite is? I am interested to learn the history and significance it has when practicing this ritual. ![]() Well, gee, I'm almost afraid to comment on it because it's a rite that has many different meanings to different people. So with that in mind I can only give you my perceptions of it. Overall, the Great Rite is a ritual that celebrates the sexual intercourse between the Goddess and the God. This is quite important in many witchcraft traditions, and has different meanings for different people. Quite often the ceremony is performed 'abstractly' or 'symbolically' almost always within a circle ceremony. When performed abstractly the Chalice represents the Goddess, and the Athame represents the God (although some people will use a Wand) to represent the God. The Chalice is filled with "Holy Water" (although many people use wine, champagne or other herbal brews or special potions). In fact, some people have gone down the path of associating various potions for specific rituals. In some cases the ceremony is performed physically. This may be through the actual act of intercourse between a high priestess and a high priest, or throught the act of intercourse between a high priestess and several virgin males, or through the act of intercourse between a high priest and several virgin females. Since don't have any virgin female volunteers I'm stuck with having to do the rite abstractly. ![]() When done symbolically the Chalice is filled with the "Holy Liquid" (this just means that the liquid has been cleansed and sanctified prior to pouring it into the Chalice). That sanctification may have taken place in a prior ceremony, or it could be sanctified during this ritual by simply cleansing it with a Wand, Athame, or incantation. Once the Chalice is filled with the "Holy Liquid", then the Athame, or Wand, is also sanctified and then dipped into the Chalice as if performing sexual intercourse with the Chalice. This process may be quite simple, or it may be a repetitive action that builds in energy until the participants of the ceremony actually feel the ecstasy of the orgasm. After this part of the rite is finished, there are many different things that people do with the contents of the Chalice. Some people will drink it in a celebration of the new life. Other traditions will take the contents and pour it onto the Earth or into a flower bed, or a stream where it can give rise to new life or heal the Earth. So there are many different ways that different cultures and folklore handle this rite. ~~~ Another thing that differs among traditions is when to perform this rite. Some witches perform it with every circle ceremony. Other's perform it only on special occasions. Still others, perform it only once a year. And that would be at Beltane I believe? I'm not precisely sure about that. Some people may perform it at Ostara or even as early as Imbolc. And some may even perform it as late as Midsummer. The idea stems from the Birth and Death of the Sun God. The newly born God is born at mid-December (Yule). The God is in its infancy, then grows to puberty, and somewhere during early spring he has intercourse with the Goddess. He must do this so that when he dies the next Yule a new God will be born again. So this is the fundamental underpinnings of the Great Rite (from my perspective). Although, like I say, I think some people just view the Great Rite in terms of the Goddess and God constantly bringing forth new life so they may not feel restricted to just performing the ritual once a year. In fact, if you think about the Great Rite from this perspective it make no sense for a High Priestess or High Priest to be having sexual intercourse with a bunch of virgin mortals. ![]() That kind of misses the point that this is supposed to represent the union of the God and Goddess for the purpose of restablishing a new God to be born for the next Yule. In any case, lacking a High Priestess (or a bunch of virgins witch volunteers) I'm stuck with the just using a Chalice and an Athame. ![]() I drink the "Holy Water" from the "Holy Grail" as part of the ceremony. Although when I first started I used to pour it onto my garden. I was using just spring water at that time. But now I use a very high quality grape juice and I may move on to using actual wine or champagne. I also perform this ritual many times throughout the year to insure pregnancy. ![]() Hey why not? Don't want to take a chance that no new God is born for the next Yule do we? ![]() That was a great explanation, James. I have only participated in this ritual once and it was at Beltane. It was a symbolic ritual like you described. Most witches I know don't perform the ritual with virgins or actual sexual intercourse. Besides, these days its pretty hard to find one virgin of legal age let alone several. ![]() However, I do know that it is sometimes performed that way. I should learn to do the ritual on my own since I don't belong to a coven. Its a good ritual. Assuming it doesn't make me completely depressed about my own lack of a sex life. ![]() |
You two put me to shame. Buying art supplies and making fancy foods. I bought silverware and made porkchops and rice.
![]() I hope you both know what an inspiration you are to me. I have known James for almost a year now and his enthusiasm has always been contagious for me. I am getting to know Smiless better and finding him equally enjoyable and willing to share his knowledge. So, I'm just taking this moment to say thanks to both of you for your great posts. I learn so much here. ![]() |
I'm bursting at the seems with unbridled passion to start drawing and painting. One of the first things I'd like to paint are pictures of my labyrinth garden as I imagine it in my mind. It's going to take a gazillion pictures to do is justice. But that's cool. At least I won't run out of ideas of things to paint.
![]() I was just now trying to find a painting of the "Great Rite" ritual. I couldn't find much at all that I really liked. I came across the following that shows the Horned God dipping his Athame into the Goddess's Chalice. I'm not thrilled with the artwork here but I like the idea in general. Notice that they are both contained within a circle. The Goddess side containing stars and the Moon, the God side containing daylight and the Sun. In the center he is dipping his Athame into her Chalice. ![]() Even though I'm not thrilled with the actual artwork here, I do like the theme and it had given me a great idea. I would like to do one using the Yin Yang symbol similar to those posted earlier in this thread: ![]() I could paint the God in the Yang portion and the Goddess in the Yin portion and somehow have them interacting with the Athame and the Chalice. the only thing her is that the Goddes would be best drawn upside down (or like laying down) and the whole thing is kind of suggestive of 69. ![]() Anyway, it's food for thought. It's an idea owl have to toy with. I found this nice watercolor of a flower garden. I think I can do this. But owl be adding statues in the garden and painting other figures who are walking the path. I'm looking forward to painting what I actually see in my journeys. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 07:09 PM
The Great Rite is a beautiful ritual celeberating love of the gods. It is good that some still practice this ritual.
It was discouraged by the Christians as they found it unclean I guess they would call it. It is ashame that the mentality of such topics are for many uncomfortable when it is a natural thing we all do. Perhaps in time we as humans will open up to understanding that making love or sex is a natural course of life and that we should have celeberation because of it. Thank you James for taking the time to explain how it actually works. ![]() Ruth it is my pleasure to learn from you and to have such great company. I always am happy when the family can spend time together on this thread sharing their feelings, life, joys, sadness, frustrations, happiness, and the other hundreds of personalities and characteristics we possess. It is just in our human nature in doing so. |
One of my favorite land scenery artist or painters is Bob Ross. He of course makes it look soooooooooo easy! In actuality it is not as easy as he shows it to be. He was a expert.
I do enjoy watching his shows and always love the colors he choose. I never heard of a Van Dyke Red or a Metallic White in my life until I discovered his work. If you want to learn to create fantastic land sceneries to help enhance perhaps a fairy illustration later on then I would suggest to look up Bob Ross and his products. He might be a bit pricey but it is really worth the money in my opinion. |
The Great Rite is a beautiful ritual celeberating love of the gods. It is good that some still practice this ritual. I think it's a beautiful ritual too, especially when done symbolically. I personally don't see the point in having humans act out the intercourse in the ritual. Unless maybe a couple wanted to do this as their way of sactifying their own procretion. I do see where it could become nothing more than an excuse for some charismatic priestess or priest to have sex with a bunch of young virgins. ![]() There's always going to be people who abuse religious traditions for their own egotistical goals. It was discouraged by the Christians as they found it unclean I guess they would call it.
The Christians have a way of perverting everything, including God. ![]() I don't know how they ever made the very procreation of life into being something 'dirty' or 'shameful'. That's just utterly disgusting. They make everything into a sin. What a disgusting religion. Please don't get me started on that putrid stuff again. ![]() It is ashame that the mentality of such topics are for many uncomfortable when it is a natural thing we all do.
Sex is a taboo subject for the most part in the USA. Especially in formal establishments. My siter is a social worker and a thearpist. She had many clients and often they come to her with sexual problems and concerns. At first she didn't think anything of it and just addressed whatever issues they brought up and put it all in her report which she is required to keep. But then when her boss saw her report she started taking conniptions screaming "We don't do SEX thearpy!". She actually made my sister 'reword' her report to eliminate any 'sexual' content. My sister was truly flabbergasted. She felt like she had just been accused of robbing a bank or something. Now she has to walk on egg-shells with her clients, many of whom are battered and sexually abused women! She says it's like trying to fight a flame-throwing dragon with both your hands tied behind your back and all you aren't even allowed to spit at it. ![]() Over the years she has learned how to deal with sexual issues in using very clever metaphorical language. She also doesn't always put in her report the precise language that she used with the client but instead write it up in more metaphorical langugage that doesn't sound like has anything at all to do with sex. ![]() I'm convinced that America's sex-phobia was definitely a result of Christianity. And America is sexually phobic too! Don't let all the sex on commercials and in the movies fool you. Even though it's often portrayed as being quite open, it's still portrayed as either being 'dirty', 'naughty', or downright diabolical. And in commercials it's just used as a lure for LUST. How many movies actually portray sex between a loving couple in a clean and wholesome way? Can you remember of any movies like that? Owl bet not too many. Perhaps in time we as humans will open up to understanding that making love or sex is a natural course of life and that we should have celeberation because of it.
I certainly hope so. I think very young children should be encourage to explore sensual pleasures. Not intercourse, or even oral sex. But things like petting and kissing should actually be encouraged and taught at a very young age (as soon as a child reaches puberty!). Including mutual masturbation too! I seirously do. I think that would be extremely healthy for all of society. People wouldn't have all these sexual hang ups. I think seuxal abuse would be reduced too. Much of sexual absuse is most likely spawned from sexual frustrations and the whole idea that sex is taboo and 'dirty'. If I had kids one of the first things I'd teach them when they reached puberty is that they are sexy and sex is cool (with all the proper health education of course). |
One of my favorite land scenery artist or painters is Bob Ross. He of course makes it look soooooooooo easy! In actuality it is not as easy as he shows it to be. He was a expert. Yes, I'm familar with Bob Ross. I used to watch him all the time on PBS many years ago. Unfortunately that's all I did was watch. I didn't have art materials at the time and also felt that I couldn't draw worth a crap. So I just watched his shows because they were relaxing and fun to watch him paint. I see they have all his shows available on DVD now, but they're quite expensive. I would love to have the whole collection. |
Here are some paintings I did a few years ago.
This one was done of my cat. It was done entirely freehand. I didn't even sketch it first. So I got the proportions all wrong. ![]() The following one was of a candle and a boiling flask. I never finished it because someone distracted me and when I go back the candle had burned down to a puddle of goo. So I could no long see the reflection in the Flask which is what I was about to start on. So I had to call it quits on that one. ![]() If you ever get called away from a painting with candles in it be sure to put the candles out when you leave! ![]() ![]() This next one was drawn from my minds eye with no model to work from. Unfortunately It lacks perspective and depth. It's no where near like the image I actually had in my mind. ![]() This next one came out of my mind's eye too. Although I confess to using a wildlife bird field guide to get help with some of the details on the bird. ![]() This next one is a watercolor painting of things on my desk. ![]() This Impatiens is another one just painted from my mind's eye. ![]() I think I can do much better than any of these now, even though I haven't done much drawing since that time. I did draw Ruth with a pencil. But I can't find that drawing now. |
![]() I think you are well on your way in making fabolous paintings and sketches. It takes alot of practice and dedication. Of course it helps if one enjoys it. You also do great with the colors on the illustration. Very good touch with that. The actual shaping of the objects needs practice, but that is of course the hardest part in drawing. A good friend who was a artist use to give me a square made out of cardboard. It looked more like a small picture frame. With it she told me whatever I look at put the small picture frame in front of it. This way my eyes can concentrate directly on the object without being disturbed what is outside of the picture frame. The reason why I had this small picture frame is to have a better perspective of how to draw the shapes lightly with the object shown in front of me. I wish I could show you what I am talking about for I seem to have difficulty explaining this with typed words. Another fun project I did was watch a plant grow throughout the year. I would pick every Saturday to draw the picture of the plant for a few months. Then I would put them in order to see the actual life and history of the plant. It helped me get better at drawing the vase and the plant each time. The practice then eventually help me learn about lighting and shading the objects later on as I wanted to improve the drawings. It is fun and keep up the great work James. You are doing great. ![]() |
The actual shaping of the objects needs practice,
Yes perspective and consistent shapes are the hardest to get. I have yet to master the concept of 'depth'. I have a feeling that I'm ready to move forward. Early this year I bought this book: ![]() This book really helped me a lot. Of course this is just drawing only, no painting. But I've learned a lot about perspectives and creating contours and depth. Also I discovered the main secret of drawing that I truly had been doing all wrong. Instead of trying to actually draw the 'object' I've learned to actually draw what I see. Which is just lines, lightness and darkness. So I when through some exercises in this book where I drew some faces and instead of trying to actually draw the 'face' I just drew the lines and grayscales. Then low and behold the face appeared. ![]() It really is true and this is why the title to this book is so fitting. I had been trying to draw 'logically' before. In other words, if I wanted to draw an nose I would logically try to draw an nose and I'd get it all screwed up. But now, instead of drawing a 'nose' all I do is draw the lines and shading that I see on the model's face and don't even think about 'nose'. Then when I'm done I back off and see that I drew a perfect nose. ![]() So the idea is to try to get away from drawing 'logical objects' and just draw what the eye actually 'sees'. This has been an extreme help for me as far as drawing goes. I still run into problems drawing stricly from my mind's eye though because it's harder to use that technique on imagined images. The difficulty is focusing in on precise details on an image in my mind's eye and also maintaining a consistent prespective. Yet most of what I want to be able to draw will come from my mind's eye. What I think might help with this is to get actual pictures of objects that are similar to what I have in my mind's eye, and then kind of go back and forth between the actual physical model, and what I'm seeing in my mind's eye. Kind of like what I did on that bird that is swooping in on the mouse. That bird was in my mind's eye, but I also used a bird wildlife book to help with the details. So I guess I can work back and forth between visual aides and my imagination. I'm anxious to get started, but I want to set up a nice place to draw and paint first. I'm still working on remodeling so that may be a while. |
I did draw Ruth with a pencil. But I can't find that drawing now. I remember that picture! It's buried somewhere in the old Wiccan thread and we were discussing that book you just mentioned. And Krimsa was there. I miss Krimsa. |
There are so many books on discount in the book stores lately. I mean some practically for only a dollar over here in Miami. It is unreal!
Especially books on how to draw. Perhaps the book stores are doing bad and are struggling to get anykind of dollar into their stores. I would think that they would be doing good, but I realized that the book store is actually empty. It is kind of how I like it anyway. ![]() Anyway the book you got James looks like a great book to study on to help with the drawing. Some folks just have trouble drawing, because one can envision it on paper drawn, but can't get their hands to sketch it how they want it. Easier said then done for some! It is like watching my daughter draw and she creates a huge watermelon head for a human and a skinny line for the body. Now she is looking at a picture! but then 5 months later she starts to put more volume to the body. A shape begins to form and the line disappears. Also she realizes there are more features to the picture like braids, glasses, and shoes with laces, etc. It is really interesting to watch this as the drawing begins to develop more just like my own daughter who is growing older. ![]() |