Topic: Its all Gods fault | |
It's a little funny (maybe sad) that we as people think that God could have a fault. I can see why we may need to justify ourseives but when we think that we can put this off on God. HHHHMMMMM We are the silly ones aren't we? He is the know it all that created us(some say), if he knows it all he would have known exactly how we'd be. He must have either done it on purpose, or he messed up and created us wrong and doesnt know it all at all. One way or another, God has faults, and is at fault. If he is perfect, then how we are and how we act, cannot be wrong. God and us are either all perfect, or all imperfect. Or maybe there is no god. Here we go again... ![]() Okay, it's obvious you don't believe in God from your can you say He is imperfect in His making us. He loved us all in spite of that! Yes, He knew we would make mistakes. His decision was to make a man in His own image to have free will and choose to love His creator. He gave man the ability to think for himself and make decisions based on morals, God's teaching, etc. If God had wanted man to be perfect, He could have created that also, but then it wouldn't have been giving us free will or minds to think all on our own! He didn't want to create a carbon copy of Himself. He wanted to create a world of different people. He doesn't want us to choose the wrong things, but He still loves us in spite of those flaws. ![]() I would rather you didnt 'here we go again' me, and then respond with wishy washy idealistic views like that. Did you read what i said? properly? God is supposed to be omnisomethingorother, and knows EVERYTHING. How can he know EVERYTHING, and have CREATED US, knowing exactly how we would act and be(even with this 'free will'), and then tell us we are wrong in the way we live. It doesnt make any sense. Maybe God is a woman! haha And if you wanna talk about how loving God is..... HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Tell that to all the people that have been stoned to death, or that should be stoned to death according to what YOU say are his words. The Old Testament(which by rights i havent read, i must admit) would have the best part of the worlds population wiped out if its laws were fully carried out. Thats so loving that. I know thats not Christianity as such, but its the same god. Evil bastard. I hope he does exist and one day i can tell him to his face. You are a very sick individual, who has no respect for anyone else's views but his own... What puzzles me the most is that i make a post basically re-iterating what was said in the OP(which I made!), added in a small fact about the Old Testament, and said my view about how i feel about god. And i get called a sick individual, for not respecting other peoples views. How about people respecting my views? You cant come into a thread made an athiest(if thats what i am) and expect your views to be agreed with. If you cant handle views from both sides of the argument you have the Christian forum to post in. I Am sorry it offends you when i remind you that your own books prove god to not all be about love. But that is the case. I really wish i could respect God more, but the words of God are really very harsh. Although, its not me saying that the bible are his words. Im not quite an athiest. There may be a god, and maybe i could respect him, but definately not if the words of the bible are his. |
Edited by
Wed 07/01/09 06:53 AM
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. It is your choice to blame anyone you like. But the truth is, God or not, you are responsible for your actions, right or wrong. Actions have consequences and you will reap them. Not taking responsibility for 'what you do wrong' and blaming others is just immature and non-productive. Forget the IF THERE IS A GOD PART. If you want to reject religious dogma, reject it. I'm all for that. But yours is a hostility that sets out to attack that dogma from a point of your own anger and frustration. Just be happy and live your life and realize that you are going to reap the consequences of your thoughts and actions. Stop blaming. Take responsibility. Free yourself from the chains of religious dogma forever and adopt a more practical way of life and find your purpose by following your heart towards what you desire. Gloria High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth an Honesty. ![]() |
I find it hard to believe that God lived within either Hitler or Stalin - to name but a pair of apparent "Godless" individuals.
Eljay, why do you think you know enough to judge who is a so-called "godless" individual? I have known people who have called me that and they don't know what they are talking about. Just because I don't go to there church? That is so wrong. You are asking me to answer a question according to your understanding of the term God. That isn't me passing judgement - it's you passing judgement. I don't need to clarify for you what "God" means to me - so your question is disingenuous. Why don't you explain to me how Stalin - a reknown Atheist - was Godly. Clear me up on this. I don't know why other's call you "Godless". I know I didn't. If their reasoning was because you didn't attend services in the same building they do - mistakening that as a definition of "the church" - then I agree with you. That's just wrong. It doesn't matter where one "goes to church" - it matters what one believes. Here is my opinion. People say that God is Love. I am going to take that statement literally if you don't mind. Okay, God IS LOVE. THAT IS WHAT GOD IS. God is not a deity. God is not Jesus. GOD IS LOVE. That is the premise. Now that being the premise, anyone who has any love or compassions at all for anyone cannot be GODLESS. I don't think you can know whether or not Stalin or Hitler did not have any love or compassion at all for anyone. You can assume they did not, but you cannot know. |
I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." ![]() Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will. Let's say your child is obese so you know your child is going to eat sweets even though they are bad for tell him no....but he sneaks them at school...but you knew he would find a it your fault he had some at school? Or is it his own fault? You knew he therefore IT MUST be your fault.... Well that is according to your logic |
oh Isaac, a public screaming match deserves a public apology.
I'm sorry for how i spoke to u yesterday, i have no excuse ![]() |
This thread is starting to get on my's become an original question into name calling and perspective bashing...right along with my other non-fave, being jerks to one another....
The point is, we can talk about it in circles until the sky turns green, no one is going to change their mind or agree to something different than they came in here thinking. So why prolong it in a heated debate? For believers, no proof of anything is necessary. For non believers, no proof will ever be enough. Same thing with points of view on whose fault our mistakes are. |
oh Isaac, a public screaming match deserves a public apology. I'm sorry for how i spoke to u yesterday, i have no excuse ![]() apology accepted...I was being a little bit of an a$$ as well. But hey we are men...we are naturally aholes...well I am anyway ![]() |
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If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. It is your choice to blame anyone you like. But the truth is, God or not, you are responsible for your actions, right or wrong. Actions have consequences and you will reap them. Not taking responsibility for 'what you do wrong' and blaming others is just immature and non-productive. Forget the IF THERE IS A GOD PART. If you want to reject religious dogma, reject it. I'm all for that. But yours is a hostility that sets out to attack that dogma from a point of your own anger and frustration. Just be happy and live your life and realize that you are going to reap the consequences of your thoughts and actions. Stop blaming. Take responsibility. Free yourself from the chains of religious dogma forever and adopt a more practical way of life and find your purpose by following your heart towards what you desire. Gloria High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth an Honesty. ![]() You have got it all wrong. Im not laying blame for my actions on anyone else. I am hardly going to blame a god i dont really think exists am i? But religious people tell me that doing this and doing that is a sin. Some of these these i absolutely agree with, some of them i do not. When my girlfriend moves in with me, some will say we are living in sin. I disagree that is a sin. IF god does exist and IF he has said that is a sin, then he is to blame for it, for if he made me, he made me in a way that i would want to do that. Anger and frustration? Where did you get that from? Im not an angry or frustrated person at all. I live a very happy and fulfilling life. I just find it interesting how people can believe so much in something that makes so little sense to me. I take part in these discussions purely because i find it interesting and am trying to learn more. |
Not taking responsibility for 'what you do wrong' and blaming others is just immature and non-productive. Forget the IF THERE IS A GOD PART. yet a lot of christian (and other religions) blame it on "the devils temptaion" |
Edited by
Wed 07/01/09 02:07 PM
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. It is your choice to blame anyone you like. But the truth is, God or not, you are responsible for your actions, right or wrong. Actions have consequences and you will reap them. Not taking responsibility for 'what you do wrong' and blaming others is just immature and non-productive. Forget the IF THERE IS A GOD PART. If you want to reject religious dogma, reject it. I'm all for that. But yours is a hostility that sets out to attack that dogma from a point of your own anger and frustration. Just be happy and live your life and realize that you are going to reap the consequences of your thoughts and actions. Stop blaming. Take responsibility. Free yourself from the chains of religious dogma forever and adopt a more practical way of life and find your purpose by following your heart towards what you desire. Gloria High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth an Honesty. ![]() You have got it all wrong. Im not laying blame for my actions on anyone else. I am hardly going to blame a god i dont really think exists am i? But religious people tell me that doing this and doing that is a sin. Some of these these i absolutely agree with, some of them i do not. When my girlfriend moves in with me, some will say we are living in sin. I disagree that is a sin. IF god does exist and IF he has said that is a sin, then he is to blame for it, for if he made me, he made me in a way that i would want to do that. Anger and frustration? Where did you get that from? Im not an angry or frustrated person at all. I live a very happy and fulfilling life. I just find it interesting how people can believe so much in something that makes so little sense to me. I take part in these discussions purely because i find it interesting and am trying to learn more. This is what I tell people who would have the nerve to tell me I am "sinning" according to their moral standards. The term "sin" is meaningless outside of Christianity and any other religion that teaches this doctrine. Sin means to "disobey" God. Therefore the term 'sin' has no meaning to a person who does not believe in or follow that doctrine or that God. "Sin" is a meaningless term to an atheist or non-Christian. Only Christianity tends to own that term "sin" and they claim to be the experts on what is and what is not a sin. If I (in my church of Brutal Truth and Honesty) declared that it was a 'sin' to give candy or brownies or sugary treats to children the Christian Churches would be outraged that I should dare to use their term 'sin' in my religious doctrines. THEY OWN SIN. THEY CREATED IT. Without sin, the Christian Churches would have no doctrine. They would have no reason for a savior. Sin BELONGS to CHRISTIANITY and any other Biblical teachings or religions that stem from Christianity. So what I tell people who go around pointing to me as a sinner, is that there is NO SUCH THING AS SIN except within the confines of your religious doctrine. I am not within those confines, therefore I do not acknowledge your claims about 'sin.' Sin does not exist. It is just an opinion. So I would tell them to mind their own business. |
i'm far too lazy to have read any of this long winded stuff so i don't care who's fault what is
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I agree with you long winded and I know it is not Gods fault. :)
I agree with you long winded and I know it is not Gods fault. :) and it's certainly not mine!! ![]() |
I agree with you long winded and I know it is not Gods fault. :) and it's certainly not mine!! ![]() According to Christians being gay is a sin and is your fault! |
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. It is your choice to blame anyone you like. But the truth is, God or not, you are responsible for your actions, right or wrong. Actions have consequences and you will reap them. Not taking responsibility for 'what you do wrong' and blaming others is just immature and non-productive. Forget the IF THERE IS A GOD PART. If you want to reject religious dogma, reject it. I'm all for that. But yours is a hostility that sets out to attack that dogma from a point of your own anger and frustration. Just be happy and live your life and realize that you are going to reap the consequences of your thoughts and actions. Stop blaming. Take responsibility. Free yourself from the chains of religious dogma forever and adopt a more practical way of life and find your purpose by following your heart towards what you desire. Gloria High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth an Honesty. ![]() You have got it all wrong. Im not laying blame for my actions on anyone else. I am hardly going to blame a god i dont really think exists am i? But religious people tell me that doing this and doing that is a sin. Some of these these i absolutely agree with, some of them i do not. When my girlfriend moves in with me, some will say we are living in sin. I disagree that is a sin. IF god does exist and IF he has said that is a sin, then he is to blame for it, for if he made me, he made me in a way that i would want to do that. Anger and frustration? Where did you get that from? Im not an angry or frustrated person at all. I live a very happy and fulfilling life. I just find it interesting how people can believe so much in something that makes so little sense to me. I take part in these discussions purely because i find it interesting and am trying to learn more. see my above answer....same thing made that kid didn't you? so is EVERY parent to blame for their child's actions? |