Topic: Its all Gods fault | |
..a book that has no proof and is based on faith and written by several different people i've never met ...and i am suppose to believe because people say so ....i don't think so ... ![]() |
I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." ![]() Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will. God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else. Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect. The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power. The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.) Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe. |
I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." ![]() Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will. God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else. Lilypetal ![]() Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect. The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power. The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.) Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe. |
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. He knew we would fall and be sinners. That's why He brought Christ to forgive us for our sins. What He did was entrust the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, giving them full free will to choose to do the things they wished, but gave them guidelines to follow. He knew they would mess up. They made the conscious choice to eat the apple. |
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Fri 06/19/09 02:27 PM
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. He knew we would fall and be sinners. That's why He brought Christ to forgive us for our sins. What He did was entrust the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, giving them full free will to choose to do the things they wished, but gave them guidelines to follow. He knew they would mess up. They made the conscious choice to eat the apple. But if they did not know right from wrong, or good from evil IT WAS NOT A CONSCIOUS CHOICE (because they had not yet eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,) then they are not to blame because they did not know any better. Therefore, it is NOT about free choice or good and evil or right and wrong. It is all about teaching them to OBEY THEIR MASTER. Part of the training of human slaves I suspect. This also demonstrates that "sin" only means to disobey your master. The wages of 'sin' is death. This means that if you disobey your master, he has a right to kill you. This is a master - slave relationship. The master has your life in his hands. |
Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited. ![]() That was jolly nice of him! Anyone wanna go out raping and murdering? A gross misinterpretation... I the bible states that its is by grace we are saved and not by works. They reason they said is is because: that no matter what we do we will always fall sort of Gods grace and if we try to earn it by just works alone we would fail. Also this focus on the heart of the person because at the time the Jewish religious focus on sacrifices and other rites and tradition witch while is not harmful itself, they people of Jewish faith just focus on the the just on the various traditions and not on the God that the traditions are about; a person can do the sacrifices and rites that they want to but if in their heart they're still corrupt then it is for nothing. The Old Testament heavily hints at this. A modern example is a person that goes to church on every Sunday but he still does wrong despite that fact that he knows better. |
Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited. ![]() That was jolly nice of him! Anyone wanna go out raping and murdering? A gross misinterpretation... I the bible states that its is by grace we are saved and not by works. They reason they said is is because: that no matter what we do we will always fall sort of Gods grace and if we try to earn it by just works alone we would fail. Also this focus on the heart of the person because at the time the Jewish religious focus on sacrifices and other rites and tradition witch while is not harmful itself, they people of Jewish faith just focus on the the just on the various traditions and not on the God that the traditions are about; a person can do the sacrifices and rites that they want to but if in their heart they're still corrupt then it is for nothing. The Old Testament heavily hints at this. A modern example is a person that goes to church on every Sunday but he still does wrong despite that fact that he knows better. There will always be greater and lesser individuals than yourself if you look at their spiritual place in the universe. The often repeated propaganda that we will always 'fall short' of the glory of God or God's grace it just something to keep people feeling less worthy and prostrated before their master. I will always be younger than my mother and father too. I don't expect to catch up to them. Non-human alien life forms (or even angels if you will) like to project the idea that they are superior than humans just as the royal family's of the world openly admit that they are superior... no question about it for them. Life is life and love is love. That is what God is all about. Life and love. God is not about all these contrived ideas about blood sacrifices and original sin or obedience that religions try to teach. |
Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited. ![]() had a few christians tell me i`m going to hell for not believing in there religoun guess god is going to have to off another son of his to pay for that sin I was told that because I'm Jewish I will go to hell for not accepting Christ as my saviour. My answer is simply that it says in the Ten Commandments that I should honor my father and mother. To change religions would be to ignore that obligation. No one has yet to offer a salient response to that assertion. Here's one - what makes you think you deserve to be with God in heaven? What makes you think I would want to? Well - obviously, if you don't want to - you won't. But out of curiousity - what are you presuming are the alternatives... If any? |
Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited. ![]() had a few christians tell me i`m going to hell for not believing in there religoun guess god is going to have to off another son of his to pay for that sin I was told that because I'm Jewish I will go to hell for not accepting Christ as my saviour. My answer is simply that it says in the Ten Commandments that I should honor my father and mother. To change religions would be to ignore that obligation. No one has yet to offer a salient response to that assertion. Bad logic is just bad. And what Islander's might that be who have not heard about Jesus? And just in case you were wondering - it is not what you "don't know" that keeps one from heaven, s in your comment - it's knowing and choosing to reject Jesus that keeps one from heaven. Though bad logic may be bad, ignorance trumps it. |
GOD GAVE US FREE WILL,,,, REMEMBER IT'S ONLY A TEST,,, GOD GIVE US MANY CHANCES TO PASS, GOD GIVES US CLEAR DIRECTION AND MANY CHANCES,,, PUT THE BLAME WHERE THE BLAME IS DUE !!!!! ![]() 1. If you are right, it's a ****ed up test. 2. Either God is omniscient, or we have free will. If God is omniscient, then he knows everything, including every choice we are going to make, therefore, the choice is just an illusion. If we have Free Will, then god is not omniscient, then way call it god? You missed the other obvious choice. God is omniscient AND we have free will. Demonstrate how this is not possible. |
..a book that has no proof and is based on faith and written by several different people i've never met ...and i am suppose to believe because people say so ....i don't think so ... ![]() Are you refering to "Origin of the Species"? |
I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." ![]() Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will. God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else. Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect. Say's who? The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power. The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.) Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe. What church are you talking about? This does not represent the church I belong to. |
..a book that has no proof and is based on faith and written by several different people i've never met ...and i am suppose to believe because people say so ....i don't think so ... ![]() Are you refering to "Origin of the Species"? ![]() |
GOD GAVE US FREE WILL,,,, REMEMBER IT'S ONLY A TEST,,, GOD GIVE US MANY CHANCES TO PASS, GOD GIVES US CLEAR DIRECTION AND MANY CHANCES,,, PUT THE BLAME WHERE THE BLAME IS DUE !!!!! ![]() 1. If you are right, it's a ****ed up test. 2. Either God is omniscient, or we have free will. If God is omniscient, then he knows everything, including every choice we are going to make, therefore, the choice is just an illusion. If we have Free Will, then god is not omniscient, then way call it god? You missed the other obvious choice. God is omniscient AND we have free will. Demonstrate how this is not possible. It's pretty simple how God being Omniscient, and us having Free Will(if there is a God) is impossible. If god is an all knowing being, then it knows everything, what has happened, and what will happen. If this is the case, then Free Will is just an illusion. It appears as if we have the choice, but god already knows what we are going to do, and since it is known, it isn't a choice at all. It's like watching your favorite sitcom. The characters appear to have different choices throughout the entire episode, but the choices they made were written in the script, so it wasn't a choice at all. Now, if we actually have Free Will, and we actually have the choice, then god is not omniscient. Now, whether you accept it or not, It really is that simple. |
It is always his fault. We have to have a pity party somewhere.
Yahweh does not look for the weak . He who has no faith and knows with out doubt what will and has been.. He hears the wind and looks all around. He turns on a light and is proud. Mans invention mans chaos. Just look at the sky and say big Bang. We were apes don't you see. Cause fools in thier heart believes anything. |
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. He knew we would fall and be sinners. That's why He brought Christ to forgive us for our sins. What He did was entrust the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, giving them full free will to choose to do the things they wished, but gave them guidelines to follow. He knew they would mess up. They made the conscious choice to eat the apple. But if they did not know right from wrong, or good from evil IT WAS NOT A CONSCIOUS CHOICE (because they had not yet eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,) then they are not to blame because they did not know any better. Therefore, it is NOT about free choice or good and evil or right and wrong. It is all about teaching them to OBEY THEIR MASTER. Part of the training of human slaves I suspect. This also demonstrates that "sin" only means to disobey your master. The wages of 'sin' is death. This means that if you disobey your master, he has a right to kill you. This is a master - slave relationship. The master has your life in his hands. But in this way, they did know right from wrong... God told them not to eat from that tree, therefore, by disobeying Him, they are at fault for what they did wrong. It wasn't like they grabbed the fruit and God say, "No you weren't supposed to eat from that one" without telling them not to in the beginning. He warned them not to. When they did in spite of what He said, they willingly chose to disobey. |
If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners? Surely he must have created us to be sinners? If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin? We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes. And this forgiving G-d is sure taking his good old time in this forgiveness business, how long ago did they eat that fruit. He knew we would fall and be sinners. That's why He brought Christ to forgive us for our sins. What He did was entrust the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, giving them full free will to choose to do the things they wished, but gave them guidelines to follow. He knew they would mess up. They made the conscious choice to eat the apple. But if they did not know right from wrong, or good from evil IT WAS NOT A CONSCIOUS CHOICE (because they had not yet eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,) then they are not to blame because they did not know any better. Therefore, it is NOT about free choice or good and evil or right and wrong. It is all about teaching them to OBEY THEIR MASTER. Part of the training of human slaves I suspect. This also demonstrates that "sin" only means to disobey your master. The wages of 'sin' is . This means that if you disobey your master, he has a right to kill you. This is a master - slave relationship. The master has your life in his hands. But in this way, they did know right from wrong... God told them not to eat from that tree, therefore, by disobeying Him, they are at fault for what they did wrong. It wasn't like they grabbed the fruit and God say, "No you weren't supposed to eat from that one" without telling them not to in the beginning. He warned them not to. When they did in spite of what He said, they willingly chose to disobey. |
Read the bible and stop using his name in vain first of all, stop being rude! if your not capable of respecting someones particular religon get out of this forum!
The answers all are in the bible and i for one believe that theres jesus christ and a God. See heres the thing, to answer your question, God knows everything. He knows what your going to do before you do it. Do some research or pick up some books about christianity, whatever! God gives us a choice. Thats why hes such a loving God. He wont stop us from doing whatever. He gave us a decison to either follow him or go astray. |
Adam and Eve aren't alive anymore. So He isn't taking His time in forgiving them.
I hate people who are so rude and ignorant about religon.
we know whose going to hell... |