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Topic: I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
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Sun 02/22/09 11:12 AM

you fixate on it in threads not about it too...DUH (real mature)

what are your beliefs or non-beliefs??? have you ever said?

"yellowrose" ..my belief is to stay on topic ....please try and stay focus you're getting emotional

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:15 AM

you fixate on it in threads not about it too...DUH (real mature)

what are your beliefs or non-beliefs??? have you ever said?

"yellowrose" ..my belief is to stay on topic ....please try and stay focus you're getting emotional

lol...you are proving yourself. i'm done since you are too ashamed to answer me...you are a hypocrite and narrow minded.. have fun with it

psst...should i remind you of the thread you hijacked to fixate on hell (that you don't believe in) when the thread had nothing to do with it?

again....good luck

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:17 AM

come to think about it....i don't think i even know what you believe. you spend your time trying to discredit others (not just christians) but i don't think i've seen you express what you believe. if you have then you said it while i was gone from here. have you posted a thread about your beliefs or non-beliefs?

"yellowrose" ....the thread is about Hell ...try to stay on topic before the moderator Gods send a thunderbolt lock down up our apse

lol i asked you care so much about it if you don't believe. that IS part of the topic. next thread that you go off on a tangent....maybe the moderator gods will remind you

"yellowrose" ....in a forum one doesn't have to believe everything they debate ...you're proof of that

besides the moderator Gods approve of everything I do or they would have sent me nasty e-mail by now ..and let's not forget out best friend the "report abuse button" ...maybe the bible should have one of those ...

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:19 AM

come to think about it....i don't think i even know what you believe. you spend your time trying to discredit others (not just christians) but i don't think i've seen you express what you believe. if you have then you said it while i was gone from here. have you posted a thread about your beliefs or non-beliefs?

"yellowrose" ....the thread is about Hell ...try to stay on topic before the moderator Gods send a thunderbolt lock down up our apse

lol i asked you care so much about it if you don't believe. that IS part of the topic. next thread that you go off on a tangent....maybe the moderator gods will remind you

"yellowrose" ....in a forum one doesn't have to believe everything they debate ...you're proof of that

besides the moderator Gods approve of everything I do or they would have sent me nasty e-mail by now ..and let's not forget out best friend the "report abuse button" ...maybe the bible should have one of those ...

remember that too. how is asking you why it effects you not part of the discussion?????

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:29 AM

you fixate on it in threads not about it too...DUH (real mature)

what are your beliefs or non-beliefs??? have you ever said?

"yellowrose" ..my belief is to stay on topic ....please try and stay focus you're getting emotional

lol...you are proving yourself. i'm done since you are too ashamed to answer me...you are a hypocrite and narrow minded.. have fun with it

psst...should i remind you of the thread you hijacked to fixate on hell (that you don't believe in) when the thread had nothing to do with it?

again....good luck

"yellowrose" ..that thread was about your obsession to constantly prove that you are such a good person even through you are a Christian that believes in Hell

I simply asked you do good people follow a God that promise to torture people for an eternality ..that a belief like that has to manifest itself into a negative way in the person's everyday life in some shape form or fashion ...

so the question was on topic ..it probably just went a little too deep that you wished to go ....or realize

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:32 AM
and i simply asked in here ...why does it matter to non believers

you are the one that accused me of not believing etc....i countered to you that you are a hypocrite (proved). you opened pandora's box...not me. i just countered your accusations

again...have a great day

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:35 AM

remember that too. how is asking you why it effects you not part of the discussion?????

"yellowrose" ...through-out history the beliefs of others in this case religious beliefs have resulted in the torture torment and murder of millions ....there were even a time when believers like yourself murdered those like myself that chose not to believe in your God .....

so think of it this way ...I'm just keeping an eye out to make sure you don't pick up those bad habits again

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:39 AM

remember that too. how is asking you why it effects you not part of the discussion?????

"yellowrose" ...through-out history the beliefs of others in this case religious beliefs have resulted in the torture torment and murder of millions ....there were even a time when believers like yourself murdered those like myself that chose not to believe in your God .....

so think of it this way ...I'm just keeping an eye out to make sure you don't pick up those bad habits again

it's nice that you are concerned about my well being..but don't worry. no one pulls my strings and i'm not a puppet. do i think the churches were right in killing??? NO. don't assume i do

what baby killings are you talking about anyway? what about the killings by other religions?

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:39 AM

and i simply asked in here ...why does it matter to non believers

you are the one that accused me of not believing etc....i countered to you that you are a hypocrite (proved). you opened pandora's box...not me. i just countered your accusations

again...have a great day

"yellowrose" ...haven't you ever heard of the inquistion the witch trials the crusades and other incidents in history that tells how believers use to kill non-believers ....maybe you should put down the bible and pick up a history book ...

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:44 AM

and i simply asked in here ...why does it matter to non believers

you are the one that accused me of not believing etc....i countered to you that you are a hypocrite (proved). you opened pandora's box...not me. i just countered your accusations

again...have a great day

"yellowrose" ...haven't you ever heard of the inquistion the witch trials the crusades and other incidents in history that tells how believers use to kill non-believers ....maybe you should put down the bible and pick up a history book ...

i love history btw...but i am smart enough to not agree with what they did. i NEVER agreed with those examples, but that was the corruption of man. what about Nero killing christians for fun???

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:49 AM

it's nice that you are concerned about my well being..but don't worry. no one pulls my strings and i'm not a puppet. do i think the churches were right in killing??? NO. don't assume i do

what baby killings are you talking about anyway? what about the killings by other religions?

"yellowrose"....yes I'm concern about you but I'm also covering my own ass by keeping an eye on your ass

also why are you bringing up other religions when the topic is about Hell .....do any other religion have a Hell

why is it so hard for you to talk about Hell and call yourself a Christian ...maybe you should form a new charter called ...Christians against Hell

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:50 AM
or Constantine, Shapur II, the middle east, as well as other christians?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:52 AM

it's nice that you are concerned about my well being..but don't worry. no one pulls my strings and i'm not a puppet. do i think the churches were right in killing??? NO. don't assume i do

what baby killings are you talking about anyway? what about the killings by other religions?

"yellowrose"....yes I'm concern about you but I'm also covering my own ass by keeping an eye on your ass

also why are you bringing up other religions when the topic is about Hell .....do any other religion have a Hell

why is it so hard for you to talk about Hell and call yourself a Christian ...maybe you should form a new charter called ...Christians against Hell

i can more than take care of myself ty....but i was giving a counter to you

sorry....but you opened the door

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:54 AM

i love history btw...but i am smart enough to not agree with what they did. i NEVER agreed with those examples, but that was the corruption of man. what about Nero killing christians for fun???

for Nero's part in killing Christians for fun I think he's a low down heathenous rat fink snake basta_d

ok now your turn

what do you think about God drowning everybody in The Great Flood

tick tock tick tock tick tock

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:56 AM

i love history btw...but i am smart enough to not agree with what they did. i NEVER agreed with those examples, but that was the corruption of man. what about Nero killing christians for fun???

for Nero's part in killing Christians for fun I think he's a low down heathenous rat fink snake basta_d

ok now your turn

what do you think about God drowning everybody in The Great Flood

tick tock tick tock tick tock

where you there to see how bad the world got???? if it needed to be wiped out because all were so corrupt...raped, murder, etc (worse than now) i have no problem with it. then again, i wasn't there to see how bad the world was....were you?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:57 AM
ok....now your turn....
why do you care so much that it seems to be the only thing you talk about in every forum if you don't believe anyway

tick tock tick tock

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:01 PM

i love history btw...but i am smart enough to not agree with what they did. i NEVER agreed with those examples, but that was the corruption of man. what about Nero killing christians for fun???

for Nero's part in killing Christians for fun I think he's a low down heathenous rat fink snake basta_d

ok now your turn

what do you think about God drowning everybody in The Great Flood

tick tock tick tock tick tock

where you there to see how bad the world got???? if it needed to be wiped out because all were so corrupt...raped, murder, etc (worse than now) i have no problem with it. then again, i wasn't there to see how bad the world was....were you?

"yellowrose" ..I wasn't there to see why Nero killed Christians for fun but yet I answered your question ...

so your solution to corruption is to kill everyone even the innocent, she how your religion have given you a mass murderer mentality

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:05 PM
never mind that question....i get the feeling that you don't like your own tactics used on you.

I won't upset you...have a nice day.

btw...i did answer the questions....besides Noah and his family....who's to say there was anyone innocent? they could have all been sickos

then again...you weren't there for the witch trials, inquistion or crusades either....but you pointed those out quickly. i just countered you

my work here is done

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:08 PM

ok....now your turn....
why do you care so much that it seems to be the only thing you talk about in every forum if you don't believe anyway

tick tock tick tock

"yellowrose" ...I'm on a quest for total knowledge

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:14 PM

never mind that question....i get the feeling that you don't like your own tactics used on you.

I won't upset you...have a nice day.

btw...i did answer the questions....besides Noah and his family....who's to say there was anyone innocent? they could have all been sickos

then again...you weren't there for the witch trials, inquistion or crusades either....but you pointed those out quickly. i just countered you

my work here is done

"yellowrose" ...so were all the babies sickos and needed to be drown ...see how you just justified someone killing babies ...it's no different than ethnic cleansing ...why take chances...just kill everyone

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