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Topic: Away from home often
MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:30 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 01/06/09 07:30 PM
smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2

njmom05's photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:32 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2

If they love each other and there are no trust issues, it can definitely work.

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:32 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2


no photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:34 PM
I think it depends on the couple.

I always thought I would make a great military wife...because when your together, you are all over eachother and loving. Then just when you start to get sick of eachother he gets sent on a cruise or something...then you miss them terribly and cant wait for them to come home again...Then its on again...

Very passionate...for the right couple!

Mentork's photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:35 PM
It can totally work!

Love travels at the speed of light, can go though solid objects, and can be felt by someone on the other side of the solar system, you cant stop it with a busy job!


MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:37 PM

I think it depends on the couple.

I always thought I would make a great military wife...because when your together, you are all over eachother and loving. Then just when you start to get sick of eachother he gets sent on a cruise or something...then you miss them terribly and cant wait for them to come home again...Then its on again...

Very passionate...for the right couple!
:thumbsup: good point:thumbsup:

cityblues21's photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:46 PM
Yes, it can work with the right two people. They would need to be strong people and not needy.

If someone has to have reassurance 24/7 then this probably would not work for them. If their partner is gone they would probably feel the need to get the reassurance from other sources.

NewNew24's photo
Tue 01/06/09 07:51 PM
Well My last relationship was with someone who had 2 jobs and there second job had them delivering windshields and glass to companies across the tristate area; you know fl, ga, and al. well anyway; i was faithful to him but he never had an exact time to get off. He was cheating on me and the girl called his phn and i ans it and she thought she was his girlfriend. needless to say i ended it b/c if i'm at home being faithful to you; the least you could is be faithful to me right. I'm not saying that all long distance relationships end that way; but both parties need to have a clear understanding and expectations.

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:10 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2

Yes, but it's pretty much the other way around. I'm either home *all* of the time, or travel a week or so at a time all over the world. Current plans this quarter include travel to 4 countries and 2 states. My longest business trip was several years ago, and lasted 2 1/2 months, covered 2 countries and 2 states. I remember the experience of coming home after that tour and to be honest, it was a sign that the relationship was finished. It was over about a year later.

After that trip, I resolved never to tour again and to have at least a couple weeks between trips at minimum, so I could set anchor at home for a bit, and chill out. All of this travel considered, I do have to say that I miss knowing that I had someone to come home to, and no, I never cheated on business trips.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:16 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2 about 2 people in an LDR who BOTH travel a lot for work? Crazy but true!

Travel72's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:48 PM
:smile: It definitely depends on the people. Some enjoy the time apart because it makes the time together more precious. Others just need to be together regularly for comfort and support.
sad2 If being apart leads to infidelity then the relationship was never meant to last. Trust is a huge issue when you are apart so often.
Dealing with being apart is about being honest with each other. It may be ok at the beginning of a relationship but as things progress and become more serious then tension does develop, especially when you are getting ready to leave again. Be realistic with yourself and your partner, is this what either of you want?

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:50 PM
smokin The couple that stays apart, stays together longersmokin

willing2's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:56 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2

The longest relationship I had was one where I was out of town a lot. The ex said, we lasted so long because she didn't have to put up with me except on weekends.
I was a bit difficult to get along with.

izzie's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:28 PM
Edited by izzie on Wed 01/07/09 08:29 PM
ive been having this relationship for the last year..
it is REALY hard! but it also leads to greater trust in the reltionship.. if you can trust him to go to another state, then you can trust him anywhere i guess..
also it has lead to the most COMMUNICATIVE relationship ive ever been in too..
we are FORCED to talk thru any issues that arise..
its simple i guess. ether we talk them thru or we break up..
in over a year of talking.. we've had 2 small fights.. and one big one.. and managed to work through them all..
not bad odds.. at least for me. lol


and *fingers crossed* i will be moving to him soon so then we will only have to worry about the time hes out of town thust almost quadrupeling the time we have together. then.. any time hes home from working in another state i will get to see him..

bradlyy's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:36 PM

ive been having this relationship for the last year..
it is REALY hard! but it also leads to greater trust in the reltionship.. if you can trust him to go to another state, then you can trust him anywhere i guess..
also it has lead to the most COMMUNICATIVE relationship ive ever been in too..
we are FORCED to talk thru any issues that arise..
its simple i guess. ether we talk them thru or we break up..
in over a year of talking.. we've had 2 small fights.. and one big one.. and managed to work through them all..
not bad odds.. at least for me. lol


and *fingers crossed* i will be moving to him soon so then we will only have to worry about the time hes out of town thust almost quadrupeling the time we have together. then.. any time hes home from working in another state i will get to see him..

I say that we have been doin good its been nice when the only thing we have is commucation so we get to know each other well

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:37 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2

Yes its possible. I had a serious relationship with a commercial pilot for several years. He would leave and be gone for a while and then return. Sometimes I traveled with him but not if I could avoid it. Im not a person that requires close proximity in a relationship or to be right with my significant other at all times. In fact I prefer to have less overall contact with them but quality when we are together. So maybe that is why it was kind of the perfect relationship for me in a lot of ways. I got to see him when it was convenient.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:49 PM

smile2Do you think its possible to have a long term relationship with someone who's job takes them away from home often?smile2Without it leading to infidelity or breakup?smile2 How would you deal with it?smile2

I think it is possible, for some. I know of some ways.

But, I was recently badly burned, so I would most likely not be open to dating someone who had this type of working arrangement.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:51 PM

I think it depends on the couple.

I always thought I would make a great military wife...because when your together, you are all over eachother and loving. Then just when you start to get sick of eachother he gets sent on a cruise or something...then you miss them terribly and cant wait for them to come home again...Then its on again...

Very passionate...for the right couple!


Some people prefer it because it avoids intimacy on a deeper level.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:53 PM

:smile: It definitely depends on the people. Some enjoy the time apart because it makes the time together more precious. Others just need to be together regularly for comfort and support.
sad2 If being apart leads to infidelity then the relationship was never meant to last. Trust is a huge issue when you are apart so often.
Dealing with being apart is about being honest with each other. It may be ok at the beginning of a relationship but as things progress and become more serious then tension does develop, especially when you are getting ready to leave again. Be realistic with yourself and your partner, is this what either of you want?

Well said.

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 01/08/09 12:26 AM

smokin The couple that stays apart, stays together longersmokin
flowerforyou let the truth be told bigsmile

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