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Topic: .........HOW TO BE SAVED.........
Zapchaser's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:52 AM

I THINK I am real.

Let's see.....

<-----pinching myself..



I'm ReaLdrinker:heart:bigsmile:tongue:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :wink:




WE'VE MISSED YOU -!!!drinker

AND YOUR GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR-!!!laughlaughflowerforyou



Awwwwwww! :heart: :heart: ((((morning song)))):heart: :heart: I missed you too! I see you are still dodging spears and arrows. laugh Don't lose faith my friend! drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:13 PM

Awwwwwww! :heart: :heart: ((((morning song)))):heart: :heart: I missed you too! I see you are still dodging spears and arrows. laugh Don't lose faith my friend! drinker

That's an intersting thought.

Don't lose faith!

Faith in what?

Faith in God?

Or faith in the Bible?

Many people seem to have decided that if the Bible is false, then there must not be a God.

They worship the Bible.

I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to recognize that the Bible is not of God.

Yet, this hasn't destoryed my faith in God at all.

Just because one of many manmade mythologies turns out to be just as false as all the others doen't automatically mean that there is no God.

Why does God need to have a mythology?

Can't God just be God?

Why do people feel a need to worship idols?

Mythologies are idols.

Can't they just believe in a creator who communiates with them directly via their own heart, soul, and emotions?

People who keep faith in the Bible are doing jsut that.

They are keeping a faith that the biblical story correctly describes God.

Moreover they actaully demanding that God be like the Bible says!

What will they do when they discover that God has nothing to do with the Bible?

Will they feel betrayed?

Why should they?

They are the ones who tried to put God in a book, not the other way around.

Faith in what?

God? Or an ancient muddled mythology?

I have faith in God.

It's the ancient muddled mythology that I place no faith in. A mythology that claims that I'm at odds with my creator and clearly suggests that he's at odds with me as well.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:22 PM
I dont think I require any saving? Saved from what exactly? Being a woman? Having control of my own life? Wild, irrational decision making? Impulse purchases? Strange men? Marriage? Pregnancy? Brown slacks? The IRS? Excessive Christian proselytizing?


Quikstepper's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:36 PM
I applaud your efforts to reach those who are seeking with an honest heart to find God. I also admire the love you show others. It's refreshing given what you're working with.

Keep fighting the good fight of faith. Some wonder they call it a fight? LOL :wink:

God bless you dear heart.

Hope you have having a wonderful Christmas time. :smile:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:40 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/17/08 02:41 PM
I cant put my faith in a god that cant tell that rabbits dont cheweth the cud....huh

or that bats arent birds

I woudnt even trust this god with my car keys.

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:38 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Wed 12/17/08 03:43 PM


.....Salvation Explained.....



I am a Taoist-Christain, so don't freak out becuase of the following. If you intend to win the hearts and minds of people, lets dicuss a few of these points with the questions of non-believers.

Point # 1: Who not what says we should conform to believing in your specfic diety? There are many faith claiming to be the "light and the "truth" and the "way".

Uh no...there are many "religions" that exchange our works for grace. Grace is a gift from God & not of ourselves. That is a major difference between Christianity & other "religions."

How can all men be seperated from God? Isn't the tale of adam and eve similar to tales from various other religions. In fact some say it is almost an exact copy of the bablyionian tale of Gigamesh? How are we to trust the bible, a text written by men and whose version decended from the bible which was assembled by men at the council of Nicae around 300 a.d. nearly 300 years after christ. There are many texts which were added or left out over the centuries that followed, so is to say that the bible(whichever version you read) is genuine let alone the "word of God"?

The Bible is more than a story. It's all God breathed and inspired... not of man. Those who experience the manifestations of God in their lives know this to be true. Those who haven't yet still question the "who & what" of God.

Point #3
Why just Jesus? There have been many men who preformed miracles and brought light and wisdom to the world. Are we not all children of "God"? Why pick just one person to be the route to eternal salvation. Why just one way?

Because God's word says there is only one mediator between God & man & that is Jesus Christ. That is what all those who profess to be Christians believe.

Point #4
Again who not what says there is just one way. What about all those who lived before christ or even perhaps those who have never heard your message? Are you saying those poor souls are condemned to hell?

The word of God says everyone will have a chance to repent & recieve Christ & so all will be without excuse. Before grace there was the law & God chose a people who would reveal His glory to the rest of the world. While they did not experience dispensation they recieved the promise.

Who not what said proof was required of someones faith? Do not my actions and choices speak of my faith themselves? Again what makes individuals who say such things right? Is not my personal relationship with Christ and God enough?

There are those who can only lead the way...but it's up to the individual to taste & see if the Lord is good. That is something no one can do for another. OTOH, if you are going to resist what is being said that will also get you nowhere.

I find it very disturbing the number of christians who can not actually answer such questions without constantly repeating verses which mean nothing to the none believer and ultimately are questionable to them as well as the number of questions that go unanswered as a result of such "salvation" tactics.

Uh...all MS did was point the way to salvation & explained the what fors along with it according to what God's word says it is. That is really up to the person to try it or not. Explanations are important & not just what some consider mindnumb memorization of the word. Most here quote what they believe & it shows in their understanding of what God is saying.

It is my personal belief if one is to trully claim to be a member of a particular faith then must research it, study it, not just the texts but the history,languages and cultural backgrounds and ties. Quoting bible verses may win you a few followers but i believe you'll find that 2/3 of them will fall away from the "flock" when they start asking these questions.

Explanations along with God's word as back up is important. It's God's word along with the personal relationship that backs up what the Christian believes. If everything was in black & white there would be no need for faith. Right? BTW...we are here to discuss...it's only thru life & living along with knowing other Christians that you get the flavor of faith dear heart. God bless you. I hope God meets you wherever you are at. :wink:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:55 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/17/08 03:56 PM
Uhhh, where is the abridged edition..?.

The word of God says everyone will have a chance to repent & recieve Christ & so all will be without excuse. Before grace there was the law & God chose a people who would reveal His glory to the rest of the world. While they did not experience dispensation they recieved the promise.

Ive got an excuse for ya.

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:13 PM
Morning Song you need to come to terms with this fact: If you (morning song) are going to preach a the message of christian salvation then you need to be able and willing the questions i mentioned otherwise you are just wasting people's time and in all likely hood your faith, and understanding of the divine are questionable. I have reviewed your previous post, none of them answer the said post questions and 98% percent of the quotes are bible verses and statements of admiration. Again i request that you take the time to answer the questions.noway

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:38 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Wed 12/17/08 05:43 PM
Because God's word says there is only one mediator between God & man & that is Jesus Christ. That is what all those who profess to be Christians believe.

Just because Christians believe this doesn't make it true.

It is crystal clear to many intelligent people that the Bible could not possibly be the word of any God.

In order to believe that it is the "word of God" you must believe that God is an idiot.

Do you believe that God is an idiot?

According to the Bible God commanded men to murder heathens and blasphemists. He demanded that this is their duty.

Then the Bible claims that God sent his Son in mortal form to blasphemy himself and denounce the teaching of the orginal God who gave these very commandments.

Thus if the Bible is true, God is an idiot.

The people who nailed Jesus to the pole would be doing precisely the will of God.

God would have no choice but to accept those people as being truely obedient servants of his original words.

In fact, anyone who accepts the teachings of Jesus would be spitting in the face of the original God's directives!

At best it's a grossly confusing mixed message.

According to the Old Testament God is demanding that you reject Jesus.

According to the New Testament Jesus is demanding that you ignore the Old Testament!

Now what kind of a God would send such mixed confusing message as that?

Only a truly stupid God would do such an assinine thing.

Therefore, in order to believe in the Bible you must believe that God is an idiot.

Only Christians are willing to believe that God is an idiot.

No one else is willing to believe that.

Only Christians believe that such an assinine story is the "word of God".

You speak about the "word of God", but the book you claim must be the "word of God" contradics itself to the point where the only possible way to believe it is "word of God" is to confess that God must be a complete idiot.

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:55 PM


.....Salvation Explained.....



I am a Taoist-Christain, so don't freak out becuase of the following. If you intend to win the hearts and minds of people, lets dicuss a few of these points with the questions of non-believers.

Point # 1: Who not what says we should conform to believing in your specfic diety? There are many faith claiming to be the "light and the "truth" and the "way".

Uh no...there are many "religions" that exchange our works for grace. Grace is a gift from God & not of ourselves. That is a major difference between Christianity & other "religions."

How can all men be seperated from God? Isn't the tale of adam and eve similar to tales from various other religions. In fact some say it is almost an exact copy of the bablyionian tale of Gigamesh? How are we to trust the bible, a text written by men and whose version decended from the bible which was assembled by men at the council of Nicae around 300 a.d. nearly 300 years after christ. There are many texts which were added or left out over the centuries that followed, so is to say that the bible(whichever version you read) is genuine let alone the "word of God"?

The Bible is more than a story. It's all God breathed and inspired... not of man. Those who experience the manifestations of God in their lives know this to be true. Those who haven't yet still question the "who & what" of God.

Point #3
Why just Jesus? There have been many men who preformed miracles and brought light and wisdom to the world. Are we not all children of "God"? Why pick just one person to be the route to eternal salvation. Why just one way?

Because God's word says there is only one mediator between God & man & that is Jesus Christ. That is what all those who profess to be Christians believe.

Point #4
Again who not what says there is just one way. What about all those who lived before christ or even perhaps those who have never heard your message? Are you saying those poor souls are condemned to hell?

The word of God says everyone will have a chance to repent & recieve Christ & so all will be without excuse. Before grace there was the law & God chose a people who would reveal His glory to the rest of the world. While they did not experience dispensation they recieved the promise.

Who not what said proof was required of someones faith? Do not my actions and choices speak of my faith themselves? Again what makes individuals who say such things right? Is not my personal relationship with Christ and God enough?

There are those who can only lead the way...but it's up to the individual to taste & see if the Lord is good. That is something no one can do for another. OTOH, if you are going to resist what is being said that will also get you nowhere.

I find it very disturbing the number of christians who can not actually answer such questions without constantly repeating verses which mean nothing to the none believer and ultimately are questionable to them as well as the number of questions that go unanswered as a result of such "salvation" tactics.

Uh...all MS did was point the way to salvation & explained the what fors along with it according to what God's word says it is. That is really up to the person to try it or not. Explanations are important & not just what some consider mindnumb memorization of the word. Most here quote what they believe & it shows in their understanding of what God is saying.

It is my personal belief if one is to trully claim to be a member of a particular faith then must research it, study it, not just the texts but the history,languages and cultural backgrounds and ties. Quoting bible verses may win you a few followers but i believe you'll find that 2/3 of them will fall away from the "flock" when they start asking these questions.

Explanations along with God's word as back up is important. It's God's word along with the personal relationship that backs up what the Christian believes. If everything was in black & white there would be no need for faith. Right? BTW...we are here to discuss...it's only thru life & living along with knowing other Christians that you get the flavor of faith dear heart. God bless you. I hope God meets you wherever you are at. :wink:

Again case and point for my point that most christians know little of their own faith and beliefs much less have the reasoning to convince others to follow christ.
You still have not answered the question and have a fallacy in your arguement that assumes christianity is the only religion were one reaches paradise, heaven or salvation and escape from the torment of life and its consquences. This is a flawed assumption on your part, had you studied other faiths in a none biased fashion you would have learned many faiths believe their deity will have mercy and compassion on them in the afterlife even if they did none of the required works of the faith.
Speaking of work, doesn't the christian faith require many works both physical and ones of faith? So in reality there is no difference.
2. All faiths claim their texts, wisdom and practices are inspiried by the divine. So with so many claiming this ,just having faith based on practice and the texts does not offer a reasonable arguement for conversion to a particular religion. So answer the question and quit sitting there squawking meaningless verses or saying becuase i,he,she,them said so.
3. Agian answer the question in a way that would convince a non-believer other then just spouting off verses and making statements that just leave more questions....noway
4. Agian you are just justifying belief based on text. You again are not answering the question with a statement of reason or a logical arguement that would convince the non-believer. Again (who) not what says there is only one way and what proof would provide that would support their statements. How do you jusify a being condemning humans to hell for not knowing or hearing the message? Stating that they know the message when they never hear it or receieve it is utter nonsense.
Quoting verses is in no way an indication of their understanding, wisdom, faith or belief. That is like saying xerox machine becuase it can copy text out of the bible is something with wisdom and divine understanding. You are right that in the end when presented with a reasonable explanation or arguement and their questions are reasonably answered or resolved then they have the responsibility to make a choice. But it is up to people of that faith to provide the non-believer those explanations and answers first before a decision can be made. That is why it irritates when bible thumpers will create a thread about salvation but are unable or completely unwilling to answer such questions and by doing so don't think they are hypocrites or that their faith is questionable.

So again answer the questions.spock

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:03 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/17/08 06:03 PM
They seem to think that they can bury thoughtful questions with a lengthy exegesis. I will read this stuff but I am loathed to do so. You Christians should be able to highlight the specific passages that address the relevant issues or else if you have read this yourself, simply SUMMARIZE!!

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:18 PM


.....Salvation Explained.....



I am a Taoist-Christain, so don't freak out becuase of the following. If you intend to win the hearts and minds of people, lets dicuss a few of these points with the questions of non-believers.

Point # 1: Who not what says we should conform to believing in your specfic diety? There are many faith claiming to be the "light and the "truth" and the "way".

Uh no...there are many "religions" that exchange our works for grace. Grace is a gift from God & not of ourselves. That is a major difference between Christianity & other "religions."

How can all men be seperated from God? Isn't the tale of adam and eve similar to tales from various other religions. In fact some say it is almost an exact copy of the bablyionian tale of Gigamesh? How are we to trust the bible, a text written by men and whose version decended from the bible which was assembled by men at the council of Nicae around 300 a.d. nearly 300 years after christ. There are many texts which were added or left out over the centuries that followed, so is to say that the bible(whichever version you read) is genuine let alone the "word of God"?

The Bible is more than a story. It's all God breathed and inspired... not of man. Those who experience the manifestations of God in their lives know this to be true. Those who haven't yet still question the "who & what" of God.

Point #3
Why just Jesus? There have been many men who preformed miracles and brought light and wisdom to the world. Are we not all children of "God"? Why pick just one person to be the route to eternal salvation. Why just one way?

Because God's word says there is only one mediator between God & man & that is Jesus Christ. That is what all those who profess to be Christians believe.

Point #4
Again who not what says there is just one way. What about all those who lived before christ or even perhaps those who have never heard your message? Are you saying those poor souls are condemned to hell?

The word of God says everyone will have a chance to repent & recieve Christ & so all will be without excuse. Before grace there was the law & God chose a people who would reveal His glory to the rest of the world. While they did not experience dispensation they recieved the promise.

Who not what said proof was required of someones faith? Do not my actions and choices speak of my faith themselves? Again what makes individuals who say such things right? Is not my personal relationship with Christ and God enough?

There are those who can only lead the way...but it's up to the individual to taste & see if the Lord is good. That is something no one can do for another. OTOH, if you are going to resist what is being said that will also get you nowhere.

I find it very disturbing the number of christians who can not actually answer such questions without constantly repeating verses which mean nothing to the none believer and ultimately are questionable to them as well as the number of questions that go unanswered as a result of such "salvation" tactics.

Uh...all MS did was point the way to salvation & explained the what fors along with it according to what God's word says it is. That is really up to the person to try it or not. Explanations are important & not just what some consider mindnumb memorization of the word. Most here quote what they believe & it shows in their understanding of what God is saying.

It is my personal belief if one is to trully claim to be a member of a particular faith then must research it, study it, not just the texts but the history,languages and cultural backgrounds and ties. Quoting bible verses may win you a few followers but i believe you'll find that 2/3 of them will fall away from the "flock" when they start asking these questions.

Explanations along with God's word as back up is important. It's God's word along with the personal relationship that backs up what the Christian believes. If everything was in black & white there would be no need for faith. Right? BTW...we are here to discuss...it's only thru life & living along with knowing other Christians that you get the flavor of faith dear heart. God bless you. I hope God meets you wherever you are at. :wink:

Again case and point for my point that most christians know little of their own faith and beliefs much less have the reasoning to convince others to follow christ.
You still have not answered the question and have a fallacy in your arguement that assumes christianity is the only religion were one reaches paradise, heaven or salvation and escape from the torment of life and its consquences. This is a flawed assumption on your part, had you studied other faiths in a none biased fashion you would have learned many faiths believe their deity will have mercy and compassion on them in the afterlife even if they did none of the required works of the faith.
Speaking of work, doesn't the christian faith require many works both physical and ones of faith? So in reality there is no difference.
2. All faiths claim their texts, wisdom and practices are inspiried by the divine. So with so many claiming this ,just having faith based on practice and the texts does not offer a reasonable arguement for conversion to a particular religion. So answer the question and quit sitting there squawking meaningless verses or saying becuase i,he,she,them said so.
3. Agian answer the question in a way that would convince a non-believer other then just spouting off verses and making statements that just leave more questions....noway
4. Agian you are just justifying belief based on text. You again are not answering the question with a statement of reason or a logical arguement that would convince the non-believer. Again (who) not what says there is only one way and what proof would provide that would support their statements. How do you jusify a being condemning humans to hell for not knowing or hearing the message? Stating that they know the message when they never hear it or receieve it is utter nonsense.
Quoting verses is in no way an indication of their understanding, wisdom, faith or belief. That is like saying xerox machine becuase it can copy text out of the bible is something with wisdom and divine understanding. You are right that in the end when presented with a reasonable explanation or arguement and their questions are reasonably answered or resolved then they have the responsibility to make a choice. But it is up to people of that faith to provide the non-believer those explanations and answers first before a decision can be made. That is why it irritates when bible thumpers will create a thread about salvation but are unable or completely unwilling to answer such questions and by doing so don't think they are hypocrites or that their faith is questionable.

So again answer the questions.spock

Your questions were answered...I guess you just don't like the answers. That's your choice. No further discussion is necessary.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:20 PM

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:24 PM

They seem to think that they can bury thoughtful questions with a lengthy exegesis. I will read this stuff but I am loathed to do so. You Christians should be able to highlight the specific passages that address the relevant issues or else if you have read this yourself, simply SUMMARIZE!!

Sorry Krisma, just trying to prove a point and maybe get people to think for once. If i am being to lengthy it is only becuase i need to address each point and question throughly.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:25 PM
For those of you out there who cannot believe in the Christian god for whatever reasons you may have. One can save themselves by searching inside of themselves to find all that inner strength and understanding we have inside of us, without an out side source telling us what is right.

This experience can be like a great light of love of self and world that will outshine any rhetoric of mans many structured control mechanisms.

My experience here of course.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:30 PM

They seem to think that they can bury thoughtful questions with a lengthy exegesis. I will read this stuff but I am loathed to do so. You Christians should be able to highlight the specific passages that address the relevant issues or else if you have read this yourself, simply SUMMARIZE!!

Sorry Krisma, just trying to prove a point and maybe get people to think for once. If i am being to lengthy it is only becuase i need to address each point and question throughly.

No No. I was talking about their extended exegesis that they were throwing at you instead of answering the questions that you were asking them. Sorry if that was confusing. I was chastising the Christians, not you.

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:33 PM
I suppose blathering the same things over and over agian is your way of answering things in your mind but you fail to realise that your "answers" are more of a habitual compulsive disorder lacking any sense of reason or justification. Start doing some research and study up on religions and faith. You only prove my point that most christians lack any sense, reason, understanding when it comes to their faith and therefore fail to reach people as a result. Eventually you will start having to face these questions yourself and realize that someone's spiritual text is not reason or proof enough that what you believe is true.
Good luck and may you find the answers....

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:36 PM

They seem to think that they can bury thoughtful questions with a lengthy exegesis. I will read this stuff but I am loathed to do so. You Christians should be able to highlight the specific passages that address the relevant issues or else if you have read this yourself, simply SUMMARIZE!!

Sorry Krisma, just trying to prove a point and maybe get people to think for once. If i am being to lengthy it is only becuase i need to address each point and question throughly.

No No. I was talking about their extended exegesis that they were throwing at you instead of answering the questions that you were asking them. Sorry if that was confusing. I was chastising the Christians, not you.

Oh i see, i thought you were upset becuase we were making each response so long... My misunderstandering sorry about that..lol:tongue:

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:37 PM
All I know is what I live....what the Lord has shown me...and I will follow the narrow path he has set for me any day....again all I see here is a christian putting it out there...and the same people coming and spewing their stuff...well get a clue people she has just as much right to put out what she believes as you all do. I don't attack anyone for what they believe..and you sure aren't going to convince me that all the miracles and all the Lord has shown me is not real.....so fight......carry on......but I am thinking you will never change a Christian in their beliefs so your better off just staying in threads where you can talk about what it is you believe....which most of the time most of you don't really know what that is.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:38 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/17/08 06:38 PM
No Im just tired of all the exegesis that they copy and paste when you ask questions. There are a few Christians that do that and it bugs the b-jesus out of me. happy Im assuming their congregations advise them to do that to diffuse arguments they encounter online. laugh

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