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Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal!
thePatriot's photo
Wed 12/03/08 09:40 AM

my whole point is i dont give a damn if your gay, this isnt about what i think of your orientation its about the principals of this country yes we were founded on christian beliefs those being that God created man with free will.
This nation was founded on Freedom of Religion...No where in the Constitution does it say the Catholic Church, Luthern Church, or Atheist for that matter.

no what i mean is the majority of the founding fathers were christian or got inspiration from christianity from my understanding and wasent the constitution written with the christian bible on the table too?
and yes we have freedom of religion,no doubt dosent change the fact we are free to do as we please any one who tries to impair or tread on our rights is a traitor, ... and a scoundrel for that matter lol

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/03/08 09:42 AM

my whole point is i dont give a damn if your gay, this isnt about what i think of your orientation its about the principals of this country yes we were founded on christian beliefs those being that God created man with free will.

I think you'll find that most conservatives are looking at this from a behavior standpoint...they see it as not natural or normal...so in their eyes...the thought process goes like this..." If we believe that this behavior is not natural / normal...then why would want to sanction this behavior...by making it legal "...
Gio my friend, Shall I question what you do in your bedroom:smile: Some people might find that unnatural. I would love to asklaugh

I think my point is...that MOST Americans would probably agree with the behavior aspect that I mentioned...I'm only saying...that in my mind, and in most Americans minds...that behavoir would be viewed as not natural...that's my opinion !...and...you and everyone else has theirs...I am not here to change anyones mind...nor...am I here to argue...I can't change my beliefs...I was brought up in a strict religious home...in time...I'm sure that gay marriage will be legal and taught in our schools...I just hope I'm not still alive to witness it...Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's !!...lol

thePatriot's photo
Wed 12/03/08 09:42 AM
allso if you are looking at the matter from a christian standpoint ... its not our place to judge condem or restrict any one from this practice thats between the man and or women and god of there belief, we just have to worry about our own sins care about our onus s if you will.

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 09:46 AM

my whole point is i dont give a damn if your gay, this isnt about what i think of your orientation its about the principals of this country yes we were founded on christian beliefs those being that God created man with free will.

I think you'll find that most conservatives are looking at this from a behavior standpoint...they see it as not natural or normal...so in their eyes...the thought process goes like this..." If we believe that this behavior is not natural / normal...then why would want to sanction this behavior...by making it legal "...
Gio my friend, Shall I question what you do in your bedroom:smile: Some people might find that unnatural. I would love to asklaugh

I think my point is...that MOST Americans would probably agree with the behavior aspect that I mentioned...I'm only saying...that in my mind, and in most Americans minds...that behavoir would be viewed as not natural...that's my opinion !...and...you and everyone else has theirs...I am not here to change anyones mind...nor...am I here to argue...I can't change my beliefs...I was brought up in a strict religious home...in time...I'm sure that gay marriage will be legal and taught in our schools...I just hope I'm not still alive to witness it...Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's !!...lol
It wont be taught in mine. I have that right already. I like signing those permission slips. If people are concerned with what is being taught in their schools. ITS THEIR SCHOOL controlled by a "LOCAL" School board. People you vote into that position. I garantee you nothing is being "Taught" my kid I am not aware of. If there is, quite being so dam lazy and get involved...That wasnt directed at you Gio:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/03/08 10:02 AM
Gio my friend, Shall I question what you do in your bedroom Some people might find that unnatural. I would love to ask

gulp !!...It is unnatural...total silence for 25 straight [ no pun intended ]...months...re-gulp !!!...ohwell lol...

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 10:04 AM
to me, the phrase "gay marriage" is like the phrase "flying cats". There just is no such thing

but I fully support Civil Unions conferring all the same legal rights and liabilities

buttons's photo
Wed 12/03/08 10:33 AM

my whole point is i dont give a damn if your gay, this isnt about what i think of your orientation its about the principals of this country yes we were founded on christian beliefs those being that God created man with free will.

I think you'll find that most conservatives are looking at this from a behavior standpoint...they see it as not natural or normal...so in their eyes...the thought process goes like this..." If we believe that this behavior is not natural / normal...then why would want to sanction this behavior...by making it legal "...
Gio my friend, Shall I question what you do in your bedroom:smile: Some people might find that unnatural. I would love to asklaugh

I think my point is...that MOST Americans would probably agree with the behavior aspect that I mentioned...I'm only saying...that in my mind, and in most Americans minds...that behavoir would be viewed as not natural...that's my opinion !...and...you and everyone else has theirs...I am not here to change anyones mind...nor...am I here to argue...I can't change my beliefs...I was brought up in a strict religious home...in time...I'm sure that gay marriage will be legal and taught in our schools...I just hope I'm not still alive to witness it...Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's !!...lol
taught in the schools gimme a break u know they cant as much say the word "god" in the schools public schools that is... moving right along...

Lynann's photo
Wed 12/03/08 10:39 AM
Edited by Lynann on Wed 12/03/08 11:20 AM
You know I agree with quiet well sort of.

I think men and women who are joined or married in a civil ceremony are entering into a civil union. They are legalizing their union and by doing so they acquire certain legal responsibilities and privileges.

The catholic church does not recognize marriages made without the blessing of the church even if they are between a man and woman. Or at least they didn't when I was young.

I am a recovering catholic and the first person in my families remembered history who was not married in the eyes of the church because I chose to be married by a judge and family friend. I like to point out to those family members who married in the church and have since divorced (something that didn't happen in my family until the current generation) not marrying in the church simply saved me buying a church annulment.

Forgiveness for almost anything and everything by the way is available in the catholic church if you can afford it.

The solemnizing of a marriage by clergy is seen by many as something very different from a civil union. I viewed my "marriage" as a civil union as I view the unions of all not married in a church or similar religious ceremony.

It would be grand to see all "marriages" made by civil authorities be called what they are. A legal joining of two people that confers legal rights and responsibilities, a civil union. Marriage is after all a contract. With each other, with the state, with the community and for some with the church and with God.

People who wish to solemnize their union before God certainly can do so. Maybe that should confer additional rules and responsibilities? You know, like the ones mentioned in the bible.

Gio, you want a return to the 50's? You remember the 1950s, when thousands of gay men and women in Washington, D.C., were fired from their jobs, because of their sexuality. Police raided bars, followed men in parks, and even surveilled private homes for evidence. More commonly, the FBI blackmailed individuals by interrogating them and threatening to out them publicly and fire them unless they gave lists of people who were homosexual. Those sure were swell times! /sarcasm

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:31 PM

I'm against it also.How does two gay guys explain to their adopted children where babies come from?I also don't believe you are born that way.Scientest have done much research on this issue and have never concluded that a person is born gay.If you are telling me you are born gay then you are basically saying that this person is incapable of loving someone from the opposite sex.Anyone can love someone.


Hi, I am a bigot.
Things that are not just like me frighten and confuse me.
And because I live my life in an overwhelming fear of the unknown I must project that fear on everyone else.
Even though jesus never said anything about it, it is one of the few parts of the old testament that I have picked out to obey, because it makes me superior to others.

P.S. also people did not evolutionize from a monkey either.

P.S.S. ye ha

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:34 PM
aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

martymark's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:36 PM
nudity should be a requirement!

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:37 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

There are legal aliens.They have green cards or visas.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:38 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

There are legal aliens.They have green cards or visas.

i know!! ive got a pink card, lmao

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:39 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

wait, what?

did I miss a topic change somewhere?

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:39 PM
Gio, you want a return to the 50's? You remember the 1950s, when thousands of gay men and women in Washington, D.C., were fired from their jobs, because of their sexuality. Police raided bars, followed men in parks, and even surveilled private homes for evidence. More commonly, the FBI blackmailed individuals by interrogating them and threatening to out them publicly and fire them unless they gave lists of people who were homosexual. Those sure were swell times! /sarcasm

ahhhhhhhhhh yes...what a time...

when thousands of gay men and women in Washington, D.C., were fired from their jobs, because of their sexuality.

more jobs for straight people...

Police raided bars, followed men in parks, and even surveilled private homes for evidence.

not the bars I frequent...were those men ?...my home is open to the public...

the FBI blackmailed individuals by interrogating them and threatening to out them publicly and fire them unless they gave lists of people who were homosexual.

not this individual...:angel:

martymark's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:40 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

There are legal aliens.They have green cards or visas.

i know!! ive got a pink card, lmao
I've got a bingo card, does that count?

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:40 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

There are legal aliens.They have green cards or visas.

i know!! ive got a pink card, lmao

I've got a dental card !!:banana:

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:41 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

wait, what?

did I miss a topic change somewhere?

dont shoot me..am i offtopic
i got a pink card..do you got a blue card??

do ya want to switch me??:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:42 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

There are legal aliens.They have green cards or visas.

i know!! ive got a pink card, lmao

I've got a dental card !!:banana:

oooo i need that card....can i borrow it???bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

martymark's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:43 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

There are legal aliens.They have green cards or visas.

i know!! ive got a pink card, lmao

I've got a dental card !!:banana:
I'll trade ya two bingos for one dental!

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