Its more like 6 Trillion between the 2 wars and we are no better off than before. How much did GWB and Dicky make off them should be the question!!!!!!!
Youtube again? Come one if ya cant do better than that why post anything.
Ask Karl Rowe.......
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Mon 07/28/14 06:40 AM
Which party has abused the EO the most? Who took us off the Gold Standwrd? Who creatd the so called % 48 with the EIC and raising depedent deductions? Iran Contra ring a bell? Who ran 2 wars while giving tax cuts to the rich and what was rhe tax rate on the rich during WW1 and WW2? Who was responsiable for puttiing SH in power in Iraq and giving him weapons and chemical technology? Sound familiar?
Just another 27 years..?
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Thu 05/29/14 09:29 AM
Not quite as bad as "BUSH" calling his 8 years in office awesome while people lost over 21 trillion dollars of THEIR OWN wealth! 2 wars that we will be paying for for the next 60 years(Atleast) Shall I continue or do you get it! Willy
Watchful waiting???? HEP C
Is anybody watchful waiting? Have you been thru treetment? genotype 1 and they are suggesting watchful waiting...
BABYBOOMERS get a HepC antibody test...Boomers account for %75 of all new case... Educate yourselves on it... |
Schools are and SHOULD remain a local issue. You dont want or want this crap in YOUR schools...Hey GET INVOLVED!!!! You local school board is HEY ELECTED!!!! Dont like it change it but leave mine alone!!!
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Tue 03/06/12 01:25 PM
Lets go racing boys
Trevor who!!!!!!
Couldn't go this year but it was good to see the kid win it.... What a cinderella story and glad to see the Wood brothers back in victory lane!!!!! |
Well, we're # 1 now.
We dont have to replace anything. LOOK WHAT WE WAISTE!!!! WHAT WE THROW AWAY!!!!
Mandtory recycling!!! OH NO YOUR INFRIGING ON MY RIGHTS TO BE A TOTAL AZZ!!!!! F@@@K THE RIGHT AND F@@@@KING THE LEFT YOU ALL CAN KISS MY AZZZZZZ> You all got your head so far up your parties azzzzz you got shitballs washing up your nose.. This DISASTER is OUR HOMES, OUR JOBS, OUR WAY OF LIFE!!!!!!!! AND YOU WANT TO TALK PARTYS ****!!!!!! I KNEW I LEFT THIS SITE FOR A REASON!!! |
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
Was up to Sarasota today and saw tarballs first hand on the beaches..THIS IS IN SOUTHERN FLORIDA...WHY IS THIS NOT ON THE NEWS! All you hear is BS about this thing. Its in the Gulf stream!!!! It will go right around Florida and up the eastern coast!!!!!!!!!
I'm with InvictusV!!! I don't care what percentage it produces just anything to cut our dependence!!!! We should take over BPs rigs and run them ourselves!!! Eminent Domain their azz!!! |
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
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Fri 06/18/10 09:56 PM
This is such BS!!!! I feel for the people in Louisiana. We have over 3000 people and over 500 boats ready to tackle this mess when it approaches our shore. We have tar balls as far south as Sarasota something that's not been shown on any news station. That shows its in the Gulf stream capable of fouling Florida's Gulf Coast beaches, Key West and right up the Eastern coast of the United States.
People here have spent money out of their own pockets to send people to Alabama and Louisiana. We have homemade skimmers made, Miles of booms ready and are ready and willing to fight this thing. WHERES OUR GOVENER!!!!!! Nothing coming out of his office and no response to any attempt to contact him. WTF!!!! Quit cam paining and DO THE JOB WE ELECTED YOU TO DO!!! People here are already hurting because of THE GREED OF DEVELOPERS who made a ton of money at the peek of the housing market, over built, over appraised, and should be investigated for criminal actions. My homes tax assessment dropped $60 last year. COME ON CRIST WAKE THE F@@@@@@K UP.... |
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
yup, great idea. Now just turn off your electricity and park your car, quit using any plastics,none of most types of glue, and purchase all fresh foods because they cannot strelize them. If you are anything but a farmer, get ready to starve because they won't be able to transport groceries. BP produces 40% of the oil in the US. ![]() NYC has approximately 24 hours worth of food on the shelves. What ahppens if there is no transportation for a couple weeks? |
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
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Fri 06/18/10 08:06 PM
Fighting a F$$$$$$$ing loosing battle!!!!!! Sorry Im tierd and MANY PEOPLE HERE have put alot time and money into protecting our coast!!!
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
yup, great idea. Now just turn off your electricity and park your car, quit using any plastics,none of most types of glue, and purchase all fresh foods because they cannot strelize them. If you are anything but a farmer, get ready to starve because they won't be able to transport groceries. BP produces 40% of the oil in the US. ![]() NYC has approximately 24 hours worth of food on the shelves. What ahppens if there is no transportation for a couple weeks? |
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
Run them out of the Gulf and LET AMERICAN COMPANIES DRILL!!!!
Let them F..up their own coast!!!! Hey $6 a gal. is coming...GET READY!!!!! I am!!! |
WTF BP???? The Atantis Rig
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Fri 06/18/10 07:46 PM
Just watching Anderson Cooper and there's a story of another rig,the Atlantis, that puts out 5 TIMES the amount of oil Deep Water Horizon did and HAS MAJOR PROBLEMS!!!! This rig is huge!!!!!
Its time to shut BP DOWN!!!!!! They have over 200 rigs in the Gulf!!! |
So how much money...
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Fri 06/18/10 01:33 PM
All BP stations are Independently owned. The stations, the distributors,the truckers are all independent contractors. Boycotting them especially in the Gulf states only hurts the people there more.
They will just send the gas elsewhere to sell.... Its a no win situation!!!!!! They are in about everything we use from plastics to lipsticks |
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Fri 06/18/10 01:32 PM
I wonder how the poll would look if they took it in New Orleans,,,, interesting numbers though,,,,,,still dont know of any deaths from the oil spill but time will tell,, I don't have to wonder about that ... my family and friends who still live there say that he's despised by at least 90 per cent of the state - including New Orleans ... Give him time - he'll find a way to blame Bush for his own incompetence ... AGAIN COWBOY UP and help out or are you just a political hack who just wants to run his mouth!!!! Florida will be hit as will the east coast of the United States. It doesnt take a degree to see that....LOOK AT THE CURRENTS>>>This goes far beyond Louisiana Florida needs JEB back as CHRIST IS A LAME DUCK RUNNING A CAMPAINE!! (A) Learn to spell. (B) Learn to think. ... Is that a threat ... ? Like you said: Read the rules. I have been flooded 2.5 times in my lifetime by hurricanes and 'training rain' ... I have lived thru Betsy, Camille, Audrey, Ivan, Jacques, Katrina, and Rita ... I know from personal experience what it's like to go thru that and lose everything, so don't come playin' the 'I'm special' game with me, okay ... ? I've been thru it firsthand. I've also been on active duty bringing food and water to places like Port Sulphur, Buras, and other areas hit by Betsy. Is THAT enough to satisfy you? Probably not, but I really don't care. I am not coming late to the party. I"ve LIVED it. You owe me an apology for your little outburst ... Well good. Then do what you have to do. I did. |
Firing Squad
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Fri 06/18/10 11:09 AM
And as O J 'proved' the first time around, we get the 'justice' we can afford. Sure - I bet Rush would be happy to pull the trigger on someone like this, too ... |