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Topic: Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
galendgirl's photo
Sun 10/26/08 02:08 PM

i changed my mind and went for a baked potato - the easy option lol

have u had a good day?? :tongue:

Not bad. Just watching the NASCAR race.


WAIT! I am SO confused... I have always been told that every time you see a NASCAR race your IQ drops a few points. So if that's true, how can you be so great, wise and powerful??? Have I been lied to all my life about racing???

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 10/26/08 02:25 PM

i changed my mind and went for a baked potato - the easy option lol

have u had a good day?? :tongue:

Not bad. Just watching the NASCAR race.


WAIT! I am not confused... I have always been told that every time you see a NASCAR race your IQ drops a few points. So if that's true, how can you be so great, wise and powerful??? Have I been lied to all my life about racing???

I beg to differ. Even though the majority of the races all involve turning left a bunch of times, a person actually becomes smarter when watching NASCAR.

The reason is, people who don't watch and make fun of it, have absolutely no idea of what it takes to wrestle a 3600 pound car, on relatively narrow tires, at 190+ mph around a race track.

Once you watch a couple of times, and see, through the in car cameras, just how much work it is to drive one of those cars, you become smarter than the majority of people that make fun of it without having paid attention to it.

I know there are lots of people out there who'll say " Well I watched the race and it just seemed stupid ". Well..instead of just watching, they should try paying attention to what is going on and what is being said.

If a person isn't a racing fan, then they aren't a fan. If they are a fan, but thinks that Formula One is so much better...they should keep in mind that NASCAR drivers don't have the advantage of having computers and other high tech equipment in the cars with them. They have to drive 500 miles at 190+ mph on basically nothing more than " feel ".

star1972's photo
Sun 10/26/08 02:37 PM

i changed my mind and went for a baked potato - the easy option lol

have u had a good day?? :tongue:

Not bad. Just watching the NASCAR race.


WAIT! I am not confused... I have always been told that every time you see a NASCAR race your IQ drops a few points. So if that's true, how can you be so great, wise and powerful??? Have I been lied to all my life about racing???

I beg to differ. Even though the majority of the races all involve turning left a bunch of times, a person actually becomes smarter when watching NASCAR.

The reason is, people who don't watch and make fun of it, have absolutely no idea of what it takes to wrestle a 3600 pound car, on relatively narrow tires, at 190+ mph around a race track.

Once you watch a couple of times, and see, through the in car cameras, just how much work it is to drive one of those cars, you become smarter than the majority of people that make fun of it without having paid attention to it.

I know there are lots of people out there who'll say " Well I watched the race and it just seemed stupid ". Well..instead of just watching, they should try paying attention to what is going on and what is being said.

If a person isn't a racing fan, then they aren't a fan. If they are a fan, but thinks that Formula One is so much better...they should keep in mind that NASCAR drivers don't have the advantage of having computers and other high tech equipment in the cars with them. They have to drive 500 miles at 190+ mph on basically nothing more than " feel ".

wow do u feel better - now u got that off ur chest :tongue:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 10/26/08 03:14 PM
Kinda. I get rather tired of the folks who think that they know anything about anything when they spout off crap like that.

And no, I wasn't referring to Galendgirl...lol

MsCarmen's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:16 PM
Okay, here's my story before I ask the question. I've been dating guy#1 from on here for about a month and a half. Nothing serious yet.

Guy #2
He is my neighbor, who, 2 years ago showed interest in me and I in him, but he decided not to pursue anything cause he is best friends with my brother and he was worried that if it didn't work out between us, it would ruin their friendship. I was fine with that, and we've remained friends since then. Well, now that he finds out that I'm dating this other guy, he proposes to me to have a FWB. I'm like WTF? Of course I told him no, and haven't had much to do with him since then.

Guy #3
We both started the job on the same day. He was really nice, and I thought it would be cool to go out with him, but I never approached him about it because at that time, I wasn't ready to date anyone yet. So 3 months has gone by and during that time, we see each other every once in a while, and he flirts with me, but he flirts with all of the women. It's all innocent so I never take it seriously. Well, 2 nights ago, he overheard a conversation that I was having with another co-worker about the guy I've been dating. So right as I'm getting ready to leave to go home, he comes up to me, and says to me that he's been interested in me since the day he saw me, and that he knows I'm dating this new guy now, but that he would really like the chance to get to know me better and take me out. I was speechless and dumbfounded, and the only thing I could think to say was I gotta get home and I'll talk to you later. I won't see him again until Tuesday night at work again.

So my question is, why do guys do that? They don't say a thing the entire time I'm "single" and then the minute I start dating someone, that's when they speak up! Why do they wait to say anything and then spring everything on you?

Sorry mine was so long, but you know me, I gotta tell a story behind everything, lol.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:37 PM

Okay, here's my story before I ask the question. I've been dating guy#1 from on here for about a month and a half. Nothing serious yet.

Guy #2
He is my neighbor, who, 2 years ago showed interest in me and I in him, but he decided not to pursue anything cause he is best friends with my brother and he was worried that if it didn't work out between us, it would ruin their friendship. I was fine with that, and we've remained friends since then. Well, now that he finds out that I'm dating this other guy, he proposes to me to have a FWB. I'm like WTF? Of course I told him no, and haven't had much to do with him since then.

Guy #3
We both started the job on the same day. He was really nice, and I thought it would be cool to go out with him, but I never approached him about it because at that time, I wasn't ready to date anyone yet. So 3 months has gone by and during that time, we see each other every once in a while, and he flirts with me, but he flirts with all of the women. It's all innocent so I never take it seriously. Well, 2 nights ago, he overheard a conversation that I was having with another co-worker about the guy I've been dating. So right as I'm getting ready to leave to go home, he comes up to me, and says to me that he's been interested in me since the day he saw me, and that he knows I'm dating this new guy now, but that he would really like the chance to get to know me better and take me out. I was speechless and dumbfounded, and the only thing I could think to say was I gotta get home and I'll talk to you later. I won't see him again until Tuesday night at work again.

So my question is, why do guys do that? They don't say a thing the entire time I'm "single" and then the minute I start dating someone, that's when they speak up! Why do they wait to say anything and then spring everything on you?

Sorry mine was so long, but you know me, I gotta tell a story behind everything, lol.

No worries. I like to have some details before I try to answer something like the question you posed.flowerforyou

Thing is, I can't really say why men do that. I can suggest that it's just a case of needing a kick in the ass ( you dating someone else ) to get them motivated to make a move.

It could also be that, finding out that you are now dating someone makes them realize that approaching you in that way is not as difficult as they have convinced themselves that it is.

It could also be that they suddenly realize that their window of opportunity may be closing pretty quickly.

In any case, I would say " Just be flattered by it ". It's gotta be nice to know that you are so desirable.:thumbsup:

galendgirl's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:45 PM

I beg to differ. Even though the majority of the races all involve turning left a bunch of times, a person actually becomes smarter when watching NASCAR.

The reason is, people who don't watch and make fun of it, have absolutely no idea of what it takes to wrestle a 3600 pound car, on relatively narrow tires, at 190+ mph around a race track.

Once you watch a couple of times, and see, through the in car cameras, just how much work it is to drive one of those cars, you become smarter than the majority of people that make fun of it without having paid attention to it.

I know there are lots of people out there who'll say " Well I watched the race and it just seemed stupid ". Well..instead of just watching, they should try paying attention to what is going on and what is being said.

If a person isn't a racing fan, then they aren't a fan. If they are a fan, but thinks that Formula One is so much better...they should keep in mind that NASCAR drivers don't have the advantage of having computers and other high tech equipment in the cars with them. They have to drive 500 miles at 190+ mph on basically nothing more than " feel ".

I was of course...teasing you! Naughty me! flowerforyou

galendgirl's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:46 PM

Kinda. I get rather tired of the folks who think that they know anything about anything when they spout off crap like that.

And no, I wasn't referring to Galendgirl...lol

Oh good...glad you aren't mad! Remember...I was just teasing! Blame it on stomping too many grapes this morning?

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:58 PM

i changed my mind and went for a baked potato - the easy option lol

have u had a good day?? :tongue:

Not bad. Just watching the NASCAR race.


WAIT! I am not confused... I have always been told that every time you see a NASCAR race your IQ drops a few points. So if that's true, how can you be so great, wise and powerful??? Have I been lied to all my life about racing???

I beg to differ. Even though the majority of the races all involve turning left a bunch of times, a person actually becomes smarter when watching NASCAR.

The reason is, people who don't watch and make fun of it, have absolutely no idea of what it takes to wrestle a 3600 pound car, on relatively narrow tires, at 190+ mph around a race track.

Once you watch a couple of times, and see, through the in car cameras, just how much work it is to drive one of those cars, you become smarter than the majority of people that make fun of it without having paid attention to it.

I know there are lots of people out there who'll say " Well I watched the race and it just seemed stupid ". Well..instead of just watching, they should try paying attention to what is going on and what is being said.

If a person isn't a racing fan, then they aren't a fan. If they are a fan, but thinks that Formula One is so much better...they should keep in mind that NASCAR drivers don't have the advantage of having computers and other high tech equipment in the cars with them. They have to drive 500 miles at 190+ mph on basically nothing more than " feel ".

I have to agree with JustAGuy

There are also road course races in NASCAR, so this gives the right-turning brain a workout as well.

In a similar incident, both halves of my brain increased when (in about 1990) the engine of my (then) 1975 Corvette blew up when I was out driving it to whisk the water off the paint job (since I had just washed i.) I spent the next year researching car parts (I knew zero about internal combustion engines at the time...). After consulting nearly every mechanic and hot-rodder in a 100 mile radius, subscribing to about 7 or 8 Corvette and hot-rod magazines, I finally was able to test drive my new 550 horse power engine.


Blue flames were blasting our from underneath the car as I drove it to the gas station to fill it up with gas. We had just finished installing the engine, and (well) somehow didn't attach the exhuast pipes to the headers just yet. The headers just came off of the engine, and dropped to the sides of the engine. It was loud as F__K...

I took it up onto the freeway, then to the gas station, then back home... OMG... My entire body was trembling... like in one big drivable orgasm... hahahahah

Later, when I would give people rides in my 'Vette, many were simply too damn scared to ride with me... numerous people told me they would never ride with me again...

At about 3,000rpm's on the tachometer, it would glue you to the seat if I punched it in first gear. I built the engine to achieve 7,000rpm's max, and I saw that post on the tach in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear, but never in 4th gear. A smart-ass in a whimpy Porsche wanted to tangle with me one time on the freeway, he had been tail gating me at 90mph, so I figured he wanted to run 'em... so... when the traffic cleared, I dropped it into 2nd gear at about 60mph and punched it... the freaking engine came alive like a NASCAR series racer... haha...

I shifted into 3rd and didn't let up, and then into 4th... by this time, the Porsche was pretty far back in the lanes... he tried to keep up for a few seconds, but I just blew him away... so much for German engineering... nothing a little "good ol' boy" engineering can't blow away with a flick of the accelerator...

When I looked down at the tach, my engine was still building horse power big time, and the tach was registering 5,000rpm of a total of 7,000rpm... and the speedometer was measuring just 145mph. Top speed (mathematically) possible with this car was 168mph. I never saw more than 5,000 on the tach before running out of room. By this time, the Porsche was like a mile behind me, and I ran out of open lanes, so I let off the gas.

Then I just pulled over and puttered back to the speed limit.

In a couple minutes, the Porsche caught up to me, and passed me on the inside lane, a fairly yuppie looking dude pulled up along side of me, beeped his horn and gave me the thumbs up. I thought that was pretty cool.

Kind of a guy-thing I suppose but my adrenalin was pumping... haha... never had anyone beat me on the freeway when I was in that car. Lot's of folks tried with all kinds of Fords, Chevies, Mopars, and all types of vehicles, but it was a champ until I retired it to the driveway.

I guess I am now stupider, according to what some say about engines and IQ.... ???


Might not seem like much of an accomplishment to some, but to a simple fella like myself, it was a pretty good learning experience. Learning = Getting smarter, so I have to agree with JustAGuy...

Racing makes one smarter.

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:00 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Sun 10/26/08 07:09 PM

Okay, here's my story before I ask the question. I've been dating guy#1 from on here for about a month and a half. Nothing serious yet.

Guy #2
He is my neighbor, who, 2 years ago showed interest in me and I in him, but he decided not to pursue anything cause he is best friends with my brother and he was worried that if it didn't work out between us, it would ruin their friendship. I was fine with that, and we've remained friends since then. Well, now that he finds out that I'm dating this other guy, he proposes to me to have a FWB. I'm like WTF? Of course I told him no, and haven't had much to do with him since then.

Guy #3
We both started the job on the same day. He was really nice, and I thought it would be cool to go out with him, but I never approached him about it because at that time, I wasn't ready to date anyone yet. So 3 months has gone by and during that time, we see each other every once in a while, and he flirts with me, but he flirts with all of the women. It's all innocent so I never take it seriously. Well, 2 nights ago, he overheard a conversation that I was having with another co-worker about the guy I've been dating. So right as I'm getting ready to leave to go home, he comes up to me, and says to me that he's been interested in me since the day he saw me, and that he knows I'm dating this new guy now, but that he would really like the chance to get to know me better and take me out. I was speechless and dumbfounded, and the only thing I could think to say was I gotta get home and I'll talk to you later. I won't see him again until Tuesday night at work again.

So my question is, why do guys do that? They don't say a thing the entire time I'm "single" and then the minute I start dating someone, that's when they speak up! Why do they wait to say anything and then spring everything on you?

Sorry mine was so long, but you know me, I gotta tell a story behind everything, lol.

Jeez... I hope you don't mess with Guy 2 OR Guy 3.... they are both losers/whimps who can't speak up when they need to. If they honestly gave a crap, they would have been honest off the bat, had a pair, and asked you out...

In so doing as they have, they are like silly little puppies who are rolling onto their back and peeing on the floor to submit to you... yick.... not very attractive from where I am sitting... LOL.


no no no no no no no no no, (x's a million no's) to # 3.....

Been there, done that... totally sucked...

galendgirl's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:01 PM

Racing makes one smarter.

My two favorite guys on this thread and you BOTH are clearly much smarter than me, cuz all this racing talk makes my eyes glaze over...

Luvs to ya both, though!
:heart: :heart:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:42 PM

i changed my mind and went for a baked potato - the easy option lol

have u had a good day?? :tongue:

Not bad. Just watching the NASCAR race.


WAIT! I am not confused... I have always been told that every time you see a NASCAR race your IQ drops a few points. So if that's true, how can you be so great, wise and powerful??? Have I been lied to all my life about racing???

I beg to differ. Even though the majority of the races all involve turning left a bunch of times, a person actually becomes smarter when watching NASCAR.

The reason is, people who don't watch and make fun of it, have absolutely no idea of what it takes to wrestle a 3600 pound car, on relatively narrow tires, at 190+ mph around a race track.

Once you watch a couple of times, and see, through the in car cameras, just how much work it is to drive one of those cars, you become smarter than the majority of people that make fun of it without having paid attention to it.

I know there are lots of people out there who'll say " Well I watched the race and it just seemed stupid ". Well..instead of just watching, they should try paying attention to what is going on and what is being said.

If a person isn't a racing fan, then they aren't a fan. If they are a fan, but thinks that Formula One is so much better...they should keep in mind that NASCAR drivers don't have the advantage of having computers and other high tech equipment in the cars with them. They have to drive 500 miles at 190+ mph on basically nothing more than " feel ".

I have to agree with JustAGuy

There are also road course races in NASCAR, so this gives the right-turning brain a workout as well.

In a similar incident, both halves of my brain increased when (in about 1990) the engine of my (then) 1975 Corvette blew up when I was out driving it to whisk the water off the paint job (since I had just washed i.) I spent the next year researching car parts (I knew zero about internal combustion engines at the time...). After consulting nearly every mechanic and hot-rodder in a 100 mile radius, subscribing to about 7 or 8 Corvette and hot-rod magazines, I finally was able to test drive my new 550 horse power engine.


Blue flames were blasting our from underneath the car as I drove it to the gas station to fill it up with gas. We had just finished installing the engine, and (well) somehow didn't attach the exhuast pipes to the headers just yet. The headers just came off of the engine, and dropped to the sides of the engine. It was loud as F__K...

I took it up onto the freeway, then to the gas station, then back home... OMG... My entire body was trembling... like in one big drivable orgasm... hahahahah

Later, when I would give people rides in my 'Vette, many were simply too damn scared to ride with me... numerous people told me they would never ride with me again...

At about 3,000rpm's on the tachometer, it would glue you to the seat if I punched it in first gear. I built the engine to achieve 7,000rpm's max, and I saw that post on the tach in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear, but never in 4th gear. A smart-ass in a whimpy Porsche wanted to tangle with me one time on the freeway, he had been tail gating me at 90mph, so I figured he wanted to run 'em... so... when the traffic cleared, I dropped it into 2nd gear at about 60mph and punched it... the freaking engine came alive like a NASCAR series racer... haha...

I shifted into 3rd and didn't let up, and then into 4th... by this time, the Porsche was pretty far back in the lanes... he tried to keep up for a few seconds, but I just blew him away... so much for German engineering... nothing a little "good ol' boy" engineering can't blow away with a flick of the accelerator...

When I looked down at the tach, my engine was still building horse power big time, and the tach was registering 5,000rpm of a total of 7,000rpm... and the speedometer was measuring just 145mph. Top speed (mathematically) possible with this car was 168mph. I never saw more than 5,000 on the tach before running out of room. By this time, the Porsche was like a mile behind me, and I ran out of open lanes, so I let off the gas.

Then I just pulled over and puttered back to the speed limit.

In a couple minutes, the Porsche caught up to me, and passed me on the inside lane, a fairly yuppie looking dude pulled up along side of me, beeped his horn and gave me the thumbs up. I thought that was pretty cool.

Kind of a guy-thing I suppose but my adrenalin was pumping... haha... never had anyone beat me on the freeway when I was in that car. Lot's of folks tried with all kinds of Fords, Chevies, Mopars, and all types of vehicles, but it was a champ until I retired it to the driveway.

I guess I am now stupider, according to what some say about engines and IQ.... ???


Might not seem like much of an accomplishment to some, but to a simple fella like myself, it was a pretty good learning experience. Learning = Getting smarter, so I have to agree with JustAGuy...

Racing makes one smarter.

: hears the echoes of the Tim Taylor grunt :

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 10/26/08 11:36 PM
Ok folks. It's that time again.

You all are slipping a bit. We need more questions!!! lol

Thanks again to everyone who posted here and in the last thread. :-)

As we always say...

Don't ask just any guy. Ask JustAGuy

Sleep well everyone.

TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 10/27/08 12:44 AM

i changed my mind and went for a baked potato - the easy option lol

have u had a good day?? :tongue:

Not bad. Just watching the NASCAR race.


WAIT! I am not confused... I have always been told that every time you see a NASCAR race your IQ drops a few points. So if that's true, how can you be so great, wise and powerful??? Have I been lied to all my life about racing???

I beg to differ. Even though the majority of the races all involve turning left a bunch of times, a person actually becomes smarter when watching NASCAR.

The reason is, people who don't watch and make fun of it, have absolutely no idea of what it takes to wrestle a 3600 pound car, on relatively narrow tires, at 190+ mph around a race track.

Once you watch a couple of times, and see, through the in car cameras, just how much work it is to drive one of those cars, you become smarter than the majority of people that make fun of it without having paid attention to it.

I know there are lots of people out there who'll say " Well I watched the race and it just seemed stupid ". Well..instead of just watching, they should try paying attention to what is going on and what is being said.

If a person isn't a racing fan, then they aren't a fan. If they are a fan, but thinks that Formula One is so much better...they should keep in mind that NASCAR drivers don't have the advantage of having computers and other high tech equipment in the cars with them. They have to drive 500 miles at 190+ mph on basically nothing more than " feel ".

I have to agree with JustAGuy

There are also road course races in NASCAR, so this gives the right-turning brain a workout as well.

In a similar incident, both halves of my brain increased when (in about 1990) the engine of my (then) 1975 Corvette blew up when I was out driving it to whisk the water off the paint job (since I had just washed i.) I spent the next year researching car parts (I knew zero about internal combustion engines at the time...). After consulting nearly every mechanic and hot-rodder in a 100 mile radius, subscribing to about 7 or 8 Corvette and hot-rod magazines, I finally was able to test drive my new 550 horse power engine.


Blue flames were blasting our from underneath the car as I drove it to the gas station to fill it up with gas. We had just finished installing the engine, and (well) somehow didn't attach the exhuast pipes to the headers just yet. The headers just came off of the engine, and dropped to the sides of the engine. It was loud as F__K...

I took it up onto the freeway, then to the gas station, then back home... OMG... My entire body was trembling... like in one big drivable orgasm... hahahahah

Later, when I would give people rides in my 'Vette, many were simply too damn scared to ride with me... numerous people told me they would never ride with me again...

At about 3,000rpm's on the tachometer, it would glue you to the seat if I punched it in first gear. I built the engine to achieve 7,000rpm's max, and I saw that post on the tach in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear, but never in 4th gear. A smart-ass in a whimpy Porsche wanted to tangle with me one time on the freeway, he had been tail gating me at 90mph, so I figured he wanted to run 'em... so... when the traffic cleared, I dropped it into 2nd gear at about 60mph and punched it... the freaking engine came alive like a NASCAR series racer... haha...

I shifted into 3rd and didn't let up, and then into 4th... by this time, the Porsche was pretty far back in the lanes... he tried to keep up for a few seconds, but I just blew him away... so much for German engineering... nothing a little "good ol' boy" engineering can't blow away with a flick of the accelerator...

When I looked down at the tach, my engine was still building horse power big time, and the tach was registering 5,000rpm of a total of 7,000rpm... and the speedometer was measuring just 145mph. Top speed (mathematically) possible with this car was 168mph. I never saw more than 5,000 on the tach before running out of room. By this time, the Porsche was like a mile behind me, and I ran out of open lanes, so I let off the gas.

Then I just pulled over and puttered back to the speed limit.

In a couple minutes, the Porsche caught up to me, and passed me on the inside lane, a fairly yuppie looking dude pulled up along side of me, beeped his horn and gave me the thumbs up. I thought that was pretty cool.

Kind of a guy-thing I suppose but my adrenalin was pumping... haha... never had anyone beat me on the freeway when I was in that car. Lot's of folks tried with all kinds of Fords, Chevies, Mopars, and all types of vehicles, but it was a champ until I retired it to the driveway.

I guess I am now stupider, according to what some say about engines and IQ.... ???


Might not seem like much of an accomplishment to some, but to a simple fella like myself, it was a pretty good learning experience. Learning = Getting smarter, so I have to agree with JustAGuy...

Racing makes one smarter.

: hears the echoes of the Tim Taylor grunt :

"unk unk unk unk"

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 10/27/08 08:41 AM
Something like that....lol

JustAGuysBro's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:35 AM

Boooooo Hisssssss.......flowerforyou

Uh huh. Sorry...I just can't bring myself to root for the Suckeyes.

Bad enough that Michigan got beat by State today....but no WAY am I gonna root for Ohio State....lol

Anyone know why all the trees in Michigan lean south??

Because Ohio SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

star1972's photo
Mon 10/27/08 12:18 PM
so todays question...........i'm going to London tomorrow.....what shall i do to pass the time on the train?????

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 02:13 PM

Boooooo Hisssssss.......flowerforyou

Uh huh. Sorry...I just can't bring myself to root for the Suckeyes.

Bad enough that Michigan got beat by State today....but no WAY am I gonna root for Ohio State....lol

Anyone know why all the trees in Michigan lean south??

Because Ohio SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone told me it was because Michigan blows.....but ok.
Oh and I'm a good sport....just saying. No need to yell silly things at this Buckeye fan. I just enjoy the fun of a good ole' rivalry.

carolanne58's photo
Mon 10/27/08 03:15 PM
Jeff Gordon fan here!

Justaguy I've decided to give up trying to find the sock monster and decided to buy new socks it's cheaper then therapy!

TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:53 PM
OK, here's one JustAGuy.

Why do I jump into relationships way too fast, why am I so emotion-starved and needy and lonely, and why is it every time I do, I end up driving the woman away? I also never end up with friends, just someone who doesn't want anything to do with me. Mostly because I wanted to fall in love before it was even time. (what a dumbass...)

(it may be that background information may be needed here in order to fully explain the entire question...)

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