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Topic: What do you think of Gay Marriage ?
RKISIT's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:14 PM

remember god created adam and eve,not adam and stevelaugh laugh laugh jk ,im not religious

sez who? Animals have been known to display homosexual behavior too..so its not like homosexuality isnt normal...
i had a dog who was male and he always tried to hump my friends dog who was a male too.i mean we almost had to use a 2x4 to get them seperatedlaugh laugh laugh

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:18 PM

I'm not sure there's a way to debate this issue without also debating homosexuality itself (i.e., whether it is a "choice" or not), which can get very heated and emotional and may result in hurt feelings or name calling.

Most of the time, it is not a 'choice' Look at the valid research! It is not a choice. There are some women (very small percentage) who have been severely abused by men and refuse to be in a relationship with a man. Homosexuality is not a choice. As a heterosexual, have you been asked why you are a heterosexual or been told its a choice.

Tromette's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:19 PM
And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right?

blackxbird's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:21 PM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right?


blackxbird's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:22 PM

I'm not sure there's a way to debate this issue without also debating homosexuality itself (i.e., whether it is a "choice" or not), which can get very heated and emotional and may result in hurt feelings or name calling.

Most of the time, it is not a 'choice' Look at the valid research! It is not a choice. There are some women (very small percentage) who have been severely abused by men and refuse to be in a relationship with a man. Homosexuality is not a choice. As a heterosexual, have you been asked why you are a heterosexual or been told its a choice.

LOL, I'm not getting into this argument. My belief is that is not a choice.waving

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:23 PM

one research article that looks at genetics in a twin study dealing with sexuality.

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:23 PM

California is dealing with this issue and it's on the ballot if Gays should be allowed to marry.

A few years ago, the voters said no, however the courts overturned it based on constitutional rights...) Per the Constitution ( A person cannot be prevented from the pursuit happiness...as long as it's legal).

I agree with that....therefore I'd have to support, Gay Marriage.

What are your thoughts ???

They should absolutely be able to get married just like anyone else.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:25 PM

I'm not sure there's a way to debate this issue without also debating homosexuality itself (i.e., whether it is a "choice" or not), which can get very heated and emotional and may result in hurt feelings or name calling.

Most of the time, it is not a 'choice' Look at the valid research! It is not a choice. There are some women (very small percentage) who have been severely abused by men and refuse to be in a relationship with a man. Homosexuality is not a choice. As a heterosexual, have you been asked why you are a heterosexual or been told its a choice.

LOL, I'm not getting into this argument. My belief is that is not a choice.waving

ok not a problem, but why bring it up? Cause I am on a roll and that just sent me off finding research laugh

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:25 PM

California is dealing with this issue and it's on the ballot if Gays should be allowed to marry.

A few years ago, the voters said no, however the courts overturned it based on constitutional rights...) Per the Constitution ( A person cannot be prevented from the pursuit happiness...as long as it's legal).

I agree with that....therefore I'd have to support, Gay Marriage.

What are your thoughts ???

They should absolutely be able to get married just like anyone else.


oldsage's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:26 PM
None of my business.
Everyone deserves the same rights, churches may refuse on religious basis.
But legal ceremonies have been done for years.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:27 PM

Known of my business.
Everyone deserves the same rights, churches may refuse on religious basis.
But legal ceremonies have been done for years.


no photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:28 PM
I support it! If one set of people have the right to get marry then Everyone should be able to.

Jill298's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:36 PM

Schools shouldn't be teaching it at all. Gay and gay marriage is a religious issue. Schools shouldn't get involved in religious issues.

how about when a toronto high school teacher was beaten to death, by toronto high school students for the sole reason his being a gay man?

how about when adolescents are questioning their own sexual identities and may have discovered that they are gay and/or lesbian and are depressed and/or agonizing?

isn't it the duty of the school to ensure that all students are treated equally, fairly, without contempt and to help instill in them a great sense of self-esteem, value and worth?

Yes, it's the duty of the school to make sure these kids are safe. However, it is not the duty of the school to tell my son or daughter that "gay marriage" is ok. What really matters is what these kids are being taught at home.

Schools aren't going to say it ok, but just that it exists... what about those children that have same sex parents that feel like they are different because they dont have a mom or a dad... why is it wrong to explain that someone parents are the same sex. Why inform children about what is out in the world? Instead to completely sheltering them. My son is exposed to a long of things within his comprehension. He goes to my BGLAS (bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and allies in social work) meetings, where he is around individual of different orientations. Social issues are discussed. Why can't children be given all the information?
Why does the school have to have anything to do with it? You'll never get all of the teachers to agree on whats right or wrong... so how do you expect the students to?

blackxbird's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:36 PM

I'm not sure there's a way to debate this issue without also debating homosexuality itself (i.e., whether it is a "choice" or not), which can get very heated and emotional and may result in hurt feelings or name calling.

Most of the time, it is not a 'choice' Look at the valid research! It is not a choice. There are some women (very small percentage) who have been severely abused by men and refuse to be in a relationship with a man. Homosexuality is not a choice. As a heterosexual, have you been asked why you are a heterosexual or been told its a choice.

LOL, I'm not getting into this argument. My belief is that is not a choice.waving

ok not a problem, but why bring it up? Cause I am on a roll and that just sent me off finding research laugh

I just brought it up because I *don't* think there is a way to debate this without bringing it up... because a lot of people believe that homosexuality is a choice, and therefor, if they can change their behavior, it's not discrimination. Or something. I believe that it's not a choice, and I am personally bisexual... I can't help who I am sexually attracted to. So... yeah.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:39 PM

Why does the school have to have anything to do with it? You'll never get all of the teachers to agree on whats right or wrong... so how do you expect the students to?

In the schools, it not about it being right or wrong, its about it being a part of children's lives. Are you going to tell a child they can't go to school because their parent's are a same-sex couple? It isn't about be right or wrong, its about it be a part of what the world is.

Jill298's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:39 PM
I don't think it's a choice... therefore I think they deserve the same rights. To not get bashed because of who they date. To have all the same legal rights and protection.

Jill298's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:41 PM
They have about as much choice in being gay as I do as being straight. I'm attracted to who I'm attracted to. Period.

Tromette's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:42 PM
What are guys on a single site complaining about gays for? If all of those hot gay guys were straight, you'd even have less of a chance of finding a date.

Jill298's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:44 PM

What are guys on a single site complaining about gays for? If all of those hot gay guys were straight, you'd even have less of a chance of finding a date.
laugh laugh sooo true. Gay guys are hot love

Jess642's photo
Thu 10/16/08 01:44 PM
A close female friend of mine's mother told me, that if her daughter is still unmarried at 40... I have to marry her..noway laugh laugh

And I am starting to think a celibate partnership with a woman is looking pretty good.:wink:

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