Topic: The oldest bible has contradictions!! | |
Abra......doll face baby cakes you are rejecting my such a blatant nasty way. Say the following:
I'm rejecting a totally arrogant and ignorant male-chauvanistic picture of a manmade god who asks people to stone each other to death and to mass murder anyone who doesn't bow down and worship him. Now let's examine just this one....this is how you view MY GOD......for shame......because I do not look at God that way at all....I see him as a God with patience and a people as rebellious as they could be and who would not listen and just like most did things there way....Your taking old time text and applying it where it fits your rant....sorry sweets just doesn't work that way So yes you are rejecting a God you don't know. I CHOOSE TO WORSHIP GOD, CHRIST AND USE THE BIBLE AS A REFERENCE FOR MY LIFE.....don't like oh well get over it..... And where once have I ever said the nasty statement to you worshiping your trees, animals, goddesses, so please give me a break. |
God doesn't let awful things happen ... I don't usually jump into these types of conversations, but this is a beautifully concise example of the reason behind my own disbelief in a "One True God".
1) God has the ability to stop awful things from happening 2) God does not do so. If both of those statements are true, then god does, in fact, "let awful things happen". So which one of those 2 statements is false? All things happen for a might not see it for a day, a month, a year, 10 years, 20 years, etc. God has a purpose for everything that happens..... |
relax feral. its his right to disapprove of god if he wants to in any way he wants to, just like its your right to think were ignorant to your god. i know god, spent alot of years with him etc. im not ignorant to him,i just choose to deny his existence. dont get too preachy on abra, hes just doing how he feels as are we all. if you take it personally might it be because some days you doubt your heavenly father's presence? and maybe abra's statements rattle your faith a little bit even?
Edited by
Tue 10/07/08 06:49 PM
God doesn't let awful things happen ... I don't usually jump into these types of conversations, but this is a beautifully concise example of the reason behind my own disbelief in a "One True God".
1) God has the ability to stop awful things from happening 2) God does not do so. If both of those statements are true, then god does, in fact, "let awful things happen". So which one of those 2 statements is false? |
relax feral. its his right to disapprove of god if he wants to in any way he wants to, just like its your right to think were ignorant to your god. i know god, spent alot of years with him etc. im not ignorant to him,i just choose to deny his existence. dont get too preachy on abra, hes just doing how he feels as are we all. if you take it personally might it be because some days you doubt your heavenly father's presence? and maybe abra's statements rattle your faith a little bit even? This is true....but gives him no right to bash...I don't say that about his god now do I. and please I have been dealing with abra for a very very long time...I disagree with him on everything....but no greater respect for a human being then for that one. And not ever ever ever do I doubt the Father God......or his presence or anything that he does in my life. |
well youve seen some friggin miracles,lol.
whod he cure? what burning bush was it? ive never eevr seen someone with perfect faith in god. |
God doesn't let awful things happen people do....then they blame God.....And if you want to blame anyone then blame satan...because the weak people are the ones he preys on.. And again jmo. How does one answer this? This is just twisted. Disease, starvation, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, airplane, car and train accidents, a little child falling down a well... all of these are the result of actions of bad people? Please tell me, what evil has a 5 year old child committed to deserve the suffering of leukemia? Starvation is not god's fault? Do you thank god before a meal for the food on your table? If so, why?? He did not put it there. If you say "Thank the lord for this food", you are stating that he had responsibility in putting it there. Therefore, if he gives food to you, why does he withhold it from others? If you think he does not withhold it from others, then you better not thank him for the food you have. Another way to think of it is this way. You might say "Praise the lord that those 80 people survived that plane crash." But you don't blame the lord for those 200 people died in the plane crash... Believers are more than happy to praise their god during the good events, yet they never blame him for the bad. |
God doesn't let awful things happen people do....then they blame God.....And if you want to blame anyone then blame satan...because the weak people are the ones he preys on.. And again jmo. How does one answer this? This is just twisted. Disease, starvation, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, airplane, car and train accidents, a little child falling down a well... all of these are the result of actions of bad people? Please tell me, what evil has a 5 year old child committed to deserve the suffering of leukemia? Starvation is not god's fault? Do you thank god before a meal for the food on your table? If so, why?? He did not put it there. If you say "Thank the lord for this food", you are stating that he had responsibility in putting it there. Therefore, if he gives food to you, why does he withhold it from others? If you think he does not withhold it from others, then you better not thank him for the food you have. Another way to think of it is this way. You might say "Praise the lord that those 80 people survived that plane crash." But you don't blame the lord for those 200 people died in the plane crash... Believers are more than happy to praise their god during the good events, yet they never blame him for the bad. gd right. its like a parent with a child who does no wrong. then the little bastard goes nuts and does domething insane. |
These are the obvious views of a person in the 21st century looking at the Bible as the sole source of Christain reality (unfortunately like so may suppoed Christans) . Maybe your view is based upon the precept that all Christians believe that the diety of the old testament is the same being functioning through Jesus in the NT. A trip to the Hammadi Library and reading te secret book of John might alter your view somewhat. I am not sayng it would cause you to believe but it will alter your preception. What other sources of reality do xtians have then, if not the bible? Now you have piqued my interest. |
God doesn't let awful things happen ... I don't usually jump into these types of conversations, but this is a beautifully concise example of the reason behind my own disbelief in a "One True God".
1) God has the ability to stop awful things from happening 2) God does not do so. If both of those statements are true, then god does, in fact, "let awful things happen". So which one of those 2 statements is false? god works in mysterious ways. In other words .. "I dont know, I cant find an answer, so I wont answer" Standard response from Feral; someone who doesnt have a clue why they follow a lie. |
God doesn't let awful things happen ... I don't usually jump into these types of conversations, but this is a beautifully concise example of the reason behind my own disbelief in a "One True God".
1) God has the ability to stop awful things from happening 2) God does not do so. If both of those statements are true, then god does, in fact, "let awful things happen". So which one of those 2 statements is false? god works in mysterious ways. In other words .. "I dont know, I cant find an answer, so I wont answer" Standard response from Feral; someone who doesnt have a clue why they follow a lie. now its not a GOOD answer but its her answer. no need to be ahrsh about it,lol. |
Even the bible itself states, that there would not be enough books in the world, to contain all the miracles and good works and all that happened.... However the bible ALSO states, that any who add or take away from this book.... Remember reading that part,Belushi? ( In Revelations..I 'll let you find it). The Bible ( the Divinely Inspired Word of God) has survived (and not all these other writings)for a reason.... Think Belushi... There are NO Contradictions in God's Word. EVERY Question has a Answer, IF You take the Time to Study and Rightly Divide the Word of God. God Makes NO Mistakes in His Word. Man just makes mistakes INTERPRETING God's Word. God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to WATCH OVER His WORD !!!! God is the WORD. Be Blessed Now... if every question has an answer why does god let atrocities be committed in his name? He doesn't. God is not mocked - as one reaps, so shall they sow. The consequences are put into motion on every atrocity - and at some point in time, all will give account for what they've done. |
Feral wrote:
...I don't say that about his god now do I. This whole idea of "my god versus your god" has been the nemesis of Biblical based religions from the get go. There is no such thing as "my God" and "your God" Feral. Either there is a creator or there isn't. If there is a creator than that creator is 'god' to all of us! As a human being I have every right to bash a piece of literature that claims that the creator of this universe is a lame egotistical pig who's greatest desire is to reign over his own creation as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That's a manmade egotistical dream of overly arrogant men. If the creator of reality is that pathetic Debbie, then I truly don't care about anything. That would be much worse than atheism IMHO. I'd rather there be no god at all then have a creator how's hung up on being worshiped to the point where he casts everyone into hell who doesn't bow down to his over-inflated ego. When discussing religion in general anyone should have the right to say why they don't believe in a particular picture of god. I reject the biblical picture of god on many counts, and one of them most certainly is because I don't believe that the creator of this universe is as lame as the Bible portrays. That's a valid view. You want to call that 'bashing your god' be my guest. But I'm stating this about my creator too!!! I believe the Bible is an insult to any supreme intelligence. There is nothing supremely intelligent about it. The god of the Bible solves all of it's problems using violence including having its own son nailed to a pole. I don't believe that any all-wise, all-loving, all-intelligent creator that could be responsible for having created this vast universe would be that utterly stupid. That's a VALID view! If you disagree with it then you should be able to present an argument of why the view makes sense. But you can't. So you resort to crying foul. But there is no foul. It is my HONEST opinion that the Biblical picture of God is an extremely unintelligent picture of a supposedly all-wise, all-intelligent being. Therefore my logical conclusion is that the picture must be wrong. Of course, I have a myriad of other reasons to reject the picture as well: It's too identical to all other manmade myths of gods who need to be appeased by blood sacrifices. Why would the real creator of the universe just accidentally happen to be like all the other fairytales that men made up? It's full of contradictions, and self-inconsistencies. It's clearly been propagated by organized crusades, brutal force, and the burning of innocent victims at stakes. This religion isn't supported by any God. If it came from any being at all, it came straight from hell (as if there is such a place) It's a picture of a God who threatens that you must either love it or suffer its wrath. There is nothing loving, or benevolent about that kind of behavior at all. This is a picture of Adolph Hitler as the ultimate chief of the universe. You try to focus on Jesus. But Jesus was only a very small part of the overall religion. In fact, I personally believe that the evidence that men used the rumors of Jesus to prop-up their otherwise dying religion is overwhelming. Jesus was used and abused by the very same people who have you mesmerized with their book. You claim to love Jesus, but in truth you serve the men who abused him for their own religious agendas when you support the Bible. It would be great if Jesus could be ripped out of the Bible and 'saved' for his own sake. I think a lot of people would follow Jesus, just like Buddhists follow Buddha. But as long as Jesus is being used to support the bigotry and hatred of the Old Testament there's no hope to save him. Unfortunately Jesus is nailed to the Old Testament much firmer than he was ever nailed to any cross. Most people simply wouldn't accept him as a man (like Buddha) today. If he can't offer them salvation they want no parts of him. You see Debbie this is where you and I part company! I respect Jesus as a man, you will only respect Jesus if he is God. I believe that Jesus was a victim of the Biblical religious fanatics. From my point of view it is they that you are backing. It has nothing to do with Jesus. I don't reject Jesus at all. Not in the least. In fact I consider him to be one of my heroes. But he wasn't God. At least no more than any of us. In fact, he even said as much if we can believe that any of his words were preserved at all. He said, "Ye are also gods". That's pantheism babe! I truly believe that Jesus was a Buddhist. And history is starting to reveal the fact that many early "Christians" did indeed view him that way. I personally don't beleive in a sick demented God who purposefully sent his son to be butchered on a pole. That's sick. Period. There is nothing good about that at all. |
could it be as simple as believing science and that which is right in our faces? or clinging to a 3000 y/o book full of impossible stories? OR.... Could it be as simple as Believing that science, and quantum mechanics, and quantum physics ... along with great scientific discoveries and great inventions and great technology ,are NO surprise to God.....cause God FIRST came up with it all???!!!!! Let's just Take a look at just one scripture from the Bible...just this one scripture alone for now... and meditate upon it for awhile... and see how much it speaks volumes : Here it is.... "FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of Things HOPED For And the EVIDENCE of Things NOT SEEN...." Hummmmmmm.....think maybe God already knew about Quantum Physics LONG before man did...and in fact, Knows a heck of a lot more about ANYTHING man has discovered ???!!! And maybe just maybe.... if man will take the time (instead of arguing) to look DEEP into the Word of God, he may be surprised to find even Greater and deeper and richer discoveries STILL.......that would boggle the mind ???? A MYTH some call the Bible??? You call GOD's WORD A MYTH???!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! THINK PEOPLE THINK !!!!!!! This Book called the BIBLE is a TREASURE BOOK...FILLED WITH RICHES AND WISDOM AND KNOWLEWDGE AND UNDERSTANDING...and LIFE!!!!!!!! And if you took the time (instead of arguing over it) , to REALLY read it..and ask God to SHOW You HIS Rich TRUTHS and already VAST KNOWN DISCOVERIES in that Book, , it would boggle your mind !!!!! THIS BOOK CALLED THE BIBLE........ ALL ALL ALL ALLLLLLL COMES FROM GOD!!!! GET TO KNOW THE BOOK!!!!! TODAY!!!! |
Edited by
Wed 10/08/08 12:40 AM
. ...having faith isnt proof, every time someone asks for blind faith its proof to Me that they have NO proof... When we Have FAITH to Believe, God GIVES US PROOF!!! How? By Bearing WITNESS with our spirit, thus LETTING US KNOW HE IS REAL!!! God makes Himself REAL to Us, by His Holy Spirit coming in to dwell in our hearts ..and also by CREATING a brand spanking new born again spirit in us..... THAT is WHY we Born again Christians Shout and Proclaim our Faith so....cause we KNOW God is REAL!! I mean....God's Holy Spirit actually came to LIVE in us ...making us new creatures in Christ....old things passed away.....all things made new....see what I am saying, Precious? So That's How We Know..and have this BLESSED is REAL My Friend...REAL!! And that Book called the Bible ( God's Word ) is REAL, TOO!!! |
God doesn't let awful things happen ... I don't usually jump into these types of conversations, but this is a beautifully concise example of the reason behind my own disbelief in a "One True God".
1) God has the ability to stop awful things from happening 2) God does not do so. If both of those statements are true, then god does, in fact, "let awful things happen". So which one of those 2 statements is false? God has to be INVITED... GOD CANNOT AND WILL NOT INTERFERE OR COME AGAINST MANS FREE WILL... or else GOD would be TRESPASSING.... |
Edited by
Wed 10/08/08 01:05 AM
God doesn't let awful things happen ... I don't usually jump into these types of conversations, but this is a beautifully concise example of the reason behind my own disbelief in a "One True God".
1) God has the ability to stop awful things from happening 2) God does not do so. If both of those statements are true, then god does, in fact, "let awful things happen". So which one of those 2 statements is false? God has to be INVITED... GOD CANNOT AND WILL NOT INTERFERE OR COME AGAINST MANS FREE WILL... or else GOD would be TRESPASSING.... Im sure the millions of starving african babies will be so pleased to hear that. Not hundreds, because after all there may be some atheists amongst the starving, and they obviously deserve to die because of their lack of faith ... not hundreds or thousands but f'kin millions!!! How do you justify your god then? Can you have a conscience that when you thank your all-powerful imaginary friend when he puts food on your table, that he witholds it from innocent children dying in 100degF heat with distended bellies due to not having anything to eat ... How the f'k is this god's plan? |
Even the bible itself states, that there would not be enough books in the world, to contain all the miracles and good works and all that happened.... However the bible ALSO states, that any who add or take away from this book.... Remember reading that part,Belushi? ( In Revelations..I 'll let you find it). The Bible ( the Divinely Inspired Word of God) has survived (and not all these other writings)for a reason.... Think Belushi... There are NO Contradictions in God's Word. EVERY Question has a Answer, IF You take the Time to Study and Rightly Divide the Word of God. God Makes NO Mistakes in His Word. Man just makes mistakes INTERPRETING God's Word. God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to WATCH OVER His WORD !!!! God is the WORD. Be Blessed Now... if every question has an answer why does god let atrocities be committed in his name? He doesn't. God is not mocked - as one reaps, so shall they sow. The consequences are put into motion on every atrocity - and at some point in time, all will give account for what they've done. Deuteronomy 7 7:2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: God tells the Israelites to kill, without mercy, all the inhabitants of the land that they conquer. |
Deuteronomy 7 7:2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: God tells the Israelites to kill, without mercy, all the inhabitants of the land that they conquer. Krimsa! Now how can you say this? You obviously havent understood a word that mourningsong has hurled at you. I dont know Some people. |
Edited by
Wed 10/08/08 01:23 AM
God is a vindictive ass. Or maybe its man with an agenda to scare the crap out of people. You are stuck here between a rock and a hard place. Either you admit that your godhead is not very nice or loving after all or this might have actually been written by very relentlessly driven men for the sole purpose of acquiring monetary compensation, power, and political gain in the region.