Topic: Giving Up smoking I did it so can You
robert1652's photo
Sat 06/07/08 06:41 AM

i quit about 3 years ago,,,,,god i bet they miss th money,,,,,,now if we cn stop buying gas

You could if there was concerted effort
If there was a way to convince the nation for 3 days not to buy Oil based products without people running out, and stock piling and in general not being A$$ holes they will be on their knees I guarantee, the truth is they know there are enough idiots for them not to worry

creationsfire's photo
Sun 06/08/08 09:29 AM
I'm 40 and after subtracting the couple of times I have quit and the three pregnancies I had, I was a smoker for 23.5 years. I just quit again May 1st of this year. Today will make 38 days. I have to take it one day at a time.

While cleaning, twice I have found a cigarette. OH MAN! It was so hard to break it up and throw it away! But I did. I have a stop smoking buddy who has it much worse than I do. He used to smoke near three packs of 20 cigs a day. He is doing better than me.

I still crave, but the crave only lasts as long as it takes to smoke one, so I do deep breathing excersizes and try not to think about it too much. About the only time I really crave is when Im stressed out real bad. Unfortunately, my life is full of stress. But I have done it before and I can do it again.

My reason for quitting??? I was recently diagnosed with COPD. My grandmother is dying of it and I fear suffocation. COPD scared the smokes right out of me. Everytime I want a smoke I think of having to tote oxygen around with me and face waking up at night and suffocating and or having a heart attack.

Thanks robert for starting this thread. I believe it will be a good place for us to uplift and support each other through a very hard process, and that there are so many different ways to quit. Seems there are some basic rules, but the rest is up to the person.

I myself am lazy. I admit it. While I was at school I lost over 60 lbs in two semesters. Two weeks out of school and not smoking I have gained 10 lbs very quickly. So, I know what I have to do but just haven't found my way yet. Right now I just want to fight the smoking battle. I'm not as strong as some people who can work on more than one thing in thier lives.

Good luck to all who are quiting and thank you for the supporters who help us do this one day at a time. This is the one time in my life I am proud to be called a quitter.

robert1652's photo
Tue 06/10/08 12:39 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Tue 06/10/08 12:39 PM
We go a long way Creationsfire
Let me know and any one else I did this alone was painful but it is doable
this is for all of youflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou so many because I know there are so many of you

creationsfire's photo
Fri 06/20/08 08:37 AM
Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou

robert1652's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:59 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
Keep going I am with you all the way

livelife68's photo
Fri 06/20/08 01:10 PM
congratulations to the both of you. Keep going...I quit about 9 years ago. The benefits you recieve later are well worth the cravings you are going through now. Best wishes flowerforyou

creationsfire's photo
Fri 06/20/08 01:55 PM
Thank you for the support. flowerforyou

Snoman1951's photo
Fri 06/20/08 02:04 PM
drinker 10 days explode laugh

robert1652's photo
Sat 06/21/08 12:45 PM

drinker 10 days explode laugh
keep it up you know you need to do it don't you

So you have endured the hard bit wich is the first week
You don't need to go through that pain any longer
any was a packet a day 9x5=45 saved well done
Keep reporting the scopr it makes you feel good

robert1652's photo
Sat 06/21/08 12:47 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
you said you gained some weight
It is easy to loose but I love you with the extra weight no worries there eitherblushing laugh laugh laugh now keep it up you hearflowerforyou

brooke007's photo
Sat 06/21/08 12:48 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

its hard.. im cutting back now and quitting soon
:heart: smokin

no photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:07 PM
C'GRATS and BIGUPS for making it!
and plain old thanks for telling the tale.
Quitting cigarettes is sometimes harder than other addictions.
You completely deserved that cruise and the better health for meeting and beating the challenge. If I had a hat it'd be off to you!

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/21/08 08:13 PM

i quit about 3 years ago,,,,,god i bet they miss th money,,,,,,now if we cn stop buying gas

LOL...YEAH! I'm with yu on the stop buying gas.

I quit ...I used lasar therapy. It only takes one treatment & it's non-invasive.

2 and 1/2 years...not even a puff.

I'm trying to lose weight.... I'm doing clean eating & I joined a gym.

GO Team GO!

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 08:20 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
you said you gained some weight
It is easy to loose but I love you with the extra weight no worries there eitherblushing laugh laugh laugh now keep it up you hearflowerforyou

flirt:tongue: blushing flowerforyou

And good work to those who are doing it !!!!!!!!!! And to those who are working on it! You can do it!

What is lasar therapy? Never heard of it before....

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 06/22/08 05:16 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sun 06/22/08 05:17 AM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
you said you gained some weight
It is easy to loose but I love you with the extra weight no worries there eitherblushing laugh laugh laugh now keep it up you hearflowerforyou

flirt:tongue: blushing flowerforyou

And good work to those who are doing it !!!!!!!!!! And to those who are working on it! You can do it!

What is lasar therapy? Never heard of it before....

Well this is the short of it...

It explains it here...sorry...I was going to do a cut & paste but it won't let me.

Lasar treatment makes contact with the body's various nerve endings & energy points, & you experience a feeling of relaxation & state of well being. It helps to promote the release of specific neurochemicals in the body.

You can read more from the site... :smile:

robert1652's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:22 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
you said you gained some weight
It is easy to loose but I love you with the extra weight no worries there eitherblushing laugh laugh laugh now keep it up you hearflowerforyou

flirt:tongue: blushing flowerforyou

And good work to those who are doing it !!!!!!!!!! And to those who are working on it! You can do it!

What is lasar therapy? Never heard of it before....

Well this is the short of it...

It explains it here...sorry...I was going to do a cut & paste but it won't let me.

Lasar treatment makes contact with the body's various nerve endings & energy points, & you experience a feeling of relaxation & state of well being. It helps to promote the release of specific neurochemicals in the body.

You can read more from the site... :smile:

Thank you for the information
All I will say as a successful quitter I beg to ask the question
Do whatever needed to give up but don't put your trust for acupuncture/laser/hypnotherapy/ buldadash to do the hard work for you . It is a hard journey and needs to be fought but needs to be fought rather than pay someone to do the fighting for you.
Guys stay on your course. No harm done getting extra weapons for the war but think .

robert1652's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:23 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
love your new picture blushing flowerforyou

robert1652's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:25 PM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

its hard.. im cutting back now and quitting soon
:heart: smokin

you can bank on my/our support the child deserves to have you for a bit longer. the sooner you start the better

robert1652's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:30 PM

C'GRATS and BIGUPS for making it!
and plain old thanks for telling the tale.
Quitting cigarettes is sometimes harder than other addictions.
You completely deserved that cruise and the better health for meeting and beating the challenge. If I had a hat it'd be off to you!

Thank you kindly
quitting smoking was not hard quitting the habit was. The addiction is overcome within 3 or 4 weeks. But its the habit . Say the fact that you need a stick in between your fingers when you sit on the couch after dinner or a burning object in your fingers with the coffee you drink . Those are the hard ones to for cigarettes and so on. It is not one habit and therefore so many different aspects to quit
Keep it up

robert1652's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:32 PM

i quit about 3 years ago,,,,,god i bet they miss th money,,,,,,now if we cn stop buying gas

LOL...YEAH! I'm with yu on the stop buying gas.

I quit ...I used lasar therapy. It only takes one treatment & it's non-invasive.

2 and 1/2 years...not even a puff.

I'm trying to lose weight.... I'm doing clean eating & I joined a gym.

GO Team GO!

use whatever works as well as will powerflowerforyou