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Topic: Depression support - part 3
FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:03 AM
Losing one of my dogs, he's in a lot of pain...don't know if he will make it through the night. First tears I've shed in about 10 or so years...:cry:

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:32 AM
I know that is hard to deal with. About a month ago my Schnauzer came up missing who had been with me for five years. I don't know if he passed; was ran over or somebody just took him. I had a little poodle that was ran over a few months before that but still have the spitz. They can be just like kids to ya especially if it is just you and the dog. I hope you comfort in this time of tragedy.

Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:42 AM
my mom had a similar situation when i was about 6........we had a full blooded red chow we named Teddy Bear. Well, about a month after Teddy Bear had her first litter of pups she went missing.....we looked and looked her for two weeks....and we finally found her.....she'd been killed then dumped near the highway over three miles away from our house......we all cried on the way home....:cry: but we still had the runt of the litter who we ironically called Moose. The litter was bulldog/chow mix and he was the only one that looked like the male and you could've fit two of him in the palm of your hand. Needles to say we didn't think he'd live, but he proved us wrong.....in six months he was almost as tall as i was and three times as heavy..........i guess we gave him the right name after all.....laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 05/08/08 11:42 AM
I had a really good last night at work. I got this little sweetheart at work. She is 100 years old. She just turned 100 in April. She has been bedridden for 6 months since the first day she got there. Out of the blue she decides she wants to get up. I asked her, "You sure, hon?" And she said, "Yes". She stayed up a whole hour then decided she wanted to lay back down. But before she did we were all talking to her by the nurses' station. She was smiling ear to ear being around us and she was just chatting away. People like her just make me love my job.:smile:

Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:24 PM
i bet that was really fun for her roy.

Toddo73's photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:09 AM
Please... help me.

Amberdee29045's photo
Fri 05/09/08 06:07 AM

Please... help me.

what's going on? and welcome....

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 01:29 PM

I had a really good last night at work. I got this little sweetheart at work. She is 100 years old. She just turned 100 in April. She has been bedridden for 6 months since the first day she got there. Out of the blue she decides she wants to get up. I asked her, "You sure, hon?" And she said, "Yes". She stayed up a whole hour then decided she wanted to lay back down. But before she did we were all talking to her by the nurses' station. She was smiling ear to ear being around us and she was just chatting away. People like her just make me love my job.:smile:

thats lovely, you sound like a excellent nurse flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 01:29 PM

Losing one of my dogs, he's in a lot of pain...don't know if he will make it through the night. First tears I've shed in about 10 or so years...:cry:

oh no, im so sorry :cry: :cry:

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 01:30 PM
hi everyone,

im doing pretty good,

they changed my sleeping to zolpidem but the 7.5mg isnt working, so im seeing mypyciatrist to hopefully increase it to thr 15mg, other than that im pretty good.

hows everyone??flowerforyou flowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 05/09/08 01:56 PM
I got to see my friend's twins. She said she is still going to take another month off before she comes back to work. She says she feels lighter after she delivered the two girls. They are both 6 pounds a piece. I thought she was just going to keep on getting bigger and bigger.laugh I noticed she seemed to be getting around easier. She seems to be able to deal with their kicking and punching better now that they are born.laugh One of the nurses said she loved being pregnant but for some reason this nurse seems happy to be unpregnant. I have noticed that she seems a lot thinner and walks better now that she doesn't do the duck walk.laugh

creationsfire's photo
Fri 05/09/08 02:14 PM
Toddo73, welcome to the thread. Hope you will come back and share. There isn't always someone here but when we see the posts, we respond. Always one or more of us. My email box is always open if you dont want to post in public.....take care.

Fear, I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a 4 yr old chiyorkie and just got a teacup chiweenie. I don't know what I would do if I lost them. Shed the tears and update if you feel like it. I would like to know if your dog is ok and if not we are all here to comfort you as best we can.

Roy! laugh

Amberdee29045's photo
Fri 05/09/08 07:25 PM
alright you guys know the deal about my stepdad.........he's pushed me to the limit.....pi$$ed me off SO BAD that i smoked a cigarette IN FRONT OF MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna just summarize it......he said mom's been having severe mood swings and that she's mad at the world all the time and that she's even pushed the techs away...........in other words he wanted me to try to sign commitment papers on her......i called the home and talked to the staff and they said she's been just as sweet as ever and that she hasn't had any mood swings or anything.......they got momma to come to the phone and she and i talked.......she's depressed because @sshole won't talk to her, or even be in the same room with her......she's FINALLY realized that he never changed (they were in a relationship before and it ended up the same way, except they didn't marry), she told me if she had a place to go, she'd leave him.......i told her if my disability comes in and i can find a cheap enough place, that she is MORE than welcome to come back.....my mom have had our differences but we've ALWAYS been there for each other

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 05/09/08 08:58 PM
My dog is gone, he is no longer in pain. That was the hardest part hearing him cry, now he doesn't suffer and for that I am alright. Thank you for your support everyone.flowerforyou

Amberdee29045's photo
Fri 05/09/08 09:17 PM

My dog is gone, he is no longer in pain. That was the hardest part hearing him cry, now he doesn't suffer and for that I am alright. Thank you for your support everyone.flowerforyou

dude i'm so sorry, i'm glad you're alright now

Marie55's photo
Sat 05/10/08 11:49 AM
Fear - I am so sorry for your loss. I went through that last year with my dog. It is really hard, but just remember he is not in pain anymore.

Toddo - welcome to the thread - if you want to talk, sent me an e-mail.

Amber - sounds like your stepdad is a real jerk. Good of you to take care of your mom, sounds like she needs some help.

Karen - hope things are going well for you.

Roy - you are on top of things as usual. My dad is in a nursing home and they have a virus/flu going around. I can only be more grateful every day that I have a job that is not in a nursing home, I don't have what it takes. I am glad there are people like you who do that work and care for those folks. I have become attached to some of the nicer folks, but some are really nasty, you probably get that too. Takes a special person to care for people in a nursing home.

I finally got my laptop back from someone I loaned it to, my computer crashed last Wednesday, have been going nuts without it. Talk to you all later, have a good weekend. Take care.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 05/10/08 03:31 PM
Marie, last night was the second night I worked with a male aide. It seemed strange working with another male. Orientating, again. :smile: Fresh meat.laugh He is doing okay. He is a couple years younger than me. We have 12 on our get up list now out of the 30 on our floor. The last wet check which is about 2 hours before we get off shift is like a hustle to get it done. Our rounds we have to do coming on shift and the rounds we have to do going off shift are important. Last night the nurse had to write up 2 aides from the previous shift. One of the aides was her friend and a family member. You have probably heard that blood is thicker than water. It seems that caring is thicker than blood because one's license whether one is a nurse or an aide is dependent upon the state. One of the things I have been questioning is what is more important the rules for the resident or the resident. It is like a grey area. When I was coming in on my off time to visit I was recently told that if I am not on the clock then I should not do care work because of insurance reasons. My argument was that as an aide we are liable whether we are on the clock or not. It is like splitting hairs with the rules sometimes and it seems like sometimes they contradict. I am glad I don't have to be the one in charge and it has advantages to working under someone. Sometimes it seems like some nurses I work for can be nasty but I sure wouldn't their jobs because they are not only liable for themselves but us as well. I never did care much for being the bad guy.laugh It is certainly giving me an appreciation for the nurses. With proper medication the bad guy residents seem to be much nicer. Bad guy aides don't last too long. I know that must seem complicated.laugh But I am finding that is a certin order and reason for things.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 05/10/08 03:33 PM
I have went nuts without my computer, Marie at times. Real life seems more scarier sometimes than virtual life.:smile:

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:21 PM
well, we just had a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE blowup here at the house, and i just told my dad and stepmom about what all my stepfather has been doing with the emails and all....:cry: i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stressed out right now it's not funny

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:27 PM
I am sorry that you are stressed and had to go through the blow up. I am stressed also. My roommate is stressing me way too much.

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