Community > Posts By > livingsingle15
Sarah, you can't blame the guys too much here when you have a hot profile that sends out sexual vibes like that. Guys are visual creatures that can get aroused with a good stiff wind blowing.
Star, sounds like you need a dog, not a cute little ankle bitter, but about 70 pounds of teeth, like I have. One, they keep your feet warm in the winter, because they like to lay on your feet, thus saving on utilities, at least here in Ohio. Plus, lazy thieves, which is what I classify all thieves as lazy, won't risk getting bit over a few oranges. My puppy knows when anyone is close to the house or in the backyard. So the cost of dog food will be offset by the lower utility cost.
Divorce or let it go?
I agree if you are married, hard for forgive, especially when that trust is broken. Been there, had my heart ripped out, tried to forgive, but found she was just stringing me out to hide her assets until she felt she had enough to leave.
But how about if you are just dating and haven't really said you committed to each other but one side thought you were committed but the other wasn't sure and hooked up with another person? Had this happen to me as well, about 7 months into the relationship she hooked up with an old boyfriend, didn't tell me until a few months later. Said it was a one time big mistake, will never happen again. Forgive and forget? |
being alone on christmas
Look at the positive, you don't have to deal with any drama from a bipolar wife during the holidays. If you're single and don't want to be single, its easy to fix. Most single guys I know want the 25 year old playboy model that f.cks all day, but being in their mid-50s and broke from paying child support is not what a playboy model wants. So once you get that thought out of your head, go out and meet people without this pity party of being single and shy. Don't judge a woman because of her looks or size, just talk to her and get to know her as a person first. Again, if you have been single for 10 years, its due to your expectations, unless you've been living at the North Pole for the past ten years.
Being divorce twice makes me an expert on the subject. One, too easy to get married, no test, nothing, just a piece of paper and a ceremony. Truthfully, most divorce couples I know including myself, just got tired of the bull **** of being married to someone that either cheats or only cares for themselves. Or after a few years one or the other decides this isn't the person to grow old with because they turn the volume on the tv too loud (yes, cause of second divorce).
revenge and trust
I would recommend the opposite, get married instead, the love will come later. That's what I always do, and then once you have both feet in and it doesn't work out, just get a divorce.
Christmas visitor
Santa Claus of course, or Mrs Claus dressed all sexy.
Any girls here in Ohio dtf
Craigslist has all kinds of women listed as dtf. Might have to open your wallet.
So why are you single?
A year ago I was married, but guess because I wasn't tatted up or rode a Hardly, I wasn't that much fun to be married too. Guess providing a home, financial security and cuddle time isn't enough for a woman today.
No place, again might look great in your younger years, but really, a tramp stamp on a 50+ grandmother, might be a mood breaker in the middle of sex.
Naughty or nice?
Nice in public, naughty in the bedroom.
Turned on in public
Yes, but would just try to find a spot that nobody could see you.
Do guys like big girls?
Size doesn't matter to me as long and she is healthy and has energy. I've been with the entire spectrum of size women and again, doesn't matter as long as they take care of themselves hygiene wise.
guys and bikes
I've had my license since 1986, and have a classic mid 80's muscle bike I ride. My ex wouldn't ride with me, but funny that she has no problems doing the poker runs with her new husband on his 30k harley. I have a close friend that she likes to ride with me and enjoys it. To me, it's just the freedom that I deserve after two marriages and raising kids, that I know the dangers of riding, but the enjoyment outweighs the risks.
But guys that are over 40 and going out and wanting to be part of the biker crowd, by buying a 30k harley or indian, are going to be exactly like my ex's new husband. He went after her and enticed her with his bike and vette, got her and unfortunately for him he is stuck with her bi-polar ***. It's not if she is going to go off on him and his biker friends and piss them all off, but when. Of course, he is enjoying having a 43 year old, bleach blonde babe on the back of his bike, but again, won't be so enjoyable when she embarrasses him in front of his friends, just like she did me. |
What is the point of life?
To enjoy every moment you have left on this planet.
Personal guidelines or rules
Trust your gut instinct, I didn't a couple of times and cost me.
I just wish I could get my ex to tell me the truth. I found 255 phone calls and over 10,000 texts between her and a guy (a friend she said), that I didn't know. This was over a 4 month period, then she moves out, find out she moved into his house, 3 months later we divorce, then 2 months after the divorce her and the guy buy a house, then 4 months after that they are married. Seriously, just friends, how stupid do I look?
I was thinking the same thing. Just got rid of a wife that was 42 and she looked a lot older than cupcake.
Too me, that's what it seemed from the OP, that he expected the favor returned. I think it should all be mutual and from the heart and not expected.
Sounds like two conversations going on here. One is how to treat a woman, so she becomes more romantic, and the other is how to get a BJ from a woman. I find a woman becomes more romantic, when she isn't pressed into a sexual encounter and that you have built a caring and comforting relationship with them. Then the romance will come.
For just expecting a bj after you started the oral first, then sounds like you have a woman that is a taker and not a giver. |