Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight
Oh boys 'n grrls, I am SO lubbin' me some o' dis heah news ... Onkel Al done had a bran' new skewel buildin' named in his 'honor' ... ain't dat sump'm ... ? What makes it all nice 'n ironic 'n stuff is that Mister Environment's new skewel buildin' is built on CONTAMINATED SOIL ... Ah jes' lubs me some irony in d' mornin' ... Dis provides 100 pro-cent of mah Minimum Daily Requirement ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,0,719678.story Los Angeles school named after Al Gore By Howard Blume, Los Angeles Times | September 5, 2010 Al Gore has had some tough breaks — like losing the presidency after getting more votes than the other guy — but the noted environmentalist achieved a singular honor last week, becoming the first vice president to have a Los Angeles school named after him. And, fittingly, the school will be devoted to environmental themes. But as in the 2000 election, there's a catch. Critics say the campus' location poses a long-term health risk to students and staff. School district officials insist that the Arlington Heights property is clean and safe. And they've pledged to check vapor monitors and groundwater wells to make sure. The $75.5-million Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences will open Sept. 13 for about 675 students. As he was with Bill Clinton (who has an L.A. middle school named after him), Gore is second on the ticket to Rachel Carson, the late author credited with helping launch the modern environmental movement. "Renaming this terribly contaminated school after famous environmental advocates is an affront to the great work that these individuals have done to protect the public's health from harm," an environmental coalition wrote in a letter to the Los Angeles Unified School District. Making sure the school is safe "would be an even better way to honor their contribution to society." |
I like ladies who enjoy playin' with the 'pink bits' a lot ...
Why do people hate on bbw?
Who dat say dey don't lub dem some BBW wimmens ... ? Ah lub ALL y'all li'l wimmens, BBW or not ...
Edited by
Tue 09/07/10 05:30 AM
In Utah a man was charged with child porn for having a manga collection. In some books it showed a girl being attacked by tentacles and in others it shows a girl being naked. The man lost his entire collection. Book banning is a sticky subject as you can see. People can interpret things differently. He's mighty damned lucky it was 'manga' and not 'anime' ... |
Stomach Churner,
No wonder it's hard to find good take-out food there now ...
Taking a vote.
Who CASTS the votes means nothing - who COUNTS the votes means everything - Gerrymander! Gerrymander!
Taking a vote.
Well, I'll gerrymander, then ... !
Taking a vote.
All that debate about votin' takes it outa me, I tell ya ...
Why not a 'French dip' sandwich with marinara instead ... ?
Taking a vote.
A motion to adjourn is always in order ...
Edited by
Mon 09/06/10 12:57 PM
Someone has to speak up otherwise this politics section is nothing but a bunch of islamophobics who have no clue about anything. Hmmm...Well the one thing I will say is I have forgotten more about these issues than you know. You need to enlist. We were not "Islamophobics" before the towers fell. And for the record, fear is the wrong word for how we feel about these extremists. Think of it as a mild version of Pearl Harbour. We were not afraid, we were pissed. Now because you lack the overall information on these topics, I can see why you would say these things. Let me paint you a picture. Allowing this to happen without response is like a man sleeping with another mans wife, then suggesting that they can all live under the same roof together. When Pearl Harbour happened, there were ZERO people saying, "Japophobes"....Thousands of men and women were deceived and killed, and what was our response?? Now the next thing I would like you to consider is the comparison of lives lost between pearl and 9/11. The number of deaths is relatively close, however 9/11 saw the death of thousands of CIVILIANS!! NOT military personnel!! You take pride in your logic, but yet you do not employ it. I could go on for days against this post. I am not afraid of Islam, or the people who are a part of this faith, nor do we hate them, but to erect a Muslim relic beside or near the site of a Muslim terror attack is stupid. This time in 1941 you would've been charged with treason for these comments. Where exactly do your loyalties lie? What angers me the most is people posting opinions on things they obviously know nothing about. So I revert to my comment need to enlist..and see for yourself how THEY feel about us...They want us dead..not just out of their country. Do you realize that we are being more than understanding? Typically all these people would be in concentration camps by now if we held the entire Muslim pop accountable for this....give your head a shake. What you need to remember is they came here....which is to say that there are certain customs they must adhere to. Not many though!, just a few. When we go there to live or visit, we MUST do as they do or they will cut off our limbs. I wonder what your stance will be when North Korea attacks...are you going to be the person who says Koreaphobics?? I'd bet my life on it. Hey maybe we were all Hitlerphobics in world war two...Come on now....and don't say they were different because they really are the same...individuals hell bent on the distruction of a race. Now if we were like that, as I said, they'd all be in prison camps. Now to end on a nice note, I will say that it is good for you to want peace and all that peachy stuff, it's actually admirable, but since the dawn of human kind, we have never known peace, and ill even agree with you when you say we have the power to make peace, however it takes two!! ANY successful relationship requires 100% from all involved, and until our efforts are matched what you need to understand is this is war. War is terrible, and terrible things are done during war, but when you know what I know there is only one question that needs to be answered, What side do I want to end up on? I don't want to be on the Muslim side because of their laws, the way they treat their women, and methods of punishment and their lack of control of their own government and people. You should consider yourself lucky that troops are fighting for YOU even though you seem to condemn them and call us "Islamophobics". uncalled for. We don't look at you and say traitor do we? A big 'Bravo Zulu' to you, Sir ... ! This is an excellent exmple of why those who have not successfully completed a tour of military service should enjoy all the rights of citizenship EXCEPT the right to vote. Placing the welfare of the team ahead of self-interest is the tipping point. |
Anybody ever read 'Fahrenheit 451' ... ?
I wander if the preists have this manual? Ooooooh ... ! God's gonna get ya for THAT one ... |
What are your
What means this strange word you use ... 'plans' ... ? How about intended activities? Oh. Since you put it THAT way ... buying chorizo, making chicken/chorizo/smoked sausage in tomato sauce with wine, then mashed potatoes with Cheddar and peas, and playing in Photoshop ... it would be nice if 'getting laid' was also part of the 'intended activities', but alas, 'tis not to be on today's schedule of events ... maybe tomorrow ... |
Holiday Get Togethers
Thanksgiving is the appropriate time to remember all the people who used to be around the table with me when I was a kid - and who aren't there anymore ... giving thanks for having had them in my life is just the right thing to do. It's also a good time to give thanks for the ones who are still around ...
" ... Deputies believe whoever is responsible may have committed crimes against children. ... " Did they suddenly experience their first 'AHA!' moment ... ? Apparently, HUH???? It'd really be a shame if these 'deputies' were the brightest ones in their department ... |
Holiday Get Togethers
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving takes the lead, tho' ...
'Good' and 'bad' days are normal and understandable - they come with the territory called 'life' ... what's not acceptable is the constant switching from 'life is wonderful' to 'poor me'. That gets old REAL fast. Letting people know a bad day is happening is the responsible adult way of letting 'em know that YOU know things aren't 'normal', but will be once the current cause is removed. The ones who expect their 'hot 'n cold' behavior to just be accepted as 'that's just the way I am' are the ones to watch out for - and get away from.
" ... Deputies believe whoever is responsible may have committed crimes against children. ... " Did they suddenly experience their first 'AHA!' moment ... ? |
Some people are friendly and happy when you catch them on one of their "good days." But watch out when things aren't going "their way.".....They might walk around in a "funk' and blame everyone around them for their unhappiness....How do you deal with moody or "hot and cold" people? Have you developed any "early warning signs" to spot people like this early-on?....I think it's important to take time to see all sides to a person before getting in "too deep." Don't you?....It's no fun to be around "hot and cold" people. There is no telling how they will act or react from moment to moment....Will they be friendly and happy to see or talk to us? Or will they be in a "funk" and mad at the world because things aren't going "their way?" Or will they be elusive and "closed-up tight" when they were "open" the last time we saw them??? To be honest, when I detect this as a 'normal' pattern of behavior for them, I start weaning them out of my life. I expect behavior to be fairly consistent from day to day, and when they're shifting from being happy to sad or depressed or whatever their 'emotion du jour' is at a level frequent enough to be observable, that's the sign I don't want to be around 'em much longer than absolutely necessary to cut the cord with as little pain as possible. Life's too short to deal with that kinda crap. I'm sure they'll find someone who thinks their erratic mood swings are 'just charming', tho' ... |