Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight

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Sat 09/04/10 03:40 PM
I haven't been bothered YET by scammers, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I get 'em in my email accounts, so they'll eventually work their way around to here as well. Rule of thumb: Ignore / Delete / Block / Report. As for watching too many docus, just 'cuz we're paranoid don't mean they ain't out to scam us.

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Sat 09/04/10 03:34 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 03:37 PM
This is why I refuse to use anything Google and instead use for my search engine ...

This little pricque thinks nothing about invading OUR privacy while doing all he can to protect his own ... sounds like 'double standard' to me ...

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Sat 09/04/10 03:03 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 03:04 PM


and, what would be your grounds? just curious if you understand what an impeachable offense is , how often impeachment has happened, and the offenses for which presidents have been impeached?

I can help, two presidents have been impeached, for breaking a LAW(clinton for perjury, and johnson for violating the tenure of office act and BOTH were acquitted)

ya really want to waste a large portion of the two years left on such an unfounded and complicated charge and procedure?

Breach of contract. His oath of office to 'protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic' means nothing to him - as he's proven daily with his cute li'l 'Step 'n Fetchit' routine with his 'muslim' / 'islamic' brothers at Al-Arabiya, in Iran, Syria, Yemen, and any other part of the world that despises what this nation stands for. The fact that he routinely circumvents legislative and Congressional oversight with his 'czar' appointmens and issuance of 'Executive Orders' and 'Presidential Decision Directives' to avoid legislative scrutiny while he dismantles the Constitution he took an illegal oath to protect and defend ... I'll just stop here, 'cuz it's a long list and I'm tired of typing ...

btw, if you can't remember the other president who stepped down, say 'Johnson' ...

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Sat 09/04/10 02:56 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 02:56 PM

I think one part of the BB theory states that time started witht he BB; very unintuitive as thought, but if true, there was NO ONE SECOND before the BB.

Soooooooo ... after time, space, matter, 'dark matter', etc etc all finished collapsing in on itself (bear with me, I don't really believe in the 'bang' myself), how much 'time' elapsed before 'inflation' (or 're-inflation') happened ... ? While we're at it, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin ... ?

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Sat 09/04/10 02:49 PM
I love to watch the 'blame-America-first' crowd jump all over themselves in an effort to say 'Ooooh! Me! Me first!' when it comes to throwing away our national sovereignty. The act of reporting an AMERICAN STATE to the UN for ANYTHING when there are places on the face of this earth like Chad, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, SudAfrique, Zambia, etc etc etc where human rights violations are just 'bid'ness as usual' is an affront to logic, common sense, fair play, and decency. Personally, I'd call it an act of treason, but I don't wanna get all pounded by the 'warm fuzzy feel-good' crowd ... Oh - wait - I think I just did call it an act of treason ... my bad ...

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Sat 09/04/10 01:15 PM

Too much alcohol is LETHAL....too much of anything can be LETHAL...

a little of many things can be THERAPEUTIC.....

not just synthesised pharmacutical products.

Again ... TWO dosage levels ...

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Sat 09/04/10 01:06 PM
If people insist on 'self-treating' with 'homeopathic' or 'alternative' practices they mistakenly refer to as 'medicine', they need to understand that any substance they put into their bodies as 'treatments' have only TWO dosage levels: THERAPEUTIC, and ... LETHAL. Once they understand and accept that as the simplest of realities, what they do is at their own risk ...

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Sat 09/04/10 12:22 PM
Best thing to do when y' find yourself in a hole is to stop diggin' ...

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Sat 09/04/10 12:20 PM

laugh laugh lol....


so king DID say it
now, lets look at what QUOTE means
a : to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment
so if he SPOKE it, was it not a quote of what he said?
does the rug say the quote was ORIGINALLY spoken from King, or does it just quote what king said?

keep trying folks, you might find SOMETHING,,, bad news is that it took the anti clinton crowd more than one term to do it though

good luck with that
perhaps the history books will be revised to credit this Parker with the words of the gettysburg address instead of continuing to 'get it wrong'
but until then, Id hardly chalk this up to incompetence,,,

Such a noble, but futile, effort to give legitimacy to an illegitimate claim ... King PARROTED the words of another person who ORIGINATED the phrase - that's MIMICRY, not originality - but then, King plagiarized a lot of the things people give him undue 'credit' for ... this is just one more to add to the list ...

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Sat 09/04/10 11:45 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 11:46 AM
No Romney. No Gingrich. No Kasich. No Graham. No McLame. My biggest fear is that the ever-incompetent 'pubs WILL put McLame up again ... they never fail to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ... they need to make Palin the nominee. I'll take her experience any day against what 'The UN' brought to the presidency ... she's already miles ahead, and she has better instincts than Romney - who'd stick with 'The UN's 'DeathCare' 'cuz it's 'comfortable' for him, since it's so close to the program he instituted. You know, the one that's gone bankrupt ...

Other than that, a Tancredo / Hunter ticket would be fantastic ... and make Sheriff Joe head of DHS ...

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Sat 09/04/10 11:35 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 11:36 AM
I want to see HC try going up against Sarah Palin ... ain't no contest ...

Hillary needs to learn the word that best describes her and her future is 'over' ...

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Sat 09/04/10 10:42 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 10:44 AM
It usually takes less than five minutes of talking with the 'bottomless pits of emotional need' to sort 'em out and know where they're coming from and that - IF y' make the mistake of hookin' up with 'em - your life will be a living hell in which you're constantly reminded you're not meeting THEIR needs 'n wants 'n desires 'n hopes 'n dreams ... Nope, best response after that part's figured out is 'Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish' ...

The 'pushy' ones are even QUICKER to figure out and drop ...

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Sat 09/04/10 08:58 AM
Okay ... who needs a 'splain ... ? Bueller ... ? Bueller ... ?

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Sat 09/04/10 08:45 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 08:47 AM
Yes, boys 'n grrlz, it's YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK! time again ... 'The UN' has re-furbished the Oval Office - and, as usual, he got it wrong - again ... Ain't 'hope' and 'change' great ... ? 'Just coin ... just money ... ' ... Same song, different words. Details. MATTER. ... but not to him ...


Oval Office rug gets history wrong

By Jamie Stiehm | Saturday, September 4, 2010

A mistake has been made in the Oval Office makeover that goes beyond the beige.

President Obama's new presidential rug seemed beyond reproach, with quotations from Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. woven along its curved edge.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." According media reports, this quote keeping Obama company on his wheat-colored carpet is from King.

Except it's not a King quote. The words belong to a long-gone Bostonian champion of social progress. His roots in the republic ran so deep that his grandfather commanded the Minutemen at the Battle of Lexington.

For the record, Theodore Parker is your man, President Obama. Unless you're fascinated by antebellum American reformers, you may not know of the lyrically gifted Parker, an abolitionist, Unitarian minister and Transcendentalist thinker who foresaw the end of slavery, though he did not live to see emancipation. He died at age 49 in 1860, on the eve of the Civil War.

A century later, during the civil rights movement, King, an admirer of Parker, quoted the Bostonian's lofty prophecy during marches and speeches. Often he'd ask in a refrain, "How long? Not long." He would finish in a flourish: "Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

King made no secret of the author of this idea. As a Baptist preacher on the front lines of racial justice, he regarded Parker, a religious leader, as a kindred spirit.

The familiar quote from Lincoln woven into Obama's rug is "government of the people, by the people and for the people," the well-known utterance from the close of his Gettysburg Address in 1863.

Funny that in 1850, Parker wrote, "A democracy -- that is a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people."

Theodore Parker, Oval Office wordmeister for the ages.

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Sat 09/04/10 07:57 AM
If he IS granted a DD, they better plan on monitoring his movements and associations, 'cuz at that point he's got a LOT of knowledge he can use against us 'infidels' - who he won't have any 'conscientious objections' about killing ...

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Sat 09/04/10 07:51 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 07:52 AM

Sorry - that's all I got ...

I didn't mean to be harsh either, though sometimes being overly sincere makes me look that way. I was just pointing out that “removing the filters” is not a universal solution - at least not for us introverts.

If I sometimes zealously “defend our cause” (which actually isn't a cause at all), it's because I now finally understand “what” I am, and I care about those who still don't. So if you tell an introvert to “remove his filters” without him truly understanding who he is (and why “removing the filters” just wouldn't work), chances are he'll try to behave like the extroverts he's surrounded with, he wouldn't be able to fake it for long, people would instantly tell he's being “fake”, and he'd end up with much more self-loathing than he started with. Guess how I know that...

For more years than I care to remember I was an introvert, too ... artists are like that, y'know ... I finally figured out that nobody really G.A.F. whether I'm an intro- or an extro-, and I made a conscious effort to change. I still have intro- tendencies, mainly 'cuz Mom told all of us we better learn to be our own best company, 'cuz we wouldn't always have another kid to play with, and I'm cool with my own company - matter of fact, there are times when being around other people just sucks ... but on balance now, I'm much more extro- than intro- ... and I'm pretty much filter-free, too ... I just put it out there and really don't give a shitt who likes it or dislikes it ... they do the same thing, so it works out ... give it a shot.

Oh ... that 'self-loathing' thing NEVER enters my mind ...

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Sat 09/04/10 07:17 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 09/04/10 07:19 AM
I put some stuff into my profile deliberately so as to weed out on the front end the ones who'd never agree with my positions - saves a lot of time 'n trouble later on. I know it works by the nasty li'l unsolicitied emails I get from 'em - at which point I just kinda chuckle and delete 'em ... they don't realize the profile has just served its purpose ...

As to your problem - you DO realize no woman is gonna put up a profile with the magic letters 'C F M' in it, right ... ?

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Sat 09/04/10 07:12 AM

Quit worrying and remove the filters ... life's more fun when y' don't worry about every little thing ...

Do you know what happens when I remove my filters? I stay silent and I keep thinking.

That's what being an introvert is like: laughing, cheering, partying and the like *cost* me energy, and I'd rather avoid when I can. It's not that I hate other people by principle, it's just that I think most people aren't worth my attention - though introverts usually are.

Sorry - that's all I got ...

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Sat 09/04/10 06:39 AM
Quit worrying and remove the filters ... life's more fun when y' don't worry about every little thing ...

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Sat 09/04/10 06:35 AM
Using the wrong legal standard to enforce their 'fiat law' is par for the course when the judiciary feels it's their job to MAKE law rather than interpret and enforce law made by the legislative branch. Why else would 'Progressive Socialists' put activist judges (an oxymoron, btw) on the bench ... ?

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