Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight
more NYC mosque news
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Sun 09/05/10 07:13 AM
Let him keep spouting off ... so far, his 'public relations jihad' has netted him a statement by NYC's construction workers that they won't build it, and the firefighters have just weighed in to say that they'll be a no-show if they receive a call that there's a fire ...
Keep goin', assshat ... dig that hole a li'l deeper ... we'll wait ... |
Would somebody please let Mister Obama know about this ... ?
I am really curious.
I've dated five people I met online and attempted one long-distance relationship that lasted nine months before collapsing under the time and expense of travel costs.
To paraphrase the immortal Earl Scheib: "I'll date anyone anytime - no ups, no extras!" ... |
It'd prolly be more accurate to call it 'Recession Summer' and 'Depression Winter' ... I don't want to think about the number of businesses closed and jobs lost this time next year ... Hey, O ... ! Where's them 'jobs created or saved' at ... ?
The more 'The UN' pushes to 'islamize' America and give preferential treatment to his muzbuds, the more this type of activity will grow ... pushback's a-comin' - and he's got no one to blame but himself ...
Well, that would be true IF there had been - or hadn't been - a 'Big Bang' ... Yes, I didn't mean to say that the BB theory must be true...I meant to say 'according to the BB theory'... I like Hawking's idea that there was no need either for a 'Big Bang' or a 'god' to bring about the 'universe'. Why are people so resistant to the thought that chemistry and physics alone can accomplish a great deal without 'divine intervention' ... ? But I digest ... if there HAD been a 'BB', then there would logically have to exist the briefest, even infinitesimally short, period of time between when 'contraction' ended and 'inflation' began ... 'instantaneous' doesn't exist. I assume you are talking about the theory that the universe keeps falling back in on itself, repeating a BB over and over again. What i'm trying to say is that some people believe in the BB theory while not believing in the contraction theory. They say there has been only one BB, and no contraction before it. True enough ... IF there had been a 'BB', the seemingly-prevalent opinion is that it's a repetitive cycle that repeats ad infinitum ad nauseam ... Personally, I'm equally as receptive to the 'multiverse' concept and / or 'branes' ... I just find it an interesting 'what if?' when it comes to that hypothetical about the time when 'contraction' ends and 'inflation' begins. If that were a reality - and there's no proof either way - then there would have to be that ever-so-small period of time that separates the one from the other ... until the first ends, the second can't begin ... |
Two solutions: Thermobaric bombs and Agent Orange ...
" ... Karzai's announcement was given added poignancy ..." Tell y' what, when I read that part about the 'added poignancy', I just about teared right up ... |
Well, that would be true IF there had been - or hadn't been - a 'Big Bang' ... I like Hawking's idea that there was no need either for a 'Big Bang' or a 'god' to bring about the 'universe'. Why are people so resistant to the thought that chemistry and physics alone can accomplish a great deal without 'divine intervention' ... ?
But I digest ... if there HAD been a 'BB', then there would logically have to exist the briefest, even infinitesimally short, period of time between when 'contraction' ended and 'inflation' began ... 'instantaneous' doesn't exist. |
A flag is more then just a piece of cloth to the majority of Americans. Especially to those who've worn the uniform and served under it ... it will never be 'just a piece of cloth' ... |
Hypothetically speaking, you mean ...
"transmogrified" Sums it all up, I'd say... Cool new word ! (at least for me) Actually, 'Calvin & Hobbes' beat y' to it ... |
" ... Hatred and Stupidity ... But I Repeat Myself ... " Yeah, but it's par for the course ... |
Anybody been watching the news lately to read about the almost-beatdown Tony Blair avoided ... ? Don't think his replacement isn't gonna be sensitive in the extreme about repeating it - NATO or no NATO ... this is NOT our father's NATO ... this is 'NATO Corporate' ...
Nice guy can't get a break
'Sweet li'l thang' done met 'Pimp Daddy' ... she be turnin' trix down da block a ways ... 'Hi, Kitty - new in town ... ?'
Except for the cops, the Interstate's as close as we're gonna get to an A'bahn ...
And what kinda 'collective insurance pot' is he gonna have set aside to pay for all the deaths ... ? You just KNOW there's gonna be some assshats out there pushin' the limit just 'cuz they paid their money to do it ... I know it's just the audition period for the Darwin Awards, but the ones who take their chromosomes outa the gene pool can also take out others that should stay in ... This is just stupid ...
I haven't talked with my ex since '87 - but what's that got to do with ex-comm ... ? I'm quite happy with the arrangement, btw ...
I. Am. So. Jealous. ...
I want to be you ... |
Very Confused,please read
Toga ... ! Toga ... ! Toga ... !
FOOD FIGHT ... ! |