Community > Posts By > raiderfan_32

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 11:47 AM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Fri 08/28/09 11:49 AM

for those that support Big Media's filtering of free speech, "the truth" will only be what you want it to be. and until it comports to your view of what you think the truth "ought" to be, it will continue to be a lie, misinformation, propaganda, whatever..

For those that have looked into what the proponents of the Public Option actually have in mind when they propose further government intervention, the truth is clear. Paul Krugman freely admits in safe company that a public option will have the effect of killing private insurance. Ezra Klein, also, readily amits that he wants to see the private insurance companies legislated out of existence.

You are the company you keep.

it seems pretty clear to me what the end game is.

no one seems interested in answering the charge that the proponents of Public Option seem certain that the installation of such WILL lead to single payer.. that it is in fact the intent and design of the 'public option' plan to become the defacto single 'option'..

So until such time as someone can demnstrate that Paul Krugman and Ezra Klein are wrong about that, I'm going to assume that this point is stipulated.

Public Option -> Single Payer i.e. gov't run healthcare.

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 11:37 AM

what I miss is waking up in the morning with her in my arms and her scent still on my body, sneaking up behind her and putting my arms around hr waist and kissing her on the neck, catching her sneaking a glance at me from across the room, watching her hips sway as she walks, morning sex..

man, I hope she never reads this..

That's what I'm talkin' about. :banana: bigsmile


raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 11:36 AM

How about the three thrust wham bammers who lie back, cross their arms and say, so, baby, was it good for you?

How about the guys who have no, um, tempo and stop just as you are about to feel anything other than the sweat dripping on you after 32.8 seconds?

How about the ones who grind into you so badly you get a rash or worse, cut your skin in order to get more in there so they feel like "big men"?

How about the ones who never learned the word foreplay? The ones who stick their hands down your pants, ram two or three fingers up inside you... they feel the slightest bit of lubrication, push your panties aside, stick "it" up there and move seizure-like until they are done?

The ones who move only in a circular motion?

But one thing all these guys have in common? They don't make eye contact, they don't take cues, they don't listen, and they don't communicate. Why? Because they don't give a flying f**k.

So yes, I'm doing everything wrong. I'd be having much better sex if I didn't allow this to happen right?

that's truely unfortunate. my condolences, really. bad sex sucks. my experience, since no one asked, is that the longer you put off actual intercourse and get to know the other person, the better it is when you both decide to go for it. Within reason of course.. I'm not saying wait till the wedding night necessarily but it doesn't bode well for the relationship (sexually, emotionally or longevity wise) to go straight from the bar to the bedroom..

The bad (ie worst) sex I've had has been with the person I just met. If you sleep together within a week of meeting or first kissing, my experience is that the sex is just bad..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 11:22 AM
is it a perfectly legitimate, incontravertable agruement beyond reproach for the pro-abortion position to be "keep your laws off my body" but a totally illegitimate arguement when it comes to mandating laws that affect everyone's body?

This doesn't make any sense to me..

I'll never have an abortion. I can't get pregnant. But I totally get the "keep your laws off my body" arguement when it comes to the pro-choice position which is why I support it.

But those that make this arguement when it comes to abortion, make the exact counter arguement when it comes to healthcare reform..

"Put your laws all over my body!" Really? Except when it comes to protecting the access to abortiion, right?

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 11:14 AM
what I miss is waking up in the morning with her in my arms and her scent still on my body, sneaking up behind her and putting my arms around hr waist and kissing her on the neck, catching her sneaking a glance at me from across the room, watching her hips sway as she walks, morning sex..

man, I hope she never reads this..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 10:45 AM
for those that support Big Media's filtering of free speech, "the truth" will only be what you want it to be. and until it comports to your view of what you think the truth "ought" to be, it will continue to be a lie, misinformation, propaganda, whatever..

For those that have looked into what the proponents of the Public Option actually have in mind when they propose further government intervention, the truth is clear. Paul Krugman freely admits in safe company that a public option will have the effect of killing private insurance. Ezra Klein, also, readily amits that he wants to see the private insurance companies legislated out of existence.

You are the company you keep.

it seems pretty clear to me what the end game is.

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 10:17 AM
I can't seem to find the clip from SNL back in the Phil Hartman/Jon Lovitz days when they (one of the two of them and I cant remember which) did the bit about "remember women, lower your standards. there are plenty of men out there if you just lower your standards"

I wish I could find it, youtube doesn't seem to have it..

as for the OP.. dunno. I find most people have unrealistic 'standards' when it comes to dating. The women want someone that looks like Clooney. The men want someone that looks like Pam Anderson. Both want someone to #$%& them like a pornstar..

None of that is reality. If you like someone, then that's enough to take the next step and see what happend from there.

If you find yourself thinking the person you're falling for is below "your standards" then you might need to examine how it is you established your standards and what it is your standards are designed to accomplish. The heart knows things of which the mind is clueless (and vice versa, of course)

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 09:21 AM

<-------not going to hijack the thread. but I'd be happy to run you up and down the street in a conversation about why the means to self defense is a natural, inherent human right.

I run badly you would stab me before I got of starting blocks, and self defence in the UK is no defence perhaps your laws allow that ours dont.

"self defence is no defence". yet another reason I'm glad we kicked out the crown back in the 18th century.

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 09:13 AM
<-------not going to hijack the thread. but I'd be happy to run you up and down the street in a conversation about why the means to self defense is a natural, inherent human right.

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 09:06 AM
as to the OP, i see a couple of possibilites as to why he's reluctant to answer whether likes his former crush..

1) he still likes her and if they were both single, he might pursue her

2) he used to like her but has gotten over it and moved on, He's with you now and that should be what matters

3) two chicks at the same time.

whatever the case may be, no answer he gives is going to satify you. Therefore, he keeps his mouth shut. "Let your speech be better than silence, or be silent." If you simply can't get over the fact that he liked someone before you, what can I say? I can't really help you with that. Is there not someone you used to like that you might run into once in a while?

don't always have a needle in a hem

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 08/28/09 08:58 AM

Your statement about having to use a knife over 6 inches, well I would consider that a red flag to anyone in this forum, I prefer to debate myself, not intimidate.

I hope you never use your knife on anyone, penalty can be severe perhaps you need to speak with someone as to why you feel the need to carry a weapon in first place.

why does it always come to this? someone carries a weapon and the natural conclusion is that they need psychiatric help..

give me a break.. I carry a knife everywhere I go. It's useful to be able to cut something. Never know when you're going to come across a box that needs to be opened, a pesky piece of string, a rattlesnake that doesn't need it's head anymore.. little things in life are made easier when you apply the appropriate tool.

If you're intimidated by someone else carrying a knife, perhaps the psychiatric problem exists with the man you see when you shave in the morning.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 05:21 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 08/27/09 05:30 PM

Paul Krugman, Democrat Strategist and NYT Columnist, describes Democracy Now! that Public Option plans will eventually kill private insurance, how it is a route to single payer and how single payer is actually the goal of the the Public Option Plan.

Ezra Klein: "I would like to sign the insurance companies out of existence with my pen. It would be sweet." ... "So the problem is, ...the reason these organizations have done what they have done and I think I can lay this out for them in ways they are not necessarily allowed to, is that, yeah, they have a sneaky strategy the point of which is to put in place something that overtime with the natural incentive in it's own market move it to single payer."

I'm not sure how much more clear these people can be. They're saying it explicitly, in their own words. The point of the HB 3200 in to put in place something that WILL become single payer. They want to put the insurance companies out of business and this is their strategem for doing just that.

How can I keep my private coverage if the company I buy it from has been driven out of business by the Federal Government??

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 04:39 PM

If a democrat actually did that to a DNC building they are not a true democrat like myself and need to be a republican. They need all the help they can get in more ways than one.

what the heck do you mean "if"? the little snot nose is in custody and facing charges.. Did you read the article or just the title of the thread?

Schwenkler is charged with criminal mischief and is to make his first appearance in Denver County Court today.

He is accused of doing an estimated $11,000 in damage and could face a felony conviction.

On the last day of the 2008 Republican National Convention, he was charged with misdemeanor unlawful assembly in St. Paul, Minn.

Court records provided through the St. Paul Pioneer Press show he was jailed about 2 a.m.

Schwenkler received $500 in November 2008 to walk door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom, who lost her race to Republican state Rep. David Balmer of Centennial.

Hope that line on his resume' reading "Convicted of Felony Criminal Mischief" works out well for him.. I guess he could always go work for ACORN after his stint in prison

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 03:24 PM

Just like the Obama Joker poster, coming from some disgruntled white religious conservative..

Hmmm.. haven't heard much about that lately..

yeah, really.. what happened to all the outrage that was just frothing from the mouths of libs in the media before we found out it was a liberal from Chicago of Palestinian descent??

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 02:30 PM

'Cruel and neglectful' care of one million NHS patients exposed
One million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report released today.

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor
Published: 12:01AM BST 27 Aug 2009

Man collapses with ruptured appendix... three weeks after NHS doctors 'took it out'
By Daniel Bates
Last updated at 12:15 AM on 26th August 2009

I'm not sure what the point of these articles are? The stories are horrific, surely, and they certainly do get attention. However, as is pointed out in the articles, these cases are a very small percentage of the overall system. While I don't know for sure, I'd hazard a guess that similar problems in our own health system are the same or higher.

simply put, they demonstrate the it's a system with flaws. There are people on here who think everything will be lollipops and rainbows once they get their way and the single payer system is installed here in the US. Well that's a bunch of horse dung.

Why trade one system (that admittedly has flaws) for one that we know will have flaws rather than just fixing the issues with the one we have.

The Dem/Lib agenda is clear and out there for all to see. They want a single payer system. They know they can't get it all at once. This HB 3200 is just a way for them to lay the ground work.

Besides all that, the manner in which this thing is structured is too convenient for the Obama Administration vis-a-vis his run at re-election. The plan won't even take effect until when? 2013? Isn't that after the next presidential election? So what? he gets to have his Triumph and tout that he was able to get his precious health care reform but no one will see the impacts of it until after the election..

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 01:40 PM

In the late 1980s he began to have trouble with his own health. He had involuntary muscle movements and difficulty swallowing. Fellow doctors failed to diagnose him, some guessing wrongly that he had post-traumatic stress from having served in the airforce in Vietnam.

Eventually his lack of motor control interfered with his work to the degree that he was forced to give up his practice. He fell instantly into a catch 22 that he had earlier seen entrap many of his own patients: no work, no health insurance, no treatment.

Gotta' be a bogus story. He would have qualified for VA Medical. Viet Nam Vet is automatic qualification. So, your attempt is moot.

oops. nice catch.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 01:35 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 08/27/09 01:37 PM

'Cruel and neglectful' care of one million NHS patients exposed
One million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report released today.

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor
Published: 12:01AM BST 27 Aug 2009

In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards of nursing, often with 'neglectful, demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel' treatment.

The charity has disclosed a horrifying catalogue of elderly people left in pain, in soiled bed clothes, denied adequate food and drink, and suffering from repeatedly cancelled operations, missed diagnoses and dismissive staff.

The Patients Association said the dossier proves that while the scale of the scandal at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust - where up to 1,200 people died through failings in urgent care - was a one off, there are repeated examples they have uncovered of the same appalling standards throughout the NHS.

While the criticisms cover all aspects of hospital care, the treatment and attitude of nurses stands out as a repeated theme across almost all of the cases.

They have called on Government and the Care Quality Commission to conduct an urgent review of standards of basic hospital care and to enforce stricter supervision and regulation.

Claire Rayner, President of the Patients Association and a former nurse, said:“For far too long now, the Patients Association has been receiving calls on our helpline from people wanting to talk about the dreadful, neglectful, demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel treatment their elderly relatives had experienced at the hands of NHS nurses.

“I am sickened by what has happened to some part of my profession of which I was so proud.

"These bad, cruel nurses may be - probably are - a tiny proportion of the nursing work force, but even if they are only one or two percent of the whole they should be identified and struck off the Register.”

The charity has published a selection of personal accounts from hundreds of relatives of patients, most of whom died, following their care in NHS hospitals.

They cite patient surveys which show the vast majority of patients highly rate their NHS care - but, with some ten million treated a year, even a small percentage means hundreds of thousands have suffered.

Ms Rayner said it was by "sad coincidence" that she trained as a nurse with one of the patients who had "suffered so much".

She went on: "I know that she, like me, was horrified by the appalling care she had before she died.

"We both came from a generation of nurses who were trained at the bedside and in whom the core values of nursing were deeply inculcated."

Katherine Murphy, Director of the Patients Association, said “Whilst Mid Staffordshire may have been an anomaly in terms of scale the PA knew the kinds of appalling treatment given there could be found across the NHS. This report removes any doubt and makes this clear to all. Two of the accounts come from Stafford, and they sadly fail to stand out from the others.

“These accounts tell the story of the two percent of patients that consistently rate their care as poor (in NHS patient surveys).

"If this was extrapolated to the whole of the NHS from 2002 to 2008 it would equate to over one million patients. Very often these are the most vulnerable elderly and terminally ill patients. It’s a sad indictment of the care they receive.”

The Patients Association said one hospital had threatened it with legal action if it chose to publish the material.

Pamela Goddard, a piano teacher from Bletchingley, in Surrey, was 82 and suffering with cancer but was left in her own excrement and her condition deteriorated due to her bed sores.

Florence Weston, from Sedgley in the West Midlands, died aged 85 and had to remain without food or water for several days as her hip operation was repeated cancelled.

The charity released the dossier to highlight the poor care which a minority of patients in the NHS are subjected to.

Ms Murphy said the numbers rating care as poor came despite investment in the NHS doubling and the number of frontline nurses increasing by more than a quarter since 1996.

The personal stories were revealed to prevent their cases being ignored as only representing a small portion of patients.

The report said: "These are patients, not numbers. These are people, not statistics."

Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing, said he was concerned that public confidence in the NHS could be undermined by the examples cited and it would affect morale in hardworking staff.

He said: “The level of care described by these families is completely unacceptable, and we will not condone nurses who behave in ways that are contrary to the principles and ethics of the profession.

"However we believe that the vast majority of nurses are decent, highly skilled individuals.

“This report is based on the two per cent of patients who feel that their care was unacceptable. Two per cent is too many but we are concerned that this might undermine the public’s confidence in the world-class care they can expect to receive from the NHS."

Barbara Young, Chairman of the Care Quality Commission, the super-regulator, said: “It is absolutely right to highlight that standards of hospital care can vary from very good to poor.

“Many people are happy with the care they receive, but we also know that there are problems.

“I am in no doubt that many hospitals need to raise their game in this area.

“Where NHS trusts fail to meet the mark, we have tough new enforcement powers, ranging from warnings and fines to closure in extreme cases. We will not hesitate to use these powers when necessary to bring improvement.

"We will be asking NHS trusts and primary care trusts how they are ensuring that the needs of patients and their safety and dignity are kept at the heart of care.”

Chris Beasley, Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health said the care in the cases highlighted by the PA was “simply unacceptable”.

She added: "It is important to note this is not representative of the picture across the NHS.

"The NHS treats millions of people every day and the vast majority of patients experience good quality, safe and effective care - the Care Quality Commission's recent patient experience survey shows that 93 percent of patients rate their overall care as good or excellent.

"We will shortly be publishing complaints data on the NHS Choices website and expect trusts to publish the number of complaints they receive, setting out how these are successfully resolved."

Man collapses with ruptured appendix... three weeks after NHS doctors 'took it out'
By Daniel Bates
Last updated at 12:15 AM on 26th August 2009

After weeks of excruciating pain, Mark Wattson was understandably relieved to have his appendix taken out.
Doctors told him the operation was a success and he was sent home.
But only a month later the 35-year-old collapsed in agony and had to be taken back to Great Western Hospital in Swindon by ambulance.

To his shock, surgeons from the same team told him that not only was his appendix still inside him, but it had ruptured - a potentially fatal complication.
In a second operation it was finally removed, leaving Mr Wattson fearing another organ might have been taken out during the first procedure.
The blunder has left Mr Wattson jobless, as bosses at the shop where he worked did not believe his story and sacked him.
Mr Wattson told of the moment he realised there had been a serious mistake.
'I was lying on a stretcher in terrible pain and a doctor came up to me and said that my appendix had burst,' he said.

'I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I told these people I had my appendix out just four weeks earlier but there it was on the scanner screen for all to see.
'I thought, "What the hell did they slice me open for in the first place?"
'I feel that if the surgery had been done correctly in the first place I wouldn't be in the mess I am today. I'm disgusted by the whole experience.'
Mr Wattson first went under the knife on July 7 after experiencing severe abdominal pain for several weeks. He was discharged but exactly a month later he had to dial 999 after collapsing in agony.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 12:26 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 08/27/09 12:26 PM

Not a liberal but what garbage you spout.slaphead

yeah right. Anyone who believes that needs to come see me about a bridge I have for sale.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 12:24 PM
there's a special place in hell for drunks that kill someone with their negligence. It's right next to the OJ Room..

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 08/27/09 11:25 AM

leftist website, so all of that is irrelevant..

wow, that was easy.. didn't have to think all.. what a fantastic debating strategy you've taught me!!

Only if it is really a leftist website and this one is not.
