Community > Posts By > raiderfan_32

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:55 PM
i've said it before. I'll say it again.

If proofs are what you're interested in, go study calculus or differential equations.

The real world doesn't deal in proofs. Science certainly doesn't. The best any scientist will say is that he can show you evidence and build a hypothesis/theory..

In the end, it's in how you interpret the data presented to you..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 03:19 PM

they are already covered

all they have to do is pop in to the emergency room where they can not be turned away by law

and by law they can't be questioned as to their immigration status

so whats the difference?

Same thing that everyone else does that doesn't have insurance. They just pop in the emergency room for free health care! laugh

That's exactly why we need Reform NOW.drinker

What's the difference if people pop into the ER, where they neglect to pay the bill, and a government program that covers them, where the government neglects to pay the bill?

This is my major concern. The bills are not getting paid. Medicare is about 5 years behind on their payments, and as a result the hospitals are picking up the brunt of the financial burden. This leads to staff cuts, overcharging people that have insurance, etc. just to survive.

Can't help but wonder, if we would withdraw our troops from the 130 different countries they are in, would maybe help pay the bill. But, since the American making 60,000 a year pays about 40,000 in taxes of one form or another, i don't think it would be wise to raise taxes any more. First, we need to find the money.

Medicare's 5 years behind on their payments?


my dialysis costs about $80,000 a year

and my specialists: urologists, nephrologists, GI doctor, immunologists, transplant doctors

and they are all getting paid right on time

Not necessarily by your insurance. In fact, some of this "stimulus" money went to help make up for the lack of bills. There was about 50 mil in late payments that were being given to our state hospitals. Whats sad, is the fact that the state was going to use this money elsewhere, my father almost got laid off because of this. Luckily (for him) there was a change of heart from our local government.

Medicare, to help catch up on their payments, also short change the hospitals. Lets say a procedure costs $8,000. Medicare would pay $3,000 or $4,000.

so what you're saying is that the federal government's medicaid and medicare programs lack of payment or delinquency thereof to the hospitals is resulting in people experiencing reduced quality of care or expediency of care?

you don't mean to suggest that there are unintended consquences to government intervention, do you? That simply can't be. Everything our federal govt takes on goes smoothly, exactly as planned and on budget.. [/sarcasm]

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:54 PM

Maybe he was too stinking drunk to know he was bitten.

you've never been stung by a jelly fish, have you?

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:47 PM

So, again, what is the reason for this unusual call for a presidential address to a joint session of Congress? It's not to announce his failure. Nope. The purpose is demand that Congress override the wishes of the American people.

So what is this "wish of the American People" that Obama wants to "override"?

pretty sure that what he's refering to there is the rampant public approval the American people have for his plan to nationalize the healthcare industry and his sky-high approval rating that seems to be in a monotonic ascent! in fact his approval rating might just get -so high as to require the unborn and the already-dead to approve for it to go much higher..

ok, now that we're back on the proper side of the looking glass.. were you under a rock for the last month?

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:43 PM
point of order!

How does one throw a jellyfish? that is, how does one throw a jellyfish without having the crap stung out of you?

that just doesn't seem feasible..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:30 PM
whatever, ostrich..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:18 PM

fine. have it your way..

but Heaven help your skinny (yeah right) butt when you're 90, or 80, or 70 and you need expensive but life prolonging treatment..

Hope you're "hope and change" account is built up sufficiently with the man/woman upstairs when you get to that bridge. and dont come crying to me or anyone else when they burn that sucker down with you on it..

I hope your soul will be prepared for that day..

You sure you aren't related to the Palin family?

we're all related. you. me. everyone.

wait.. that's an insult..

maybe I should go crying to the Mods for breach of forum rules.. tears

Recognizing that Palin is not a good role model goes in your favor though, really it does.

my only role model is Vlad the Impaler.

and p.s. I wouldn't wipe my butt with your approval

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:15 PM

no guts. no glory.

come rob me and ask me out :tongue:

can we just pretend? that sounds like it'd be more fun and less likely for someone to get hurt or convicted of felony..

just sayin'..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:11 PM
no guts. no glory.

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:04 PM
right-wing hate mongering fox news propaganda website.. no credibilty.. so it doesn't matter

What St. Louis is doing about the vaccine:

CREVE COEUR, MO ( - Parents listen up: your child may be able to get a swine flu vaccine at school in a few weeks. The St. Louis County Health Department is offering the flu shots to every school in the County, parochial, private, or public. It's being called a preventative campaign. Swine flu is highly contagious and targets children from six months to 24 years of age. Administrators and health staff from school districts throughout St. Louis County gathered at the co-operative school district headquarters in Creve Coeur Tuesday to figure out how to get students immunized.

Dr. Michael Williams, Director of Disease Control Services for the Health Department says there's no pressure for school administrators to accept the offer, but he's hoping they will.

"There's no obligation. There's no coercion. We just believe, in fact, we know this virus targets kids."

The manager of health services for Parkway School District, Lisa Harnacker, says Parkway is already making plans to set up a health clinic at the schools in its district.

"I was notified by my superintendent last week that this might be a possibility and from what I'm hearing it's going to happen."

The county health department is getting a large shipment of the H1N1 vaccine in October with direction that children and young adults get the shot first. That's why health officials are offering the vaccine to every school in the county and are educating school administrators and health staff about the virus.

During the meeting, administrators asked health officials a wealth of questions including how long students should be kept out of school if stricken with the virus. The superintendent of the Ladue School District, Marsha Chappelow, wanted to know when to close school in the event several students get swine flu.

"We don't want to create a panic. We want to keep our schools open so students can learn."

Many schools are already taking steps to help keep their doors open and prevent the spread of swine flu by making sure students wash their hands frequently. Administrators will decide whether to set up flu clinics in their schools. Parents will decide whether their children will get the shot.,0,4521034.story?track=rss

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:02 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Wed 09/09/09 02:02 PM

fine. have it your way..

but Heaven help your skinny (yeah right) butt when you're 90, or 80, or 70 and you need expensive but life prolonging treatment..

Hope you're "hope and change" account is built up sufficiently with the man/woman upstairs when you get to that bridge. and dont come crying to me or anyone else when they burn that sucker down with you on it..

I hope your soul will be prepared for that day..

You sure you aren't related to the Palin family?

we're all related. you. me. everyone.

wait.. that's an insult..

maybe I should go crying to the Mods for breach of forum rules.. tears

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:50 PM
fine. have it your way..

but Heaven help your skinny (yeah right) butt when you're 90, or 80, or 70 and you need expensive but life prolonging treatment..

Hope you're "hope and change" account is built up sufficiently with the man/woman upstairs when you get to that bridge. and dont come crying to me or anyone else when they burn that sucker down with you on it..

I hope your soul will be prepared for that day..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:46 PM

they are already covered

all they have to do is pop in to the emergency room where they can not be turned away by law

and by law they can't be questioned as to their immigration status

so whats the difference?

Same thing that everyone else does that doesn't have insurance. They just pop in the emergency room for free health care! laugh

That's exactly why we need Reform NOW.drinker

What's the difference if people pop into the ER, where they neglect to pay the bill, and a government program that covers them, where the government neglects to pay the bill?

This is my major concern. The bills are not getting paid. Medicare is about 5 years behind on their payments, and as a result the hospitals are picking up the brunt of the financial burden. This leads to staff cuts, overcharging people that have insurance, etc. just to survive.

Can't help but wonder, if we would withdraw our troops from the 130 different countries they are in, would maybe help pay the bill. But, since the American making 60,000 a year pays about 40,000 in taxes of one form or another, i don't think it would be wise to raise taxes any more. First, we need to find the money.

Medicare's 5 years behind on their payments?


my dialysis costs about $80,000 a year

and my specialists: urologists, nephrologists, GI doctor, immunologists, transplant doctors

and they are all getting paid right on time

That's what I was thinking - they were getting paid in a somewhat reasonable amount of time. I've seen what they get paid though. Sometimes the small amounts are shocking.


so which is it?

are they getting paid shockingly little?

or are they getting paid absorbantly to much??

Il Presidente says doctors "reimbursement" is where much of the cost cutting is going to originate.. so are we going to cut their pay even more?


Are we going to regulate how much someone that's spent a dozen years in school and gone typically hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to provide a service that'll kee your happy azz alive when you show up on his doorstep??

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:37 PM

I don't care what government program, war on poverty -- when you read the legislation of the war on poverty did you see anywhere in that legislation, "Oh, and this will destroy poor families, this will destroy the black family," did you see it in there? No. Wasn't in there. When the left tells us, "There aren't any death panels in there, there's no end of life," oh, really? It doesn't have to say it to be in it. Welfare, the war on poverty, we were supposed to wipe out poverty and all we did was wipe out the black family. But that wasn't the intent of the legislation, was it? Just like in this health care bill, the words "death panel" may not be in there, but I'll damn well assure you there's going to be one. There can be no other way. So you got an economy that's plundered, you have an economy that is tanking, you have no hope on the horizon for job creation, and this guy is calling a joint session to get his rear end out of the bacon to save his image with his party and to get this health care bill passed so he can build a monument to himself.

Wow, he sure can make stuff up. slaphead

it's called an opinion...:smile:

He's saying it like it's fact and not opinion and there are fools in this country taking it as fact.....which is Rush's plan. That's the problem.

take it up with the first amendment and the founding fathers. part of freedom of speech is having to tolerate speech you don't like..

sorry about that. I didn't write the rules but choosing to live in this country, I enjoy their protection..

when will people understand that there is no protection from offensive speech?

You don't like something someone says? good. refute it..

tell us how a federal governing body with no accountability to the people, whose stated mission is to "cut costs" within the structure of the health care infrastructure is not going to look at $80,000 per year in dialysis for an 85 year old man isn't going to see that as an opportunity to "cut costs"

Demonstrate how that same federal panel will not see a litany of similar cases of citizens "past their prime" who are consuming vast swathes of resources dedicated to "health care for all" and view it as an opportunity to "cut costs"

the 105 year old woman wants a hip replacement surgery that's going to cost $150,000, it's already been stated that "hey, you know you might just want to take a pain killer instead of having the surgery"

It isn't going to happen period, only the sick and mentally twisted would think of it in the first place.

I am even a fan of assisted suicide and I wouldn't think or consider along those lines.

The people who have come up with the idea are the sickos and it sure as hell wasn't Obama or the healthcare counsel.

oh really?? shall I go back and dig up the ABC primetime special wherein Obama said "take the pain pill" ??

your lack of proper analysis tells me you either know they're lying to us and you don't care or that you believe that he didn't say something that not only did he say, but said straight-faced live on TV..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:31 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Wed 09/09/09 01:33 PM

I don't care what government program, war on poverty -- when you read the legislation of the war on poverty did you see anywhere in that legislation, "Oh, and this will destroy poor families, this will destroy the black family," did you see it in there? No. Wasn't in there. When the left tells us, "There aren't any death panels in there, there's no end of life," oh, really? It doesn't have to say it to be in it. Welfare, the war on poverty, we were supposed to wipe out poverty and all we did was wipe out the black family. But that wasn't the intent of the legislation, was it? Just like in this health care bill, the words "death panel" may not be in there, but I'll damn well assure you there's going to be one. There can be no other way. So you got an economy that's plundered, you have an economy that is tanking, you have no hope on the horizon for job creation, and this guy is calling a joint session to get his rear end out of the bacon to save his image with his party and to get this health care bill passed so he can build a monument to himself.

Wow, he sure can make stuff up. slaphead

it's called an opinion...:smile:

He's saying it like it's fact and not opinion and there are fools in this country taking it as fact.....which is Rush's plan. That's the problem.

take it up with the first amendment and the founding fathers. part of freedom of speech is having to tolerate speech you don't like..

sorry about that. I didn't write the rules but choosing to live in this country, I enjoy their protection..

when will people understand that there is no protection from offensive speech?

You don't like something someone says? good. refute it..

tell us how a federal governing body with no accountability to the people, whose stated mission is to "cut costs" within the structure of the health care infrastructure is not going to look at $80,000 per year in dialysis for an 85 year old man and not see that as an opportunity to "cut costs"

Demonstrate, also, how that same federal panel will not see a litany of similar cases of citizens "past their prime" who are consuming vast swathes of resources dedicated to "health care for all" and view it as an opportunity to "cut costs"

the 105 year old woman wants a hip replacement surgery that's going to cost $150,000. it's already been stated that "hey, you know you might just want to take a pain killer instead of having the surgery". Are you going to guarantee that she'll get her new shiny, titanium hip paid for on the taxpayer dollar? didn't think so..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:19 PM

then tell Barry to do another line of coke and shut the hell up..

maybe smoke another joint..
WOW great response if Barry was caught Dr shopping and lying to investigators!!!!! Rush should have lost all his rights just like everyone else who commits a felony in Florida!!!! PERIOD ENOUGH SAID!!!!!

The Coke was left over GWB anyways!!!!!:tongue:

take it to a grand jury.
Oh you mean those Liberal Judges you always ***** about!!!!!!

no, I mean a grand jury.. a panel of sworn jurors to whom evidence is presented in order to determine if a case should be brought to trial, as in the 5th Amendement. It's part of due process of law..

Convict him in your own mind if you like, but in doing so, you're the hypocrit you accuse others of being..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:11 PM

then tell Barry to do another line of coke and shut the hell up..

maybe smoke another joint..
WOW great response if Barry was caught Dr shopping and lying to investigators!!!!! Rush should have lost all his rights just like everyone else who commits a felony in Florida!!!! PERIOD ENOUGH SAID!!!!!

The Coke was left over GWB anyways!!!!!:tongue:

take it to a grand jury.

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:03 PM
then tell Barry to do another line of coke and shut the hell up..

maybe smoke another joint..

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 12:50 PM

I'm getting sick of the bashing on all sides personally. There is very little tolerance these days. Even if this was published...I can decide not to read it if I want

hi Rose! flowers

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 09/09/09 12:35 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Wed 09/09/09 12:50 PM

when did we get to a place in America that it became acceptable to censor literature and trample on free speech to avoid offending someone or a particular class of people?

That sounds like appeasement to me..

should we not concentrate on why and what drives someone to violence? Should we not educate potential muslim extremists that here in the US we enjoy freedom of press, speech and religion.. and with that freedom comes the potential for offensive speech and the obligation to tolerate its existence??

If I'm the author, I pull the manuscript and find another publisher.

I think there's a big difference between offense and the possible loss of life. Does the university have the right to make a conscious decision to avoid violence and possible injury, does it not have the obligation. Just asking...

Yes we should deal with what drives someone to violence but you see how far we have gotten with that study over 30 years and we still have a very long way to go. And people that create such comics certainly don't make that job easier or faster.

I am just not so sure that some of the things we call free speech really are free speech when they cause death or violence.

Do the muslims not have free will?? Do they not choose to take their offense at printed material to the extreme of potentially inflicting loss of life? You act as if the cartoon itself is animating itself from ink and paper to a sentient form capable of taking life..

Such is clearly not the case..

In the eventuality that the Press is concerned with, it's PEOPLE, people with free will and, in this country, the burden of being responsible for their actions.., who would be going out and committing attrocities in the name of offense at what is printed on paper..

That's a view which is wholly incongruent with the American principles of freedom of expression, free speech and free press..

When do we begin to hold accountable those that committ transgression against life instead of condoning their malicious intent and condemning someone else's right to speech or other constitutional rights??

There are plenty of directions I could go to elaborate on my point but I'll save some for the remix..

personal offense, offending someone's religion, offending someone's manhood or mother DOES NOT EXCUSE violence against another..

And the longer free people bow to the Caliphate's de facto supression of the press, the longer this is going to be an issue.. If you're going to come live in the U.S. and expect to reap the benefit of the freedoms we enjoy here, one must also take into consideration the freedoms of others. This goes for muslims too. Lopping peoples' heads off because they offended your religious sensibilities might go over in Riyadh or Khandahar but it's called murder here.. and it's expressly forbidden by any number of sources, the least of which not being the law//

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