Community > Posts By > raiderfan_32
BLM and other federal restrictions, field rules, etc.
If the lease isn't available, drilling on it becomes a criminal enterprise bascially. It get complicated and petrolem land management issues are not my area of expertise. but my understanding is that there are areas of land that are not available to drill on per federal restrictions. I can tell you that the Bakken is being developed but I'm not sure that it's exploited to its full potential. I suspect it's not. Good news is that it will keep geologists and petroleum engineers busy for another several generations. |
Un-desirable genes?
can the food fight stop please?
this was getting to be a good conversation before coming off the rails. please refer to: I think #1 and #7 specifically apply in this case. |
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Proud right wing terrorist
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 03:43 PM
are you so strung up on your own rhetoric that you can't see a joke/pun when you see one? The white house has been framing conservative opposition to it's agenda as extremist. Nanci Pelosi referred to the same as Nazis. There have been multiple "reports" about rightwing militia groups since Il Imperator took office. The people at the town hall are simply taking the rhetoric and hate-mongering speech spewed by Pelosi, Frank and the rest and spitting it back in their faces. If this man is a rightwing terrorist, then so am I and so were Washington, Franklin, Adams, Hancock and Jefferson. I wasn't there and don't know the context. The suspect the man likely was making a point. But as a politician I think it's still important to communicate that either you understand he is joking (or think he's joking), or note that terrorism really isn't the best approach to a solution. He let it hang there and I think it shows poor judgement on his part. The word 'terrorist' is pretty loaded. fair enough. it is a divisive word. I suspect that's why anyone standing up to oppose ObamaCare is quick to be painted by the left with the scarlet letters "racist" and "nazi" Herger may well have been behooved to acknowledge what the man was refering to but to note that he shouldn't have to feel like a terrorist in his own home just for standing up for his liberties. |
Proud right wing terrorist
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 03:21 PM
are you so strung up on your own rhetoric that you can't see a joke/pun when you see one?
The white house has been framing conservative opposition to it's agenda as extremist. Nanci Pelosi referred to the same as Nazis. There have been multiple "reports" about rightwing militia groups since Il Imperator took office. The people at the town hall are simply taking the rhetoric and hate-mongering speech spewed by Pelosi, Frank and the rest and spitting it back in their faces. If this man is a rightwing terrorist, then so am I and so were Washington, Franklin, Adams, Hancock and Jefferson. |
I didn't think this was news. This view of life's orgins have long been held in the earth science community. Perhaps though they have just discovered evidence that confirms the theory..
who knows? we're all made of star dust anyways. Every atom in the universe heavier than iron (Fe) was made in supernovae explosions. |
The Cloward-Piven Strategy
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 02:44 PM
not accurate? you're accusing me of lying? of telling falsehood? Please I beg you, tell me where I'm innaccurate..
Did rahm emanuel not say "we cannot let a crisis go to waste?" this is his primary driving strategy. Maxine Waters DID sit in committee and threaten to Nationalize the Oil industry, she sure as hell did. And in your own words and arguements you credit welfare reform from keeping people on welfare rolls generation-to-generation. So which side of this arguement do you want to be on? Did welfare reforms occur and did they not keep people from perpetually sucking government teet? or did they not happen and people just ween themselves off of welfare? Have the unemployment and welfare numbers not accelarated upwards under Obama? Did the stimulus not extend unemployment benefits? How is that supposed to get the economy back up and running, telling people that they have that much longer not to be employed while uncle sam takes care of them? How is it not a massive expansion of entitlements to have a .gov run health insurance "option" under which nearly all the alleged 47MM uninsured will be forced onto gov healthcare rolls, under the individual mandate that is part and parcel to HB 3200? It seems to me your entire strategy is clear. Deflect and evade any arguement you know you cannot win. |
The Cloward-Piven Strategy
A) right winger site.. whatever.. seems has pulled that entry from it's archive so it's not available to read.
but whatever, I love how everything you don't agree with comes from a right wing fringe kook site. how convenient. b) how is it not comparable? wanting to enroll millions of uninsured into a gov't insurance program funded by taxpayers is ideologiaclly congruent with the expansion of welfare rolls, medicaid/medicare for illegals, free lunch at public schools, schip. It's the same "social services" net that democrats keep hiding under in order to continue robbing the treasury for their own political gain. Do you really think the poor are helped by generational poverty? c) Rahm Emmanuel, not Bush or Cheney or Rumsfeld, is the one who espouses the political philosophy "never to let a good crisis go to waste". Billary thinks the same way, as does Obama, Barney Frank, Pelosi and the great majority of the Democrat party. Besides, we're not talking about Bush here. He's gone. d) the wefare reforms keep it from being so, if it were up to Obama and the Liberal left, they'd have the entire innercity populations on welfare in perpetuum for the sake of the consolidation of their own politcal power. E) May I refer you to Maxine Water (D-CA) who threatened the CEO of Shell Oil with nationalization of the petroleum business? Have we not taken the step of taking major stakes in the Auto Companies? Is a Single Payer healthcare not a move to nationalize the healthcare services industry? You may bury your head in the sand all you like and say we'll never be a socialist country but the Harvard Law review upon which Mr Obama sat was the home of more self-described Communists than Libertarians and conservatives combined. This man, Obama, comes from a background wherein he learned nothing but hate for his own country. He espouses these views when he goes to Egypt and other points abroad and says the US is an arrogant country. His contempt for our allies in the British was on full display when his wife laid her hands on the Queen and gave the visiting PM an iPod full of his speeches. He shows his alignment with anti-israeli factions abroad when he bows his head below the belt line of the Saudi King. No. You may say this will never be a socialist country but we're headed down that road presently while the likes of you and your fellow DNC staffers lie through your teeth to the American people about what the President's Agenda means for us and our future. |
well the water supplies, wildlife, flood control, and farming. the gov. arnold and the republicans wants to take out bonds that would be pay back by lawpayer rather than the people that use it tell me what you think. Obama set up something concerning this already. I think it was a review board of some kind. too bad it's a state issue, see 9th and 10th amendments of the Bill of Rights. |
Prison Break
it was a good show, I saw all of the first season, thought it was great. missed most of the 2nd and 3rd seasons but picked it back up early in the 4th season and thought it was really good..
The Cloward-Piven Strategy
what? you thought I was going to let this go?
I want to hear from the Obama advocates how what we've seen out of the Obama Admin is not exactly what is prescribed by these two, Cloward and Piven. Come, tell me. Tell us all how Obama's strategy is not full in line with the Cloward Piven strategy |
Credit card reform legislation. Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good. <--------- would love an explanation on this one.. A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad? Read the bill. Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period. don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works.. gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment! I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks. Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct. not so, says the supreme court. individual right. as intended, despite your howlings. as for state park carry, have you ever been alone hiking in mountain lion or bear country? I can tell you that oc spray and a whistle will just make you that much more tasty without the means to defend yourself. more guns=less crime. Look at crime rate stats in any state that has concealed carry laws. In Tx, since 95 when the legislature passed the CHL bill, crime rates have dropped precipitously. Armed society=polite society We live in a well armed society right now and have been all along. no thanks to people such as yourself, Bill Clinton and the Brady Bunch. Thank God, Bush let the 1994 (unconstitutional) Brady Gun Ban expire. |
no idea what you're talking about..
little more info if you want real feedback |
Credit card reform legislation. Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good. <--------- would love an explanation on this one.. A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad? Read the bill. Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period. don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works.. gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment! I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks. Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct. not so, says the supreme court. individual right. as intended, despite your howlings. as for state park carry, have you ever been alone hiking in mountain lion or bear country? I can tell you that oc spray and a whistle will just make you that much more tasty without the means to defend yourself. more guns=less crime. Look at crime rate stats in any state that has concealed carry laws. In Tx, since 95 when the legislature passed the CHL bill, crime rates have dropped precipitously. Armed society=polite society |
you want to get involved in "proof", go study calculus.
but one bearing the name "Waxman" is what you're all about?
This is a man who pushed for regulations on steriods and doesn't know the first flippin thing about performance enhancing drugs. I refer you to "Bigger, Stronger, Faster". this is a classic strategem from the Left. Isolate the target, demonize it and marginalize it. Eliminate the opposition. What exactly is the problem with Rep. Bachmann? She's not lead around by a leash held by Nanci Pelosi and Harry Reid? She votes in the interests of her constituents? She stands up for liberty, freedom and individual rights? yeah, real loon bat. what a nut job. I wish I could have a representative like Democrat Eric Massa from NY who is on record as saying he will vote against the interest and wishes of his constituency |
Credit card reform legislation. Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good. <--------- would love an explanation on this one.. A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad? Read the bill. Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period. don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works.. gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment! |
Bloomberg has reported that Billionaire Liberal, George Soros, invested a major stake (over 20% of his hedge fund) in the Brazilian Oil producer PetroBras.
PetroBras stock has dropped ~28%. Meanwhile back in the Bat Cave, President Obama has funneled $2B in US taxpayer dollars into PetroBras to spur on that company's offshore drilling programs. So let me get this straight. We can't drill in the eastern GOM, nor on the eastern shelf nor the western shelf because we're promoting "alternative energy". But funneling US tax dollars to a foriegn oil company that our President's friend is heavily invested in is ok.. I just want to make sure I got my scorecard right.. |
Credit card reform legislation. Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good. <--------- would love an explanation on this one.. A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad? |
Refered to Committee and sponsored by prominent Republicans
Known as the "Empowering Patients Act" I want to read more about it (haven't yet) but I wanted to post up the link anyways. see what the peanut gallery thinks |