Community > Posts By > raiderfan_32
Sky watchers unite!!!
Perseids meteor shower tonite! midnite-5am. thanks for the reminder.. I almost forgot!!! |
WE do have health care. I guarantee you that if you walk into any ER in America with a broken leg (ok maybe you'll have to hop) and you'll get treated.
hurt in a car wreck? you'll get treated. but there is no "right" to it.. It's your responsibility to handle it yourself. Further, there exists no right for one to take from the pocket of another to provide for oneself. That's called THEFT and it's been punished universaly since the time of Hammurabi. The Founders' Intent is quite clear on this. |
Edited by
Tue 08/11/09 04:34 PM
Public Option is to private insurance as US Post Office is to FedEX and UPS, says Oval Office Occupant!! In his own words, Obama compares the public option (as that's the name by which it goes this week) for health care coverage to the US Post Office, saying that UPS and FedEX do just fine, (competing w/ government), "It's the Post Office that's always having problems" In such a statement, the President unwittingly undoes his own credibility in support for his own healthcare initiative.. If this had been a real town hall meeting, he would have been laughed off the stage! Good thing they stacked the "meeting" with SEIU members and brownshirts from the local ACORN office or this could have gotten UGLY for El Presidente.. Argue with your own president, singlepayer/universal health care/Obamacare advocates.. please.. let's hear it.. |
I'm not even going to wade throught the next two pages of what I imagine to be the same drivel that composed the first.
What a bunch of age-ist, racist, sexist biggots!! I thought it wasn't about race!?!?! I thought we lived in a color-blind society now or that's what Obama was supposed to usher in? a new age of race relations... well so much for that.. I guess as long as you're picking on white people simply for the sake of being white, you run no risk of being called out for your racism.. |
This is the one president that will usher in the greatest affronts to our constitution ever!
wow!! greater than the Alien and Sedition Act? or Andrew Jackson's defiance of the Supreme Court? or Roosevelts attempt to stack the Supreme Court? or Nixon's obstruction of justice? LOL In case you were sleeping, BO has pretty much done all of those things, and more, and don't forget that his wife is very busy spending as much as she can, as fast as she can, on herself and nothing else. Have you seen the list of staff she hired to be at her beck and call??? NO other first lady has so shamelessly stolen from us, much less to the tune of millions per year. But, what do you expect from some uppity racist who has made it abundantly clear that she AND her husband are just trying to get back at "whitey" even if it means everyone else has to suffer along with. I'm white and I don't feel the President or his wife is trying to get back at whitey. Interesting choice of the word WHITEY. That would make me question your issue with race. If anyone's got an issue with race, it's Obama "white man's greed runs a world in need" "a world ... where the white man will embrace what's right, man" 20 years in a Black Liberation Theology church, a litany of quotes from his book and his wife's comments about the first ime in her adult life she was proud to be an American revolved around the potential for her "black" husband to be voted President.. This man (Obama) is fixated on race.. He verbally assaulted the Cambridge PD on knowing only that his friend, a black man, had been arrested by a white officer and that's all he needed to know before pronouncing that some racial injustice had been committed.. Quite frankly the fact that he's black has NOTHING to do with the reasons I oppose his policies, pretty much across the board.. |
It's Sotomayor.
The firefighters were from Connecticut. Ricci was among the 20 firefighters -- 19 white and one Hispanic -- who sued the city of New Haven, Conn., arguing that they were discriminated against when the city threw out the results of a promotion test after too few minority firefighters scored high.
The city argued its action was prompted by concern that disgruntled black firefighters would sue. But that reasoning didn't hold sway with the court's majority, or Ricci and his colleagues. He may not go down as THE worst ever but he'll do for now. |
What's got two thumbs and thought it was bush-league of the NFL and the Titans to have their sidelines staff wearing caps that bore the name "Houston Oilers"??
<-------------This Guy!!! |
The keeping your current plan is not completely accurate either....Who controls that? You or your employer.... I believe the enrollment period is being misinterpreted in this bill. All insurances have an enrollment period of which you have to make any and all changes during that time. If you fail to enroll or fail to make changes you are screwed until the next enrollment period. I believe that is the misunderstanding happening at this level in the bill either because the author of the bill wrote it incorrectly or the readers are misinterpreting what they read. The bill needs alot of work. I cannot support it in it's current form. I do support the concept Obama is selling though and I do believe we can do it here. It is just not going to be simple. but that's the problem though, you see. It's a great "concept". 'Yeah, let's make sure everyone has health care' but it's the same ol' story, the devil is in the details.. and the details of ALL of the proposed legislative items is that the end result will be to control the way you live your life.. The Germans did this "nationalized health care" in the 30's.. it lead to that government's officials engaging in eugenics.. a political hammer and it's citizens the nails.. and what's this "mandatory end of life counseling" bit all about?? |
I oppose it on a number of levels. The main objection to it aside from the pure assault on personal liberties is that while it is true that if you like your current plan you can keep it but there are provisions in the leading piece of legislation that prohibit new enrollments in private insurance after a certain date.. this provision has the effect of forcing people into the "public option".. when you don't have a choice, by definition it's not an "option"
As for fining/taxing companies that don't provide health care for those in their employ, that's another restriction on small businesses that will (despite the best of intentions) result in more people losing their jobs.. Theres a reason the Democrats haven't been able to ge this type of "reform" through in almost a century.. because Americans don't want it!! |
The anti healthcare folks were the rowdy ones here the other day when she was here. The pro healthcare folks were very orderly and considerate. Are you counting the SEIU members that jumped a man outside the St. Louis town hall meeting as being well behaved and orderly? How about the Union members that were selectively brought into town hall meetings while people who were obviously against the legislation were intentionally and selectively kept out?? Gerrymandering town hall meetings.. is that what our Republic has fallen to?? |
The cops get people to snitch on their neighbors all the time. That's the goverment too. So the White House is it's own police force now? this just gets better and better.. |
You know, I'd like to be able to say I'm shocked at the number of people that think it's ok for the Executive Branch of our Gov't to request that Americans inform on their neighbors and fellow citizens for voicing political opposition.. But I'm not.. Not surprised or shocked at all, heartbroken but not shocked..
You can brownshirt for Obama if you like. I'm going to continue to call out our politicians for their actions and intents.. Just words, just speeches.. Obama is ON RECORD as being a proponent of Single Payer Health Care.. There's no way around that fact. "And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.”
Everybody IN, Nobody OUT!! That means you don't get a choice.. He's also on record as saying that it will take time to "eliminate employer health care coverage" Obama: "I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be, potentially, some transition period."
Listen to their words: Barney Frank says, "I think that if we get a good public option, that it'll lead to single payer and that's the best way to get to single payer" his destination IS single payer!! and it matters not one lick how they get there.. Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois) admits that allowing the government to "compete" will run the private health care industry out of business... Listen to the words.. we all comprehend English here, supposedly, what's hard to understand about the words he's on record as enunciating? as supporting the positions he supports? so its either that you don't care what he says (obama) and just go along with whatever he decides to do (e.g. asking people to inform on their neighbors and fellow citizens for voicing political speech (they did that in communist Russia, btw)) or you are a proponent of a peice of legislation that over 70% of American do not support and do not want to see enacted.. which is it? |
Do you realize that the statistics do not include social security tax as part of the equation? Do you realize that Social Security ISN'T A TAX!!!! It's supposed to be a trust fund that everyone pays into that helps pay for part of the retirement for people that WORKED their entire lives.. but now it's just a general kitty fund for power hungry politicos to dip into and dole out entitlements to those they promise to "help" in exchange for their votes.. Don't you remember AL Gore and his whole "lock-box" promises?? social security tax... you need to get a clue and keep your politicians' grubby hands out of the pockets of American Families.. It is not a trust fund of any kind, it is a pool of money used to pay those who are disabled and/or retired. A pool of money that is used when needed. Trust funds are quarenteed to the payee, social security may never pay a person since they may die before they reach retirement age or get disabled. regardless, it's not being used for its intended purpose.. besides all that.. I've paid many tens of thousands of dollars into the social security fund and do you know how much I'm going to see of that money when I reach retirement age? ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NONE, NEIN, CERO, not a single cent, not one red dime.. know why? because a good many people getting money from it don't fit into either category you describe.. |
RE: the last four posts,
A. Not funny. B. Next. |
Edited by
Sat 08/08/09 10:36 AM
eat the rich and you'll soon go hungry. when was the last time someone on welfare signed your paycheck?? |
Lies on the right?
Again this healthcare is not an infringement of anyones rights. It is not forced health insurance. It is an option that will be available. It is not socialized healthcare since it will not be the only healthcare on the list. If employers who cannot afford to carry insurance for their employees opt out of carrying health care at least the employees have this option. Nothing is perfect, nothing. There will be bugs and issues to work out but the fact that we need it and it is doable should be enough for us to be supportive. so can you give me a real reason yet why we need this that is based in fact and not emotion? Something that does not involve the phrase "we are the greatest nation in the world" maybe? The honest answer is yes, this is socialized health insurance. That's what a health insurance run by the federal government is by definition. I'd like to point out to you, again, that any additional tax is a violation of my liberties and rights. I will have to pay a tax on my health insurance which will take my hard-earned money and give it to some low-life that refuses to take care of themself. That is ********. We do not need the nanny state, expecially a half-assed nanny state where we pay for healthcare yet still allow them to act as they please, further increasing that cost. Being the greatest na--- just It is not forced health care. Socialization means government forced programs. It means there is not other options available but national healthcare. This is not socialized healthcare by any definition. So do you plan on giving me a reason why we need it? That was the actual intent of my post. This is essentially socialist health insurance in the making. This is step one: foot into the marketplace. I have yet to find a page that recants page 16 and I'm up to 4xx or something. But ignore that. Why do we need this? There are millions of people without health insurance that is a very valid reason. Approximately 47 million. well you can count me in that 47 million. but I don't want it.. I'm young, relatively healthy.. and I'm not the only one.. if I get catastrophically sick, I'm not going to the government for help.. a church maybe or my general practioner to see if she'll work something out with me.. or there are many charitable org's out there that help people in need. you can also count in that 47 million the 12-20 million people who are here illegally.. they do not carry insurance.. should this nation further encourage people from other nations to come here illegally so that we might educate and feed their children, and now we'll provide them health insurance gratis? entitlement programs, and that's what this is - an entitlement more welfare, only serve to enslave those whom they entitle.. generational recidivism to food stamps and welfare is clearly demonstrated.. and your Grand Imperator undid all the welfare reform time limitations when he ram-rodded the "stimulus bill" through congress.. but it was neccessary to do that right?? or else unemployment **might** reach 8%.. we're now at 9.4% and analysts say that the real unemployment rate is closer to 16%.. hope and change.. enjoy. |
OP-your numbers also omit the hidden taxes, such as inflation and inflation tax, which hurt the poor and middle class the most. you mean like tobacco taxes, which are disproportionately levied against the "poor", income-dollar for income-dollar. But the Obama Administration couldn't get through the Congress fast enough and everyone applauded it as though it were just. How about the federal gasoline tax? The federal government doesn't lift a finger or spend a dime extracting oil or refining it into the gasoline that you and I depend on daily to go places and to have good delivered to our communities. Yet that tax is, again, levied disproportionately, income-dollar for income-dollar, against the lowest earners.. so explain or justify that.. and yet, no one has refuted the intial premise which is to dispell the myth that the top earners dont "pay their share" how much more would you have the top earners pay?? they already pay more dollars in federal taxes that the bottom 95%.. Total tax rate for top earners in New York state is rapidly approaching 60%.. how much more can you lean on these people before they say, 'screw this. You can all go to Hell, I'll go to Texas'?? |
Do you realize that the statistics do not include social security tax as part of the equation? Do you realize that Social Security ISN'T A TAX!!!! It's supposed to be a trust fund that everyone pays into that helps pay for part of the retirement for people that WORKED their entire lives.. but now it's just a general kitty fund for power hungry politicos to dip into and dole out entitlements to those they promise to "help" in exchange for their votes.. Don't you remember AL Gore and his whole "lock-box" promises?? social security tax... you need to get a clue and keep your politicians' grubby hands out of the pockets of American Families.. |
Emailing the White House is one thing, about your opinion or whatever. Even taking it upon yourself to send in what you think is bogus information and reporting it as such might even be ok. But for the Executive Branch proactively to ask its supporters to snitch on their fellow citizens, while it might sound fun and ok to you, is just plain wrong and it stinks of Stalinist Russia where people had to be careful what they said and around whom they said it for fear of being turned in to the secret police. It's intimidation no matter which way you cut it and there's no place for it here..
Face it. Part of Free Speech (and the protection thereof) comes at the price of having to tolerate speech you don't like and, yes, Virginia, even nasty lies and rumors (as un called-for as they may be). The first amendment protects your right to speak and be heard; not your delicate sensibilities. If the White House wants to keep up with what information is being, they'lll have to do it themselves the old fashoined way, by reading newspapers, by listening to the radio, by scouring the deeper, more nefarious corners of the internet (eg youtube and drudgereport) and stop looking down at the top of Keith Olberman's head as he does the nightly slobber and polish on Barry's knob .. |
People should take responsibility for the bogus bs information that is sent via email etc. Period. I see nothing wrong with flagging such emails. You can't defend yourself against things you are no aware of. Ol' Barry's not at the kiddie table anymore. He needs to know you can't pull this kind of "enemies list" strong-arm, south side of Chicago type of Politics.. this is the big leagues and if he's gonna play the big kids' game, he's gotta play by the rules. Those Rules are listed here: here: and here: |